AIEngine – AI-driven Network Intrusion Detection System

AIEngine is a next-generation interactive/programmable Python/Ruby/Java/Lua and Go AI-driven Network Intrusion Detection System engine with capabilities of learning without any human intervention, DNS domain classification, Spam detection, network collector, network forensics and many others.

AIEngine also helps network/security professionals to identify traffic and develop signatures for use them on NIDS, Firewalls, Traffic classifiers and so on.

Functionality of AIEngine AI-driven Network Intrusion Detection System

The main functionalities of AIEngine are:

  • Support for interacting/programing with the user while the engine is running.

Read the rest of AIEngine – AI-driven Network Intrusion Detection System now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

L’assistance proposée par ANKAA PMO

ANKAA PMO présent depuis plus de 20 ans sur le marché des services IT, accompagne les DSI dans leur recherche de compétences pour des besoins de renforts en mode régie ou l’externalisation de projets.
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