When professional motorcycle stuntwoman turned developer Leah Petersen switched from Jenkins to GitLab, she was a bit nervous to say the least. Having only worked in tech for nine months, the Samsung SDS engineer was not enthused about the prospect of having to learn a new application after feeling like she had "just started to get competent" with Jenkins.

After a self-described mini pity party, she dove into GitLab head first, jumping into a few big-ticket projects to get a handle on the landscape. Within a few short months, Petersen was so impressed by her GitLab CI/CD experience that she felt the need to shout her newfound "love" for continuous integration and continuous delivery from the virtual mountaintop of her blog.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Le trublion est passé en mode Apple afin d’empêcher toute fuite autour de sa nouvelle box attendue en septembre. La surveillance est drastique.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

It’s that nagging feeling that you’ve somehow stumbled into your plum position by accident and you’ll be found out at any moment. And when they come to show you the door, you’ll think "Well, that’s fair enough I guess."

If this sounds familiar, then you know what it’s like to experience impostor syndrome. I’ve felt that way several times in my career, and it makes me think we all have…we just haven’t said it out loud.

Source de l’article sur DZone

Powershell-RAT – Gmail Exfiltration RAT

Powershell-RAT is a Python-based Gmail exfiltration RAT that can be used a Windows backdoor to send screenshots or other data as an e-mail attachment.

This RAT will help you during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen capture and sends the information to an attacker as an e-mail attachment.

It claims to not need Administrator access and is not currently detected by Anti-virus software.

Read the rest of Powershell-RAT – Gmail Exfiltration RAT now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

A chatbot is a text-based program empowered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Learning Processes (NLP). A user generally interacts with the chatbot over a platform through a communication channel connected to a network. In other words, chatbots are bots that live in chat platforms. There are numerous kinds of bots present globally, and they all can perform various tasks. The most common type of bot is the one offering customer services. So, according to a survey by Gartner, it is predicted that by 2020, an average person will converse with chatbots more than their spouse. Various new methods of customer engagement and development of enterprises have been created by conversational artificial intelligence. The AI enabled conversational bots have the potential of working 24/7, unlike human beings. With the of help this feature, enterprises have significantly reduced their response time and streamlined tasks in order to achieve the targets, which ultimately helped them retain their customers.

Bots also help businesses perform the same set of tasks multiple times in a cost-effective manner. The above mentioned are the primary reasons why chatbots are actively harnessed in different industry fields like banking sectors and on e-commerce sites. Undoubtedly, chatbots provide a lot of advantages like bots are available 24/7 and act as a dedicated resource that offer customers the services they actually need. Chatbots are known for enhancing brand value by providing instant customer service.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Devoir parcourir le monde à la recherche d’une compagnie, et ne jamais avoir de réponse à ses appels incessants est sans doute quelque chose de terrifiant à imaginer. Voilà pourquoi tant de gens ont été pris de compassion pour 52, la baleine la plus solitaire du monde. La baleine solitaire, nommée d’après la fréquence distinctive […]
Source de l’article sur Fredzone

Le groupe poursuit méthodiquement ses cessions d’actifs afin de réduire son importante dette et retrouver la confiance des investisseurs. Montant de l’opération : 2,5 milliards d’euros en cash.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

"Agile."  What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear this word? Here are some obvious answers:

  • "It’s a software development methodology."
  • "Yes, I know we work on Agile."
  • "We are using Agile in our project. Daily Scrums/standup meetings, retrospectives, Show & Tell or Demos. That’s what it is."

Let me introduce myself before I start writing about my experiences with this buzzword. I started my career in software development in 2004, about 14 years back. I have worked with 8 different companies and contributed to the development of 16 projects so far.

Source de l’article sur DZone

Most developers stick with the default open source uploader in web forms. They believe trying a different third-party solution brings complications with little upside for them. This unwillingness to adapt and grow ends up causing issues due to the following circumstances:

Increasing content consumption – The days of large corporations being the primary curators of content are long gone. Technological advances make it possible for a single person working from home to make tons of information available to eager consumers. People expect to get their content at any moment of the day or night. Content creators know this and expect their upload solutions to allow them to deliver without any issues.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

This article is a continuation of Part 1. You can find the first part here.

Mid-Stage: Implement Existing Analytics Workflows

It is likely that when you begin your AIOps journey, you will already have certain analytics in place. I do not mean the analytics that are embedded in your IT tools. I mean offline, mostly manual analytics, that you do regularly, irregularly, or periodically to identify areas for process improvement, reduce costs, improve performance, etc.

Source de l’article sur DZONE