SAP présente un nouveau modèle de vente, d’audit et de tarification. Pour l’USF ce nouveau modèle « ne règle pas la problématique des « accès indirects » pour les clients existants ». Une analyse partagée au niveau international par le SUGEN.
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Feedback is a vital part of any project manager’s skillset. Not just giving it, but also receiving it. Let’s talk about its role, why it’s so valuable and how to get better at providing it.

The Benefits of Feedback

For a start, providing feedback—when done regularly—keeps everyone on track. That’s beneficial for anyone involved in the project.

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Scrum and Kanban are undoubtedly the practical guides to doing agile. The popularity they have garnered over the last few decades has been overwhelming. Many agile practitioners prefer Scrum, Kanban and even newer methodologies like "Scrum-Ban"; the debate continues on which one you should choose. Let us try to unravel the key similarities and differences and their relevance in today’s software realm.

A Brief History of Scrum and Kanban

Have you seen a storekeeper stocking his supermarket shelf? When he observes that the shelf is near empty, he refills goods from the warehouse. The storekeeper never had a huge stock in his warehouse; he simply replenishes them when they near depletion. In effect, inventory levels are decided based on consumption pattern. In 1950s, engineers at Toyota were inspired by this model and adopted this in their factory floors. This practice smoothened their inventory levels and eliminated waste significantly. This system later came to be known as Kanban. Kanban simply enforces a strict work-in-progress limit and provides a visual understanding of progress of task.

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Meetings are an intrinsic part of professional life. Meetings provide employees the opportunity to share ideas, network, improve their understanding of each other, and update employees and management alike on new developments.

However, when meetings are unplanned, they disrupt the entire work environment. Without a set meeting agenda, it is difficult to know whose attendance is a must for the meeting to be a success. Do you need the large conference room or the small one?

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When you think of feedback at work, those yearly assessment and feedback forms flash across your mind. Although these annual performance reviews are helpful, it can also be helpful for managers to look beyond them.

Employees want their work to be recognized. They want to know how they’re doing and if what they do is effective enough.

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Much like the practice of enterprise software delivery itself, traceability is complex and fast becoming one of the biggest technical headaches for organizations worldwide. 

It’s easy to see why. Think of all those concurrent product lines. All those evolving features. All that mutable product information that specialist teams create and depend on during different stages of the process. Think of how the essence of Agile means requirements constantly evolve from backlog to deployed.

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Remember the time you were sitting in the university lecture about staying focused?

The hall was full of students, all attentively listening to the energetic instructor. He really knew what he was talking about — or at least it seemed so.

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IT Value System

Business focus has changed today from process-centric to customer-centric and value-centric. The key priorities are faster time to market, improving efficiency through automation, providing real value to internal & external customers in order to stay competitive and cost effective. The age of digital transformation and innovation demand businesses to change and adapt faster. There are various best practices and frameworks available in the industry to guide companies with a set of recommended processes for efficient IT Service Management (ITSM).

ITIL, COBIT, ISO/IEC 20000, CMMI, MOF, IT4IT, DevOps, Agile, Lean, SIAM, VeriSM.

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In my previous blog post, I had a look at some of the award winners of DeveloperWeek 2018. In today’s post I will continue to overview them and the latest trends in development and modern IT world.




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The reality of IT support is that engineers cannot avoid downtime. No matter how responsible managers are in ensuring regular maintenance and repair, incidents will happen. Sites will fill. Servers will fill up. APIs will fail. When these incidents do occur, it is important that IT teams are well trained and have the necessary equipment to ensure a rapid incident response.

However, incident response is not as easy as simply creating a check list for teams to follow. When incidents occur, there are often conflicting priorities between restoring availability and investigating the causes of the incident. For example, Security incident response teams and infrastructure teams operate with different sets of assumptions and priorities when resolving issues. If these separate priorities are not effectively managed before-hand, there can lead to the duplication of work, delays in handoffs, and faulty results.

Source de l’article sur DZone