As the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018 and GitLab’s 2018 Global Developer are making headlines on the web, developers from around the globe are getting a better view of the various trends and practices in software development. Although these reports are informative, they do not accurately reflect the current state of software development within Mainland China.

In response to this information gap, the Alibaba Cloud Developer Community published its very own annual China Developer Survey Report in December 2017. This study featured over 7,000 developers across China and from various industries answering 118 questions. Through the survey, developers shared their perceptions on several topics, including development environment, development language, programming environment, database, integration management tools, and API capacity preference. They also communicated their understanding and practices in multiple technical fields such as web development, front-end development, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and security.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

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