For many enterprise-grade applications, providing a point where you can access in-depth analysis about your data has become a crucial feature. There are many approaches to this — you can build your own web application and backend that has views allowing customers to filter and analyze data. Alternatively, you can use the embedded analytics capabilities of Looker, Tableau, or Sisense — all of which are large business intelligence tools, with a host of features and connectors into all sorts of data sources.
But if you’re already on AWS, then it really is worth considering QuickSight to present analytics in your web application.

This series will guide you through the intricacies of creating a multi-tenant solution with QuickSight, dealing with data security across customers and within organizations. We’ll need to go beyond to AWS console and dive into the CLI/API commands that you’ll need to manage all of this.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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