For most developers, staying abreast of the latest tech skills is just another day at the office. As HackerRank’s 2019 Developer Skills Report put it, “Developers are voracious learners by nature and necessity.” Indeed, given the extremely rapid pace of technological innovation these days, devs certainly won’t fare well clinging to outdated concepts.  

But if you peruse the numerous articles out there offering guidance on how developers can fast track their careers, there is one piece of advice that invariably appears, suggesting this thirst for knowledge may not actually be as insatiable as it needs to be. “Anyone can do the technical stuff,” explains a recent piece in SD Times, “but the soft skills are the ones that some architects may struggle with.” Another article in CIO echoes this sentiment: “Technology is constantly changing, and while technical skills are valuable, soft skills are much more noteworthy to businesses in the long run.”

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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