An analysis of Huawei’s source code.

Many companies have broken into the cloud market segment and created their own cloud services of various purposes. Recently our team has also been interested in integrating the PVS-Studio code analyzer into our own cloud infrastructure. Chances are, our regular readers have already guessed what type of project we will check this time. The choice fell on the code of Huawei cloud services.

You may also enjoy:  Using PVS-Studio to Get Beginners Familiar With Code Analysis Tools 


If you’re following PVS-Studio team posts, you’ve probably noticed that we had been digging deep in cloud technologies lately. We have already published several articles covering this topic:

Source de l’article sur DZONE

L’assistance proposée par ANKAA PMO

ANKAA PMO présent depuis plus de 20 ans sur le marché des services IT, accompagne les DSI dans leur recherche de compétences pour des besoins de renforts en mode régie ou l’externalisation de projets.
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