Cloud management has come a long way, beginning with physical hardware, and then moving servers to the cloud.  It seems likely that the next logical step is to run code serverless! Without needing to manage hardware or depend on infrastructure providers like Google and Amazon, serverless can run code in a managed service container, completely unaffected by server-level issues. By utilizing this new step, you won’t have to worry about operating systems, web servers, or even updates. 

Although it seems like a no-brainer, there are a number of things you both lose and gain when switching over. The benefits alone should be enough to get you interested; you do the work, create an application, and once your code is uploaded you are promised simplicity, low cost, and automatic scaling. Due to the fact that the service provider is automatically managed, scaling is much faster. In addition to this, you only pay for what you use, cutting back on the normal cost, and saving you or your company money. This situation seems ideal, but there are also drawbacks to serverless that can complicate your decision. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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