Hi, Spring fans! In this installment of Spring Tips, we’re going to look at Alibaba’s Apache RocketMQ. We’ve talked some about Alibaba in Spring Tips before. Check out the earlier Spring Tips installment in which we explore some of Spring Cloud Alibaba.

Running Apache RocketMQ

In order to use Apache RocketMQ, you’ll need to follow the steps in the RocketMQ quickstart. This Spring Tips installment introduces Apache RocketMQ, originally a technology developed and used internally at Alibaba and proven in the forge of 11/11, the famous Chinese sales holiday, sort of like “Cyber Monday,” or “Black Friday,” in the US. Sort of like that, but waaaaaay bigger. In 2019, Alibaba (alone, with no other e-commerce engines involved), made almost $40 billion USD in 24 hours. This required that trillions of messages be sent through something that could scale to meet the demand. RocketMQ is the only thing they could trust.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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