
Paris, le 09 juin 2023. SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) continue son plan d’accélération de start-ups autour de SAP.iO, son incubateur interne des jeunes entreprises. Depuis le mois de mai, 7 nouvelles start-ups ont ainsi intégré SAP Store, la marketplace officielle de SAP : Sorga, Smartpixels, Smartzer, YZR, Arianee, Livebuy et replika Software. Les clients pourront en un seul clic bénéficier de ces solutions pour leurs besoins quotidiens.


Véritable incubateur de start-ups, visant à accélérer la mise sur le marché de produits innovants pour augmenter la productivité de ses clients, SAP iO a intégré 7 nouvelles start-ups au sein du SAP Store. Désormais, les clients pourront accéder à ces 7 entreprises innovantes dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies, de l’IA, ou encore de l’économie responsable.

SAP.iO Foundry Paris a déjà aidé plus de 70 start-ups à développer leur business et leur solution, en lien avec les objectifs du gouvernement français pour soutenir l’économie des start-ups.

De leur intégration chez SAP.iO Foundry Paris, à leur présence sur le SAP Store, les start-ups ont été accompagnées par SAP pour préparer au mieux leur mise sur le marché et connaître les besoins de tous leurs potentiels clients.

« Grâce à l’engagement de SAP envers l’innovation et l’incubation de startups via SAP.iO, Replika accélère son développement. Ce partenariat permet de rendre notre solution de social selling accessible aux entreprises clientes de SAP qui veulent développer leur e-commerce.

Avec le soutien et le professionnalisme des équipes de SAP, cette collaboration est d’ores et déjà une belle réussite ! » pour Kareen Mallet, Founder Replika Software

« Le programme SAP.iO est très complet et permet la création d’une offre conjointe pertinente et utile pour les clients, avec des perspectives commerciales mondiales concrètes et opérationnelles. » déclare Jean-Philippe Poisson, Co-Founder YZR

« La collaboration avec SAP nous a permis de proposer une version plus simple de notre technologie de Digital Product Passport, pour répondre à l’urgence de preuves vérifiables des engagements RSE à partir de tous les produits déjà en retail. Une innovation supplémentaire bénéfique pour tous ! » indique Philippe Guguen, CEO Sorga


Les start-ups suivantes sont désormais disponibles sur SAP Store :



L’innovation de Sorga permet aux marques d’offrir transparence et traçabilité à ses clients. Il s’agit de la seule solution blockchain neutre en carbone et de souveraineté numérique. Simple d’utilisation, il rend la consommation responsable accessible à tous.



Expert des solutions de visualisation de produits en 3D, SmartPixels capture vos collections en 3D, et créé des expériences produits interactives et sensorielles à 360°. SmartPixels fournit un outil de configuration et de visualisation de produits 3D pour aider les marques de mode de luxe à créer des expériences personnalisées.



Un outil qui permet aux marques d’annoter leurs vidéos et flux en direct avec des produits achetables pour créer des événements d’achat en direct intégré à leur e-commerce. La solution s’intègre à SAP Commerce Cloud.



YZR utilise l’IA pour nettoyer et enrichir les données sur vos produits. YZR normalise, enrichit et catégorise automatiquement les données des produits pour le e-commerce. La solution est intégrée à SAP Commerce Cloud via ImpEx.



Arianee permet de générer facilement un Passeport Produit pour chaque commande. Propulsés par la technologie web3, les passeports sont livrés avec une interopérabilité native et des fonctionnalités CRM enrichies. Arianee facilite la mise à jour vers les réglementations européennes en matière d’éco-conception et propulse les entreprises dans l’économie responsable.



Livebuy est un SaaS qui change la donne pour les retailers et avant-gardistes : il permet de diffuser sans effort du contenu vidéo interactif dans une boutique en ligne, il dynamise les ventes, et offre aux clients une expérience d’achat immersive et amusante.

Replika Software

Replika Software est conçu pour aider les marques à dynamiser leur stratégie e-commerce en tirant parti de la puissance de leur réseau de vendeurs/influenceurs pour augmenter les ventes en ligne, tout en offrant une expérience d’achat unique aux clients.



A propos de SAP en France

La stratégie de SAP est d’aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en « entreprise intelligente » et durable. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 87 % du commerce mondial total est généré par nos clients. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analyse avancée aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en « entreprises intelligentes ». SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration pour qu’ils puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services end-to-end permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde entier, de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Grâce à un réseau mondial de clients, de partenaires, d’employés et de leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.


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Le 27 février 2023, SAP France (SAP:SE) et Neobrain s’unissent en intégrant les solutions clés de la 1ère Talent Marketplace Européenne au sein du SAP Store, leur objectif étant de proposer aux clients SAP les outils cruciaux pour détecter, mobiliser et anticiper les compétences.

SAP Store est la marketplace en ligne où les clients SAP du monde entier peuvent découvrir, essayer, acheter et renouveler les solutions de SAP, mais aussi celles de ses partenaires de confiance. Disponible dans plus de 200 pays et territoires dans le monde, le SAP Store permet d’accéder à des solutions innovantes afin que chaque entreprise devienne plus intelligente et puisse accélérer ou transformer ses usages et activités.

Conscients de l’enjeu déterminant de proposer aux entreprises les outils les plus adaptés pour valoriser le travail des collaborateurs, suivre leurs évolutions et faire coïncider les enjeux RH et la croissance, SAP innove et intègre Neobrain dont les solutions répondent à ces besoins essentiels.

Neobrain offre en effet trois solutions permettant de répondre aux besoins urgents des RH et des managers : AI Skills ManagementTalent Marketplace et Strategic Workforce Planning pour apporter des réponses aux besoins suivants :

  • Visualiser en temps réel les compétences disponibles ou émergentes des Talents sur son secteur d’activité
  • Rendre plus accessibles et transparentes les opportunités internes (formations, postes ouverts, passerelles métiers possibles, etc.)
  • Mettre en place les stratégies RH visant à assurer la croissance de l’entreprise


Thierry Mathoulin, Head of HXM at SAP SuccessFactors France, déclare : « L’intégration de Neobrain au SAP Store est une étape clé dans la démarche de SAP qui vise à offrir à nos clients des services complets pour répondre à chacun de leurs besoins. Avec des assets et outils RH aussi reconnus, nous offrons désormais la possibilité à tous de faire du Talent Management un levier au service de leur croissance. »

« Que de chemin parcouru en 5 ans ! Nous sommes fiers de la reconnaissance et de la confiance accordées par SAP. Cette présence sur la marketplace SAP Store matérialise notre parfaite intégration avec les solutions SAP SuccessFactors. Neobrain se positionne comme le moteur d’intelligence embarquée pour construire une organisation basée sur les compétences. » précise Paul Courtaud, CEO de Neobrain

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site 

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A propos de Neobrain

Fondée en 2018 par Paul Courtaud, jeune entrepreneur âgé de seulement 22 ans à l’époque, NEOBRAIN est une scale-up spécialisée dans l’utilisation de l’IA au service de la gestion des compétences et du Workforce Planning. Elle est à l’origine d’une technologie (plateformes et application) permettant d’anticiper les compétences qui émergent et d’identifier les gaps avec les ressources disponibles. Parmi ses 120 clients : SAGE, TotalEnergies ou encore BOSCH… En 2022, la société réalise une levée de fonds de plus de 20M€ et rachète WiserSkills. Aujourd’hui, Neobrain compte 140 Neobrainers répartis entre Paris, Lisbonne et Francfort.

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We’ve seen some incredible websites in 2022. There have been more than the usual number of sites with a political mission, and plenty that made us want to travel. The big design trends were brutalism, huge typography, and bold positive color. We’re looking forward to what the web will bring in 2023, but in the meantime, take a look back at the best 50 websites of 2022. Enjoy!

Justice Reskill

Justice Reskill used bright colors and positive, uplifting artwork to create a supportive platform for people who’ve been through the justice system.


Bold type and plenty of on-scroll animation made this site for Pienso stand out back in January.

Gazelle No.1

The promotional site for Gazelle No.1 used innovative scroll-activated video to sell the electric bike.


Mekanism’s site was the first agency redesign to impress us in 2022. Super-polished then, super-polished now.


Redbrick was well ahead of the trend for brutalism with a twist when it released this site promoting its coffee.

SOS Foods

Ethical and sustainable goods were top of the sales charts in 2022, and SOS Foods did a great job capitalizing on the style.

Hartzler Dairy

Hartzler Dairy embraced its mid-20th-century branding with a nostalgia-infused site.

Engineered Floors

Even in 2022, designers are still paying mobile short shrift, but this site for Engineered Floors is excellent on mobile.

Emi Ozaki

We loved the quirkiness of Emi Ozaki’s phone-style interface for her portfolio back in February.

I Killed A Cactus

I Killed A Cactus is a beautiful 3D site designed to help people care for houseplants.

Aris Hotel

We were tempted in the direction of Crete by this stunning luxury site for Aris Hotel on the island.

Milton Textiles

Milton Textiles is a big, bold site for a product that is usually an afterthought in the interior design world.


The site for MAAP is predictably excellent, modern, and efficient. It encapsulated the apparel brand’s values perfectly.

Garden Eight

The promotional site for Garden Eight, a digital design studio in Tokyo and Copenhagen, was suitably standout eccentric.

Circus Shanghai

Circus Shanghai used a mid-century illustration style to reference the solar system and the Chinese flag.


Normand took the bold decision to step away from the typical law firm design strategy.


Designing a site for UI sound kits is challenging, but SND pulled it off perfectly with this minimal site.


We saw lots of brutalism in 2022, and Polybion’s site was a standout example of how to make the trend work.


Bold block coloring added depth and interest to this portfolio site for design studio neueMeta.

Dumpling Delivery

OK, we confess we spent waaay too much time playing this dumpling delivery game from Mailchimp back in May.

Nowhere Bakery

Nowhere Bakery succeeded in making vegan, paleo, gluten-free cookies seem appealing.


We were mesmerized by the perpetual motion video for the pan-Baltic law firm Triniti.

Kim Kniepp

Kim Kniepp’s site impressed us with interconnected navigation and a superbly coded masonry grid.

Feed The 300

Feed The 300 is one of dozens of great sites to combat Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In this case, it was aimed at feeding zoo animals.

Icons By Menu

Icons By Menu is a stunning minimalist site that is a pleasure to browse.

Museum Of Pink Art

The Museum of Pink Art is an immersive experience celebrating the color pink. It was easy to lose hours wandering around.

BelArosa Chalet

2022 was the year of illustrations, and BelArosa Chalet’s site used them to significant effect to sell a venue still under construction.


Online sexual abuse and harassment are particularly appalling when directed at young people. WTFFF tackled the issue sensitively.

Pretty Damn Quick

Logistics aren’t the most engaging topic, but this friendly, illustrated site for Pretty Damn Quick grabbed us immediately.

Norwegian Soda Co.

This site for the Norwegian Soda Co. uses beautiful photography to create an engaging one-page site.

Fornasetti Profumi

Fornasetti Profumi wowed us with its long-form videos used to emphasize stillness and calm.

Laesk Kombucha

We were convinced this site for Laesk Kombucha had been produced by Wes Anderson.

Cased In Time

Single-product sites are often underwhelming, but this excellent ecommerce site bucks that trend.

DS & Durga

Eschewing the well-trod approach of flowers and pretty models, this perfume site for DS & Durga fully embraces the brutalist trend.

Daniel Spatzek

We loved the way Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio site broke all the rules and still managed to be informative and engaging.


Aro kept minimalism alive with a simple site that exudes luxury while selling a simple concept.

Think Packaging

Think Packaging took a case study approach to present its products, and it worked really well.

Steffie de Leeuw

Giant typography intertwined with botanical illustrations created a memorable site for Steffie de Leeuw.

Anna Jóna

The prelaunch teaser site for the Ana Jóna café and cinema was elegant and modern and had us eyeing a long weekend in Reykjavik.

Das Salz

More wanderlust courtesy of the fresh, enticing site for the Das Salz hotel and café.

Jono Pandolfi

This simple-to-use site for US tableware and cookware brand Jono Pandolfi sold us on hand-made ceramics.


We still can’t get over the fact that it took until 2022 for Jennifer Aniston to produce a haircare range.

Nathan Riley

Another big trend in 2022 was masonry-style sites, and this portfolio for Nathan Riley was one of our favorites.

Capsul’in Pro

With the excellent application of animation and careful use of color, this site for Capsul’in Pro transformed coffee pods into luxury items.


Seen is an essential site that explores themes of prejudice and racism in creative fields. It’s a strong approach to a difficult subject.

Glasfurd & Walker

Glasfurd and Walker’s superb portfolio site sets itself apart by over-extending the viewport. It’s a highly original idea.

The Other Side Of Truth

The Other Side of Truth is the standout site of 2022. It used the web expertly to present two interpretations of the facts surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Back in October, we fell in love with the pixel-block animation loading for the Bannach furniture brand.

Karina Sirqueira

Karina Sirqueira’s portfolio was a joy to browse through. The morphing shapes imposed simplicity on a series of beautifully presented case studies.

Joshua’s World

We were amazed by Joshua’s World, a little island that can be titled and rotated to power the little cyclist along his career.


The post 50 Best Websites of 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Designing a website or app can be a daunting task. But with the right design tools, it can be a lot easier. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best tools, apps, and resources available right now. From client management to AI-powered design tools, there’s tons here to round out the year in style. Enjoy!


WelcomeSpaces is a collaborative tool for professional designers. Communicate with clients, share files, discuss revisions, and stay on track with an activity feed. Client collaboration has never been so simple. is an excellent plugin for Figma to help you quickly and easily create beautiful designs from existing websites. With just a few clicks, you can import the HTML code for any website and start designing your own version of it.


Squeaky is a privacy-friendly analytics suite that lets you capture up to 60% more data than legacy tools. With Squeaky, you can get insights into your customers’ behavior without compromising their privacy. Use Squeaky to make better decisions for your business.

AI Canvas

AI Canvas is an online collaborative platform that allows users to create and share AI artwork with other community members. Start your artwork with text prompts and watch it grow.


Magician is an AI-powered plugin for Figma that can create icons, images, and web copy from text prompts. It’s the perfect tool for designers who want to quickly and easily create beautiful designs.


Doughnut is a supportive design and freelancing community designed to help you succeed as a freelance designer. From finding new clients to managing your time, Doughnut has everything you need to make the most of your freelance career.


Deckset is a simple way to produce great-looking presentations. Just write your thoughts in your favorite text editor and watch Deckset transform them into beautiful, persuasive presentations.


With Vectormaker, you can easily convert pixel-based images into colorful vector graphics. Vectormaker uses the Potrace algorithm to trace the edges of your image. You can then choose the colors for your vector path based on the colors in the original.


Wrap is a browser extension for capturing and editing product screenshots with ease. With a selection of carefully selected styles to choose from, you can create pixel-perfect designs in seconds—even if you’re not a designer.

Illustration Builder

The Illustration Builder digital designer toolkit is a Figma plugin for creating beautiful illustrations for your business website. You can create any illustration with a wide range of objects, backgrounds, characters, abstractions, and more.


With OptiMonk, you can create beautiful pop-ups for Shopify, WordPress, MailChimp, and more that will help you increase your marketing reach, increase customer engagement and boost your conversions.


Jot is a marketing tool that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate human-like ad copy based on a single product description. With Jot, you can create engaging adverts quickly and easily.

Free Mockup Generator

Pixelied’s free mockup generator allows you to create stunning designs with editable mockups in minutes. With a wide range of customizable templates to choose from, you can design the perfect mockup for your project.


Womp is a new way to create 3D images. Intuitive and easy to use. With Womp, you can create beautiful 3D designs. Everything you create in Womp is exportable for 3D printing, social media, or directly into a game. It’s a great way to produce 3D icons and illustrations for your website.


Tinkerwell is a must-have companion to your favorite IDE. Quickly iterate on PHP code within the context of your web application. There’s no need to waste time opening browsers, creating test URLs, and uploading apps to servers. Use Tinkerwell locally, via SSH, Docker, and even on Laravel Vapor.


Magical is a tool that helps you speed up the meeting scheduling process. With Magical, you can easily find time slots that work for everyone and create personalized links to those slots. With Magical’s Dynamic Availability feature, you and your attendees can always find the best meeting time.

Explain Code

Explain Code is a great way to understand complicated code. You can see how the code works line by line and learn about programming concepts. Gain in-depth knowledge of how and why code is constructed and fast-track your learning process.

Shuffle Alternatives

Shuffle Alternatives allows you to create multiple site styles with a simple drag-and-drop builder. Create your core design and then choose from different design styles for a site that best fits your brand approach.

Idea Clarity

Get help honing your ideas, perfecting your pitch, and targeting the most profitable directions. Idea Clarity is an app that gives you direct access to experts in your chosen field who will help you revise your rough idea into a concrete plan.


Graphicsly is an all-in-one graphics assets plugin for WordPress that lets you import directly into your installation. There are 1000+ 3D assets, 3000+ illustrations, and 9000+ icons ready to use today.


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Nothing breathes life into your designs like the typefaces you choose, so every month, we put together this roundup of the best new fonts we’ve found online.

This month, a distinctly medieval aesthetic permeates some of the designs. You’ll find plenty of rebellion in fonts that break the rules for fun. And as always, we’ve included some excellent practical options. Enjoy!


Arnika is a relaxed typeface with much more character than typical sans-serifs. Its strokes flare to the point that it’s almost a serif, and the oversized x-height gives it an almost medieval sensibility. There are four weights crying out to be used in a branding project.


Nosi is an irreverent typeface that does an excellent job of evoking the spirit of music fanzines, French cinema, and teenage dramas. It’s a great choice for editorial display work if used sparingly.


Parabole Display is what happens when you join the wrong points on your outlines: outer curves become inner curves creating an engaging and very usable display font. Parabole Text is the simplified sans-serif. It’s an exciting pairing for editorial work.


There aren’t enough new serif fonts, perhaps because they are harder to draw than the more popular sans-serif. Rizoma is a welcome exception. Based on Roman inscription letters, it is confident, modern, and highly usable.


If you’re shopping for a festive typeface and want to avoid the usual brush scripts, look at Guacheva. The all-caps serif is elegant and feminine, with a clear sense of calligraphy.

Axios Pro

Axios Pro is a good solid workhorse of a sans-serif. Based on early 20th-century grotesques, it will feel familiar to anyone interested in western architectural type design. It’s available in 10 weights and two variable fonts, with extensive OpenType support.

GT Pressura

GT Pressura brings the warmth of print to the web by simulating the effect of ink spreading over paper. The subtle rounding of the sans typeface adds a unique visual interest to the mono, standard, and extended fonts.


Script fonts are almost always based on a brush or a pen, traced into vectors. So it’s refreshing to see Galdy, a refined retro script. With a distinctly americana feel, it’s perfect for branding projects.


Nitido is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed as a companion for Nitida. It is an expertly realized font family with seven weights and seven accompanying italics. As a result, it‘s ideally suited to corporate design work.


Kinckq is an intriguing experiment with variable font techniques. Inspired by a 19th-century woodcut font, Kinckq is a didone that bends through its middle, creating a 3D effect that’s made for large sizes.


Broger is another distorted typeface, this time twisting shapes and tying them together with elegant ligatures. It’s an excellent choice for branding in the health & beauty market.

Charte Mono

Charte Mono is another attempt to solve the unsolvable — the Latin alphabet is not monosized. However, when resolved as well as Charte Mono, monospaced fonts are excellent for user interface design, charts, and signage systems.


Lini is designed to be as compressed as possible while remaining highly legible. It supports Latin and Devanagari languages and works equally well in both forms. Lini is still in beta but is already award-winning.

Rotulo Variable

Rotulo is a variable font with huge contrast between its thick and thin strokes. Inspired by hand-lettering on signs, it’s a chunky option for branding or display type on websites.


OK, so we’re a month late for Halloween, but Bouuuuuh is still worth a mention. Its cartoonish shapes are perfect for poster design, T-shirts, brand design, and, yes, next year’s Halloween marketing.


The post 15 Best New Fonts, November 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every month we put together this collection of the best new websites we’ve seen appear on the web in the previous four weeks.

In this month’s collection, you’ll find lots of daring interactions, some inventive portfolio sites, florescent yellow colors, and even some old-school mouse trails. Enjoy!

Joshua’s World

Joshua’s World is a fantastic animated site. Grab and drag to tilt and rotate the island and watch the little cyclist power past important links to milestones in his creative career.


Vana is a new service aiming to help you take control of your data. Its site is modern and lively and uses some great retro-illustrations to bring its features to life.

Velocity Nitro 2

This slick site has some incredible 3D renders for the Puma Velocity Nitro 2 running shoe. The scrollable animation guides you through each feature in a thrillingly engaging fashion.

Norwegian Soda Co.

The Norwegian Soda Co. uses beautifully shot photographs to capture the zest of its products. It’s an excellent example of how a one-page site can be rich and engaging.


Anytype is a collaborative platform pitching itself to creative thinkers. It uses a lovely gradient animation to create a sense of power and technological evolution.


Dash claims to be almost the best tech company, and its modest site does a great job of expelling the tedium from HR. Plus, it has an old-school mouse trail!


Sileon is a site packed with clever details. For example, the hover effect on text links is pleasingly minimal, and the photography shot through distortion is a simple but effective technique.

Karina Sirqueira

Karina Sirqueira’s portfolio is a joy to browse through. The morphing shapes add interest to a collection of case studies that are engaging and beautifully presented.

Hotel Santa Caterina

This beautiful website for the Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast captures the light and wonder of the region with a muted color palette and stunning photography.

La Lulu

La Lulu is a Columbian-American singer, dancer, and musician. Her site uses color to disrupt a fairly standard layout and infuse it with amazonian, psychotropic, South American vibes.

International Magic

International Magic is a design agency that boasts some impressive clients, from Maison Margiela to Nike. Its scroll-to-browse portfolio is a masterful example of selling design.


OAD uses color expertly to convey contrasting temperatures. At this time of year, who doesn’t want a pullover crafted to withstand the Norwegian weather?


También is a creative agency specializing in organizations that positively impact the world. Its scrolling collage of client projects is one of the best examples of this type of portfolio.


If you were designing a website to be used in a 90s film about the internet, you’d create Dragonfly’s site. It’s packed with glitches, code references, and awesome pixelated imagery.


There’s a lot of distortion entering the design lexicon at the moment, and one of the best examples is Elva’s portfolio site, which uses it to enliven its black-and-white site.

Sussex Taps

Sussex Taps uses multiple full-screen video clips to sell its carbon-neutral tapware range, but it’s the horizontal scrolling product videos that really make this site stand out.

Angello Torres

Angello Torres’ portfolio is packed with daring typography that breaks pretty much all the rules and yet still manages to work somehow to convey energy and creativity.


Repeat is an excellent service for upselling customers with repeat orders. It uses simple illustrations to represent generic products with an attention-grabbing yellow for interactions.

High Five Strategies

High Five Strategies eschew the formality of most business pitches to deliver a positive message with bold colors and typography that makes you feel ready to move forward.


Delight Snowparks employs a questionable lilac color, but its fantastic imagery and video framing more than makes up for that. Plus, there’s another super-old-school mouse trail!


The post 20 Best New Websites, November 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Color and depth are key themes this month as we look at what design trends are happening across websites. Red is the primary color of choice, and you can see it almost everywhere; the new thing is that it’s being used in backgrounds and as more than an accent color. Additionally, 3D elements and depth of field are making significant impressions.

Here’s what’s trending in design this month.

1. Red Backgrounds

Red is the color of power, passion, and attention, but until recently, it wasn’t the go-to choice for website backgrounds. Now trending is red as a background color.

These designs are bold and in-your-face with bright color, an almost brash feel in some cases, and a lot of impact.

But it works.

In the projects below, red is a powerful tool to help convey the message of the website design. The color demands that you engage with the design to see what’s happening and the content therein, and in the case of Pentel, it’s part of the brand color.

Arze uses a bold red background with a smaller inset of contrasting color to show items on the site. It’s an interesting and quite bold choice. The red background carries through the scroll as well. This is a use of color that verges on off-putting but still gets the point across and helps show products thanks to a lot of contrast.

Russia Invaded Ukraine is a perfect use of red as a color that invokes feelings of passion with content to explain the conflict. Red can be a charged color; here, that’s precisely the intent.

Pentel uses a red background that’s a little softer than the previous examples. Here, red is a brand color, and they use the background to help draw attention to items and elements on the site. The red carries below the scroll as well to keep the theme moving.



2. 3D Icons and Graphics

Three-dimensional elements seem to keep ebbing and flowing with designers. We see a lot of 3D in projects, and then it seems to vanish again. It’s like we haven’t really figured out how to use it well or in a way that works with the content of various designs.

Admittedly, 3D icons, graphics, and illustrations can be difficult to create and use. Often they look a bit light and don’t go with all kinds of content. Therefore, they don’t get used that often.

Each of these projects takes a different approach:
Admilk goes all in with a series of 3D animations featuring the brand name. They are fun, light, and a bit unexpected. The graphics include objects that look like balloons, milk and cereal, and grass with flowers. (Click through to see each one.)

Refokus uses three-dimensional objects that move on a scroll to create directional flow and visual interest in a space where there’s not much else in terms of art. The objects stick with the aesthetic on the scroll and create an interesting element that carries you through the design without overwhelming you with tricks.

Junni is one of those website designs that goes all in with 3D. This illustrated bubble style of graphics is beginning to be a 3D trend in itself as a style that’s being used more and more with icons and even emojis. It has a light feel, and the animation almost makes it seem silly and somewhat childish.



3. Long Focal Depth

It’s been a while since a true photography or videography trend made this roundup, but there are so many instance of this image/video style in projects it can’t be ignored. Long focal depth is almost everywhere, from travel sites to architecture to e-commerce.

Long focal depth or depth of field allows the image to show a lot of space in an image in a way that’s sharp and viewable. Depth of field, in photography terms, is the distance between the closest and farthest objects in an image that are acceptably sharp.

In this trend, each website features a strong image with plenty of depth of field. The image can be still or moving, and the image is the thing that really draws you into the design.

What’s great about this trend is that you can see a lot of a scene and even feel like you are part of it. It’s an engaging visual concept that can work for a variety of purposes.

Interest Media uses a video reel that slowly zooms even further out. The image is lovely, and with the text overlay is easy to read and understand. It almost feels like you are walking backward on the bridge in the video.

Bloomingdales uses an immersive video with plenty of depth and virtual reality elements to create an immersive shopping experience. It makes you feel like you are in the store via the website and encourages shopping. It’s a fun way for the retailer to showcase its 150th anniversary.


Arredamento Design uses a photo with a wide focal area to provide interior design inspiration. Note the crisp lines and ease of which you find yourself engaging with the image, or even imagining a room like the one pictured. The effect used in the design, with a zoom on scroll, pulls the user into the image even more. Depth here keeps the motion and zoom from being too much and almost allows you to see more and feel even closer to objects that are further away in the image.




There are two trends here that tend to cross over into one another: The color red is everywhere and having a major emergence this fall as a dominant hue and depth, and three-dimensional focus is everywhere.

Both are highly usable design elements that can be incorporated easily, making them even more likely to continue to gain prominence in projects.


The post 3 Essential Design Trends, November 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Paris, le 19 septembre 2022 – SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a lancé l’édition 2023 de son programme d’accélération de start-ups axé sur le futur du Retail and Consumer Products. Pour cette 8ème édition de SAP.iO Foundry Paris, 12 start-ups internationales ont été sélectionnées par un jury composé d’experts SAP, de partenaires, de clients et de fonds d’investissement. Ces start-ups ont été reconnues comme étant précurseur sur ce thème de “Future of Retail and Consumer Products ”, un thème plus que jamais d’actualité avec les bouleversements des usages et du parcours client observé durant la crise sanitaire, et qui résulte de l’accélération de la numérisation de toutes les entreprises.

SAP.iO Foundry Paris, véritable incubateur de SAP en France, a déjà aidé plus de 65 start-ups à développer leur business ou leur solution. En quatre ans, SAP a atteint l’objectif fixé avec le gouvernement français visant à soutenir l’économie des start-ups lors sur sommet #ChooseFrance.

Ce nouveau programme a pour objectif de proposer aux entreprises du Retail et Consumer Products un accompagnement de leur stratégie digitale, grâce aux solutions de ces 12 start-ups, au rythme de l’évolution technologique autour de deux enjeux clés :

  • Proposer à leurs clients une expérience d’achat améliorée et différenciante
  • Assurer la traçabilité et l’authenticité de leurs produits

Odilia von Zitzewitz, Interim Lead SAP.iO Foundry Paris déclare : “SAP.iO est un accélérateur de start-ups formidable et engagé. Pour cette édition, l’accent a été mis sur le Retail laissant place à des innovations de choix, et qui répondent aux enjeux prédominants des acteurs de ce secteur clé. Nous sommes très fiers d’accompagner cette nouvelle promotion de start-ups !”

Au cours des 5 prochains mois, les start-ups auront accès à un mentorat personnalisé de la part des dirigeants de SAP France, à une exposition à la technologie SAP® et aux interfaces de programmation d’applications (API), ainsi qu’à des opportunités de collaboration avec des clients SAP du monde entier.

Les start-ups suivantes participent au programme SAP.iO Foundry Paris :

Sorga Technology

La mission de Sorga Technologie est d’accompagner les marques retail dans leur innovation digitale en proposant une solution à faible consommation d’énergie assurant la transparence et la traçabilité de leurs produits


La mission d’Arianee est de fournir aux entreprises des solutions simples pour établir des relations directes avec les consommateurs, respectueuses des données des utilisateurs et indépendantes des grandes plateformes technologiques.



CollectID permet de garantir l’authenticité d’un produit, l’amélioration de l’expérience phygitale, ou encore l’établissement d’un canal de communication direct entre les marques . Une solution qui garantit l’authenticité et l’unicité des produits tout en rapprochant les marques de leurs clients.


Diakse développe et commercialise une solution de création de showrooms virtuels dans le métavers avec un objectif : permettre aux marques de mieux communiquer sur leurs produits et ainsi les aider à augmenter leurs ventes.



Foodetective est une plateforme de gestion et une infrastructure (API) de l’industrie F&B. Les entreprises utilisent Foodetective pour automatiser leurs opérations, simplifier leur administration, augmenter leurs revenus en ligne et accélérer les nouvelles opportunités commerciales.


LIVEBUY est une solution d’achat en direct pour les détaillants leaders du marché,

qui fournit à la fois la technologie et les bons créateurs pour construire une plateforme de contenu réussie au sein des boutiques en ligne.



Priceloop a développé une IA permettant de faciliter et d’automatiser les processus de tarification, proposant les meilleurs prix en tenant compte de tous les paramètres essentiels.


Replika Software

Le logiciel Replika est une solution de vente sociale clé en main. Replika permet aux marques d’activer un réseau de vendeurs sociaux avec une entreprise clé en main pour inspirer sur les médias sociaux, vendre en ligne et se connecter avec les clients.


Shopreme GmbH

Shopreme GmbH Développe notamment une technologie appelée « Scan & Go » qui transpose les avantages des achats en ligne dans les vrais magasins (rapidité, facilité de paiement, recommandations personnalisées, listes de course partagées…).



SmartPixels fournit un outil de configuation et de visualisation de produits en 3D, l’objectif est d’aider les marques de mode et de luxe à créer des expériences personnalisées et interactives en ligne et en magasin.



La plateforme de Smartzer est utilisée par les marques pour transformer leurs vidéos et leurs flux en direct en expériences interactives et exploitables, ce qui leur permet d’obtenir un retour sur investissement direct du contenu et de mesurer les données détaillées des interactions vidéo.



YZR automatise et accélère tous les projets de données textuelles de ses clients grâce à une solution puissante basée sur le traitement automatique des langues.

The post SAP.iO Foundry Paris lance la nouvelle édition de son programme consacré aux start-ups sur le thème de « Futur of Retail » appeared first on SAP France News.

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