
What makes a High-Performance team different from others? Is there any framework or way to build a high-performance team? We all know agile as a framework. Does it help us to build the High-Performance Team? If you and your team follow the agile framework, can just following agile make your teams a high-performance team? In my experience with agile, I have seen teams follow agile by the book, and they do not want to deviate from what they read in the book. Sometimes in teams, it is merely an agile process just for its sake or pushed top to bottom. For me, Agile is a philosophy that enables teams/individuals to be better. You can reap the benefits of agile if you follow it unrestrainedly. We must show agility in our thought process rather than in the work process. Now the question is, if agile is a philosophy to follow, then how does it help us? Do we see agile in real life from which we can learn?  

Let us answer these questions with a relatable example of a weight loss journey and co-relate that to your agile team. I chose this as an example to answer questions because I believe you will relate to this example even though you have or are not going through this journey.

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When it comes to project management tools, have you ever wondered as a team leader, why your team’s productivity is dwindling? How they struggle to execute tasks and manage workflow? Situations like this require the deployment of software applications that can help to improve general tasks and deliver quality output.

Project management tools have become useful over the years and imply that there are plenty of options to choose from these days.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Estimation is one of the most difficult aspects of the Agile process. The natural tendency of team members is to include only the time it will take to complete the actual work for the item they are estimating. I have a process where I break each work item down into 4 parts to help me get a more accurate estimate. This is a process I use all the time in my current role as CTO of CUE Marketplace and I hope it helps you in your Agile estimations.

Understanding the Big Picture Estimate

I want to know every aspect of the work item that I’ll be completing, so I add any time it would take for me to fully understand it. It’s a huge time saver if my Product Owner has written the work items as user stories. That format helps with the “who,” “what,” and “why.” Other items that could take time include understanding any UI designs/clickable demos, reviewing usability tests and getting to know the “who” part of the story by researching the customer or persona.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Recently I was teaching an overview class for new Scrum Masters. I was covering the five important events (meetings) in Scrum and had just introduced the Daily Standup Meeting (DSM), when a learner interrupted with the following question: “Given the cost to people’s work time and the cost to the corporation, do Scrum teams generally feel there is value in the Daily Standup Meeting?” He followed with, “How do you feel about the Daily Standup Meeting?”

A study was conducted at the University of Oslo Norway (V. Stray et al, 1997) to answer the first question. The method of study was a survey of professional software developers. Those conducting the survey received 221 responses from professionals who identified either as a general computer programmer or a web developer. Participation was voluntary, no compensation was given, and controls were placed to prevent the same respondent from answering more than once.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

It all started when software development teams were physically present in the same office and interacting with each other face-to-face. At that time, this was thought to be the best way to get work done. Not many employees worked remotely. But, that era is long gone. By comparison, most of the organizations today have distributed teams. They ease the burden on project infrastructure and improve the employee’s comfort level.

A good infrastructure cannot have the dependency on only one system or person. Infrastructure needs to be distributed to avoid SPOF (Single Point of Failure). Similarly, it makes more sense to have distributed teams. This helps in a DR (Disaster Recovery) situation and also in hiring talented people without the time or location constraints.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

I was thinking about the impact of knowledge and risk on software development the other day and had a thought about the effectiveness of analysis in Scrum projects. We all know that when we begin a new development project, knowledge is at the least and risk is at the greatest. This is true regardless of project methodology. The cone of uncertainty is a great way to describe these forces. The area inside the cone is uncertainty or risk. As the project progresses, the level of uncertainty and risk is reduced until the project is complete and there is no longer any uncertainty — only delivered code.

However, I find it interesting to look at the area outside the cone as well. This area is certainty or knowledge. We can see that as the project progresses, knowledge increases until the project is complete and knowledge is maximized as the code is delivered. This is intuitive and makes good sense to those who run projects and live with the results.

Source de l’article sur DZone