
Londres, Royaume-Uni – SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce aujourd’hui que Twinings Ovaltine, l’une des marques de thé les plus emblématiques au monde, a choisi SAP pour mener à bien son programme de transformation. L’entreprise cherche à mieux s’engager auprès de ses clients, tout en garantissant la fiabilité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et l’efficacité opérationnelle.

Au cœur de la solution se trouve RISE with SAP sur Microsoft Azure, soutenu par SAP Business Technology Platform et les solutions SAP Ariba. Ces solutions permettent de numériser les opérations d’approvisionnement et d’aider Twinings Ovaltine à moderniser ses capacités de base, de la finance à la fabrication en passant par la logistique, soit tous les éléments nécessaires pour gérer une entreprise mondiale en temps réel, de manière intelligente et agile.

Afin d’éviter une implémentation informatique de longue haleine, Twinings Ovaltine s’est tournée vers RISE with SAP pour un déploiement rapide qui a permis d’obtenir une valeur ajoutée. Cela permet également à Twinings Ovaltine de respecter les normes internes qu’elle s’est fixées et de s’assurer que tous les éléments de son programme de transformation ne sont pas une simple ré-implémentation de l’ERP, mais bien une innovation qui change la donne. Le programme RISE with SAP tient cette promesse, en utilisant la standardisation et l’automatisation pour garantir la satisfaction des attentes des consommateurs actuels, toujours plus exigeants.

“Lorsque nous avons entamé notre parcours de transformation et réfléchi à ce que nous voulions faire, il n’a jamais été question de technologie. Il s’agissait de savoir comment nous rapprocher de nos clients, comprendre leurs attentes et les satisfaire”.

Sandeep Seeripat, Global Chief Information Officer chez Twinings Ovaltine.

“Nous avons besoin de partenaires qui correspondent à nos objectifs commerciaux, et il est clair que c’est ce que fait SAP. Si d’autres candidats peuvent offrir la technologie, SAP s’est vraiment distingué par sa compréhension de nos objectifs commerciaux et de la manière dont il peut simultanément offrir à nos clients une expérience qui va au-delà de leurs attentes, tout en bâtissant une plateforme pour notre programme de croissance.”

Avec un processus d’affinage du thé datant de plus de 300 ans, pour Twinings Ovaltine, le thé est plus qu’une simple boisson. Il fait partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne des consommateurs et a satisfait des générations d’amateurs de thé, grâce à ses plus de 330 variétés et à ses installations de production qui produisent entre 45 et 75 millions de sachets de thé par semaine.

Avec l’aide de RISE with SAP, Twinings Ovaltine peut automatiser et simplifier ses processus de gestion dans le Cloud, améliorer l’expérience utilisateur (sur un large public), fournir des données et des insights en temps réel, ainsi qu’une visibilité en temps quasi réel des ventes, des stocks et des processus. L’entreprise pourra ainsi mieux répondre aux besoins et aux comportements de ses consommateurs et du marché en général.

Comme l’explique Michiel Verhoeven, directeur général de SAP pour le Royaume-Uni et l’Irlande : ” Le déploiement vers RISE with SAP est une simplification de l’engagement que nous avons déjà avec Twinings Ovaltine, en plus d’établir une qualité de service répondant aux besoins de l’entreprise tout en fournissant un processus de mise à jour qui réduit la complexité à l’échelle de l’organisation. Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre notre partenariat avec Twinings Ovaltine, une entreprise dont l’histoire est riche en innovation, et qui est désormais idéalement placée pour répondre aux besoins de sa clientèle grandissante, tout en poursuivant de construire son héritage en tant que l’une des marques de boissons les plus connues au monde.”

Image de produits Ovaltine et Twinnings (client SAP sur la solution RISE with SAP)

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Agile, which started off as a better and more practical method of software development proposed by a group of developers, is now transforming the way in which organizations are run. Agile is now adopted by banks, manufacturers, research & development centers, hospitals, and even airports for execution. 

When the scale and reach of Agile increased, newer frameworks such as Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Large Scale Scrum, Nexus, and so on gained popularity. Enterprise agility and business agility is radically changing the way in which organizations are structured. 

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The introduction of the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) process has strengthened the software release mechanism, helping products go to market faster than ever before and allowing application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Regression testing ensures no new mistakes have been introduced to a software application by testing newly modified code as well as any parts of the software that could potentially be affected. The software testing market size is projected to reach $40 billion in 2020 with a 7% growth rate by 2027. Regression testing accounted for more than 8.5% of market share and is expected to rise at an annual pace of over 8% through 2027, as per reports from the Global Market Insights group.

The Importance of Regression Testing

Regression testing is a must for large-sized software development teams following an agile model. When many developers are making multiple commits frequently, regression testing is required to identify any unexpected outcome in overall functionality caused by each commit. The CI/CD setup identifies that and notifies the developers as soon as the failure occurs and makes sure the faulty commit doesn’t get shipped into the deployment. 

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Starting your own business is a process with a fair share of challenges. Even in the web design world, where you can potentially minimize costs by working from home and collaborating with freelance contractors, many expenses exist. 

To run a successful web design business, you need enough money to invest in everything from skilled colleagues to resources (like fonts and themes), software subscriptions, and technology tools. Finding a way to fund your company can be the most complicated part of ensuring its success.

For most new companies, the easiest option to generate opportunities is “bootstrapping.” Learning how to bootstrap a web design business means knowing how to bring your business to life with virtually no starting capital. 

Here’s how to get started.

What is Bootstrapping? 

Successful bootstrappers take an idea, such as creating a web design company and create a fantastic company without the backing of investors. It takes significant dedication, commitment, and single-mindedness to accomplish your goals, but some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, like Steve Jobs and Sam Walton, got their start this way. 

The term “bootstrapping” comes from the phrase “to pull yourself up by the bootstraps,” which indicates overcoming challenges on your own without any external support. 

The pros and cons of bootstrapping include:


  • Full control: Bootstrapping allows entrepreneurs to retain full ownership over their business. Alternatively, engaging with investors means allowing other professionals to own a portion of your company or make a share of the decisions. 
  • Innovation: Business owners in a bootstrapping model are forced to invest in agile and innovative business models. You must develop processes to produce immediate, lasting cash flow from day one. 
  • Accomplishment: Building something from the ground up creates a powerful sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. 
  • Ownership: You won’t have to sell any equity in your business to other investors, which means you can benefit fully from the company as it grows.


  • Risks: Self-funded businesses generally run out of funds faster and struggle to scale as quickly as other companies, limiting the brand’s ability to reach its potential.
  • Limited support: Traditional financing methods (like working with investors) also provide networking opportunities and support from specialists who want to see your company succeed. 
  • Pressure: Bootstrapping businesses need to be meticulous about everything from keeping books to making the right decisions for brand growth. 
  • Hard work: With limited resources, connections, and options, bootstrapping entrepreneurs need to work harder than most and take on more roles.

How to Bootstrap Your Web Design Business: Step by Step

Bootstrapping a web design business can be complicated, but it works for many companies if you follow the right strategy. The good news is web design companies generally don’t require as much initial capital as some other types of companies, like standard retail brands or companies with a need for brick and mortar offices.

However, there are still steps you’ll need to follow to ensure success.

Step 1: Source Some Initial Funds

While you might not work with investors when bootstrapping your web design business, you’ll still need some essential initial funds. To run a web design business, you won’t necessarily need a massive initial investment, but you will need something. 

To determine how much capital you need to raise from your income, savings, a line of credit, or other common bootstrapping sources, think about:

  • Where you’re going to work: The upfront costs of operating your own web design business will be a lot lower if you choose to work from home and with remote specialists. The less you have to pay for office space, the better.
  • Business fees: You may need to pay fees for registering your business name, hosting your own website for advertising, and dealing with any registration costs.
  • Equipment and software: Think about what you will use daily for web design. Subscription-based services like Adobe Creative Cloud can cost quite a bit to access. You’ll also need a good computer, and perhaps a tablet for sketching.

Step 2: Find a USP 

The easiest way to ensure a bootstrapped web design business is a success is to ensure you are offering specific clients something they genuinely need. In a service-based landscape like web design, you need to know what your customers want and offer something they can’t get elsewhere.

For instance, can you differentiate yourself from other web design companies by helping with modern trends like 360-degree video and XR-ready design? Can you build apps for companies from scratch and provide ongoing maintenance for the websites you make?

An excellent way to find your USP is to examine your competitors. Find out what other companies in your area are offering their customers, and listen to consumers in your industry when they talk about what they need from a website designer. 

Step 3: Choose a Cash Flow Optimized Model 

Since you’re relying only on your cash and the money you make from your web design business to fuel its growth, choosing a model optimized for consistent cash flow is essential. Bootstrapping a business often means you place most of the profit you gain from your company back into the development of the brand. 

With this in mind, consider how you’ll offer services and charge your customers. Are you going to ask for a portion of the fees up-front before starting a web design project? Can you provide your customers with subscription models to improve your revenue consistently?

For instance, you could provide help with ongoing maintenance, development, and support rather than just offering to build websites for companies. Another way to make additional income is with professional services, like consulting. 

Make sure there’s a market for the services you’ll offer before launching your business by examining the surrounding environments and services your competitors provide.

Step 4: Keep Costs Low and Profits High

Keeping costs low will be essential to ensuring your success when bootstrapping a business. Fortunately for web designers, it’s relatively easy to cut down on fees. For instance, WordPress is free to use for your development projects, making it an excellent choice for many web design strategies. 

You can also look into common free and cheap alternatives to web design tools online, like GIMP. Shop around for the things you will be paying ongoing fees with. For instance, it’s best to check out multiple vendors when looking for web hosting and marketing support. 

While keeping your costs low, it’s also essential to accelerate profits as much as possible. You can look for ways to boost customer retention by building stronger relationships with your clients and offering them deals on long-term subscriptions. 

If you have time outside of your web design business, you can also try taking on some side hustles. Options include:

  • Selling web design assets on sites like ThemeForest
  • Offering your services on a freelance basis with sites like Dribbble and Toptal
  • Designing and selling NFTs for the metaverse
  • Teaching web design or selling webinars

Step 5: Grow Cautiously

Finally, while the goal of successfully bootstrapping your web design business will be to grow as rapidly and consistently as possible, it’s important to be cautious. For instance, you’ll need to be able to afford the fees of every new designer you bring onto your team, so consider looking for freelancers and contractors rather than permanent hires.

Use organic channels for marketing your services, like blogging and content marketing which can help improve your SEO standing and attract attention among clients. Plus, encourage your customers to recommend your services to other brands. 

As new clients approach your business, ensure you only take on as many customers as you can reasonably handle. Compromising on quality will damage your relationships with customers and harm your reputation. 

Good Luck Bootstrapping Your Business

When you’re bootstrapping a business, you get the benefit of being able to eliminate any outside influences from your growth. You’re free to focus on building relationships with companies of your choice, and you get to make decisions about your growth. However, there are downsides, too, like significant stress and limited financial opportunities.

While bootstrapping your business is tough, if you manage to complete the process successfully, the results can be fantastic. 


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post How to Bootstrap a Web Design Business first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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A good application lifecycle management (ALM) package has software that is able to carefully manage and monitor all aspects of software development.  ALM applications provide tools for managing and completing the phases of design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing enhancements.   With an ALM solution in place, organizations can significantly improve the way they design, build, test, and adapt their software.  Greater customer satisfaction, speed of development, and reduction of cost is the often the result.

Top ALM Tools:


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The goal for a successful continuous delivery process is to minimize the time it takes for development teams to go from idea to usable software by practicing agile techniques and automating the entire software delivery system: build, deploy, test, release. This Refcard explains detailed patterns and anti-patterns for core areas of CD, including the delivery and deployment phases, rollbacks, pipeline observability and monitoring, documentation, as well as communication across teams and within the organization.
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In scanning the IT landscape, the call for DevOps engineers remains toward the top of many companies’ priorities. A nationwide search through various job posting sites returns literally thousands of DevOps opportunities. However, reviewing these job postings shows that the skillsets required are widely varied. In comparison, software development job descriptions and requirements tend to have a narrower focus – broadly speaking, a language and a particular framework. DevOps job descriptions and requirements range from implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, to building infrastructure, to configuration management, to cloud operations, to writing code in any number of languages, and so on. It’s an impressive and intimidating list. Have you considered joining the DevOps wave but have been challenged in getting a clear picture of what DevOps is or means? If so, you’re not alone.

What is DevOps?

While many organizations have DevOps teams, even within a single organization, there are likely to be multiple roles within a DevOps team. Why is that? The reason is that DevOps is a process, and various roles within a DevOps team each contribute to the process. The DevOps process is a product of the evolution of Agile development processes. With Agile, production-quality software is iteratively delivered, which drives the need to deploy software more often. The process of getting software into production needed to be streamlined, thus the DevOps movement and process was born.

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“At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly” — Agile Manifesto

Self-reflection within teams is fundamental to enabling Agile ways of working. Let’s take the most common Agile methodology, Scrum. This framework prescribes five events, one of which is the retrospective.

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WALLDORF, Allemagne — 11 mai 2022 — Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion du salon SAP Sapphire à Orlando, en Floride, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce ses toutes dernières innovations apportant de la valeur ajoutée à ses clients dans quatre domaines critiques : la résilience de la supply chain, le développement durable, la transformation des processus de gestion et le développement d’applications no-code.

Selon une étude récente du Boston Consulting Group, si 80 % des entreprises se tournent vers les solutions numériques pour relever les défis actuels, seules 30 % d’entre elles parviennent à une véritable transformation numérique de leur activité. Les annonces d’aujourd’hui aident les clients de SAP à accélérer leur parcours de transformation grâce à des solutions innovantes basées sur le cloud qui couvrent les processus de gestion end-to-end dont les clients ont le plus besoin. Ces annonces seront faites le premier jour de SAP Sapphire, la conférence mondiale des clients et partenaires de SAP, qui se déroule en personne et virtuellement du 10 au 12 mai 2022.

“Depuis 50 ans, les solutions critiques de SAP et son expertise sectorielle approfondie aident les entreprises du monde entier à fonctionner au mieux”, a déclaré Christian Klein, PDG et membre du conseil exécutif de SAP SE. “Nous sommes particulièrement bien placés pour continuer à favoriser la réussite de nos clients dans un monde qui évolue rapidement, en favorisant la transformation numérique basée sur le cloud qui résout les défis les plus pressants des clients, depuis la résilience de la supply chain au développement durable.”


Supply chain résilientes et réseaux commerciaux intelligents

Les innovations SAP améliorent l’efficacité et la transparence de la supply chain, permettant ainsi d’améliorer les performances et la résilience. Parmi ces innovations, SAP annonce aujourd’hui une nouvelle suite d’applications iOS qui rationalisent la supply chain numérique et donnent aux travailleurs des outils intuitifs. Les deux premières de ces applications – SAP Warehouse Operator et SAP Direct Distribution – ont été lancées aujourd’hui et sont disponibles dans l’App Store d’Apple.

En outre, le nouveau SAP Digital Manufacturing cloud réunit les dernières innovations en matière d’analyse, d’edge computing et d’automatisation avec des processus de fabrication end-to-end à la pointe de la technologie pour aider les clients à optimiser les performances de fabrication. SAP Business Network continue également d’évoluer pour devenir le plus grand réseau d’entreprise au monde et, avec l’intégration de Taulia, les clients peuvent libérer la valeur liée à leur fonds de roulement.


Faire passer les entreprises de la parole au geste en matière de développement durable

Le portefeuille croissant de solutions SAP en matière de développement durable est idéalement positionné pour aider les entreprises à passer du discours volontaire à l’action concrète. Parmi les nouveautés présentées aujourd’hui, citons les nouvelles fonctionnalités de SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprises qui aident les entreprises à innover dans les domaines clés de la gestion du développement durable. Il s’agit notamment de l’amélioration de SAP Product Footprint Management, qui permet aux clients de réduire l’empreinte carbone de leurs produits à grande échelle grâce à la connectivité en direct de SAP S/4HANA Cloud, y compris les capacités de transport et de déplacement.


Permettre la transformation des processus d’entreprise

Les clients continuent d’adopter RISE with SAP, pour redéfinir leurs processus de gestion end-to-end et passer à un ERP modulaire et agile dans le cloud. Plusieurs clients seront présents sur la scène du Sapphire pour montrer comment ils utilisent RISE with SAP pour innover en matière de business. Les partenaires aident également nos clients à mettre ces innovations à l’échelle grâce aux meilleures pratiques et aux solutions sur mesure : RISE with SAP and SOAR with Accenture intègrent et fournissent maintenant ce dont les entreprises ont besoin pour une transformation basée sur le cloud, y compris la gestion de l’infrastructure du cloud, la gestion des applications et les services d’exploitation. La dernière version de SAP Service Cloud comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de gestion dynamique et de modélisation des cas, ainsi qu’une intégration native avec Qualtrics® XM Discover et Microsoft Teams, afin d’améliorer la capacité des entreprises à tenir les promesses de leur marque grâce à une meilleure visibilité, une plus grande responsabilité et des délais de résolution plus courts.


Accélérer l’innovation avec le développement No-Code/Low-Code, l’automatisation des processus, les données et l’IA.

SAP AppGyver, l’une des principales solutions de développement d’applications d’entreprise no-code/low-code, inclut désormais une intégration native avec SAP Service Cloud et est disponible dans le cadre du volet gratuit de SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Process Automation, qui fait également partie du SAP BTP Free Tier, a été amélioré pour la gestion des flux de travail no-code et l’automatisation robotique des processus (RPA).

SAP fournit également de nouvelles innovations SAP AI pour optimiser intelligemment les processus opérationnels end-to-end, y compris le lead-to-cash, design-to-operate, recruit-to-retire et source-to-pay. SAP offre également à tous les étudiants un accès gratuit à des ressources et à des expériences d’apprentissages personnalisées dans la « student zone» du portail d’apprentissage. Pour répondre au besoin croissant de développement accéléré d’applications par des utilisateurs non techniques, SAP lance un parcours d’apprentissage amélioré qui prépare les étudiants à de nouvelles certifications en low-code /no-code.


Guide des actualités SAP Sapphire 2022

Plus de détails sur toutes les nouvelles, les lancements et les mises à jour dans le Sapphire News Guide.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter à @SAPNews.


The post SAP innove pour répondre aux besoins les plus urgents de ses clients appeared first on SAP France News.

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The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. Typical Scrum Master anti-patterns run from ill-suited personal traits to complacency to pursuing individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.

Read on and learn in this post on Scrum anti-patterns how you can identify if your Scrum Master needs support from the team.

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