
Fargate vs Lambda : Qui sera le vainqueur ?

Fargate et Lambda sont deux technologies très populaires parmi les développeurs cloud. Quel est le meilleur pour votre projet ? Découvrons qui sera le vainqueur !

## Comparaison Fargate vs Lambda dans l’espace sans serveur

Quelles sont les différences entre Fargate et Lambda ?

Fargate et Lambda sont deux options de calcul sans serveur populaires disponibles dans l’écosystème AWS. Bien que les deux outils offrent un calcul sans serveur, ils diffèrent en ce qui concerne les cas d’utilisation, les limites opérationnelles, les allocations de ressources d’exécution, le prix et les performances. Fargate est une moteur de calcul sans serveur proposé par Amazon qui vous permet de gérer efficacement les conteneurs sans les tracas de la mise en provision des serveurs et de l’infrastructure sous-jacente. Lambda, quant à lui, est une plateforme de calcul sans serveur qui vous permet d’exécuter du code sans avoir à gérer des serveurs. Lambda est conçu pour prendre en charge des charges de travail à courtes durées et à faible consommation de ressources.

Quelle est la meilleure option pour l’architecture ?

Lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir entre Fargate et Lambda, il est important de comprendre leurs différences et leurs avantages. Pour les applications à longue durée et à haute consommation de ressources, Fargate est la meilleure option car il offre une gestion des conteneurs plus efficace et une meilleure performance. Cependant, pour les applications à courtes durées et à faible consommation de ressources, Lambda est la meilleure option car il offre une exécution plus rapide et une meilleure utilisation des ressources. En fin de compte, le choix entre Fargate et Lambda dépend des exigences spécifiques de votre application et de votre architecture. Il est important de prendre en compte le coût, la performance et les fonctionnalités avant de prendre une décision finale.

Quelle que soit l’application ou l’architecture que vous souhaitez mettre en place, Fargate et Lambda sont tous deux des outils puissants qui peuvent vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je trouve que ces outils sont très utiles pour créer des applications modernes et évolutives. Fargate et Lambda offrent tous les deux des fonctionnalités avancées qui peuvent être utilisées pour créer des architectures robustes et flexibles. Les deux outils sont faciles à utiliser et peuvent être intégrés à d’autres services AWS pour offrir une expérience utilisateur optimale. En fin de compte, le choix entre Fargate et Lambda dépendra des exigences spécifiques de votre application et de votre architecture.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Installer des panneaux solaires sur les camions frigorifiques, dématérialiser les processus dans les entrepôts, utiliser des données précises en temps réel pour gérer le coût environnemental des livraisons par produit et par itinéraire… Ces initiatives, et bien d’autres, sont au centre des préoccupations des leaders de la Supply Chain, qui s’efforcent de rendre cette dernière plus durable et d’alléger le fardeau pour la planète.

Si ces actions figurent en bonne place dans l’agenda logistique, c’est que la durabilité est un levier important. Selon le Forum international des transports, les émissions de dioxyde de carbone devraient afficher une hausse de 16 % d’ici 2050, à la suite de l’augmentation du transport de marchandises – et ce, même si les pays s’engagent à les freiner. Si l’on n’intervient pas, les villes du monde entier accueilleront des millions de véhicules de livraison de fret et de colis en plus au cours de la prochaine décennie. Résultat : davantage d’embouteillages et une augmentation équivalente des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, comme le signale le Forum économique mondial.

La conclusion qui s’impose : il est primordial de trouver comment rendre la logistique et les livraisons plus durables du point de vue environnemental.

« Les entreprises s’intéressent de plus en plus à la durabilité des opérations logistiques », remarque Josué Velázquez Martínez, directeur du laboratoire des Supply Chains durables du Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT. « Elles font face à des pressions croissantes de la part du législateur et des consommateurs, et s’efforcent vraiment d’améliorer tous les aspects de la Supply Chain ».

Ces mêmes entreprises pourraient se trouver contraintes de prendre davantage de mesures. Si l’on se réfère aux règles en vigueur, nombre d’entre elles n’indiquent pas suffisamment les émissions générées par leur Supply Chain dans leurs rapports de durabilité, voire les omettent totalement, indique le New York Times. Or, il est possible qu’elles y soient bientôt obligées, car les autorités de régulation ont aujourd’hui la logistique dans le collimateur. Aux États-Unis, le législateur envisage de demander aux entreprises publiques de déclarer leurs émissions tout au long de leur Supply Chain. L’UE a également élaboré une proposition de directive qui renforce les règles de communication d’informations en matière de durabilité.

Les entreprises s’intéressent de plus en plus à la durabilité des opérations logistiques. Elles font face à des pressions croissantes de la part du législateur et des consommateurs.

Josué Velázquez Martínez, Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT

Les attentes des consommateurs, les réglementations et la demande du marché poussent les dirigeants d’entreprises à agir davantage sur le terrain de la durabilité. Tout naturellement, c’est au niveau des systèmes de logistique et de distribution que sont mises en place de nouvelles normes, qui contribueront largement à créer un avantage concurrentiel. En effet, les entreprises qui économisent sur la livraison en utilisant moins d’énergie et de ressources bénéficient d’un meilleur retour sur investissement (sur leur parc de camions, par exemple) et imaginent des modes de livraison plus efficaces. À cela s’ajoute, du côté des consommateurs, une conscience accrue du coût environnemental des livraisons et une volonté de choisir des options moins rapides pour préserver la planète.

Mais pour voir l’avènement d’une logistique durable, nous devons optimiser nos itinéraires de transport, construire des entrepôts plus efficaces et utiliser plus souvent et plus efficacement les données. Autant de tâches qui n’ont rien de simple. Avant de pouvoir réellement mesurer les progrès en matière de développement durable et agir sur l’empreinte carbone des produits, il y a de nombreuses étapes à mettre en œuvre.

Pas de temps à perdre: Découvrez pourquoi les entreprises doivent faire coïncider leurs ambitions et leurs actes en matière de durabilité.

Lire les actualités


D’après le rapport « Le paradoxe de la Supply Chain durable » établi par SAP et Oxford Economics, les cadres dirigeants ne connaissent pas encore suffisamment leur Supply Chain et éprouvent des difficultés à la rendre plus durable. Ils en sont encore à fixer des objectifs, et non à les mettre en application. Près de la moitié des personnes interrogées jugent que la complexité et le coût sont les deux principaux obstacles dans cette démarche de durabilité.

Mais comme l’explique Shimon Gowda, responsable de configuration de la Supply Chain chez Chainalytics, une pression croissante incite les entreprises à gagner en visibilité sur leur Supply Chain globale et à atteindre la neutralité carbone. « De plus en plus d’entreprises s’efforcent de mesurer l’empreinte carbone de leur réseau actuel », ajoute-t-il. « Les leaders du secteur mettent tout en œuvre pour élaborer une mesure précise et exacte, qui servirait de point de référence auquel comparer une situation à l’instant t. »

Pourquoi la logistique constitue un objectif de durabilité majeur

La logistique est une mission complexe. Elle consiste à gérer l’acheminement des matières premières, des produits intermédiaires et des emballages à travers le monde en direction des sites de production, mais aussi la distribution des produits depuis leur lieu de fabrication jusqu’au consommateur. Or, le transport fait partie des domaines dans lesquels l’objectif « zéro émissions » est un enjeu important. Il s’agit notamment de réduire les distances parcourues et d’utiliser plus efficacement les différentes options. Il n’est pas rare, par exemple, que des camions reviennent à vide une fois leur livraison effectuée.


Prenons l’exemple des transports frigorifiques : nous utilisons des camions réfrigérés pour transporter les produits pharmaceutiques, les fruits et légumes, les produits laitiers, la viande et les boissons. Cela nécessite de maintenir la chaîne du froid à l’intérieur de la remorque – ce qui consomme beaucoup d’énergie, traditionnellement de l’essence.


Certaines entreprises contribuent à rendre le transport frigorifique par camion plus durable en alimentant les systèmes de réfrigération à partir de sources d’énergie alternatives. eNow, par exemple, installe des panneaux solaires sur le toit des remorques. Quant à Coldtainer, il fabrique des boîtes de stockage pour la chaîne du froid.

Certaines entreprises s’efforcent de rendre le transport frigorifique par camion plus durable en alimentant les systèmes de réfrigération à partir de sources d’énergie alternatives.


D’après le média NPR, des entreprises bien établies telles que FedEx et DHL investissent dans des matériels et des équipements tels que des véhicules électriques. Mais M. Martínez en est convaincu : se concentrer uniquement sur de nouveaux véhicules est le meilleur moyen de manquer d’importantes opportunités.


« Je constate qu’on s’intéresse beaucoup aux équipements, ce qui est vraiment une bonne chose pour le long terme », explique-t-il. « Mais en attendant, il y a de nombreuses opportunités auxquelles les entreprises ne font pas vraiment attention à ce stade. »


Lorsque votre kilométrage varie, choisissez le bon véhicule pour chaque itinéraire de livraison

Ces opportunités, qu’étudient notamment M. Martínez et bien d’autres personnes, ce sont notamment des systèmes de planification des transports qui optimisent les itinéraires, réduisent le kilométrage et les émissions, et analysent les effets de la topographie sur les performances des camions.


Renouveler sa flotte n’est pas, en soi, un mauvais choix. Mais un camion neuf n’est pas nécessairement la meilleure option, écologiquement parlant. Les recherches du laboratoire d’étude de durabilité des Supply Chains ont permis d’établir que le kilométrage, tel qu’il est mentionné sur les sites Internet des constructeurs automobiles, est divisé par deux environ en conditions de livraison réelles. L’écart tient probablement au fait que les tests des camions sont réalisés dans des conditions différentes.

Un leadership porteur de sens: Découvrez comment les entreprises placent la durabilité au cœur de leur stratégie.

Lire le témoignage


« Les constructeurs font probablement leurs tests dans des conditions qui n’ont rien à voir avec une exploitation réelle, en particulier sur les derniers kilomètres parcourus », avance M. Martínez.

Il suffit de comparer les performances d’un camion qui se déplace sur autoroute, à une vitesse moyenne comprise entre 65 et 80 km/h, et qui fait trois arrêts de livraison, avec celles du même camion qui parcourt une zone très vallonnée à 8 ou 16 km/h et qui effectue vingt arrêts de livraison. Les chiffres seront très différents, et dépendront du modèle. Les camions anciens ont tendance à afficher de meilleures performances que les neufs sur autoroute ; dans une étude menée avec l’entreprise de logistique mexicaine Coppel, l’équipe de M. Martínez a trouvé des exemples attestant d’une meilleure efficacité en carburant (jusqu’à 15 % de différence). L’étude a été réalisée en utilisant une vitesse, des longueurs de segments (soit la quantité d’arrêts sur un itinéraire donné) et un profil topographique moyens, et en s’appuyant sur l’apprentissage automatique pour classer les régions en fonction de ces caractéristiques – certaines étant plus résidentielles, d’autres urbaines, d’autres mixtes.

Imaginez que vous puissiez dire à un client : « Si vous êtes prêt à atteindre deux, trois, quatre jours de plus, vous pourrez réduire l’empreinte carbone de tel pourcentage. »

Josué Velázquez Martínez, Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT

Sur la base de l’analyse effectuée, l’équipe de Martínez a modélisé une réaffectation des véhicules permettant d’exploiter chacun sur les zones dans lesquelles il réalise les meilleures performances. Les résultats indiquent une réduction de 3 % du carburant utilisé – un chiffre non négligeable pour les entreprises, qui consacrent chaque année des millions à ce poste. À partir de la même hypothèse, l’équipe a également mis en place un projet pilote en conditions réelles, avec 10 véhicules sur un mois. Elle a constaté 8 % d’économies de carburant.

« Il n’est pas vraiment nécessaire d’investir, seulement de réaffecter le matériel existant », conclut M. Martínez. « Mais si vous comptez renouveler votre parc de véhicules, alors vous devez vous assurer que les nouveaux seront utilisés dans les régions attendues, puis réaffecter ceux que vous allez conserver dans votre exploitation. »

Ces résultats montrent comment la combinaison des données, des capacités de calcul et des algorithmes peut participer à améliorer le transport. La topographie a aussi son importance, ajoute M. Martínez, mais elle n’est généralement pas prise en compte dans les évaluations environnementales, car on opte plutôt pour les itinéraires les plus courts et les plus rapides, et parce que c’est un facteur complexe. Pourtant, c’est logique : monter une pente ne nécessite pas la même quantité d’énergie que de la descendre.

« Gérer ces données en utilisant le suivi GPS pour mieux cerner les faits et prendre des décisions mieux informées représente une opportunité considérable », explique-t-il. « C’est ce que j’appelle faire une petite place aux problématiques de la Supply Chain pour réduire réellement les émissions autant que possible, tout en continuant de répondre aux attentes de vos clients et d’atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. »

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Une livraison le jour même est une opération complexe, car elle implique de nombreux déplacements dans les mêmes zones, avec des camions qui ne sont pas toujours pleins – ce qui augmente les émissions. Le laboratoire de recherche sur la durabilité des Supply Chains a réalisé une expérience pour voir si les consommateurs font des choix différents en fonction de leur sensibilité écologique et de leur capacité à attendre.

Dans cette expérience du « bouton vert », 52 % des clients ont effectivement changé leurs choix de livraison pour limiter leur impact environnemental. Le laboratoire a essayé différentes manières de quantifier ce paramètre pour l’utilisateur, par exemple la réduction des émissions de CO2 ou le nombre d’arbres sauvés. Avec l’exemple des arbres, les chercheurs ont établi que les clients étaient prêts à attendre quatre jours de plus en moyenne pour être livrés. Pour être précis, 70 % ont seulement déclaré qu’ils feraient ce choix, tandis que 52 % l’ont réellement fait – ce qui représente déjà plus de la moitié de la population considérée.

« Il est possible de communiquer avec transparence autour de la Supply Chain avec les clients, afin qu’ils puissent utiliser ces informations au moment d’acheter », insiste M. Martínez. Bien sûr, ce n’est pas simple. Il faut pouvoir indiquer les émissions de CO2 correspondant à chaque commande qui s’affiche dans le panier d’un consommateur, afin que ce dernier dispose de données précises et comprenne l’impact de sa décision. Cela nécessite de nombreuses analyses, voire la validation d’un tiers pour légitimer l’information fournie. Mais ce procédé représenterait un avantage significatif pour asseoir la crédibilité environnementale des marques.

« Imaginez que vous puissiez dire à un client :  si vous êtes prêt à atteindre deux, trois, quatre jours de plus, vous pourrez réduire l’empreinte carbone de tel pourcentage ; vous participerez à préserver l’environnement », explique M. Martínez.

La valeur ajoutée des entrepôts locaux en termes de durabilité

Ancrer les Supply Chains localement, en alternant entre les sources d’approvisionnement et sites de production locaux et éloignés, est une autre manière de renforcer leur durabilité. Dans cette perspective, les entrepôts jouent un rôle important : construire des hangars de petite taille, à proximité de la demande, permet en effet de réduire les temps de trajet et les émissions. Les entrepôts constituent aujourd’hui le type de bâtiment commercial le plus volumineux aux États-Unis et, à en croire l’Agence américaine d’information sur l’énergie, les chiffres ne font qu’augmenter.

Il serait possible d’imposer aux entrepôts qu’ils soient autonomes énergétiquement et de les concevoir neutres en carbone. La production d’énergie alternative – par exemple, à l’aide de panneaux solaires installés sur le toit – semble couler de source et, dans certaines zones, elle est d’ores et déjà obligatoire ou subventionnée. L’Allemagne, par exemple, propose un soutien financier à l’installation d’infrastructures solaires. Aux États-Unis, il existe une multitudes d’aides fédérales et étatiques.

À Elizabeth, dans le New Jersey, East Coast Warehouse dispose de panneaux solaires sur son entrepôt, l’un des plus grands du Nord-Est des États-Unis. Kevin Daly, directeur commercial, indique que l’entreprise a récemment installé 4 900 modules solaires à haut rendement supplémentaires, qui ont généré plus de 2,5 GW en 2020. « Nos panneaux solaires ont vraiment dépassé nos attentes », se félicite-t-il.

L’entreprise s’étend dans le Maryland et en Géorgie, et envisage d’utiliser l’énergie solaire sur les entrepôts qu’elle y crée. M. Daly fait remarquer que le processus est plus simple pour les sociétés qui sont propriétaires de leurs bâtiments, entre autres parce que la communauté des développeurs s’inquiète des obligations que les panneaux peuvent engendrer, et du poids qu’ils peuvent ajouter à une structure. Ce point mis à part, ajoute-t-il, c’est une décision d’investissement, qui est souvent liée aux subventions.

À l’intérieur des entrepôts, placer les unités de gestion de stock les plus importantes et qui transitent le plus dans des emplacements rapidement et aisément accessibles est un moyen de limiter l’énergie utilisée par les chariots élévateurs.

M.Daly pense que davantage d’entrepôts adopteront l’énergie solaire et d’autres formes d’énergie alternatives. « Je ne doute pas qu’à mesure que la technologie se perfectionnera, elle deviendra encore plus efficace et plus bénéfique pour tout le monde. »

Des systèmes de gestion des entrepôts plus intelligents: Les entreprises utilisent des technologies intelligentes pour optimiser leurs opérations quotidiennes dans les entrepôts.

En savoir plus


Le fonctionnement interne des entrepôts et les livraisons sont également devenus plus durables. East Coast Warehouse a choisi de gérer ses opérations de répartition sur des tablettes et des terminaux mobiles, et de se débarrasser autant que possible du papier – et ce, dans un secteur qui en a toujours utilisé beaucoup.

Grâce aux options numériques, les chauffeurs routiers peuvent rester dans leurs camions pour gérer toutes les formalités depuis leur tablette, y compris les lettres de voiture, qui peuvent être envoyées directement aux destinataires par voie électronique. En plus de limiter la consommation de papier, ce mode de fonctionnement permet davantage de transparence. La preuve de livraison – où, quand et qui a signé – peut être intégrée à un système de gestion du transport et archivée automatiquement.

« Ce processus, qui nécessitait beaucoup d’heures de travail et d’opérations manuelles pour numériser et remplir les papiers, est devenu beaucoup plus gérable si on fait les choses de la bonne manière » conclut M. Daly.

De plus en plus d’entreprises cherchent à optimiser les opérations au sein de leurs entrepôts, comme l’explique Mme Gowda, de Chainalytics. Revenir aux principes fondamentaux de l’organisation et, par exemple, placer les unités de gestion de stock les plus importantes et qui transitent le plus dans des emplacements rapidement et aisément accessibles, est un moyen de limiter l’énergie utilisée par les chariots élévateurs.

« Le simple fait de rationaliser tout cela peut vraiment changer la donne, même au niveau de l’émission de gaz à effet de serre, car cela revient à optimiser vos opérations en tentant de tirer le meilleur parti des ressources disponibles sur le site », insiste Mme Gowda.

La logistique durable s’appuie sur des données

On en revient toujours à la même question : « Vos données sont-elles de bonne qualité ? » Parce qu’il ne suffit plus d’utiliser des données d’historique ou d’estimer des paramètres tels que les émissions générées par les camions.

Désormais, des sociétés tierces proposent les outils nécessaires pour déterminer les émissions de CO2 réelles d’un véhicule donné, à partir des informations opérationnelles collectées. Ces outils sont capables de transmettre ces informations sur des tableaux de bord, de manière à faciliter une approche stratégique dans la réflexion et les actions à mener – et à créer ainsi une Supply Chain plus cohérente de bout en bout.

Autre grand objectif d’un grand nombre de marques et de fabricants : pouvoir ventiler les émissions par produit, de leur conception à leur mise hors service. Ces informations, réclamées par les consommateurs, peuvent constituer un facteur de différenciation considérables pour une marque si elles sont bien compilées et communiquées avec précision (c’est-à-dire sans déclarations non étayées ni « greenwashing »).

D’après Mme Gowda, on prête de plus en plus d’attention à la logistique inverse, car les entreprises modernes consacrent davantage d’analyses à mieux comprendre le coût environnemental de leurs produits, tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Les clients de Chainalytics souhaitent aujourd’hui élaborer des scénarios qui accordent la priorité aux gaz à effet de serre, et non aux coûts. Dans ce domaine, la création d’un jumeau numérique se révèle très utile.

« Il devient un peu difficile de répondre à ce genre de questions sans disposer d’une plateforme de jumeau numérique complètement fonctionnelle », explique Mme Gowda. « Mais nous sommes définitivement plus efficaces qu’il y a dix ans. Nous sommes vraiment en mesure de comprendre notre propre impact, et nous essayons de créer davantage de solutions pour favoriser des Supply Chains plus vertes. »

Nous sommes vraiment en mesure de comprendre notre propre impact, et nous essayons de créer davantage de solutions pour favoriser des Supply Chains plus vertes.

Shimon Gowda, responsable de conception de la Supply Chain chez Chainalytics

Rationaliser l’approvisionnement et les prévisions de la demande peut également renforcer la durabilité, indique Mme Gowda. Tout au long de la Supply Chain, chaque acteur dispose de ses propres métriques prévisionnelles. Mais s’il y a une faille en amont, elle se répète et s’amplifie en aval. Cela peut entraîner une surproduction de la part de toutes les entreprises de la chaîne, ce qui signifie des déchets ou des produits excédentaires qui se retrouvent dans les entrepôts après avoir voyagé dans le monde entier. « C’est typiquement le scénario que nous cherchons à éviter quand nous essayons d’évoluer vers un fonctionnement plus durable, neutre en carbone », conclut-elle.

Un concept de Supply Chain appelé « planification collaborative et réapprovisionnement prévisionnel » est en train de gagner du terrain. C’est un autre exemple de scénario dans lequel les jumeaux numériques jouent un rôle essentiel, car chaque acteur de la Supply Chain peut voir les données transférées par les autres. Par exemple, le fabricant est en mesure de consulter les prévisions du détaillant final trois mois à l’avance. Tout problème peut ainsi être identifié et résolu plus tôt. « Cette solution renferme un vrai potentiel de progression vers l’économie circulaire, car elle implique de se montrer minimaliste dans sa consommation, dans ses transferts… sur tous les points, en somme », explique Mme Gowda.

À mesure que les entreprises s’attachent à évaluer l’impact environnemental réel de leur Supply Chain et de leurs opérations logistiques, les livraisons se rationalisent, de manière à générer moins de déchets et moins d’émissions. Un bonne nouvelle pour l’environnement comme pour les clients !


Note des éditeurs : Découvrez des idées logistiques plus durables et des exemples pratiques dans L’économie circulaire se popularise ; 5 vérités sur la Supply Chain dans le monde post-COVID-19 ; et Sur la terre, la mer et dans les airs : des technologies émergentes pour maîtriser le changement climatique.


The post La logistique durable en mouvement Till Dengel, Richard Howells | 14 min de lecture appeared first on SAP France News.

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I’m not an anti-GUI person. In fact, I wrote three books about web GUI development with Java. However, I also like the command-line interface (CLI), especially text-based UIs. After a year of exploring MariaDB and the DevOps world, I got to discover and play with many text-based CLI tools that I didn’t know even existed. These tools are especially useful when connecting to remote servers that don’t have a GUI.

One special CLI tool that I frequently use is the mariadb SQL client (or mysql in the MySQL world)—a CLI program used to connect to MariaDB-compatible databases. With it, you can send SQL queries and other commands to the database server.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Welcome to our annual guessing game of what the next twelve months will bring.

As ever, the design world isn’t isolated from the world in which it exists, so when events shape our lives, they impact our work, the work clients ask for, and the work that inspires us. According to Collins Dictionary, the word of the year for 2022 was permacrisis. And frankly, 2023 doesn’t look any less turbulent, with some good and some bad things already on the horizon.

Russia seems all but certain to retreat to Crimea and claim its objectives in Ukraine have been achieved; Ukraine may not accept that end, but it will probably be enough to end sanctions against Russia, which will significantly impact the economy worldwide. Brazil may have been forced to watch Argentina lift the FIFA World Cup, but it has a new (old) president and fresh hope for the survival of the Amazon rainforest. Crypto has weathered a series of storms (although there may be more to come), and historical precedence suggests the bear market has run its course; 2023 will see stagnation, with an upward trend taking hold toward the end of the year. The former Pope has died, potentially paving the way for the retirement of the current Pope and the election of a new Pope, bringing with it either renewed liberalism or renewed conservatism to the world’s largest religion. Oh, and the IMF thinks a third of the world will be in recession at some point in 2023; the UK and Russia already are, and policymakers in the US are looking nervous.

And that’s just the obvious. Of course, there will be surprises, too, because there always are.

Against this backdrop, designers must not only navigate a problematic jobs market but produce designs that respond to the needs and desires of their clients’ users.

How Did I Do in 2022?

Before diving into this year’s predictions, let’s take a look at how I thought 2022 would play out.

I predicted that 2022 would be the year of blockchain, with decentralized data storage taking over. Well, I got the decentralized part right, but not so much the blockchain aspect (feel free to tell me I’m wrong on Mastodon because I’m not checking Twitter anymore). I’ll call that half a point.

I said design would be positive, playful, and accessible. I think design did emerge from its obsession with corporate minimalism, but positive and playful? Unfortunately, I’m calling that a miss.

I said everything would be green. Again, that’s a miss. If there was a color for 2022, it was a pink-purple gradient.

I predicted hero text would replace hero images, and in the third quarter of 2022, that’s exactly the trend we saw; tick.

Finally, I suggested that illustration would adopt a grainy texture. Well, some designers did, but it was hardly a dominant trend, so I’m going to have to call that a miss.

So for my 2022 predictions, I scored 30%. Way worse than last year’s clean sweep. Let’s see if we can’t beat that in 2023…

1. We’ll Stop Freaking Out Over AI

By now, you’ve probably tried AI, freaked out, and Googled how to start a small holding in the mountains.

The truth is that AI is just a tool. And a good one at that. AI is really good at derivative work. But it’s entirely incapable of improvising, holding opinions, having an agenda, or thinking outside the box.

AI will not replace your job — unless your job is deleting the background from photos, in which case it already has. Since when did Stephen King get replaced by a spellchecker?

If you haven’t tried an AI tool yet, I’d encourage you to try it. It does the small repetitive tasks well.

2. We’ll Embrace the Real World

One of the reasons AI can’t be creative is that it doesn’t have the same number of input sensors we have. We can smell, hear, feel, and experience the world in a multitude of different ways.

Most of us spent a year in lockdown working remotely. Then rushed back to the office, only to discover that our teamwork didn’t actually improve. With the worsening economic outlook, big companies are looking to budget, and the simplest way to cut costs is to ask staff to work remotely.

When your commute is a five-second walk to the spare bedroom, you find yourself with more free time. Sure, you could probably learn Python, but wouldn’t you be happier learning to paddleboard?

As we open ourselves to new experiences, our design work will inevitably become more diverse and natural.

3. We’ll Reject Brutalism

It had a good run, but Brutalism isn’t a good fit for most UI projects. The trend of 2021–22 will vanish as quickly and as unexpectedly as it arrived.

4. We’ll Reject Darkmode

It has had a good run, and dark mode is a perfect fit for most UI projects. But we’re all kinda sick of it.

I hope I’m wrong about this one; not only is dark mode genuinely better for both your eyes and the environment, but the rich, warm blackness is the perfect antidote to sterile white corpo-minimalism.

Dark mode options are built into our OS, so it’s doubtful that it’s going to vanish anytime soon. However, dark mode as a design trend for its own sake is probably on the wane.

Typically trends come and go in symmetrical waves. Dark mode has been a dominant trend for years, so it should take as long to vanish completely.

5. We’ll Embrace Personal Retro

Every year we get the exciting job of guessing which decade the zeitgeist will rip off next. Will 2023 be the year of ’80s retro, ’90s retro, ’00s retro, or maybe (somebody shoot me) ’10s retro?

The retro trends we’ve seen over the last few years have been poor pastiches of their associated decades. If last year’s ’90s retro was inspired by the ’90s, it was a ’90s someone else was living.

In 2023 we’ll move beyond someone else’s ideas of what the past was like, to a personal vision of what came before. One in which the sunbleached colors of eternal Summers in the suburbs dominate.

6. We’ll Fall For Borecore

We’re all guilty of designing with our egos from time to time, and there is a tendency to hit users between the eyes with the biggest type, the loudest gradient, and the flashiest animation.

If you truly want to impress users in 2023, stop inserting pop-ups, adverts, cookie notices, and the other extraneous detritus that stops them from doing whatever it is they arrived on your site for. Impressing users in 2023 means clean typography, low-distraction art direction, and helpful content. Boring design just isn’t as boring as it used to be.

In 2023, the best thing designers can do for their users is get out of the way.

Happy New year! We hope it’s a good one.


Featured image by myriammira on Freepik


The post 6 Predictions for Web Design in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

A couple of weeks before, in AWS re:invent, Amazon made a lot of innovative announcements, and one of the announcements was the AWS Application Composer service, which allows a user to drag and drop elements to the Canvas and quickly design and deploy serverless applications.   


Application Composer service is in the preview phase as this is being written. It allows you to drag and drop a list of resources to a canvas, make connections between them and provide the required configuration. It allows you to design a workflow on the front end, and in the background, it generates the necessary code and template using the Serverless Architecture Model (SAM). SAM CLI is the tool you can use to quickly deploy this template to the AWS environment.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Artificial intelligence is the latest buzzword in the tech world. It’s everywhere and has been for a while, but AI-powered writing software is a relatively new concept.

AI Writing Software uses artificial intelligence to write articles, blog posts, and other content in your voice. The goal is to provide a tool that will save you time and energy so you can focus on different aspects of your business or life.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of 20 AI writing software you can use to create content for your website, blog, or social media accounts.

1. uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce high-quality content for your business, ebooks, blog posts, articles, product descriptions, social media content, and more. It can also be used to rewrite existing content so that you can use it on your website, blog, or social media pages.

Since it uses artificial intelligence to mimic human writing patterns and styles, the copy will be more natural and easier to read than the typical machine-generated text we’re used to seeing. differs from traditional content creation tools because it doesn’t just offer suggestions on improving your current content; it generates new text based on what it thinks would be most relevant for the topic or audience.

Key Features: 

  • Pre-built Templates – has a ton of pre-built templates for different kinds of content. For example, you can see below that it has options for blogs, social media content, video, case studies, and more:

  • Different tones and variations – Get access to tones like friendly, persuasive, professional, luxury, witty, bold, and more to align the content with your writing style. It also creates multiple variations based on your input – you can pick the one you like or make more.

    To illustrate this, here’s a screenshot of the results we got while trying to write the introduction for this article using Copy AI. 

  • Writing and Brainstorming tools – You also get tons of writing tools, brainstorming tools, and personal tools. Writing tools include essay intro, cliffhanger generator, adjective accelerator, passive to active voice, verb booster, and the like. Brainstorming tools have a name generator, startup ideas, viral ideas, and more – while Personal tools include birthday cards, clubhouse bios, cover letters, love letters, and shower thoughts.

    You can save your content and then return to it later if you wish. Plus, the software’s user interface is easy to navigate, and the program is simple. 

Luciano Viterale, Co-founder of Ticker Nerd, also shares his experience with

“I’ve been experimenting with AI copywriting tools since GPT-3 was released. I have explored many of the popular tools. However, my favorite tool by far is Copy AI. They have an outstanding blogging outline feature; the UX is clean and easy to navigate, and the pricing is reasonable.

Copy AI also generated the name of my startup, “Ticker Nerd,” which is an investing newsletter that was recently acquired.”

That said, Viterale suggests that the blog outlines can be repetitive. He says, “one thing I don’t particularly like is that blog outlines include the same point repeatedly but articulated slightly differently, essentially adding no value.” 


  • produces content at least 80% as good as a human writer (and often better). The system continually learns, which means the more you use it, the better it gets. 
  • It has an extensive library of templates available for different requirements. 
  • It supports over 25 languages, including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Dutch, Russian, and more. 


  • Not suitable for long-form content. 
  • The content can get a bit repetitive after a while.  
  • The free plan lets you create only 2000 words per month. 


It starts from $39 per month (if you pay yearly) for up to 40k words per month, unlimited copywriting tools, priority email support, Blog Wizard tool, support for 25+ languages, and five user seats. 

2. Jasper is an AI copywriting tool that uses a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to create content based on user input. 

It helps you generate original content for your blogs, social media, websites, and more. Jasper also knows 10% of what’s on the internet and continues to learn more daily.

Just like, Jasper’s user interface is easy to use and navigate around. With its specific template for blog posts, articles, ebooks, and more, it’s also one of the few AI writing software suitable for long-form content. 

All you have to do is enter the title, your intended audience, tone of voice, and language options, along with the main point of your copy, and voila – Jasper can churn out a high-quality piece of content for you within seconds.

(Jasper Interface

Key Features: 

  • 50+ AI templates – offers a variety of AI templates, including Blog Posts, Summary, Conclusion, Q&A, Ads, Videos, Social Media, Rewriter, Marketing Frameworks, Articles, and more. Each template has several use cases – for example, a blog has Blog Titles, Content Briefs, and Outlines.

Headline Generator

  • Boss Mode lets you write long-form content such as blog posts, stories, and books. It also allows you to organize your content into projects and find help with priority chat support, Grammarly integration, and plagiarism checks. You can also choose from 25 languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and more.
  • SurferSEO Integration – If you have a Boss Mode plan, you can add SurferSEO to your Jasper account. This integration will enable you to find the best keywords, build a content strategy, create blog outlines, and more.

Content production using Surfer SEO Integration


  • No technical assistance is required.
  • Simple, easy-to-use interface.
  • Provides plagiarism-free content every time.
  • It helps you build a content strategy based on high-ranking topics and keywords.
  • Ready-to-use templates cover most of the use cases that a writer or marketer will need.
  • Excellent customer support is provided through live training sessions, live Q&A sessions, blogs, Facebook community, help docs, and emails.


  • Plagiarism-free content doesn’t always mean unique content.
  • Customer support options via chat or email are limited.


It starts with $40/mo for 35K words, 50+ AI templates, 20+ languages, up to 5 seats, and chat support.

3. Rytr 

Rytr is a content generation tool that uses AI to generate high-quality, human-sounding content for emails, blogs, YouTube videos, and landing pages. 

It also supports multiple languages and tones and uses copywriting frameworks, including AIDA & PAS. And to ensure that your content is free of plagiarism, it comes with a built-in plagiarism checker.

Like Rytr is also more suitable for short-form content and copywriting than long-form content. 

Key Features: 

  • 30+ languages – Rytr supports many languages, including English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Polish. It also uses a proprietary approach to support languages that are not supported by the limitations of GPT3.

Language Support

  • Use Cases: Rytr offers 40+ use cases, including Blog Section Writing, Blog Ideas & Outline, Brand Name, Business Idea Pitches, Call-to-action, Cover letters, Emails, and more.

    Each use case has a short description of what it’s about below it. Select the use case to write about, give a little context about what you want to write, and then select how many variants you want the AI to write for you (max is 3). 

You can also choose a creativity level by selecting one of 6 options, including Default, Non, Low, Medium, High, or Max.

Generating Blog Ideas & Outlines

  • Tone – You can add a personal touch to your content by choosing from over 18 tones, including Formal, Convincing, Inspirational, and more.

Writing in a formal tone.


  • Simple user interface.
  • Fast live chat support.
  • Using the magic command, you can produce content for poems, letters, and more.
  • Comes with an in-built tool for plagiarism checks.
  • Provides multiple resources for guidance.


  • Tone options are limited.
  • You will receive a small number of credits per month.


It starts at $9/month for 100K characters per month. There is also a free plan with a 10K characters limit.

4. Writesonic 

Writesonic is a content-creation platform that uses generative artificial intelligence models to write SEO-optimized long-form blogs and articles. 

It has 65+ use cases or templates, including Article Writer 3.0, Landing Pages, Tweets, Quora Answers, Facebook Ads, and more.

You can easily create desired content by picking a suitable use case, typing a topic, and adding a paragraph of your own words. You can also set the language and quality level before generating it.

Generating Pros and Cons

Key Features: 

  • 24 Languages: You can produce content in 24 languages, including English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Hungarian, and more. They’re also continually adding more language options.


  • Unconventional Use Cases: It’s got a more comprehensive range of templates, including Sentence Expander, Text Summary, Conclusion Writer, YouTube Outlines, LinkedIn Ad Descriptions, Analogy Maker, Question Generator, Song Lyrics, Definition, and more.
  • SEMrush and WordPress Integrations: Writesonic integrates with SEMrush, Zapier, and SEMrush helps you optimize your content for search engines, and lets you publish your blog directly from Writesonic. Zapier integration enables you to automate your content from Writesonic.

SEMrush Integration


  • Easy to use.
  • The User Interface gives you step-by-step instructions and tips for how to use the tool more efficiently.
  • There are many unique use cases, including a hook generator, pros and cons generator, and landing page creator.
  • Free trial available.


  • Like other tools on this list, the copy may not always be accurate. 


It starts at $10/month for 12K words, 70+ AI templates, a Landing page generator, a browser extension, Zapier integration, and more.

5. Grammarly Business 

Like most other tools on this list, Grammarly Business isn’t an AI-based content writer per se—it’s more like an AI-based writing assistant. Specifically, it checks your documents for grammar, spelling, plagiarism, and style mistakes.

Grammarly Business also provides feedback on your writing style so that you can improve as a writer over time. 

You can use Grammarly Business to:

  • Get suggestions to improve your writing style, including word choice and sentence structure.
  • Identify common grammatical mistakes and fix them in one click.
  • Improve your email response time by checking emails before they’re sent out.

It’s also ideal for larger teams of writers who need to access the same Grammarly accounts, enabling multiple users to edit documents simultaneously.

One of the best parts about this tool is that it integrates with every online writing space, including Google Docs. This allows you to write and edit simultaneously without waiting for one draft to be finished before making changes to the next.

Key Features: 

  • Custom Brand Tone: You can create multiple tone profiles to suit your needs and assign them to different Teams. You’ll also get real-time feedback on your tone and can adjust it while writing. Your tone can be anything from Joyful, Excited, Loving, and Surprised to Curious, Formal, and Cautionary.

Brand Tone Feedback

  • Grammar Checker: Grammarly gives you feedback on everything that can be improved in your writing – from typos to sentence structure. It also checks for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and incorrect punctuation.
  • Style Guide: Grammarly Style Guide enables you to establish a uniform tone and style across all your teams. You can set a library of words, terms, and phrases that your teams should adhere to.

    You can also prevent them from using complex acronyms or jargon. Lastly, you can get feedback on how the performance has increased with the Style Guide.

Style Guide Analytics


  • Real-time feedback on errors and tone usage.
  • Grammarly gives instant, easy-to-understand feedback and lets you fix mistakes with just one click.
  • You can always add new words to the dictionary.


  • It flags passive voice as an error.
  • Grammarly is good at catching mistakes, but sometimes it corrects things unnecessarily.


It starts at $15/month for one member, real-time feedback, style guide, snippets, brand tones, admin controls, and more.

6. is another AI-based content generation tool that claims to create content ten times faster, boost Google ranking, and optimize conversions.

It’s a simple but valuable tool for writers who need help getting started on their next article, email, or blog post.

Some of its use cases include a product review generator, Amazon product descriptions, personal bio, email subject lines, cold emails, paragraph writing, Google Ad copy, Meta descriptions, blog outlines, blog conclusion, and more.

Key Features: 

  • Projects: You can organize your content under Projects, which will group similar types of content so that you have an easier time finding and repurposing the content.


  • Output personalization: You can like or dislike the output so that the AI behind it can learn your preferences and improve its performance.

Personalizing output


  • If you invite your friends to use, join our community, write them a review, and schedule a training call, they’ll reward you with more word credits.
  • You can create teams, projects, and workspaces.
  • You can filter out unwanted results with annotations.


  • One seat is expensive, and the price increases with each added seat.


It starts at $35/month for one user, 50K words, 40+ use cases, unlimited projects, customer support, and more.

7. Anyword 

Anyword is a copywriting AI that creates content tailored for your customers and target audiences. 

It has a unique feature – the predictive performance score to predict how well your copy will perform and engage with your audience. This helps you write optimized texts that boost your conversions.

It has 11 major use cases, including a social post generator, Instagram caption generator, sentence rewriter, AI writer tool, meta description generator, Ad copy, landing page, blog, and more. 

Generating Facebook Post

Although it can create blog post titles and outlines, it’s better suited for writing short-form content like ad copy, product descriptions, and headlines. When writing a blog post, it can generate the title, outline, and introduction before creating body paragraphs.

Key Features: 

  • Predictive Performance Score: This score is given to your copy based on its potential to perform well with your target audience. This can help you immediately improve your copy.

Predictive Performance Score

  • Website Triggered Messages: This feature helps you create and deploy multiple copy variations on your website and apply the best one automatically.


  • It offers a predictive performance score to optimize your copy beforehand.
  • It also offers a free social post generator. No sign-up is required.
  • It automatically creates and runs multiple copy variations to determine the best one.
  • A Freemium plan is available.


  • Limited use cases.
  • A bit expensive for the credits and the number of use cases it offers.


It costs $24/month for 20K words and one seat.

8. Scalenut 

Scalenut uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce content that ranks higher on search results. It also gives insights into statistics such as word count, grade level, H tags, readability, and the number of images you should use in your content piece. 

Aside from that, it offers a variety of use cases, including SEO Hub, AI Copywriter, Talent Network, Chrome Extension, Cruise Mode, and more. With these features, you can create content for blog ideas, product descriptions, website copies, blog intros, and more.

Key Features: 

  • Integrations: You can integrate Scalenut with SEMrush for keyword research, cluster boost, and Copyscape to check plagiarism.

App integrations

  • Cruise Mode: Cruise Mode helps you create blog content in 5 minutes. You just need to provide your blog post’s title, outline, and main points to get your intended content. You’ll also get a real-time quality score that helps you improve your search ranking.


  • It offers a quality score.
  • Affordable plans with a 7-day free trial.
  • 24*7 chat & email support.


  • Limited use cases and features.
  • Content quality is not consistent for all businesses.


It starts at $12/month for 100K AI words, 5 SEO reports, 24*7 chat and email support, and more.

9. is an all-in-one AI writing tool that helps you, research competitors, develop content briefs, and produce and optimize content.

First, you’ll analyze your search competitors using Frase so you can see what your competition is writing about. Next, you can focus on Then, your overall outline or dig deeper by focusing on individual headlines, external links, statistics, etc. 

Next, use Frase’s AI writer to finish your draft. You can choose from dozens of use cases to generate content, including product descriptions, blog introductions, and more. You can even automatically expand on what you’re currently writing or rewrite what you’ve already written. 

Finally, you can optimize your draft using recommended keywords and readability scores. Again, Frase provides real-time feedback as you fill in the gaps. 

Key Features: 

  • AI Writing Tools: They include an AI content generator, introduction generator, outline generator, paraphrasing tool, paragraph rewriter, blog title generator, meta description generator, product description generator, slogan generator, summary generator, sentence rewriter, and more. 

Blog introduction generator

  • Content Analytics: It fetches data from Google Search Console to provide insights into organic growth, content decay, and keyword opportunities.

Frase Content Analytics

  • Integrations: It integrates with Google Docs, Google Search Console, and WordPress. It also offers a Chrome extension.

Frase Integrations


  • You can add multiple pages in a single doc.
  • It offers content analytics, allowing you to see which articles are getting the most traction and which ones are not.
  • It enables you to do competitors’ research.


  • Limited word credits in each plan.
  • Max 3 seats available.


It starts at $14.99/month for one user, 20K AI characters, and four articles (write/optimize) per month. There’s also a 5-day free trial for $1. 

10. Surfer SEO 

Surfer SEO is an SEO tool and AI writing assistance that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to help you manage and improve your content strategy.

Rather than creating the body of your copy, it helps you create outlines and optimize the content you write based on that outline. 

It helps you to evaluate your content and find places to improve it using its content score metric, competitor research, SERP analyzer, and keyword recommendations. It also offers a content planner that you can share with your team. 

Key Features: 

  • Outline Builder for Content Editor: The tool generates headlines and paragraphs based on your competitors’ postings. You can use that content as is or edit it by copy-pasting it into the editor. Content paragraphs are available in English, German, French, Polish, Swedish, and Dutch.

Outline Builder Content Builder

  • SEO Audit Tool: This tool performs step-by-step optimization on your website to improve your Google search results. When you pick an URL to audit, it provides suggestions such as missing backlinks, internal links, word count, and important keywords to use.

Terms to use

  • Content Planner: You can start with your content planner by keyword or domain. Based on your keywords, it comes up with clusters that you can use to create your content topics.

    However, there is a learning curve involved. You will need to understand topic clusters, search intent, and keyword difficulty, among other metrics.

Content Planner


  • Easy to use interface.
  • They offer a 7-day money-back guarantee – if you don’t find it helpful, you get your money back.
  • It identifies keyword stuffing and prevents you from doing so.


  • Each plan offers a limited number of pages that you can audit.


It starts at $49/month for one website tracking and ten articles/month.

11. Copysmith 

Copysmith markets itself as an AI content creation solution for teams. 

This AI writer is best suited for bulk and short-form content copy like product descriptions, blog templates, social media content, advertising content, and more.

Key Features: 

  • Use cases: It includes product descriptions, content enhancement, ads & social media, blog templates, and brainstorming. With Product descriptions, you can generate descriptions for eCommerce Products, Instagram, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Flipkart. Blog templates include blog titles, blog ideas, outlines, intro, Kickstarter, and more.

Product Description

  • Campaign Builder: It includes several AI templates to help you generate SEO-optimized product descriptions, Facebook posts, and Google ads in just a few seconds. 
  • Integrations: Copysmith integrates with Frase to use SEO data, Google Ads to publish campaigns, Microsoft Word to produce content, and WooCommerce for products.


  • It’s easy to use and generates SEO-optimized content.
  • It comes with an in-built plagiarism checker.
  • Provides good training material for new users.


  • Not suitable for long-form content. 


It starts at $19/month for 75 credits, up to 40K words, and up to 20 plagiarism checks.

12. ClosersCopy  

ClosersCopy is an AI writing robot that provides various templates for producing marketing materials, including website content, sales copy, email marketing campaigns, and social media posts. This tool doesn’t require any special skills or training to create engaging text.

Key Features: 

  • Use cases: It includes Facebook & Google Ads, email subject lines, landing pages, sales copies, social media content, and more.
  • LongForm editor: You can create blog posts, articles, sales copies, and email marketing copies.
  • Drag-and-drop builders: The drag-and-drop content builder makes your tasks more manageable by allowing you to drag and drop elements on your copy. The only thing you need to do is provide some context at the time of configuring this builder.


  • Its user interface is easy to use and navigate.
  • You can easily create content with their drag-and-drop builder.
  • The video tutorials provide in-depth, step-by-step instructions for each process.
  • Tone analysis helps you understand the emotions in your writing.


  • No free plan or trial period is available.
  • More expensive than most other AI tools.


It starts at $49.99/month for two seats, 300 AI runs, 50 SEO Audits, an SEO planner, Email support, and more.

13. LongShot AI

LongShot AI is another writing tool that can help you write SEO-friendly content. It comes with over 30 use cases and a plagiarism checker to ensure your content is original. 

While most of its use cases are for short-form content, you can use templates like the content expander, write more, or bullets to text generator to assist you with your long-form piece. 

Key Features: 

  • Use Cases: It includes content rephrasing, FAQ generator, headline generator, blog ideas generator, meta description generator, text extender, blog insights creator, headline intro generator, product description generator, FAB copywriting framework generator, content readability improver, sales email generator, video description generator, and more.

Headline Generator

  • Integrations: It integrates with WordPress to enable you to export AI-generated copies directly to WordPress. Its integration with SEMrush will help you write SEO-friendly content. Apart from these, LongShot AI will also provide integration with Hubspot and Grammarly soon.

LongShot X SEMrush

  • LongShot AI Community: The LongShot AI Community is a group of researchers and developers working on open artificial intelligence problems. Anyone can join and contribute to the research.


  • The free forever plan offers ten credits daily.
  • Community is a big help for new users.
  • It gives you multiple ways to know more about the product, including blog posts, help videos, customer support, and announcements.


  • Aside from the free plan, it’s costly, especially considering the limited number of use cases and credits.
  • Doesn’t have use cases for social media content.
  • Supports only eight languages.


It starts at $49/month for 1000 monthly credits, one user, basic integrations, and more.

14. INK Editor

Inky is a suite of content marketing tools that include AI-powered tools: AI Writer, SEO Optimizer, Copy Assistant, and Content Planner. These features can be used individually or collectively, and the price will be adjusted accordingly.

The AI Writer offers unlimited credits and helps you write long-form and short-form content. In addition, you can re-edit the generated copy with a single click as often as you want. The tool also offers WordPress plugin integration and open-source export API.

In addition, you get access to use cases like product descriptions, social media copies, sales copies, blogs, essays, emails, microcopies, product ideas, and more.

AI Writing Tools

Key Features: 

  • SEO Optimizer: INK’s SEO Optimizer is a natural language optimization tool that can improve your SEO score and increase engagement by providing recommendations on keywords, titles, alt text, and the like. Enter a keyword or phrase, and the INK SEO Optimizer will do the rest.

SEO Optimization Score

  • Content Planner: The INK Content Planner helps you group keywords and analyze search intent. You can also import your keywords and download your clusters for further analysis.
  • Copy Assistant: A built-in grammar checker automatically checks your grammar and spelling. It also checks words, tone, and sentence fragments.


  • Easy to use.
  • You can use it as an all-in-one content marketing tool. 
  • Offers unlimited AI text writing even on a free plan.
  • Offers keyword clusters to optimize your SEO strategy.


  • The paid plan is relatively costly for one seat.


It starts at $50/month for one seat, INK Copy Assistant PRO, INK AI Writer PRO, INK SEO Optimizer PRO, and INK Content Planner PRO with 1,000 Keywords.

15. Articoolo

Articoolo is an AI content generator developed by a group of mathematicians, computer scientists, content writers, and marketing specialists. Thanks to NLP and AI technology, the tool drafts articles in a way that mimics the human brain.

Key Features: 

  • Use Cases: It includes Text Writer, Article Rewriter, Article Summarizer, and Image Scraper. Based on your keyword, Articoolo will also fetch images from royalty-free websites.
  • WordPress Plugin: This will help you export your copies directly to WordPress so you can post faster.
  • Plagiarism Checker: All you have to do is enter your text into the program, and it will scan for instances of plagiarism.


  • It has pay-per-use plans.


  • There’s no official website.
  • Customer support is missing the mark.
  • Not much information about the tool online.


It starts at $19/month for a ten-article fixed package.

16. NeuralText

NeuralText is a writing tool that offers users keyword reports and cluster credits. It also has an API for developers looking to integrate its services into other programs.

Some of its most prominent use cases include a paragraph generator, content outline, and product description – making it a short-form content-centric tool. 

The best part is that it not only creates content but also creates content briefs and optimizes the content based on keywords and SERP analysis.

Key Features: 

  • AI Writing Assistant: This tool will help you produce text in any format. It also provides text recommendations while you write.

AI Writing Assistant

  • Content Optimization: NeuralText can help make your content more search engine-friendly and improve its score in Google’s search results. It analyzes your word choice and sentence structure to ensure your content is easy to scan and relevant to your topic.

Content Score

  • Content research analysis: It makes content research and studies more accessible, allowing you to see real-time data across SERPs. It also has a Google Docs-style editor, making managing your data points and keeping track of your research effortless.

Content research analysis


  • Free plan available.
  • Offers keyword clusters.
  • You can group content into different projects.


  • The community is not active.
  • A bit on the expensive side. 


It starts at $49/month for one user, unlimited AI text generation, 50 content analyses, and 50 keyword reports.

17. AI Writer

AI Writer helps you create unique, SEO-friendly content that you can publish directly to WordPress. In addition, it offers features like research & write, text rewording, verifiable citations, and source summarizer.

Key Features: 

  • AI-Writer Content Kit: AI Writer uses artificial intelligence to analyze keyword difficulty and ranking opportunities based on the field you enter. It chooses up to 250 keywords and generates one article per keyword, which can be directly published to WordPress.
  • (Sub)Topic Discoverer: It checks to see what other writers have written about and then uses that information to create new topics for you.
  • Verifiable Citations: When it produces content for you, it also provides a list of citations so that you can check the accuracy of the information.


  • It offers a free trial for seven days.
  • One of the few AI writing tools to offer verifiable citations so you can confirm the accuracy of the content.


  • Not enough resources in the knowledge base for new users.
  • Fewer use cases.
  • Does not offer a free version.


It starts at $29/month for one user and up to 40 articles.

18. Wordtune

Wordtune makes your previously written content clearer, more compelling, and more authentic by bringing out the best.

Although this tool doesn’t write content from scratch, it makes your content look more professional. It also integrates with Microsoft Word, so you can edit your work while you write your content.

It provides tools to: 

  • Rewrite your content 
  • Make your content casual 
  • Make your content formal 
  • Shorten your sentences to make them crisp 
  • Expand your sentences to give more detail 

Key Features: 

  • Paragraph Rewriter: Wordtune can rewrite your paragraphs entirely at once, one sentence at a time, and one word at a time. See below for an example.

Paragraph Rewriter

  • Tone: You can alter how your content appears by making it more informal or formal. Here’s an example: 

Casual Tone


  • You can make the text longer or shorter.
  • It offers a casual and formal tone.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface. 


  • It doesn’t offer any other benefits besides rewriting.


It starts at $9.99/month for unlimited rewrites. 

19. ProWritingAid

Rather than a full-fledged artificial intelligence writer, ProWritingAid is a grammar checker and style editor that’s available online. It helps prevent spelling errors, suggests impactful words, and corrects grammar and punctuation.

It supports general English, British English, US English, Australian English, and Canadian English.

Key Features: 

  • Document type: You can choose from 35+ document types for your content. They include general academic abstract, academic essays, admission letters, book reviews, business books, and more.
  • Reports: ProWritingAid provides three types of reports: real-time reports, summary reports, and style reports.

    Real-time reports show errors and corrections as you write. Summary reports provide an overview of all reports. It contains a spelling score, grammar score, and style score. On the other hand, Style reports identify problems in writing style and readability.

Summary report


  • It offers 20+ reports to track your progress as you improve your writing.
  • There are no limits on the number of words you can use with premium plans.
  • Notifies of style changes and suggests corrections if needed.


  • Only available through the web browser. 


It starts at $20 per month or $120 per year (if you pay yearly). 

20. Article Forge

Once you provide with a keyword, article length, and other custom information, the program creates a 1500+ word article in seconds.

Your content will be checked for plagiarism and uniqueness before being delivered.

Key Features: 

  • Media-rich content: It can automatically find and insert relevant images, videos, titles, and links in your articles. To make it more relevant, ArticleForge also uses LSI keywords.

Creating an article

  • SEO Automation: It integrates with WordPress to automate your scheduling and posting of articles.

WordPress Integration

  • Interlinking: It can automatically turn URLs into links within your article. You can choose how often to do this for every keyword or just the first occurrence.
  • Languages: It can generate content in English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.


  • Produces SEO-optimized content.
  • Can schedule posts on WordPress automatically.
  • Plagiarism-free content.
  • Automatic keyword linking.


  • The content can be repetitive.
  • You need to check the accuracy of the content before publishing.


It starts at $13/month for 25K words and the rest of the features.

Frequently asked questions about AI writing software.

1. What is AI Writing Software?

AI writing software is an artificial intelligence program used to write text. It can generate content for websites, blogs, and other fields. The content created by AI writers is often indistinguishable from human-created content. Still, sometimes it has a slightly robotic feel or may include words or phrases that seem out of place in the context of the writing.

2. How does AI Writing Software work?

The software uses an algorithm to mimic the creative process of human writers. It first creates a base text that modifies by adding words and phrases specific to your content. This ensures that you get high-quality original content every time you use it.

3. Who can use AI Writing Software?

Anyone who needs to create texts for their business or website can benefit from using this software. It’s also an excellent option for freelance writers and content marketers facing writer’s block. As it’s easy and fast, even beginners can start using it immediately and see great results within minutes!

4. Can I use AI writers for everything I write?

No — AI writers are best suited for shorter pieces like headlines or product descriptions because they don’t have much time to learn about your company’s brand voice or personality. 

While there are tools to churn out long-form content, you still need the human touch for longer and more research-intensive pieces like blog posts or sales copy. AI algorithms still can’t pick up on nuances like a human can.

5. What are some of the benefits of using AI Writing Software?

There are many benefits to using AI writing software. The most obvious benefit is that you no longer need to spend time creating content yourself. The software will do it for you! 

Another benefit is that AI writing software allows you to create content in any niche or topic you desire. You can even target multiple niches at once! This makes it possible to scale your business quickly and easily by leveraging the power of automation while still keeping your hands on the work itself.

6. How much does it cost?

The pricing depends on the type of service you want to use. Some companies offer free trials or even freemium versions with limited credits so that you can test their services before making a purchase decision. Some companies offer lifetime discounts for repeat customers, so keep an eye out for those offers when making your choice!

7. What’s the difference between AI-powered and human-written content?

While humans are still required for high-quality content creation, AI makes scaling up your content marketing efforts easier. By automating much of the writing process – from keyword research to formatting – AI can help you create more content at a lower cost per article. In addition, this frees your team members to focus on other tasks that require their expertise (like outreach) or simply spend more time enjoying their lives!

8. What is the best AI Writer?

The best AI writer depends on what you want it to do and how much you want to spend. If you’re going to write books or articles, many different programs can help you with this task. Our top pick for long-form would be Jasper

On the other hand, if you only need help with short-form content such as blog posts or press releases, there may not be any need for an AI writer because these documents don’t require as much work or effort from the user. In that case, you might want to use tools like, Rytr, and more. 

9. Can I use AI Writing Software to replace my human writers?

No, AI writing software isn’t meant to replace human writers. It’s designed to work alongside them, helping them create more engaging and relevant content for their audiences. You’ll still need human writers who can add style and personality to your content.

Over to You! 

Do you find writing to be an exhausting activity? If yes, you would want to try one of the AI Writing Software tools we suggested above. These are some of the best AI writing tools specially developed to boost creativity, motivation, and productivity.

There’s room for experimentation with AI-generated content as long as you can recognize where specific tools are lacking and how to incorporate that into your work. Ultimately, the future of AI writing assistant software will mean ever-more versatile tools for writers, so don’t be shy about testing the waters.


Featured image by pch.vector on Freepik.


The post 20 Best AI Writing Apps first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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This article will demonstrate the heterogeneous systems integration and building of the BI system and mainly talk about the DELTA load issues and how to overcome them. How can we compare the source table and target table when we cannot find a proper way to identify the changes in the source table using the SSIS ETL Tool?

Systems Used

  • SAP S/4HANA is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software package meant to cover all day-to-day processes of an enterprise, e.g., order-to-cash, procure-to-pay, finance & controlling request-to-service, and core capabilities. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational database that combines OLAP and OLTP operations into a single system.
  • SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) Replication is a trigger-based data replication method in the HANA system. It is a perfect solution for replicating real-time data or schedule-based replication from SAP and non-SAP sources.
  • Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) database engine that handles most of the management functions offered by the database, including backups, patching, upgrading, and monitoring, with minimal user involvement.
  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and transformation solutions. SSIS is used to integrate and establish the pipeline for ETL and solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing, and mining data.
  • Power BI is an interactive data visualization software developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence.

Business Requirement

Let us first talk about the business requirements. We have more than 20 different Point-of-Sale (POS) data from other online retailers like Target, Walmart, Amazon, Macy’s, Kohl’s, JC Penney, etc. Apart from this, the primary business transactions will happen in SAP S/4HANA, and business users will require the BI reports for analysis purposes.

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Today, the cloud environment has been chosen by many business solutions as the major hosting environment for their applications. They can either choose Software-as-a-service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), or Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) different solution types to build up solutions to meet business requirements. However, storing business data in the Cloud environment will have a great challenge in exposing business data to the public. As the concerns data security issues, every Cloud platform vendor provides a different solution for data security. Understanding the similarity and differences in those solutions will help the business clients choose the proper solution for the business applications.  

This article will discuss the primary solution use cases and major differences in secret key management among the Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform for managing secret keys, certificates, and data encryptions.  Although a platform could provide a similar solution or indirect solution for a specific use case, it will still be compared as a difference as long as it is not a commonly used use case.

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