
API-First is an approach of defining your API specification before jumping into the development phase. With an API-first approach, instead of starting with code, you could start with design, planning, mocks, and tests.

By choosing an API-First approach, teams can crystallize their vision before development, removing the unnecessary complexity in implementation to deliver a resourceful, smart API that can no only keep R&D costs low, but has the ability to meet today’s modern IT landscape where a single operation to query several systems and components to get the job done. The specification is shared internally, as a general to-do list for the project teams to work on independently.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

In 2020, you can’t be a B2B company without having an API program. Whether your API is the product or APIs are leveraged to enable additional integrations and functionality for your web app.

Even though an SDK could seem simple in terms of lines of code, SDKs need to be reliable and handle scale with ease. A poorly designed SDK could cripple your customer’s infrastructure and reduce trust in your service. At Moesif, we put a lot of effort into creating SDKs that are both high performance while adding in fail-safes in case bad things happen. This article walks through some of those practices. Given Moesif is an API analytics service, some of these practices are specific to high-volume data collection. However, other features are applicable regardless of your SDK purpose.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

I am trying to develop a base API pricing formula for determining what my hard costs are for each API I’m publishing using Amazon RDS, EC2, and AWS API Gateway. I also have some APIs I am deploying using Amazon RDS, Lambda, and AWS API Gateway, but for now I want to get a default base for determining what operating my APIs will cost me, so I can mark up and reliably generate profit on top of the APIs I’m making available to my partners. AWS has all the data for me to figure out my hard costs, I just need a formula that helps me accurately determine what my AWS bill will be per API.

Math isn’t one of my strengths, so I’m going to have to break this down, and simmer on things for a while, before I will be able to come up with some sort of working formula. Here are my hard costs for what my AWS resources will cost me, for three APIs I have running currently in this stack:

Source de l’article sur DZONE