
Hyper implies web, and lambda implies function – Hence, Hyperlambda translates into "web functions", and this is a fairly accurate description. However, hyper also implies "super fast", and by super fast here, I mean super fast! 1 minute and 45 seconds was what I needed to create CRUD endpoints wrapping my database table, manually creating my endpoints in the following video, while explaining how I did it simultaneously.

According to modern studies in the subject, the number of lines of code your project consists of, is directly proportional to the amount of energy and resources you’ll need to spend maintaining it. Hence, the fewer lines of code, the fewer resources are required to maintain it. In the video above, I copy and paste 50 lines of code, and I end up with 4 HTTP REST CRUD endpoints. Comparing this to C# is arguably unfair. Simply the boiler plate code for my Controller, would probably end up exceeding this number. You can find my code for all endpoints below.

Source de l’article sur DZONE