
Augmenter la sécurité AD avec MFA en local.

Augmenter la sécurité des réseaux locaux avec l’authentification à deux facteurs (MFA) est une solution efficace pour protéger les données sensibles. Découvrez comment mettre en place cette solution sur votre Active Directory !

Dans l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui, le pilier de l’infrastructure informatique de toute organisation est son annuaire Active Directory (AD). Ce service d’annuaire centralisé gère l’authentification et l’autorisation, ce qui le rend essentiel pour protéger les données sensibles et maintenir l’intégrité du système.

To further enhance security, organizations are increasingly turning to database security best practices. This includes implementing robust access control measures, encrypting data, and regularly auditing and monitoring databases for suspicious activity.

Dans l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui, le pilier de l’infrastructure informatique de toute organisation est son Active Directory (AD). Ce service de répertoire centralisé gère l’authentification et l’autorisation, ce qui est essentiel pour protéger les données sensibles et maintenir l’intégrité du système.

Cependant, à mesure que le paysage technologique évolue, les méthodes employées par les cybercriminels pour contourner les mesures de sécurité évoluent également. C’est là que l’authentification à facteurs multiples (MFA) entre en jeu, se présentant comme une défense redoutable contre l’accès non autorisé et les violations de données.

Pour renforcer davantage la sécurité, les organisations se tournent de plus en plus vers les meilleures pratiques de sécurité des bases de données. Cela inclut la mise en œuvre de mesures de contrôle d’accès robustes, le chiffrement des données et l’audit et le suivi réguliers des bases de données pour détecter toute activité suspecte.

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Sécurité des API : pourquoi c'est un sujet d'actualité ?

La sécurité des API est un sujet d’actualité de plus en plus important. La protection des données et des systèmes est essentielle pour garantir la confidentialité et la sécurité des utilisateurs.

Préparation pour Black Hat 2023, il semble que la sécurité API sera un problème clé. Voici ce que vous devez savoir. Qu’est-ce qu’une API?

API security is a critical issue for any organization that uses APIs to connect applications and databases. APIs are the gateways through which applications and databases communicate, and if they are not properly secured, malicious actors can gain access to sensitive data.

API security is a complex issue, and there are many different approaches to securing APIs. Here are some of the most important steps you can take to ensure your API is secure:

1. Authenticate users: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user before allowing them to access an application or database. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as username/password combinations, two-factor authentication, or biometric authentication.

2. Implement authorization: Authorization is the process of granting access to specific resources or functions within an application or database. This can be done by assigning roles and permissions to users, or by using access control lists (ACLs).

3. Encrypt data: Encryption is the process of transforming data into a form that is unreadable to anyone except those with the correct decryption key. This ensures that even if malicious actors gain access to the data, they will not be able to read it.

4. Monitor activity: Monitoring is the process of tracking user activity within an application or database. This can be done using log files, audit trails, or other tools. Monitoring allows you to detect suspicious activity and take action before any damage is done.

5. Test regularly: Testing is the process of verifying that an application or database is functioning correctly. This can be done using automated testing tools, manual testing, or both. Regular testing helps ensure that any vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before they can be exploited.

Préparation pour Black Hat 2023, il semble que la sécurité des API sera un point clé. Voici ce que vous devez savoir.

Qu’est-ce qu’une API ?

Une API, ou interface de programmation d’application, est un ensemble de définitions et de protocoles pour construire et intégrer des logiciels d’application. Une API définit comment deux morceaux de logiciel peuvent interagir l’un avec l’autre. Il spécifie les méthodes, fonctions et structures de données qui sont disponibles pour l’utilisation, ainsi que les règles pour la façon dont ces méthodes et fonctions peuvent être utilisées.

La sécurité des API est un problème critique pour toute organisation qui utilise des API pour connecter des applications et des bases de données. Les API sont les portes d’entrée par lesquelles les applications et les bases de données communiquent, et si elles ne sont pas correctement sécurisées, des acteurs malveillants peuvent accéder à des données sensibles.

La sécurité des API est un problème complexe, et il existe de nombreuses approches différentes pour sécuriser les API. Voici quelques-unes des étapes les plus importantes que vous pouvez prendre pour vous assurer que votre API est sécurisée :

1. Authentifier les utilisateurs : L’authentification est le processus de vérification de l’identité d’un utilisateur avant de lui permettre d’accéder à une application ou à une base de données. Cela peut être fait à l’aide d’une variété de méthodes, telles que des combinaisons nom d’utilisateur / mot de passe, une authentification à deux facteurs ou une authentification biométrique.

2. Mettre en œuvre l’autorisation : L’autorisation est le processus d’octroi d’accès à des ressources ou des fonctions spécifiques dans une application ou une base de données. Cela peut être fait en attribuant des rôles et des autorisations aux utilisateurs ou en utilisant des listes de contrôle d’accès (ACL).

3. Chiffrer les données : Le chiffrement

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The year’s winding down as everyone segues into a much-needed holiday R&R. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some awesome new tools and resources for website design projects.

Check them out, and hit the ground running in January. Here’s what’s new for designers this holiday period. Enjoy!

Fancy Border Radius Generator

Fancy Border Radius Generator is a fun tool that allows you to create exciting shapes for elements. Use the included templates or create your own border shapes and then export the CSS/HTML for a variety of uses.


Pulsetic answers the question: “Is your website down?” Get website downtime alerts by phone call, SMS, email, or Slack. Create beautiful status pages and incident management reports and keep visitors (and your team) updated.

Ffflux SVG Generator

Ffflux SVG Generator makes it easy to generate fluid and organic-feeling gradients. You can use the resulting graphics as backgrounds to elements on a page to give a colorful fluid look to page elements. Choose colors and styles, then save or copy your SVG for use.


Fable is a web-based motion design platform to help you tell moving stories. It’s designed to be easy enough for beginners to use but has tools that even the most experienced motion designers can appreciate. This is a premium tool, but you can try it free.

Modern Fluid Typography Editor

Modern Fluid Typography Editor takes the guesswork out of sizing and scale for type sizes on different screens. Set a few preferences and see ranges your type styles should fall in. This typography calculator is visual and easy to use.

Emoji to Scale

Emoji to Scale is a fun look at emojis in a real-world relationship to each other. Make sure to also note the Pokemon to Scale project, which is just as much fun.

Page Flip Text Effect

Page Flip Text Effect is a fun and straightforward PSD asset that adds a nice element to design projects. Everyone can use some fun, colorful animation, right?


Nanonets is a practical tool for automated table extraction. You can snag tables from PDFs, scanned files, and images. Then capture relevant data stored in tabular structures on any document and convert to JSON Excel, or CSV and download. shows browser name and version, matched with a list of the browsers you support as a company or project. It’s a visual reminder to update if you are working with some browser lag. It’s a free tool and includes a frontend API.


UKO UI is a Figma dashboard and design system bundle packed with components and pages to build from. It’s free for personal use.

Floating UI

Floating UI is a low-level library for positioning “floating” elements like tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more. Since these types of elements float on top of the UI without disrupting the flow of content, challenges arise when positioning them. It exposes primitives, which enable a floating element to be positioned next to a given reference element while appearing in view for the user.


Style-Dictionary-Play lets you experiment with a style dictionary in your browser with a live preview and mobile and desktop views. It’s an open-source tool and allows for URL project sharing, and you can use it without logging in or signing up.

Airplane Runbooks

Airplane Runbooks makes it easy to turn small amounts of code into complex internal workflows. Model onboarding flows, admin operations, cron-like schedules, and more and share with your team. It’s like Zapier but for first-party operations that touch prod data.


Shoelace is a forward-thinking library of web components that works with any framework. It’s fully customizable – and has a dark mode. It’s built with accessibility in mind, and the open-source tool is packed with components.

Tutorial: Coloring with Code

Coloring with Code is an excellent tutorial by the team at Codrops that will help you create beautiful, inspiring, and unique color palettes/combinations, all from the comfort of your favorite text editor. It’s practical and easy to follow along as you work through the steps on your own.


Stytch is a full-stack authentication and authorization platform whose APIs make it simple to seamlessly onboard, authenticate and engage users. Improve security and user experience by going passwordless with this premium tool.


Highlight keeps web apps stable. With pixel-perfect session replay, you’ll get complete visibility into issues and interactions that are slowing down users. You can start using this premium tool in minutes, and it works on every framework.


The post Exciting New Tools For Designers, Holidays 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Gloo Edge is our Kubernetes native API gateway based on Envoy.

It provides Authentication (OAuth, JWT, API keys, JWT, …), Authorization (OPA, custom, …), Web Application Firewall (based on ModSecurity), function discovery (OpenAPI based, Lambda, …), advanced transformations, and much more.

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RingCentral APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authorization. But which grant flow is the best practice for client-side apps, such as desktop, mobile app, and web (Single Page Apps)? The answer to that is authorization code with Proof Key for Code Exchange. In this article, I will introduce and show you how to implement authorization code with PKCE flow in Single Page Apps.

Useful Links

  1. RingCentral APIs reference: Authorization in RingCentral APIs.
  2. IETF link: Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients.

Authorization Code and Implicit Grant Flow

Authorization Code Grant Flow

We can get the full steps of authorization code grant flow in the following diagram. A third-party app will need the RingCentral client ID and client secret to exchange and refresh the access token. The third-party app will stay authorized if it refreshes the RingCentral access token before the refresh token has expired, and will get a new refresh token and access token when it refreshes.

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This week, we take a look at the security issues in cheap video doorbells and security cameras, as well as tutorials and webinars on protecting APIs running in Kubernetes, JSON web tokens (JWT), and web and API authentication and authorization.

Oh, and we also have a link to DZone community awards where you can vote for this newsletter!

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HUAWEI Account Kit offers very simple, quick, and secure sign-in and authorization functionalities which help developers to implement hassle-free and quick sign-in functionalities for applications.

HUAWEI Account Kit offers services on different parameters as

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This is the final part of our Kubernetes logging series. In case you missed part 1, you can find it here. In this tutorial, we will learn about configuring Filebeat to run as a DaemonSet in our Kubernetes cluster in order to ship logs to the Elasticsearch backend. We are using Filebeat instead of FluentD or FluentBit because it is an extremely lightweight utility and has a first-class support for Kubernetes. It is best for production-level setups.

Deployment Architecture

Filebeat will run as a DaemonSet in our Kubernetes cluster. It will be:

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Recently I was looking for a way to implement access control for microservices. I needed a solution that would allow defining complex authorization rules that could be enforced across many services. After searching the web, I discovered a very promising Open Policy Agent project that seems to be the right tool for the job. In this series of three blog posts, I am going to introduce Open Policy Agent to you and highlight how it can help you.

What Is Open Policy Agent?

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a policy engine that can be used to implement fine-grained access control for your application. For example, you can use OPA to implement authorization across microservices. However, there is much more that can be accomplished with OPA.

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