
Traitement de flux supérieur : l'impact d'Apache Flink sur l'architecture Data Lakehouse.

Le traitement de flux supérieur est une technologie qui offre de nombreux avantages aux entreprises. Apache Flink est l’un des principaux outils pour exploiter pleinement les avantages de l’architecture Data Lakehouse.

« Explorer le Paradigme du Data Lakehouse: Une Solution Prometteuse pour les Décisions Basées sur les Données »

Dans l’ère de la prise de décision basée sur les données, le paradigme du Data Lakehouse est apparu comme une solution prometteuse, réunissant le meilleur des data lakes et des data warehouses. En combinant la scalabilité des data lakes avec les fonctionnalités de gestion des données des entrepôts, les Data Lakehouses offrent une infrastructure de données hautement scalable, agile et rentable. Ils fournissent un support robuste pour les charges de travail analytiques et opérationnelles, permettant aux organisations d’extraire plus de valeur de leurs données.

Dans nos articles précédents, nous avons exploré en profondeur le concept des Data Lakehouses. Data Lakehouses: The Future of Scalable, Agile, and Cost-Effective Data Infrastructure a posé les bases en mettant en évidence les principaux avantages commerciaux des lakehouses. A New Era of Data Analytics: Exploring the Innovative World of Data Lakehouse Architectures a examiné de plus près les aspects architecturaux des lakehouses, tandis que Delta, Hudi et Iceberg: The Data Lakehouse Trifecta se sont concentrés sur les trois principales solutions lakehouse: Delta Lake, Hudi et Iceberg.

Afin de mieux comprendre comment le Data Lakehouse peut être mis en œuvre dans un environnement d’entreprise, nous allons maintenant examiner le processus de testing. Le testing est un élément essentiel du développement logiciel et est également très important pour l’implémentation réussie des Data Lakehouses. Le processus de testing permet aux organisations de s’assurer que leurs systèmes sont conformes aux exigences et aux spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques. Il permet également de vérifier que le système est prêt à être mis en production et qu’il fonctionne correctement.

Le testing des Data Lakehouses peut être divisé en trois étapes principales : la vérification des fonctionnalités, la validation des performances et la validation des données. La vérification des fonctionnalités consiste à vérifier que toutes les fonctionnalités du système sont correctement implémentées et qu’elles répondent aux exigences et aux spécifications fonctionnelles. La validation des performances consiste à vérifier que le système est capable de gérer le volume et la variété des données et qu’il est capable de fournir les résultats attendus dans les délais impartis. Enfin, la validation des données consiste à vérifier que les données sont correctement stockées et accessibles dans le système.

Le processus de testing des Data Lakehouses est essentiel pour s’assurer que le système est conforme aux exigences et qu’il fonctionne correctement. Il permet aux organisations d’identifier et de résoudre rapidement tout problème avant la mise en production, ce qui permet d’améliorer la qualité du système et d’accroître sa fiabilité. En outre, le testing permet aux organisations de s’assurer que leurs systèmes sont prêts à être mis en production et qu’ils sont capables de fournir les résultats attendus.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Diageo, Maersk, Versuni et Fitcoin choisissent les innovations clés en main de SAP pour révolutionner leur business model et accélérer la transformation.

SAPPHIRE Barcelone — Mercredi 24 mai 2023 – Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion du salon SAP SAPPHIRE à Barcelone, en Espagne, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a dévoilé une série de partenariats stratégiques avec des entreprises internationales illustrant la manière dont SAP transforme leurs modèles d’entreprise, améliore la qualité de l’expérience client, crée les fondations pour l’innovation et la croissance, et promeut positivement le bien-être physique et mental grâce au lancement d’une plateforme de bien-être en entreprise.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé des annonces.


Diageo réalise son plus gros investissement technologique pour standardiser ses pratiques dans le monde entier 

Diageo, producteur de Guinness, Smirnoff et Johnnie Walker, s’est associé à SAP et IBM Consulting dans le cadre d’un programme de plusieurs millions de dollars. Cela constitue le plus gros investissement de Diageo dans sa technologie et ses services à ce jour.

Le programme pluriannuel aidera Diageo à :

  • Améliorer l’interaction entre les clients et les fournisseurs, grâce à la mise en œuvre de solutions d’automatisation et de flux de travail avancés.
  • Transférer l’organisation mondiale vers une plateforme opérationnelle unique, en améliorant l’efficacité de l’architecture informatique et de son modèle de soutien technologique.
  • Transformer les rapports de performance, afin d’obtenir une meilleure vision pour maximiser les opportunités commerciales.
  • Poursuivre la numérisation de son environnement de contrôle et de conformité, afin de rendre l’entreprise plus robuste et plus résistante.
  • Adopter des modes de fonctionnement standardisés permettant une plus grande agilité et une plus grande flexibilité dans la manière dont Diageo répond aux tendances émergentes du marché.


Diageo mettra en oeuvre le nouveau modèle basé sur le cloud, RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, dans 180 pays, en veillant à ce que son infrastructure informatique soit simplifiée et prise en charge de manière unifiée.

Ce programme de transformation positionnera Diageo à la pointe des prestations de services clients et améliorera sa résilience dans un contexte où les attentes des consommateurs mutent et où le contexte économique est en évolution constante, créant les bases d’une entreprise prête à faire face aux défis d’avenir. Cet effort de normalisation et d’automatisation permettra à Diageo de suivre les commandes de ses clients en temps réel à l’échelle mondiale, et d’identifier de nouvelles opportunités commerciales dans les secteurs on trade et off trade.

IBM Consulting, partenaire de longue date de SAP et de Diageo, a été sélectionné pour diriger la mise en œuvre de RISE avec SAP S/4HANA Cloud.


Maersk utilise SAP Business Technology Platform pour accélérer sa transformation stratégique

La plus grande société de transport maritime par conteneurs au monde a réalisé des progrès significatifs dans sa transformation numérique en utilisant SAP Business Technology Platform pour accélérer son orientation stratégique ainsi que pour automatiser, accroître l’efficacité et la facilité d’utilisation des processus de gestion.

Avec un large éventail de domaines d’activité, notamment le transport maritime par conteneurs, les terminaux portuaires, la logistique et la chaîne d’approvisionnement, Maersk, dont le siège est au Danemark, exploite plus de 700 navires et couvre environ 343 ports dans plus de 100 pays à travers le monde. D’un point de vue stratégique, Maersk est en train de passer du statut de compagnie maritime à celui de fournisseur de chaîne d’approvisionnement de bout en bout.

Concrètement, Maersk a utilisé SAP BTP pour développer et mettre en œuvre des applications et des solutions dans des domaines tels que :

  • Gestion du crédit client : Auparavant, le processus comportait beaucoup d’activités manuelles, ce qui pouvait entraîner des erreurs et des retards. Désormais, Maersk utilise SAP BTP pour automatiser et personnaliser son processus de gestion du crédit client.
  • Rapprochement des comptes fournisseurs : Maersk a utilisé la plateforme d’automatisation de SAP BTP et l’automatisation intelligente des processus robotiques (SAP iRPA) pour effectuer des actions automatisées telles que l’analyse des courriels et l’extraction des pièces jointes, la conversion des données non structurées en données structurées et l’intégration d’une logique de validation dans les procédures au sein de la plateforme SAP BTP, réduisant ainsi les processus manuels dans les centres de services partagés de Maersk.
  • Garanties de trésorerie : Auparavant, ce processus nécessitait beaucoup de papier et pouvait entraîner des problèmes de qualité des données, ce qui entraînait des retards. Désormais, grâce à SAP BTP, Maersk a automatisé le processus et créé deux rôles spécifiques : le demandeur de garantie bancaire et l’approbateur. La solution comprend également l’intégration avec des banques externes.
  • Libération du fret par le client : Maersk a également des clients qui sont des clients de fret, c’est-à-dire qu’ils paient avant que le fret ne soit libéré. Cela nécessite un processus très délicat pour s’assurer que le paiement ait été reçu avant que la cargaison ne soit libérée. Le processus est déclenché par plusieurs systèmes back-end. Grâce à l’IA intégrée et à l’automatisation des processus dans SAP BTP, le paiement est associé à la facture, au document de transport et aux opérations de dédouanement du conteneur. Maersk a créé un quota de confiance IA qui autorise automatiquement si tout est correct à 100 %.
  • Planification et analyse : L’ensemble de la finance, de la planification et de l’analyse de Maersk est en train d’être transféré vers SAP Analytics Cloud. Cela permet à Maersk de fournir une planification et une analyse financières de bout en bout, y compris la budgétisation et les prévisions.


Versuni crée une base solide pour l’innovation et la croissance avec SAP et TCS

Versuni, qui regroupe les marques d’appareils électroménagers les plus renommées au monde, s’est engagé dans la refonte de son architecture technologique en 18 mois. Avec RISE with SAP et Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) comme partenaire stratégique, Versuni a migré vers un environnement SAP complet dans 55 pays et dans les temps impartis, et ce, avec SAP S/4HANA comme base pour l’innovation et la croissance.

Versuni a été confronté à un défi de taille. En l’espace de 18 mois seulement, il fallait créer une base solide – un “minimum viable product” – pour les opérations et la croissance de l’entreprise. Pour y parvenir, Versuni a lancé le programme Exuviate. Il s’agit d’une référence au processus par lequel les animaux tels que les insectes, les reptiles et certains mammifères se débarrassent de leur vieille peau ou coquille trop étroite pour les laisser se développer. Le programme était basé sur les principes “SAP, unless” et “cloud, unless”, et utilisait RISE with SAP pour faire la transition vers l’ERP dans le cloud. L’objectif est de créer une entreprise axée sur le numérique, qui stimule l’innovation et la croissance grâce à une prise de décision fondée sur les données.

Versuni, qui s’appuie sur SAP depuis plus de 30 ans en utilisant la suite d’applications de SAP, a bénéficié de processus intégrés de bout en bout, d’une gestion robuste des données et d’analyses avancées et d’intelligence artificielle. Ces composants sont essentiels pour stimuler l’innovation, l’efficacité opérationnelle et offrir de meilleures analyses.

Le plus grand défi consistait à établir les fondations nécessaires à la gestion et à l’expansion de l’entreprise dans un délai très serré de 18 mois. Versuni a remplacé ou supprimé tous les systèmes, de la messagerie électronique à la comptabilité, du marketing à la production et de la chaîne d’approvisionnement aux services de relation avec les clients. Il s’agissait du plus grand programme de ce type, où que ce soit et dans n’importe quel secteur d’activité.

Le programme comprenait la mise en œuvre de 40 nouveaux réseaux, le remplacement de 4 700 ordinateurs portables et de bureau, plus de 60 nouvelles applications dans le cloud, la migration de plus de 300 objets de données, la refonte de 400 rapports et de 3 500 processus. Versuni a réussi à passer à la SAP Best of Suite dans les délais impartis. Le 1er mai 2023, Versuni a mis en service ce nouvel environnement à l’échelle mondiale en une seule fois.


Fitcoin lance un projet pilote avec l’Université de Californie

Fitcoin a lancé une plateforme de bien-être développée sur la base de la technologie SAP qui permet de gagner une monnaie virtuelle en pratiquant une activité sportive. Cette monnaie est échangeable contre des récompenses destinées à améliorer la santé de ses usagers. La plateforme de bien-être  Fitcoin business, qui promeut positivement le bien-être physique et mental, démarre un projet pilote avec l’UC Davis, qui fait partie de l’université de Californie.

Le concept de Fitcoin est intelligent et innovant. Les utilisateurs épargnent une monnaie numérique (Fitcoins) via une application sur leur smartphone, accumulable en réalisant des exercices sportifs comme de la marche et du vélo. Les utilisateurs peuvent ensuite échanger les Fitcoins épargnés contre des récompenses saines qu’ils choisissent eux-mêmes dans le catalogue Fitcoin en ligne sur leur smartphone.


Christian Klein, PDG de SAP, conclut : “Partout dans le monde, la réussite de nos clients dépend de leur capacité à innover pour surmonter les bouleversements de marché, l’évolution des cadres réglementaires et les pénuries de compétences. Les partenariats que nous avons dévoilés à l’occasion de SAP SAPPHIRE illustrent le rôle que notre technologie révolutionnaire joue chaque jour pour aider nos clients à prospérer. Qu’il s’agisse d’automatisation axée sur la connaissance, de simplification de plateforme technologique, d’amélioration de l’expérience client ou de celle des employés, nous sommes là pour aider nos clients à relever les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés”.


Guide des actualités SAP SAPPHIRE 2023

Plus de détails sur les nouveautés, les lancements et les annonces dans le Sapphire News Guide.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter @SAPNews.


A propos de SAP en France

La stratégie de SAP est d’aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en « entreprise intelligente » et durable. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 87 % du commerce mondial total est généré par nos clients. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analyse avancée aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en « entreprises intelligentes ». SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration pour qu’ils puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services end-to-end permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde entier, de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Grâce à un réseau mondial de clients, de partenaires, d’employés et de leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.


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The post SAP présente une série de partenariats mondiaux avec des clients qui accélèrent la transformation appeared first on SAP France News.

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It is important to invest time and effort in understanding why a system performs the way it does and how we can improve it. Companies continue with practices that yield successful results but ignoring anti-patterns can be far worse than choosing rigid processes. In this article, we will explore anti-patterns in incident response and why you should unlearn those.

Common Anti-Patterns in Incident Response 

Just Get Everyone on the Call 

Alerting everyone each time an incident is detected is not the best of practices. Sometimes notifying everyone is easier or adds value. For example:

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Are you looking for a unique font that will make your next project shine? Or maybe you need a typeface with a beautiful design and rich history behind it. Luckily, mini-sites for fonts allow us to creatively explore a font’s origins and history. We know (from our own experience) how important it is for UI and UX designers to have a variety of fonts for our designs.

Now that 2022 is here, it’s time to expand our font collection. That’s why, after extensive research, we have created the ultimate list of the best 16 creative mini websites for fonts.

Are you ready to take a look at the most creative, cute, and fun font websites available on the market?

1. GT Eesti

This website is about the history of one of the most popular fonts on the market, GT Eesti. As you will notice, the typeface has a long history (more than 80 years) and was recently reborn in Switzerland.

As for the font, GT Eesti is a flexible geometric sans serif that can be used in almost any project. As one of the most creative websites for fonts, full of animations and interesting information, GT Eesti quickly made it onto our list.

2. Ultra Font

Are you looking for a font that combines calligraphy and elegance and sits between the sans and serif styles? 

Then GT Ultra is just what you need. We loved how the creator tells the story and structure of Ultra with beautiful animations on this unique, one-page website.

3. Maru Typeface

Maru is by far the cutest design on this list. The website is a vertical narrative of the typeface’s history. 

The typeface was inspired by the designer’s travels to Japan, and the mini-site fully reflects that. Best of all, Maru also includes a great collection of cute emojis and stickers.

4. GT Flexa

GT Flexa is a very flexible font that you can easily use for a responsive UI design. We enjoyed navigating through the minimalist mini-site and exploring the creation and history of Flexa. 

Flexa also offers a free trial that allows you to try the font before you buy.

5. Super

Super’s mini-site reminded us of earlier decades. GT Super is a vintage typeface inspired by the serif fonts of the 70s and 80s. 

Therefore, it can beautifully frame nostalgic designs. The font was designed by Noel Leu and is available in two styles (text and display).

6. GT Zirkon

GT Zircon is located in a place where creativity meets minimalism. This is one of our favorite mini-sites for fonts. 

The site showcases Zirkon’s history and design process through creative graphics, videos, and animations.

7. America Font 

This mini-site allows you to explore the history, style, and character overview of GT America, a contemporary font family. 

The designer has used elements from American Gothic and European Grotesque to create one of the most flexible typefaces available.

8. Alpina

Reto Moser recently designed one of the most popular GT typefaces, the Alpina “Workhorse” serif. 

This innovative, one-page website tells us the story of Alpina and explains how the designer jazzed up, posed, and flexed the classic book typography to create a wide range of typeface variations.

9. Cinetype

As the name suggests, this mini-site is inspired by classic cinematic movie reels. If you’re looking for a font inspired by the fascinating world of cinemas, Cinetype is simply the best choice. And on this creative website, you will learn all the reasons why.

10. Haptik Typeface

When it comes to monolinear geometric typefaces, Haptik is one of the best. This innovative mini-website tells how the Haptik font came to be and highlights the history of the font. 

The hand gesture gifs at the bottom of this one-page site are some of the most creative mini-videos we have seen in a long time.

11. Walsheim

Walsheim is a typeface designed by Noel Leu. This mini-site explains how the designer was inspired by the fascinating poster designs of Otto Baumberger, a successful Swiss painter of the 20th century (1889-1961). If you like fonts with a deep backstory, Walsheim is a must-have for you.

12. Prospectus

The Prospectus mini-site is specially designed to look like a newspaper. And let us say: the result is extraordinary. 

This one-page website explores the origins, construction phase, and classifieds of the Prospectus typeface, allowing us to experiment in real-time with the weight, height, tracking, and size of the typeface.

13. Mort Modern

Mort Modern is a unique serif typeface designed by Riley Cran in 2018. The mini-site provides information about the typeface in a creative, cartoon-like way. 

We really liked this responsive, one-page website because it is elegant and colorful at the same time. The font is available in 56 (!) styles and promises to beautifully frame any kind of modern design.

14. Tofino

The Tofino mini-site is a creative, one-page portal that allows us to discover one of the most adventurous Swiss-style fonts on the market. 

Tofino is a top choice for any travel-related project and comes in 75 unique styles. When it comes to creating a well-crafted report on a font, there’s nothing better than this.

15. Faction Typeface

We love websites that offer both a dark and light theme. And the Faction mini-site is one of them. 

In this mini-site, you’ll learn how the Faction typeface was created and why it’s one of the most popular display typefaces for modern designs.

16. Moriston

If you’re looking for a unique sans serif font with extended multilingual support, Moriston is the font for you. 

In this one-page mini-site, Riley Cran tells the story behind this typeface and explains why Moriston is the best choice for Risograph posters, monograms, and more. 


The post 16 Best Typeface Micro-Sites first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Ever since the Python programming language was born, its core philosophy has always been to maximize the readability and simplicity of code. In fact, the reach for readability and simplicity is so deep within Python’s root that, if you type import this in a Python console, it will recite a little poem:

    Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. The complex is better than complicated. The flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts…

Simple is better than complex. Readability counts. No doubt, Python has indeed been quite successful at achieving these goals: it is by far the most friendly language to learn, and an average Python program is often 5 to 10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code. Unfortunately, there is a catch: Python’s simplicity comes at the cost of reduced performance. In fact, it is almost never surprising for a Python program to be 10 to 100 times slower than its C++ counterpart. It thus appears that there is a perpetual trade-off between speed and simplicity, and no programming language shall ever possess both.
But, don’t you worry, all hope is not lost.

Taichi: Best of Both Worlds

The Taichi Programming Language is an attempt to extend the Python programming language with constructs that enable general-purpose, high-performance computing. It is seamlessly embedded in Python, yet can summon every ounce of computing power in a machine — the multi-core CPU, and more importantly, the GPU.
We’ll show an example program written using taichi. The program uses the GPU to run a real-time physical simulation of a piece of cloth falling onto a sphere and simultaneously renders the result.
Writing a real-time GPU physics simulator is rarely an easy task, but the Taichi source code behind this program is surprisingly simple. The remainder of this article will walk you through the entire implementation, so you can get a taste of the functionalities that taichi provides, and just how powerful and friendly they are.
Before we begin, take a guess of how many lines of code this program consists of. You will find the answer at the end of the article.

Algorithmic Overview

Our program will model the piece of cloth as a mass-spring system. More specifically, we will represent the piece of cloth as an N by N grid of point-masses, where adjacent points are linked by springs. The following image, provided by Matthew Fisher, illustrates this structure:
The motion of this mass-spring system is affected by 4 factors:
  • Gravity
  • Internal forces of the springs
  • Damping
  • Collision with the red ball in the middle
For the simplicity of this blog, we ignore the self-collisions of the cloth. Our program begins at the time t = 0. Then, at each step of the simulation, it advances time by a small constant dt. The program estimates what happens to the system in this small period of time by evaluating the effect of each of the 4 factors above, and updates the position and velocity of each mass point at the end of the timestep. The updated positions of mass points are then used to update the image rendered on the screen.

Getting Started

Although Taichi is a programming language in its own right, it exists in the form of a Python package and can be installed by simply running pip install taichi.
To start using Taichi in a python program, import it under the alias ti:
import taichi as ti
The performance of a Taichi program is maximized if your machine has a CUDA-enabled Nvidia GPU. If this is the case, add the following line of code after the import: ti.init(arch=ti.cuda)

If you don’t have a CUDA GPU, Taichi can still interact with your GPU via other graphics APIs, such as ti.metal, ti.vulkan, and ti.opengl. However, Taichi’s support for these APIs is not as complete as its CUDA support, so, for now, use the CPU backend: ti.init(arch=ti.cpu)And don’t worry, Taichi is blazing fast even if it only runs on the CPU. Having initialized Taichi, we can start declaring the data structures used to describe the mass-spring cloth. We add the following lines of code:



 N = 128 x = ti.Vector.field(3, float, (N, N)) v = ti.Vector.field(3, float, (N, N))

Source de l’article sur DZONE

If you’re looking for a WordPress theme for your 2022 projects, it never hurts to see what the experts consider to be the best of the bunch. That’s not to say that experts don’t have their favorites. They often do, and we are no different.

We’ve tried, successfully, we believe, to avoid any biases we may have in compiling what we believe to be the 10 top WordPress themes going into 2022.

Working with a WordPress theme has the advantage of giving you a great starting point. It makes it much easier to create an attractive website that will charm any visitors who stop by and convince them to linger awhile.

Another advantage of using a theme can be its cost-effectiveness. Most of the popular WordPress themes are reasonably priced, they save you time, and they can save you money as well.

The main problem you’re apt to encounter is finding the right one since many of them are out there. You could spend hours and hours making comparisons among a host of candidates that appear to be reliable and easily customizable. Or you could select from among the following 10 top WordPress themes, all of which are guaranteed to give you your money’s worth and more. 

1. BeTheme – The Biggest Multipurpose WordPress Theme with 650+ Pre-Built Websites

BeTheme justifiably lays claim to being the biggest WordPress and WooCommerce theme of all for several reasons.

  • BeTheme’s 40+ core features give its users a complete tool kit to work with that includes 650+ pre-built websites and tons of design elements, aids, and options.
  • A 240,000+ customer base also contributes to making this the biggest WordPress theme of them all.

It’s not just about size, of course. Performance is all-important, and BeTheme has it in spades thanks to:

  • The Muffin Live Builder lets users edit live content visually and create, save, and restore design elements, blocks, and sections.
  • The WooCommerce Builder helps users design engaging shop and single product layouts and is packed with customer-centric features and options.
  • Full Elementor compatibility, with 30+ unique design elements and 120+ dedicated pre-built websites.
  • Assurance that every website is 100% responsive.
  • The Muffin Builder: this old standby is more intuitive than any other page builder on the market.
  • Regular Updates, plus BeTheme purchasers also receive free lifetime updates.

Click on the banner. There’s much, much more to see.

2. Total WordPress Theme

Total is aptly named because of the tools it gives its users; tools that include a premium page builder, demo and template libraries, an assortment of design and layout options, and cool navigation features.

  • The premium page builder is an extended version of the popular WPBakery frontend drag and drop page builder. Slider Revolution, another premium design aide, also comes with the package.
  • Design options include more than 500 live customizer options and 100+ customizable builder blocks, page builder block animation capabilities, custom backgrounds, and custom title backgrounds.
  • Layout options range from boxed and full-width and dynamic layouts to page and post designs and one-page site layouts.
  • Header styles, local scroll menus, and mobile menu styles contribute to website navigation capabilities.

Total is easy to set up and work with, plus it is 100% responsive. Click on the banner to find out more.

3. WoodMart

WoodMart is a premium WordPress theme that has been designed from the ground up to enable its users to create superlative WooCommerce online stores. WoodMart doesn’t require the use of multiple plugins as the most important tools, and features users simply must have come right out of the box.

They include:

  • For starters, a supply of 70+ demo layouts, 370 premade sections, plus an extensive template library for Elementor and WP Bakery.
  • A powerful Theme Settings Panel with a graphics interface to make changes quickly and easily.
  • AJAX techniques that guarantee the super-fast loading that is so important with multi-product pages and galleries.

WoodMart-built websites are search engine friendly, multilanguage ready, 100% responsive, and RTL and retina ready, and GDPR compliant.

Click on the banner to see what your WooCommerce store could look like.

4. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

TheGem is the best-selling theme on ThemeForest, which isn’t surprising since its multiplicity of features has led to it being called the Swiss Army Knife of WordPress themes.

Key features include –

  • 400+ beautiful websites and templates for any purpose or niche.
  • TheGem Blocks with its 300+ pre-designed section templates to speed up your workflow – a genuine game-changer.
  • Elementor and WPBakery page builders.
  • An outstanding collection of WooCommerce templates for any shop type.

5. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme 

Uncode is a pixel-perfect theme packed with dozens of advanced and unique features designed to produce a pixel-perfect website.

These features include:

  • An enhanced Page Builder with a juiced-up Frontend editor
  • A WooCommerce Custom Builder
  • A wireframes plugin for importing 550+ professionally designed section templates

Uncode has sold more than 85,000 copies to date. It is the ideal WordPress theme for building an impressive blog, portfolio, eCommerce, and magazine sites.

6. Rey Theme for WooCommerce

eCommerce is said to rest on four pillars – filtering, search, navigation, and presentation. This WooCommerce-oriented WordPress theme fully addresses each one. Rey lets you experience design, innovation, and performance in ways you could only dream of before.


  • The powerful and popular Elementor page builder with built-in features supplemented with Rey’s extra spices.
  • Ajax navigation, including infinite loading.

Rey is multilanguage-ready, obviously responsive, SEO friendly, developer-friendly, and performance-oriented.

7. Avada Theme

One easy way to know you’ve picked the right theme is to select Avada, the #1 best-selling theme of all time, a popular theme that is loved by 450,000+ happy users.

  • Avada’s Fusion Theme Options, Fusion Page Options, and Fusion Builder will give you more than enough flexibility, while its 40+ free eye-candy demos provide the inspiration.
  • Avada also gives you easy access to some of the most popular premium plugins.

And that’s just the beginning.

8. Impeka – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme

This simply impeccable WordPress theme is filled with potential for the advanced user and, at the same time, easy for a beginner to use. Using Impeka simply involves:

  • Selecting Elementor, Gutenberg, or an enhanced WPBakery as your page builder.
  • Using WooCommerce to build your online shop.
  • Sifting through a multitude of features that include the Mega Menu and Footer and Popup builders.

Your website will be super-attractive, lightning-fast, fully responsive, and SEO perfected.

9. Litho – Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

This popular multipurpose WordPress theme is built with Elementor, the world’s #1-page builder.

  • Litho can be used to build websites of any type and for any business niche.
  • It is excellent for building portfolio, blog, and eCommerce websites.
  • There are 37+ home pages, 200+ creative elements, and 300+ templates to get you started and assist you along the way.

Litho-built websites are fast loading and deliver healthy SEO results.

10. XStore – Best Premium WordPress WooCommerce Theme for eCommerce

You can start with one of XStore’s more than 110 amazing pre-built shops, or start from scratch and let Elementor or WPBakery and more than 550 pre-built blocks help you along the way, together with:

  • $559 worth of premium plugins.
  • A Live Ajax theme option.
  • A header builder and a single product page builder.
  • A built-in WooCommerce email builder.

You can get this complete and highly customizable WooCommerce theme for an amazing $39.

One of the benefits of using WordPress is the number of great WordPress themes you can work with. Whatever your niche, your target audience, or your skill level may be, there’s a premium WordPress theme out there that looks and feels as though it was made, especially with you in mind.

If you’re planning to create a fresh and beautiful website for 2022, or you want to completely rebuild an existing one, or simply make some design changes, this roundup of the most popular and the best WordPress themes in the market is meant for you. And we really mean it!


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The post 10 Top WordPress Themes for 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

It’s that time again. Black Friday. November 26, to be exact. And the many enticing deals you’ve been looking forward to at this time of the year are here as well.

There are three types of Black Friday shoppers. Those who are successful because they have prepared. Those who are successful because they got lucky. And, those who let some good deals simply slip away.

Your best bet, of course, is to be prepared, which is the purpose of this guide.

As you go down this list, you’ll find discounts, some pretty amazing offers, a few surprises perhaps – and plenty of inspiration.

We’ve been keeping close tabs on the various Black Friday discounts and promotions, and we’ve corralled the best of the bunch for you.

Starting with:

1. Brizy – The No-Code Website Builder For Non-Techies

Brizy is a fast and easy-to-use website builder for designers and agencies. Take advantage of Brizy’s Black Friday special and tap into the skills of a team that has been creating website-building tools for over 11 years.

This premier website builder gets better with each update.

  • Web designers can choose between Brizy for WordPress and the Brizy Cloud website builder, which includes hosting;
  • Agencies can choose among several white-label options;
  • Brizy brings power to the novice; use the pre-made designs or start with a blank page and let the imagination be the guide.

Black Friday is a time to take advantage of great deals, and this year is no different.

  • Big discounts are available on Brizy’s white label agency plans;
  • Participate at no cost to win a MacBook PRO;
  • Partner perks and discounts;
  • And exclusive new designs.

Design or coding experience is not a requirement to use Brizy’s drag and drop visual builder.

Click on the banner to take advantage of these great Black Friday specials.

2. Portfoliobox

A 50% discount on any portfolio website builder would seem like a good deal. On the other hand, getting one at 50% off that enables you to quickly create a portfolio website that reflects your creative personality and will truly set you apart from the crowd is definitely worth taking advantage of.

Portfoliobox offers:

  • Mix and match templates to help achieve a unique look;
  • Powerful eCommerce functionality built right into the platform;
  • Safe and secure private client galleries;
  • An included Domain (custom domain with Pro plans);
  • Fantastic 24/7 support to keep problems to a minimum;
  • Affordable, transparent pricing plans that let you know what you are getting before you buy.

Click on the banner to find out more about this fast, affordable, and easy to work with a portfolio website builder for creatives.

3. wpDataTables

wpDataTables is a popular, power-packed plugin that can manage vast amounts of data in seconds and organize it to build a table or chart the way you want.

  • wpDataTables and charts are responsive, customizable, and easy to edit and maintain;
  • wpDataTables readily accepts data from a variety of data sources, from multiple database connections, and in the most used formats;
  • Tables and charts can be configured to nicely blend in with other website content and a website’s overall design, plus it is easy to add spice to a table or chart by using colors, adjusting font sizes, and highlighting key data using conditional formatting.

wpDataTables features Elementor and Gutenberg integration, provides the ability to connect WordPress tables with Google API, allows cascade data filtering, and much more.

Click on the banner to take advantage of the 30% off Black Friday special.

4. Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin

Amelia can be a genuine time and money saver for a variety of business types. Amelia automates and streamlines a business’s booking process.

  • Amelia relieves business owners and managers from the task of managing multiple appointments and events;
  • Clients and customers love the ability to make and manage their appointments 24/7;
  • Bookings and events are managed from a single platform, even when multiple locations are involved.

Annual and lifetime subscriptions are available.

5. Mobirise Free Website Builder

As it is an offline builder, Mobirise does not tie you to any platform, you can host it anywhere, and you have total control over creating the website you have in mind.


  • is drag and drop and easy and simple use;
  • is based on the latest Google AMP or Bootstrap 5, so your site will be mobile-friendly and crazy fast;
  • comes with eCommerce, huge selections of themes, blocks and templates, and a shopping cart.

Mobirise is free for both personal and commercial use.

6. Slider Revolution

There is a difference between an “interesting” website and one whose WOW effects cause it to stand far above the competition.

Slider Revolution specializes in WOW effects that can take any website to the next level, and it can be yours on Black Friday at a 33% discount on all licenses.

The Slider Revolution package includes:

  • Innovative templates and add-ons;
  • Advanced automation and special effects tools.

Grab the Black Friday offer now.

7. Getillustrations Bundle – Commercial illustrations for the web

Digital illustrations help attract attention to and pique interest in your website. features a package of more than 9000 commercial web and app illustrations in a wide range of topics.

  • This package features all the design formats you’re likely to need, e.g., Ai, SVG, PNG, Figma, Sketch, and more;
  • Great illustrations to spice up landing pages are included.

The package is available at a 25% discount. Use coupon code EliteDesingers25.

8. Litho – Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Litho is a creative, modern, and highly customizable theme that can be used for any type of business niche as well as for creating eCommerce, blog, and portfolio websites.

This multipurpose Elementor WordPress theme’s features include –

  • 36+ ready home pages, 200+ creative elements, and a 300+ template library;
  • One-click demo import;
  • Top loading speed and SEO result capabilities.

Litho also features detailed online documentation and top-of-the-line customer support.

9. 8bio – Linktree Alternative

Instagram and TikTok enthusiasts, take note!

With the 8bio tool at your fingertips, you can add a clickable URL to your social media platform profiles so visitors can visit your website, product page, or any other important page.

8bio offers:

  • Beautiful skins and catchy animated backgrounds;
  • The ability to link to your own domain or to *;
  • Powerful SEO and tracking options.

The 8bio tool can also be used for your Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube posts.

10. XStore – Highly Customizable WordPress WooCommerce Theme

XStore is designed to work with the best page builders on the market and is fully compatible with the Elementor and WPBakery builders.

The XStore package includes

  • $510 worth of carefully handpicked Premium Plugins for WooCommerce;
  • More than 110+ awesome Prebuilt Shops;
  • A built-in AMP for WooCommerce, a Full Ajax Shop, multi-vendor support, and much more.

Become one of XStore’s more than 60,000+ happy customers by taking advantage of the Black Friday special.

Knowing that it’s the early bird that gets the worm, we’ve worked hard to place before you and your fellow website designers and agencies this enticing selection of the best Black Friday offers.

You will no doubt find some of the products familiar. A few might not be. In either case, the opportunities are here for you to get some great deals on some premier products.

Happy shopping!


The post Live Now: Top 10 Black Friday 2021 Deals for Designers and Agencies first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Productivity is a crowded space, with countless apps and services promising to make your life and business easier and more profitable. Of all the apps that make that promise, very few deliver, but we’ve found one that does: Taskade.

Flexible Planning With Taskade

Every problem is unique, and part of what defines us as creative professionals is the different ways we approach problems. What suits one person in one situation doesn’t suit another in another. This is where many planning apps fall down: they adopt one singular approach and expect users to fit around the app.

Taskade is different. Like the love-child of Trello, Notion, and Slack, Taskade uses a template approach to create a flexible planning system that you can use in whatever way you prefer.

When you open up Taskade, you’ll see some quick options: ‘blank,’ ‘weekly planner,’ ‘meeting agenda,’ and so forth. But there’s also a ‘more’ option that will give you access to the hundreds of templates Taskade supplies. There are dozens of template categories, and each category contains multiple templates that you can use to drive your planning process.

Whether you’re looking for a task list for launching on Product Hunt, a design system checklist, or a project scrum board, you’ll find the template ready and waiting for you.

If none of the predesigned options are right for the task at hand, Taskade gives you the option to create your own template from the basic building blocks of boards, actions, mind maps, charts, and lists.

Team Collaboration With Taskade

One of Taskade’s main strengths is its ability to work equally well for individuals and teams.

It makes sense when you’re evaluating a product that you do it on your own. But we encourage you to bring team members on board early in the trial because it’s when working with teams that Taskade really excels as a collaborative tool.

Once you’ve created a new planning project, you can invite your team, either by email or — if they’re already registered — by tagging them with their Taskade username.

You can assign tasks to individuals or multiple individuals (a much better option than the free-for-all you find in some to-do apps). You can also set deadlines for tasks so that everyone knows what the schedule is.

Team Chat on Taskade

Another area that Taskade excels for teams is the built-in real-time live chat. You can communicate with team members right in the project instead of jumping onto Slack or email.

For teams working remotely, or even just multi-tasking throughout the day, it’s a great way of ensuring that everyone has the information they need. As a result, mistakes are minimized, and best of all, there’s a written record that can be referred back to at any time.

Chat can be sent to the whole team, or direct messaged to an individual, so you don’t need to worry about filling up everyone’s notifications with messages that don’t apply to them.

Project Management With Taskade

If you’re working on a single project, then you probably know exactly where it is at all times. But for anyone working on multiple projects, it can be hard to keep track of everything. So Taskade has several different options for project managers.

The Mindmap section is one of the most useful parts of Taskade because it gives you a complete overview of everything in your project. You can see what has been completed and how much time it took — that way, you can assess how viable the timeline for your other tasks is.

Another great feature of Taskade is the activity feed. When one of your team makes a change to a project, it will pop up in your activity feed, and the next time you log in, you’ll see the status of your projects with a single glance.


One of our favorite aspects of Taskade is that it works equally well across different platforms. As well as the desktop web app, you’ll also find native apps in the iOS app store and the Android play store.

Syncing your account over different apps is awesome because ideas often occur at inconvenient times — on your commute, walking the dog. Even when you’re at your desk, it’s much handier to grab your phone and make notes than it is to switch to your browser and visit a site.

Easy Registration

If you’re feeling the pressure of a bulging inbox, or to-do lists on multiple post-its, then the last thing you need is another complex, confusing task to add to the pile.

Taskade is super-easy to get started with. Just click the ‘Sign up’ link in the top right of the site, and you’ll have three options: Sign up with Google, sign up with your email, or you can continue as a guest.

If you’re not sold yet, then continue as a guest — essentially a free trial — you can sign in properly later once your curiosity is satisfied.

Free to Use

Taskade is free to use on a limited basis. The free plan comes with 500Mb of storage and a maximum 25Mb file size. You can create individual tasks or whole projects, workflows, and custom templates and share tasks and projects with your team. That’s enough to help you make the most of Taskade for $0.

If you find that the generous free plan isn’t quite enough, paid plans start at just $5 per month. The paid plan gives you unlimited storage and bumps the maximum file size up to 250Mb. You have the same core features as the free plan; it’s just that they’re unlimited, which means you can do even more planning. In addition, the paid plan adds some handy extra features that are great time-savers, such as sorting tasks, creating repeat tasks, and bulk assigning tasks. Just look at how Taskade compares to similar tools.

Most professionals will get along with the free plan just fine, but $5 per month for unlimited storage is a great deal. On top of that, you have future premium features to look forward to, including a project revision history and a calendar view.

You can sign up to Taskade for free now, as a guest, with your email, or with Google.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Taskade –]


The post Collaborative Task Management with Taskade first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

What is WordPress? It began as a simple CMS for building a blog, and it has evolved over the years into a complex ecosystem of tools and resources.

WordPress can power ecommerce sites, interactive courses, art projects, and of course, it powers one or two blogs. Depending on who you ask, WordPress powers between 35% and 40% of the entire web; that makes it one of the most important technologies of the web era. Best of all, it’s free and open-source, so if you’re new to web design, WordPress is a great place to get started.

We’ve put together this simple infographic with all the facts you need to know about WordPress in 2021.


The post Exclusive Infographic: WordPress by the Numbers first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot