
Tutoriel de plan de test complet : guide exhaustif avec exemples

Apprenez à créer un plan de test complet avec ce tutoriel exhaustif qui vous fournit des exemples pratiques.

Test Plan: Un Document Précieux qui Décrit la Stratégie de Test pour un Projet Logiciel ou Matériel

Un plan de test est un document précieux qui décrit la stratégie de test pour un projet logiciel ou matériel. C’est un document qui définit la portée des tests, les ressources nécessaires, l’environnement de test et les cas de test qui seront exécutés. Son objectif est de s’assurer que le processus de test est approfondi et complet et que tous les tests nécessaires sont menés de manière systématique et coordonnée.

Il sert de document détaillé pour assurer le bon fonctionnement du logiciel. La sortie de la phase de test est directement liée à la qualité de la planification qui y est associée. Ces plans de test sont généralement développés pendant la phase de développement pour gagner du temps lors de l’exécution des tests et parvenir à un accord mutuel avec toutes les parties prenantes.

Le plan de test est un document essentiel pour tout projet logiciel ou matériel. Il permet d’identifier les tests à effectuer, les ressources nécessaires et l’environnement dans lequel ils doivent être exécutés. Il est également utile pour déterminer le niveau de qualité du produit final et pour s’assurer que tous les tests ont été effectués correctement et complètement. Les plans de test peuvent également être utilisés pour documenter les résultats des tests et fournir des informations sur la qualité du produit.

Le plan de test est un outil puissant pour garantir la qualité d’un produit logiciel ou matériel. Il permet aux parties prenantes d’avoir une vision claire des tests à effectuer et des ressources nécessaires pour les exécuter. En outre, il permet aux développeurs et aux testeurs de se concentrer sur leurs tâches respectives et d’atteindre leurs objectifs plus rapidement et plus efficacement. Enfin, il permet aux utilisateurs finaux d’obtenir un produit final fiable et conforme aux spécifications.

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Welcome back! This is the second part of a two-part article series. With this article, my goal is to build a blueprint to show a way how to model, organize and structure our Infrastructure-as-Code Projects using the AWS-CDK framework. Check here to access the first part of this article.

Now, in this second part, as promised, comes the fun part, we get into the hands-on. Let’s run our AWS CDK IaC Project, deploying all the services and resources, and then see the AngularJS Application up and running. Let’s get started.

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We utilize relational data models to improve database performance and allow users to recreate real-world relationships. The shipping and tracking app blueprint showcases these capabilities in action, with the help of custom codeless APIs.

App blueprints are more than just templates from which to build a specific type of application. We design all of our free App Blueprints to provide one or more key functions that a developer would want to add to their application, regardless of the app’s business use.

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Wireframes are a powerful tool, especially for UX designers; whether you are developing a new app, a website, or anything else, the initial steps of any project can be tackled with this robust approach.

There are many occasions when we get stuck or overwhelmed for hours in front of a new project. This is where creating wireframes can be beneficial. A wireframe is nothing more than a diagram of your ideas for the flow of a project.

This post will analyze what wireframes are, and why they are so crucial for user mapping. Then, we will reveal the steps you need to follow to create an efficient wireframe. Let’s dive in…

What Is A Wireframe?

In a few words, a wireframe is a drawing created in the early stages of a UX project. Wireframes are a brilliant and effortless way to create a blueprint for the structure of a page.

In such a drawing, you can include valuable information about the UI and UX of the page you want to design.

You can think of wireframing as a process of visualizing the initial ideas you have about a project. It does not matter if you are comfortable with drawing; you can design wireframes on paper or digitally.

In either case, drawing a wireframe is not about your artistic skills. Instead, wireframes are about structuring your project and identifying the fundamental interactions you want to build out.

Why Is Wireframing Important For UX Designers? 

If you are an experienced UX designer, you have already come across concepts like user mapping and user journeys. Mapping the entire user experience is crucial. And that’s the main reason why wireframing is a must for a UX project.

Since you need to provide a top-notch user experience, wireframing is a great way to ensure this from the earliest stages of your design. But what is the process you need to follow when designing wireframes?

And how can you ensure that your wireframes are efficient? Let’s find out…

Creating An Effective Wireframe In 5 Simple Steps

Creating a good wireframe will allow you to construct your project. You will think it through, prioritize some fundamental interactions and consider alternatives.

1. Research

Although this is not a wireframing step per se, it is critical to the efficiency of your wireframes. How can you start drafting without doing user research? Well, you can not. That’s why the first thing you need to do is analyze your project.

All you have to do is seek similar products/services and check them out. Look at what your competitors are doing right and what they are doing wrong. This way, you will be ready for the next step.

2. Create Personas

You have already selected the best practices and ruled out other guidelines you believe will not be effective on this project. Now it’s time to think about user flow: How many screens will you put on a page? Where are users coming from, and where do you want them to go after reading this page?

By mapping your user flow, you can create a user persona. Then all you have to do is figure out what information to include. 

Mapping the information correctly is crucial because it will help you ensure that users do not get frustrated or overwhelmed when they visit your final page.

Once you do that, you are good to go. 

3. Start Sketching

It’s time to reach for your fine pen, pencil, eraser, and paper. Visualizing your ideas needs to be quick and efficient. Try to avoid fine details because this step is not about creating a high-fidelity wireframe on paper. 

All you need to do here is sketch out basic features and formats.

Since most of us designers are perfectionists, you can use a timer. Set the timer to 4-5 minutes and force yourself to finish the wireframe by that time. Repeat this step until you have created a few wireframes with which you are happy.

Finally, expand and polish your favorite mockups for a few minutes and prepare for the hard part.

4. Ask for Feedback

There is nothing more important than feedback when it comes to wireframing. Discuss your project with your colleagues. Just let them know how each mockup helps you with the project and what idea it visualizes.

Try to sincerely listen to what they have to say about your designs. Once you have gathered all the information and advice, start modifying the wireframe accordingly.

5. Add Details and Create Prototypes

It’s been a long road, but you are now at the point where you feel most comfortable as a UX designer: prototyping. Plenty of software (Adobe XD, Framer,, etc.) can help you with this step. 

Start by turning your low-fidelity sketch into a high-quality prototype. Once you are happy with the result, test your prototype’s screens and see if the result serves the user flow. Platforms like UsabilityHub and Prott can help you with this.

Valuable Tips to Keep in Mind While Creating a Wireframe

Keep your Wireframes Simple: Creating a wireframe is not about fine details; try to manage the time you spend on it well. All you need is a clear and simple visualization of your page. You will have all the time you need for prototyping.

Don’t Worry About Your Artistic Skills: Anyone can draw. It’s as simple as that. You do not have to be an artist to create a clear wireframe to help you visualize your ideas. Be confident and make sure you include all the information you need.

Always Think of the User Personas You Created: Creating a wireframe is a smart way to ensure that the page you create meets the user’s needs. Therefore, you should always keep in mind what users will do when they open this page and whether it meets their needs and goals.

The Bottom Line

Creating a wireframe is not as difficult as you might think. All you need to do is research, find out what users need from this page, and create a map. By following these simple steps, you’ll ensure that the wireframes you design deliver a top-notch user experience.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 5 Simple Steps To Effective Wireframing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Background Context

In our first blog, we introduced the definition and evolution of hybrid multicloud, key challenges of the enterprises, and the value realized by implementing a hybrid multicloud strategy. This blog will cover how to create a holistic and business-value-driven multicloud strategy. In order to provide agility, security, reliability, and access to a large ecosystem of services, a robust transformation strategy and program are required. This strategy must align with business objectives such as revenue growth, cost reduction, risk reduction, enhancing the customer experience, and capitalization of market opportunities.

Having created many transformation strategies across many industries, we have observed critical success factors that are worth noting. For instance, successful IT organizations tightly align their cloud strategies to business objectives while developing a target architecture and operating model blueprint while quantifying the costs and benefits in a business case. Organizations that have failed to implement their cloud strategy, or failed to realize their committed benefits, typically do not complete these important elements of a holistic strategy. 

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article imageIn our previous article from this series shared a look at the logical common architectural elements found in a headless e-commerce solution for retail stores.

The process was laid out how we’ve approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architectural blueprint. It continued by laying out the process of how we’ve approached the use case by researching successful customer portfolio solutions as the basis for a generic architectural blueprint.

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article imageIn our previous article from this series we introduced a use case around headless e-commerce for retail stores.

The process was laid out how we’ve approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architectural blueprint.

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business optimisationIn my previous article from this series I shared the logical view of the business optimisation use case for retail stores.

The process was laid out how I’ve approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architectural blueprint.

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In my previous article from this series I introduced a use case around business optimisation for retail stores. 
The process was laid out how I’ve approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architectural blueprint.
The only thing left to cover was the order in which you’ll be led through the blueprint details.

This article starts the real journey at the very top, with a generic architecture from which we’ll discuss the common architectural elements one by one.

Blueprints review

As mentioned before, the architectural details covered here are base on real solutions using open source technologies. The example scenario presented here is a generic common blueprint that was uncovered researching those solutions. It’s my intent to provide a blueprint that provides guidance and not deep technical details.

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Last week kicked off the Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual event. It’s amazing to imagine that so many people decided to sign up and attend this free event over the next two days.

For me it’s a chance to share some ideas that my friend Christina Lin and I have been working on for some time, advanced integration blueprints.

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