
Bringing any new tool into an organization can feel like an uphill battle. It’s difficult to overcome inertia, even with the promise of improved workflows and happier teammates. Any change is hard, harder still when colleagues have grown attached to "the way we’ve always done things." How can you get your team to see the light when you know there’s a better way?

We’ve spoken to many individuals over the years who have successfully brought CircleCI into their organizations, so we’ve asked them what tips they had for others working to adopt a new tool.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

This is the fifth in a series of posts exploring Scrum Mastery. In our first post, we introduced the 4 dimensions of Scrum Mastery: Team Identity, Team Process, Product Value, and the Organization. In this post, we will explore the Organization dimension.

How is the organization enabling you to maximize the benefits of Scrum? How is the organization holding you back?

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Change management can be a cumbersome, even clumsy, practice that might even be classified as rigid. Add in an Agile mindset and the process seems at odds with each other. Interested in maintaining an Agile environment while navigating change management? Well, then, the following will help us intermingle the two approaches for managing change requests.

Is Agile for Standard or Non-Standard Changes?

Agile tends to be a better fit for non-standard changes given its fluidity. An Agile environment is always in development, always changing according to the needs of the project or the organization. Agile helps to attack work that’s unpredictable and effervescent. Standard changes, of course, are usually moved along in as predictable a manner as possible and can be slow and plodding.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)