
Apple has released an OS update. Packaged in with it is the latest version of Safari, 16.

Expected to be released ahead of next month’s macOS 13, Safari 16 is packed with updates, making it one of the most capable browsers available.

For web designers, the significance is the forward momentum in web technologies that enable freer design work and fewer hacks to achieve complex layouts. Little by little, CSS recommendations are being implemented to the point that using JavaScript for layout is rapidly becoming as unnecessary as it is disliked.

Some of this was announced in June in the Safari 16 beta. But a lot has been added in the last couple of months. So here’s what’s new in Safari 16 today.

CSS Container Queries

The most exciting addition to Safari 16 is CSS Container Queries.

It is hard to understate how in-demand this feature has been; if you imagine an edit button on Twitter that gifted you crypto every time you corrected a typo, you’d be getting close to how popular this feature is.

Until now, media queries have detected the whole viewport. And so, if you have an element like a card, for example, that needs to change at smaller viewports, you need to calculate the available space and adapt the element’s design accordingly. Unfortunately, this frequently gets out of sync with edge cases causing more than a few headaches for front-end developers.

Media queries are severely restrictive to modern layout methods like Grid that wrap elements automatically because there is no way to detect how the elements are laid out.

Container Queries solve this by allowing you to define styles based on the size of the actual containing element; if a div is 300px wide, the contents can have one design, and if it’s 400px wide, they can have a different design—all without caring what size the whole viewport is.

This is dangerously close to OOP (Object Orientated Programming) principles and almost elevates CSS to an actual programming language. (All we need is conditional logic, and we’re there.)

The latest versions of Chrome, Edge, and now Safari (including mobile) support CSS Grid. Even discounting the rapid decline of Twitter, this is way more exciting than any edit button.

CSS Subgrid

Speaking of Grid, if you’ve built a site with it (and if you haven’t, where have you been?), you’ll know that matching elements in complex HTML structures often results in nesting grids. Matching those grids requires careful management, CSS variables, or both. With CSS Subgrid, grids can inherit grid definitions from a grid defined higher up the hierarchy.

CSS Subgrid has been supported by Firefox for a while but is not yet part of Chrome or Edge. Until there’s wider support, it’s not a practical solution, and using a fallback negates any benefit of using Subgrid. However, its introduction in Safari will surely herald rapid adoption by Google and Microsoft and moves the web forward considerably.

CSS Subgrid is likely to be a practical solution within 18 months.

AVIF Support

AVIF is an exceptionally compact image format that beats even WebP in many instances. It even allows for sequences, creating what is essentially an animated GIF but smaller, and for bitmaps.

AVIF is already supported by Chrome, with partial support in Firefox. Safari now joins them.

AVIF support is one of the more valuable additions to Safari 16 because you’re probably already serving different images inside a picture element. If so, your Safari 16 users will begin receiving a smaller payload automatically, speeding up your site and boosting UX and SEO.

Enhanced Animation

Safari 16 introduces some significant improvements in animation, but the one that catches the eye is that you can now animate CSS Grid.

Yes, let that sink in. Combine Container Queries and animation. The possibilities for hover states on elements are tantalizing.

Safari 16 also supports CSS Offset Path — known initially as CSS Motion Path — which allows you to animate elements along any defined path. This enables the kind of animated effect that previously needed JavaScript (or Flash!) to accomplish.

Chrome, Edge, and Firefox all support CSS Offset Path; the addition of Safari means it’s now a practical solution that can be deployed in the wild.

Web Inspector Extensions

Announced as part of the beta release, Web Inspector Extensions allow web developers to create extensions for Safari, just as they would for Chrome.

Web Inspector Extensions — or Safari Extensions as they’re destined to be known — can be built in HTML, CSS, and JS, so the learning curve is shallow. It’s a good route into app development for web designers.

Because the underlying technology is the same as other browser extensions, anyone who has made a Chrome, Edge, or Firefox extension will be able to port it to Safari 16+ relatively easily. As a result, there should be a rapid expansion of the available extensions.

Improved Accessibility

Accessibility is key to an effective and inclusive web. Be like Bosch: everybody counts, or nobody counts.

When testing a design for accessibility, emulators don’t cut it. In my experience, Safari has some of the most reliable accessibility settings, especially when it comes to Media Queries like prefers-reduced-movement.

Further gains in this field mean that Safari continues to be an essential tool for QA tests.

Reduced Resets

Finally, I want to throw up my hands to celebrate the reduced number of non-standard CSS appearance settings.

For years we’ve been prefacing our style sheets with elaborate resets like Normalize, designed to undo all the assumptions browser developers make about design and the UI preferences of their engineers.

Safari 16 has reportedly “Removed most non-standard CSS appearance values.” How effective this is and how much we can rely on it given the other browsers on the market remains to be seen. However, like many of Safari 16’s changes, it’s a step towards a browser that’s on the developers’ side instead of an obstacle to overcome.


The post Exciting New Features in Safari 16 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Have you ever wanted to know how text editors work, or how shell scripts change terminal text colors, update lines without scrolling, or move the cursor around? Surprise, surprise: even as Java devs, we can do this! 

In this series, I’ll walk you through building a terminal-based text editor with Java

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In a fast-paced world, more teams have microservices architectures and are making the shift to Continuous Deployment and Trunk-Based Development. For one of our client’s teams, that meant no feature branches, pairs always committing to main, pushing frequently (multiple times per hour, as often as every 1–4 commits) and those changes landing in production 20–30 minutes later.

With pair programming, no feature branches, and such continuous change, code reviews would seem redundant or extremely difficult with little in the way of tooling support. How on earth would you use GitHub’s Pull Request review features in this setting when there’s no feature branch to diff?

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Avec « HR Pulse », SAP donne la parole à trois expertes d’horizons variés – académique, associatif, professionnel – pour éclairer les principaux enjeux des ressources humaines. Diversité, bien-être, télétravail… Autant de facettes d’un monde de l’entreprise en profonde mutation qui confirment l’importance, pour SAP, de se positionner en partenaire privilégié dans la transformation des entreprises.

« Dans un monde où le travail n’a jamais changé aussi rapidement et aussi profondément qu’aujourd’hui, où le talent est vital, rare et toujours en mouvement, il existe une opportunité collective de transformer le travail pour de bon. » C’est avec ces mots que Thomas Dorynek, HXM Value Advisor chez SAP, introduit chacun des cinq épisodes de « HR Pulse » dans lesquels il échange avec une experte de la sphère RH.

Pour SAP France, cette initiative s’inscrit pleinement dans les problématiques actuelles des organisations. Comme l’explique Thomas Dorynek, « nous assistons aujourd’hui à une véritable transformation exigeant des responsables RH qu’ils aillent au-delà de la gestion traditionnelle des ressources humaines pour créer des expériences de travail qui stimulent l’engagement, la productivité, la durabilité et l’efficacité ».

Prise de hauteur sur les enjeux et réponses opérationnelles

Ces entretiens à deux voix visent ainsi à décrypter cinq enjeux majeurs d’aujourd’hui : les conditions propices au bien-être au travail ; l’importance de la diversité en entreprise ; l’impact du télétravail sur la qualité de vie au travail ; la montée en puissance du coaching ; et les limites à poser dans la mesure de la productivité. « Notre ambition est de nourrir la réflexion des professionnels RH et de stimuler leur envie d’en savoir plus sur les sujets abordés », indique Thomas Dorynek. L’idée est d’associer, pour chaque épisode, l’état de l’art sur un sujet et la mise en valeur d’éléments tangibles, avec un chemin pédagogique misant sur la contextualisation, le décryptage et le partage de bonnes pratiques.

Virginie Boutin, présidente de Bloomr Impulse, aborde ainsi les différentes approches du coaching, l’intérêt d’y recourir, et l’illustre avec des exemples concrets ; Solenn Thomas, fondatrice de l’association Eklore, évoque pour sa part les étapes de mise en place d’une politique inclusive ; tandis que Claudia Senik, professeur à Sorbonne Université, intervient notamment pour parler de bien-être au travail en mettant en exergue plusieurs prismes théoriques.

Des contenus à valeur ajoutée

Publiée sur openSAP et sur l’ensemble des plateformes de podcasts disponibles sur le marché, la série « HR Pulse » concrétise une volonté de SAP : « créer des contenus à forte valeur ajoutée pour apporter une dimension inspirationnelle aux projets de transformation RH de nos clients », comme l’explique Thomas Dorynek. Le choix du format audio s’est facilement imposé : accessible à tous, tout le temps, depuis tout type de support numérique, le podcast est un support en plein essor pour favoriser la mise en valeur des expertises. « Cette première série contribue à alimenter notre promesse, Change Work for Good », précise Thomas.

Après cette première série consacrée à des entretiens d’experts RH, « HR Pulse » vous donne rendez-vous dans quelques mois pour la saison 2 !

The post « HR Pulse » : une série de podcasts pour décrypter les défis RH des entreprises appeared first on SAP France News.

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I bet you didn’t know that WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder and content management system (CMS).

Just kidding…of course, you did! But that’s not all there is to know about WordPress, so take our ridiculously challenging WordPress quiz and see how much of an expert you are…

(Scroll to the bottom for the correct answers.)

1. What is WordPress?

  1. SEO plugin to check your keyword density
  2. AI tool to create illustrations
  3. Online software to create websites
  4. A coffee shop in Canada

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress?

  1. 75 million
  2. 1.3 billion
  3. 2 thousand
  4. 7.1 billion

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming its major releases after:

  1. American presidents
  2. Famous jazz musicians
  3. British kings
  4. Heavy metal bands

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day?

  1. Two websites
  2. 20,040 websites
  3. Over 500 websites
  4. 60-80 websites

5. What is the correct WordPress website address?


6. Who is the WordPress CEO?

  1. Elon Mask
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio
  4. No CEO

7. Which US government website is using WordPress?

  2. U.S. Embassy Websites
  4. All of them

8. How many languages is WordPress available in?

  1. 21
  2. 72
  3. 78
  4. 1

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time?

  1. Divi
  2. Gutenberg
  3. WoodMart
  4. Astra

10. How many Fortune websites are using WordPress?

  1. 11
  2. 25
  3. 90
  4. 78

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year?

  1. $100k
  2. $56k
  3. $24k
  4. $201k

12. When was the first WordPress version released?

  1. 1999
  2. 2010 
  3. 2007
  4. 2003


1. What is WordPress? – 3. WordPress is online, open-source software that you can use to create websites.

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress? – 2. In 2021, WordPress powers over 1.3 billion websites all over the web, and this number continues to grow.

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming major releases after – 2. WordPress has a habit of naming its big releases after famous jazz musicians. For example, in the first version of January 2004, they called 1.0 (Davis), named after American trumpeter Miles Davis. Another version of May 2004 was named 1.2 (Mingus).

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day? – 3. Over 500 websites are created on WordPress every day. At the same time, only 60-80 sites are built on popular platforms like Squarespace and Shopify. Besides, every second, 17 new blog posts are published on WordPress!

5. What is the correct WordPress website address? – 1. The fact that always confuses beginners is that and are entirely different companies that provide separate services. is the real WordPress everyone talks about that helps you to build websites. While is a hosting provider created by Automattic, the co-founder of WordPress.

6. Who is the WordPress CEO? – 4. WordPress is a free, open-source project. That’s why it does not have a CEO; volunteer developers run the project from all over the globe. This is the reason anyone can submit a report about a bug or suggest features.

7. Which US government website is using WordPress? – 4. The correct answer is all of them. All major websites of the US federal government use WordPress for their websites. The list includes all government sites of big and small cities, counties, universities, and high schools.

8. How many languages is WordPress available in? – 2. The Default WordPress language is English; however, the platform provides a fully translated platform with plugins that allow you to change your site’s language in seconds. The software has been successfully used in over 72 languages and can be modified for more!

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time? – 4. Astra is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time. Astra is claimed to be the most potent and fast theme trusted by many popular brands. Besides, the theme earned over $30M.

10. How many Fortune 500 websites use WordPress? – 1. 11 Fortune websites, such as Walt Disney Company, ABM Industries, and 21st Century Fox, use WordPress.

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year? – 2. The average WordPress developer earns $56,000 per year, according to Payscale.

12. When was the first WordPress version released? – 4. The first version of WordPress was released on May 27, 2003, which makes WordPress much older than Twitter and Facebook.


Featured image via upklyak on Freepik


The post Ridiculously Challenging WordPress Quiz first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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IT modernization and innovative new technologies change the healthcare industry significantly. This blog series explores how data streaming with Apache Kafka enables real-time data processing and business process automation. Real-world examples show how traditional enterprises and startups increase efficiency, reduce cost, and improve the human experience across the healthcare value chain, including pharma, insurance, providers, retail, and manufacturing. This is part five: Open API and Omnichannel. Examples include and Invitae.

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Modern cloud environments are ever-changing, and so is the nature of cloud computing. The growing cloud assets accompany the attack surface expansion problem for organizations, which unveils the need for visibility of cloud resources. AWS Config addresses that exact demand. It can be challenging to understand resources within your infrastructure like:

  • Seeing what resources you have
  • Understanding your current configurations
  • Knowledge of configuration changes and change histories
  • Assessing if your resources are compliant with specific governances controls 
  • Having accurate and up-to-date audit information

Depending on the size of your AWS resources or deployment, overcoming these challenges and obtaining this information can become time-consuming and budget-intensive unless you use resource visibility and auditing tool like AWS Config

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Today no less than 60% of companies are either exploring the possibilities of adopting artificial intelligence or trying to realize its potential to transform the way they do business. The problem is that a significant portion of them (one-third) struggle to produce substantial change with AI.

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