
When you’re running a relatively small cluster, you might get away with having no structure in place for it. But with time, your cluster will inevitably scale to dozens of pods and hundreds of containers. If you keep running them carefree, you’ll deal with a mess sooner rather than later. Here’s your golden ticket to get out of this chaos: Kubernetes namespace.

By keeping your cluster organized with namespaces, labels, and annotations, you’ll avoid the performance, maintenance, and security issues that come together in a package with the lack of control over the deployed objects and services.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Chaos testing is a subset of chaos engineering. Think of performance testing as a subset of performance engineering. Simply put, you break things on purpose and learn how you can make your systems reliable.

Gremlin Integration with LoadRunner Professional 2022

To integrate Gremlin with LoadRunner Professional 2022, the following prerequisites are required:

Source de l’article sur DZONE