
The sports world is changing. Digitalization is everywhere. Cameras and sensors analyze matches. Stadiums get connected and incorporate mobile apps and location-based services. Players use social networks to influence and market themselves and consumer products. Real-time data processing is crucial for most innovative sports use cases. This blog post explores how data streaming with Apache Kafka helps reimagine the sports industry, showing a concrete example from the worldwide table tennis organization. 

Innovation in Sports and Gaming With Real-time Analytics

Reimagining a data architecture to provide real-time data flow for sporting leagues and events is an enormous challenge. However, digitalization enables a ton of innovative use cases to improve user experiences and engage better with players, fans, and business partners.

Think about wonderful customer experiences with gamification when watching a match, live betting, location-based services in the stadium, automated payments, coupons, integration with connected fan shops and shopping malls, and so on.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Paris, le 19 septembre 2022 – SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a lancé l’édition 2023 de son programme d’accélération de start-ups axé sur le futur du Retail and Consumer Products. Pour cette 8ème édition de SAP.iO Foundry Paris, 12 start-ups internationales ont été sélectionnées par un jury composé d’experts SAP, de partenaires, de clients et de fonds d’investissement. Ces start-ups ont été reconnues comme étant précurseur sur ce thème de “Future of Retail and Consumer Products ”, un thème plus que jamais d’actualité avec les bouleversements des usages et du parcours client observé durant la crise sanitaire, et qui résulte de l’accélération de la numérisation de toutes les entreprises.

SAP.iO Foundry Paris, véritable incubateur de SAP en France, a déjà aidé plus de 65 start-ups à développer leur business ou leur solution. En quatre ans, SAP a atteint l’objectif fixé avec le gouvernement français visant à soutenir l’économie des start-ups lors sur sommet #ChooseFrance.

Ce nouveau programme a pour objectif de proposer aux entreprises du Retail et Consumer Products un accompagnement de leur stratégie digitale, grâce aux solutions de ces 12 start-ups, au rythme de l’évolution technologique autour de deux enjeux clés :

  • Proposer à leurs clients une expérience d’achat améliorée et différenciante
  • Assurer la traçabilité et l’authenticité de leurs produits

Odilia von Zitzewitz, Interim Lead SAP.iO Foundry Paris déclare : “SAP.iO est un accélérateur de start-ups formidable et engagé. Pour cette édition, l’accent a été mis sur le Retail laissant place à des innovations de choix, et qui répondent aux enjeux prédominants des acteurs de ce secteur clé. Nous sommes très fiers d’accompagner cette nouvelle promotion de start-ups !”

Au cours des 5 prochains mois, les start-ups auront accès à un mentorat personnalisé de la part des dirigeants de SAP France, à une exposition à la technologie SAP® et aux interfaces de programmation d’applications (API), ainsi qu’à des opportunités de collaboration avec des clients SAP du monde entier.

Les start-ups suivantes participent au programme SAP.iO Foundry Paris :

Sorga Technology

La mission de Sorga Technologie est d’accompagner les marques retail dans leur innovation digitale en proposant une solution à faible consommation d’énergie assurant la transparence et la traçabilité de leurs produits


La mission d’Arianee est de fournir aux entreprises des solutions simples pour établir des relations directes avec les consommateurs, respectueuses des données des utilisateurs et indépendantes des grandes plateformes technologiques.



CollectID permet de garantir l’authenticité d’un produit, l’amélioration de l’expérience phygitale, ou encore l’établissement d’un canal de communication direct entre les marques . Une solution qui garantit l’authenticité et l’unicité des produits tout en rapprochant les marques de leurs clients.


Diakse développe et commercialise une solution de création de showrooms virtuels dans le métavers avec un objectif : permettre aux marques de mieux communiquer sur leurs produits et ainsi les aider à augmenter leurs ventes.



Foodetective est une plateforme de gestion et une infrastructure (API) de l’industrie F&B. Les entreprises utilisent Foodetective pour automatiser leurs opérations, simplifier leur administration, augmenter leurs revenus en ligne et accélérer les nouvelles opportunités commerciales.


LIVEBUY est une solution d’achat en direct pour les détaillants leaders du marché,

qui fournit à la fois la technologie et les bons créateurs pour construire une plateforme de contenu réussie au sein des boutiques en ligne.



Priceloop a développé une IA permettant de faciliter et d’automatiser les processus de tarification, proposant les meilleurs prix en tenant compte de tous les paramètres essentiels.


Replika Software

Le logiciel Replika est une solution de vente sociale clé en main. Replika permet aux marques d’activer un réseau de vendeurs sociaux avec une entreprise clé en main pour inspirer sur les médias sociaux, vendre en ligne et se connecter avec les clients.


Shopreme GmbH

Shopreme GmbH Développe notamment une technologie appelée « Scan & Go » qui transpose les avantages des achats en ligne dans les vrais magasins (rapidité, facilité de paiement, recommandations personnalisées, listes de course partagées…).



SmartPixels fournit un outil de configuation et de visualisation de produits en 3D, l’objectif est d’aider les marques de mode et de luxe à créer des expériences personnalisées et interactives en ligne et en magasin.



La plateforme de Smartzer est utilisée par les marques pour transformer leurs vidéos et leurs flux en direct en expériences interactives et exploitables, ce qui leur permet d’obtenir un retour sur investissement direct du contenu et de mesurer les données détaillées des interactions vidéo.



YZR automatise et accélère tous les projets de données textuelles de ses clients grâce à une solution puissante basée sur le traitement automatique des langues.

The post SAP.iO Foundry Paris lance la nouvelle édition de son programme consacré aux start-ups sur le thème de « Futur of Retail » appeared first on SAP France News.

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According to Klipfolio research, users spend on average 52 seconds on a webpage. With minimal time to impress, you must consider how to best help your consumers understand what your product or service does and why they should care about it. It’s not enough to describe your value – great landing pages will go the extra step and show this as well.

One powerful method to do this is by providing a real-life, responsive teaser to show what your product looks like, how it works, and what value it can create. This means incorporating specific elements from your functional, responsive product into the landing page. However, this should be a “mini-product experience” that users can experiment with rather than a freemium version of your product. If done well, the dynamics will pay off in captivating users for longer, increasing their consideration time, and driving your conversion rate as a result.

Building more dynamic landing pages through product experience can change the game completely. These are some strategies to consider.

“Ask & Alter” for Greater Personalization

“Ask & alter” is valuable for services with multiple potential value propositions for different audiences. The simple fix here is to have a pop-up box that asks the visitor which profile they are (and alternatively a few more questions). You can then trigger the page to alter according to their input, ensuring a more customized experience and increasing their chance of conversion. By doing this, you’re taking the onus off the consumer to figure out what’s relevant to them, eliminating any potential confusion.

A great example of this is the Penn Foster University website. It has a developed UX optimized for organizations, high school degree seekers, and upskillers alike. Each has an entirely different, carefully designed interface, matching the diverse needs of visitors. For example, while a high schooler might enjoy browsing the career pathways section, an upskiller is likely to search specific career fields. Such distinction is key to consider, as intentional and strategic user experience can raise conversion rates by as much as 400%.

Real-Time Demos to Hook the User

Real-time demos mean that you take a full instance or version of your product that is clickable and responsive and embed it into the flow of your landing page. This way, the user can get a quick “test drive,” and you easily communicate the value that would otherwise be abstract or difficult for the user to imagine or even visualize. Additionally, users always want to know how a product could personally impact them, and live demos offer them a hands-on experience.

Companies incorporating live demos have proven the power to engage a user’s curiosity and create a strong link with their products or services. Notion, for instance, uses a “templates” section with pre-built pages that can be easily opened and browsed through without needing to register or download anything. This product’s beauty lies in the simplicity and efficiency it offers, rather than overwhelming a user with a self-promotional copy. Even a simple live demo like that can help build considerable trust in the product and encourage users to make a high-value purchase.

Calculators Provide Value

Despite their simplicity, calculators can increase audience engagement by 38%. Their main benefit is undoubtedly providing a personalized solution to users’ actual needs and expectations. ROI and savings calculators can be particularly interesting, especially when they speak of value that isn’t easy to calculate or when the user wouldn’t intuitively know that there are savings to be had by using a particular product.

Butter Payment, uses this tool very effectively. As its customers necessarily don’t know they have an involuntary churn problem that is worth solving for, it uses a calculator on its site to demonstrate the problem and enumerate the value-add to potential customers.

HubSpot, too, has mastered the tool: Its Ad ROI Calculator visually presents the results that its software can bring. Then, HubSpot’s interactive website grader directs the user towards its comprehensive marketing offerings. It is this graphic visualization that companies must adopt to communicate real value.

The Charm of Experiential Interaction

Interactive design is said to drive the responsiveness and real-time interaction of a site through the roof. By incorporating an interactive or experiential page, even if it’s not directly on your landing page, you can craft a unique experience aimed at leaving a lasting, meaningful impression of your product or service.

Calm’s “Do Nothing for two minutes” is a simple yet effective way to show users the value of meditation in their daily life and lead them to download the app.

But it works great for consumer products, too: Nike’s Digital Foot Measurement tool is another excellent feature, allowing users to “try shoes on” with their cameras and scan their feet for the right measurement through AR.

Videos are Attention Magnets

Considering that viewers absorb some 95% of the message while watching videos, compared to only 10% when reading text, there’s no reason why you should avoid incorporating videos into your landing pages. Beyond that, videos can be incredibly straightforward: Insert a graphic illustration or real imagery to explain the product, show the step-by-step process, and convey value with raw, unfiltered footage.

Calendly, for example, has various videos on its landing page, including a 56-second, upbeat, colorful clip showing how simple it is to get started with the product.

Guiding GIFs to Visualize Product Features

As small animations, GIFs represent the perfect middle ground between images and videos. They allow you to show users the value your product adds, providing an engaging glimpse into the actual interface. The small scope of GIFs is both a limitation and a benefit: You can only show a particular feature of your product but can also focus on triggering an exact user emotion.

Grammarly, a grammar correction tool, relies on GIFs to give users a taste of their UX. With a quick overview of the product’s functionality across popular platforms, including email and social media, users can see exactly how the product can make their everyday lives easier. And by incorporating GIFs into the right side of the landing page, the scrolling experience of the user isn’t disrupted.

Interactive product experiences can both entertain and tackle pain points, adding dynamics to an otherwise static page. Particularly when customizing based on user attributes, the key benefit of these features is that the users engaging with them are likely the same people interested in the paid product. To ensure that the product experience doesn’t directly compete with the primary offering, clearly differentiate it and guide the user towards a direct call to action.


The post The Case for Building More Dynamic Landing Pages first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot