
11 commandes Git que chaque développeur doit connaître

Les développeurs doivent connaître les 11 commandes Git essentielles pour travailler efficacement. Apprenez-les et devenez un expert en versionnage !

Git : Un système de contrôle de version qui est devenu un outil essentiel pour les développeurs du monde entier. Il permet aux développeurs de suivre les modifications apportées à la base de code d’un projet, de collaborer avec d’autres sur la même base de code et de revenir en arrière lorsque nécessaire. Voici les 11 meilleurs commandes Git que tout développeur devrait connaître.

En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je sais que Git est un système de contrôle de version qui est devenu un outil essentiel pour les développeurs à travers le monde. Il permet aux développeurs de suivre les modifications apportées à la base de code d’un projet, de collaborer avec d’autres sur la même base de code et de revenir en arrière si nécessaire.

C’est pourquoi je voudrais partager avec vous les 11 commandes Git que tout développeur devrait connaître. La première est « git init », qui permet de créer un nouveau dépôt Git. Ensuite, il y a « git clone » qui permet de cloner un dépôt existant sur votre ordinateur. La troisième commande est « git add », qui permet d’ajouter des fichiers à un dépôt. La quatrième est « git commit », qui permet d’enregistrer les modifications apportées à un dépôt. La cinquième est « git push », qui permet d’envoyer des modifications vers un dépôt distant. La sixième est « git pull », qui permet de récupérer des modifications depuis un dépôt distant. La septième est « git branch », qui permet de créer une nouvelle branche dans un dépôt. La huitième est « git checkout », qui permet de basculer entre les branches d’un dépôt. La neuvième est « git merge », qui permet de fusionner des branches dans un dépôt. La dixième est « git log », qui permet d’afficher l’historique des commits d’un dépôt. Et enfin, la onzième est « git status », qui permet d’afficher l’état actuel du dépôt.

En tant que développeur, maîtriser ces commandes Git est essentiel pour travailler efficacement avec le code et pour collaborer avec d’autres développeurs. Grâce à ces commandes, vous serez en mesure de gérer facilement vos projets et de partager votre code avec d’autres personnes. Vous serez également en mesure de récupérer des modifications et de revenir en arrière si nécessaire. Ces commandes sont donc essentielles pour tout développeur qui souhaite travailler avec le code et le partager avec d’autres.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Installer des panneaux solaires sur les camions frigorifiques, dématérialiser les processus dans les entrepôts, utiliser des données précises en temps réel pour gérer le coût environnemental des livraisons par produit et par itinéraire… Ces initiatives, et bien d’autres, sont au centre des préoccupations des leaders de la Supply Chain, qui s’efforcent de rendre cette dernière plus durable et d’alléger le fardeau pour la planète.

Si ces actions figurent en bonne place dans l’agenda logistique, c’est que la durabilité est un levier important. Selon le Forum international des transports, les émissions de dioxyde de carbone devraient afficher une hausse de 16 % d’ici 2050, à la suite de l’augmentation du transport de marchandises – et ce, même si les pays s’engagent à les freiner. Si l’on n’intervient pas, les villes du monde entier accueilleront des millions de véhicules de livraison de fret et de colis en plus au cours de la prochaine décennie. Résultat : davantage d’embouteillages et une augmentation équivalente des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, comme le signale le Forum économique mondial.

La conclusion qui s’impose : il est primordial de trouver comment rendre la logistique et les livraisons plus durables du point de vue environnemental.

« Les entreprises s’intéressent de plus en plus à la durabilité des opérations logistiques », remarque Josué Velázquez Martínez, directeur du laboratoire des Supply Chains durables du Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT. « Elles font face à des pressions croissantes de la part du législateur et des consommateurs, et s’efforcent vraiment d’améliorer tous les aspects de la Supply Chain ».

Ces mêmes entreprises pourraient se trouver contraintes de prendre davantage de mesures. Si l’on se réfère aux règles en vigueur, nombre d’entre elles n’indiquent pas suffisamment les émissions générées par leur Supply Chain dans leurs rapports de durabilité, voire les omettent totalement, indique le New York Times. Or, il est possible qu’elles y soient bientôt obligées, car les autorités de régulation ont aujourd’hui la logistique dans le collimateur. Aux États-Unis, le législateur envisage de demander aux entreprises publiques de déclarer leurs émissions tout au long de leur Supply Chain. L’UE a également élaboré une proposition de directive qui renforce les règles de communication d’informations en matière de durabilité.

Les entreprises s’intéressent de plus en plus à la durabilité des opérations logistiques. Elles font face à des pressions croissantes de la part du législateur et des consommateurs.

Josué Velázquez Martínez, Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT

Les attentes des consommateurs, les réglementations et la demande du marché poussent les dirigeants d’entreprises à agir davantage sur le terrain de la durabilité. Tout naturellement, c’est au niveau des systèmes de logistique et de distribution que sont mises en place de nouvelles normes, qui contribueront largement à créer un avantage concurrentiel. En effet, les entreprises qui économisent sur la livraison en utilisant moins d’énergie et de ressources bénéficient d’un meilleur retour sur investissement (sur leur parc de camions, par exemple) et imaginent des modes de livraison plus efficaces. À cela s’ajoute, du côté des consommateurs, une conscience accrue du coût environnemental des livraisons et une volonté de choisir des options moins rapides pour préserver la planète.

Mais pour voir l’avènement d’une logistique durable, nous devons optimiser nos itinéraires de transport, construire des entrepôts plus efficaces et utiliser plus souvent et plus efficacement les données. Autant de tâches qui n’ont rien de simple. Avant de pouvoir réellement mesurer les progrès en matière de développement durable et agir sur l’empreinte carbone des produits, il y a de nombreuses étapes à mettre en œuvre.

Pas de temps à perdre: Découvrez pourquoi les entreprises doivent faire coïncider leurs ambitions et leurs actes en matière de durabilité.

Lire les actualités


D’après le rapport « Le paradoxe de la Supply Chain durable » établi par SAP et Oxford Economics, les cadres dirigeants ne connaissent pas encore suffisamment leur Supply Chain et éprouvent des difficultés à la rendre plus durable. Ils en sont encore à fixer des objectifs, et non à les mettre en application. Près de la moitié des personnes interrogées jugent que la complexité et le coût sont les deux principaux obstacles dans cette démarche de durabilité.

Mais comme l’explique Shimon Gowda, responsable de configuration de la Supply Chain chez Chainalytics, une pression croissante incite les entreprises à gagner en visibilité sur leur Supply Chain globale et à atteindre la neutralité carbone. « De plus en plus d’entreprises s’efforcent de mesurer l’empreinte carbone de leur réseau actuel », ajoute-t-il. « Les leaders du secteur mettent tout en œuvre pour élaborer une mesure précise et exacte, qui servirait de point de référence auquel comparer une situation à l’instant t. »

Pourquoi la logistique constitue un objectif de durabilité majeur

La logistique est une mission complexe. Elle consiste à gérer l’acheminement des matières premières, des produits intermédiaires et des emballages à travers le monde en direction des sites de production, mais aussi la distribution des produits depuis leur lieu de fabrication jusqu’au consommateur. Or, le transport fait partie des domaines dans lesquels l’objectif « zéro émissions » est un enjeu important. Il s’agit notamment de réduire les distances parcourues et d’utiliser plus efficacement les différentes options. Il n’est pas rare, par exemple, que des camions reviennent à vide une fois leur livraison effectuée.


Prenons l’exemple des transports frigorifiques : nous utilisons des camions réfrigérés pour transporter les produits pharmaceutiques, les fruits et légumes, les produits laitiers, la viande et les boissons. Cela nécessite de maintenir la chaîne du froid à l’intérieur de la remorque – ce qui consomme beaucoup d’énergie, traditionnellement de l’essence.


Certaines entreprises contribuent à rendre le transport frigorifique par camion plus durable en alimentant les systèmes de réfrigération à partir de sources d’énergie alternatives. eNow, par exemple, installe des panneaux solaires sur le toit des remorques. Quant à Coldtainer, il fabrique des boîtes de stockage pour la chaîne du froid.

Certaines entreprises s’efforcent de rendre le transport frigorifique par camion plus durable en alimentant les systèmes de réfrigération à partir de sources d’énergie alternatives.


D’après le média NPR, des entreprises bien établies telles que FedEx et DHL investissent dans des matériels et des équipements tels que des véhicules électriques. Mais M. Martínez en est convaincu : se concentrer uniquement sur de nouveaux véhicules est le meilleur moyen de manquer d’importantes opportunités.


« Je constate qu’on s’intéresse beaucoup aux équipements, ce qui est vraiment une bonne chose pour le long terme », explique-t-il. « Mais en attendant, il y a de nombreuses opportunités auxquelles les entreprises ne font pas vraiment attention à ce stade. »


Lorsque votre kilométrage varie, choisissez le bon véhicule pour chaque itinéraire de livraison

Ces opportunités, qu’étudient notamment M. Martínez et bien d’autres personnes, ce sont notamment des systèmes de planification des transports qui optimisent les itinéraires, réduisent le kilométrage et les émissions, et analysent les effets de la topographie sur les performances des camions.


Renouveler sa flotte n’est pas, en soi, un mauvais choix. Mais un camion neuf n’est pas nécessairement la meilleure option, écologiquement parlant. Les recherches du laboratoire d’étude de durabilité des Supply Chains ont permis d’établir que le kilométrage, tel qu’il est mentionné sur les sites Internet des constructeurs automobiles, est divisé par deux environ en conditions de livraison réelles. L’écart tient probablement au fait que les tests des camions sont réalisés dans des conditions différentes.

Un leadership porteur de sens: Découvrez comment les entreprises placent la durabilité au cœur de leur stratégie.

Lire le témoignage


« Les constructeurs font probablement leurs tests dans des conditions qui n’ont rien à voir avec une exploitation réelle, en particulier sur les derniers kilomètres parcourus », avance M. Martínez.

Il suffit de comparer les performances d’un camion qui se déplace sur autoroute, à une vitesse moyenne comprise entre 65 et 80 km/h, et qui fait trois arrêts de livraison, avec celles du même camion qui parcourt une zone très vallonnée à 8 ou 16 km/h et qui effectue vingt arrêts de livraison. Les chiffres seront très différents, et dépendront du modèle. Les camions anciens ont tendance à afficher de meilleures performances que les neufs sur autoroute ; dans une étude menée avec l’entreprise de logistique mexicaine Coppel, l’équipe de M. Martínez a trouvé des exemples attestant d’une meilleure efficacité en carburant (jusqu’à 15 % de différence). L’étude a été réalisée en utilisant une vitesse, des longueurs de segments (soit la quantité d’arrêts sur un itinéraire donné) et un profil topographique moyens, et en s’appuyant sur l’apprentissage automatique pour classer les régions en fonction de ces caractéristiques – certaines étant plus résidentielles, d’autres urbaines, d’autres mixtes.

Imaginez que vous puissiez dire à un client : « Si vous êtes prêt à atteindre deux, trois, quatre jours de plus, vous pourrez réduire l’empreinte carbone de tel pourcentage. »

Josué Velázquez Martínez, Centre de transport et de logistique du MIT

Sur la base de l’analyse effectuée, l’équipe de Martínez a modélisé une réaffectation des véhicules permettant d’exploiter chacun sur les zones dans lesquelles il réalise les meilleures performances. Les résultats indiquent une réduction de 3 % du carburant utilisé – un chiffre non négligeable pour les entreprises, qui consacrent chaque année des millions à ce poste. À partir de la même hypothèse, l’équipe a également mis en place un projet pilote en conditions réelles, avec 10 véhicules sur un mois. Elle a constaté 8 % d’économies de carburant.

« Il n’est pas vraiment nécessaire d’investir, seulement de réaffecter le matériel existant », conclut M. Martínez. « Mais si vous comptez renouveler votre parc de véhicules, alors vous devez vous assurer que les nouveaux seront utilisés dans les régions attendues, puis réaffecter ceux que vous allez conserver dans votre exploitation. »

Ces résultats montrent comment la combinaison des données, des capacités de calcul et des algorithmes peut participer à améliorer le transport. La topographie a aussi son importance, ajoute M. Martínez, mais elle n’est généralement pas prise en compte dans les évaluations environnementales, car on opte plutôt pour les itinéraires les plus courts et les plus rapides, et parce que c’est un facteur complexe. Pourtant, c’est logique : monter une pente ne nécessite pas la même quantité d’énergie que de la descendre.

« Gérer ces données en utilisant le suivi GPS pour mieux cerner les faits et prendre des décisions mieux informées représente une opportunité considérable », explique-t-il. « C’est ce que j’appelle faire une petite place aux problématiques de la Supply Chain pour réduire réellement les émissions autant que possible, tout en continuant de répondre aux attentes de vos clients et d’atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. »

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Une livraison le jour même est une opération complexe, car elle implique de nombreux déplacements dans les mêmes zones, avec des camions qui ne sont pas toujours pleins – ce qui augmente les émissions. Le laboratoire de recherche sur la durabilité des Supply Chains a réalisé une expérience pour voir si les consommateurs font des choix différents en fonction de leur sensibilité écologique et de leur capacité à attendre.

Dans cette expérience du « bouton vert », 52 % des clients ont effectivement changé leurs choix de livraison pour limiter leur impact environnemental. Le laboratoire a essayé différentes manières de quantifier ce paramètre pour l’utilisateur, par exemple la réduction des émissions de CO2 ou le nombre d’arbres sauvés. Avec l’exemple des arbres, les chercheurs ont établi que les clients étaient prêts à attendre quatre jours de plus en moyenne pour être livrés. Pour être précis, 70 % ont seulement déclaré qu’ils feraient ce choix, tandis que 52 % l’ont réellement fait – ce qui représente déjà plus de la moitié de la population considérée.

« Il est possible de communiquer avec transparence autour de la Supply Chain avec les clients, afin qu’ils puissent utiliser ces informations au moment d’acheter », insiste M. Martínez. Bien sûr, ce n’est pas simple. Il faut pouvoir indiquer les émissions de CO2 correspondant à chaque commande qui s’affiche dans le panier d’un consommateur, afin que ce dernier dispose de données précises et comprenne l’impact de sa décision. Cela nécessite de nombreuses analyses, voire la validation d’un tiers pour légitimer l’information fournie. Mais ce procédé représenterait un avantage significatif pour asseoir la crédibilité environnementale des marques.

« Imaginez que vous puissiez dire à un client :  si vous êtes prêt à atteindre deux, trois, quatre jours de plus, vous pourrez réduire l’empreinte carbone de tel pourcentage ; vous participerez à préserver l’environnement », explique M. Martínez.

La valeur ajoutée des entrepôts locaux en termes de durabilité

Ancrer les Supply Chains localement, en alternant entre les sources d’approvisionnement et sites de production locaux et éloignés, est une autre manière de renforcer leur durabilité. Dans cette perspective, les entrepôts jouent un rôle important : construire des hangars de petite taille, à proximité de la demande, permet en effet de réduire les temps de trajet et les émissions. Les entrepôts constituent aujourd’hui le type de bâtiment commercial le plus volumineux aux États-Unis et, à en croire l’Agence américaine d’information sur l’énergie, les chiffres ne font qu’augmenter.

Il serait possible d’imposer aux entrepôts qu’ils soient autonomes énergétiquement et de les concevoir neutres en carbone. La production d’énergie alternative – par exemple, à l’aide de panneaux solaires installés sur le toit – semble couler de source et, dans certaines zones, elle est d’ores et déjà obligatoire ou subventionnée. L’Allemagne, par exemple, propose un soutien financier à l’installation d’infrastructures solaires. Aux États-Unis, il existe une multitudes d’aides fédérales et étatiques.

À Elizabeth, dans le New Jersey, East Coast Warehouse dispose de panneaux solaires sur son entrepôt, l’un des plus grands du Nord-Est des États-Unis. Kevin Daly, directeur commercial, indique que l’entreprise a récemment installé 4 900 modules solaires à haut rendement supplémentaires, qui ont généré plus de 2,5 GW en 2020. « Nos panneaux solaires ont vraiment dépassé nos attentes », se félicite-t-il.

L’entreprise s’étend dans le Maryland et en Géorgie, et envisage d’utiliser l’énergie solaire sur les entrepôts qu’elle y crée. M. Daly fait remarquer que le processus est plus simple pour les sociétés qui sont propriétaires de leurs bâtiments, entre autres parce que la communauté des développeurs s’inquiète des obligations que les panneaux peuvent engendrer, et du poids qu’ils peuvent ajouter à une structure. Ce point mis à part, ajoute-t-il, c’est une décision d’investissement, qui est souvent liée aux subventions.

À l’intérieur des entrepôts, placer les unités de gestion de stock les plus importantes et qui transitent le plus dans des emplacements rapidement et aisément accessibles est un moyen de limiter l’énergie utilisée par les chariots élévateurs.

M.Daly pense que davantage d’entrepôts adopteront l’énergie solaire et d’autres formes d’énergie alternatives. « Je ne doute pas qu’à mesure que la technologie se perfectionnera, elle deviendra encore plus efficace et plus bénéfique pour tout le monde. »

Des systèmes de gestion des entrepôts plus intelligents: Les entreprises utilisent des technologies intelligentes pour optimiser leurs opérations quotidiennes dans les entrepôts.

En savoir plus


Le fonctionnement interne des entrepôts et les livraisons sont également devenus plus durables. East Coast Warehouse a choisi de gérer ses opérations de répartition sur des tablettes et des terminaux mobiles, et de se débarrasser autant que possible du papier – et ce, dans un secteur qui en a toujours utilisé beaucoup.

Grâce aux options numériques, les chauffeurs routiers peuvent rester dans leurs camions pour gérer toutes les formalités depuis leur tablette, y compris les lettres de voiture, qui peuvent être envoyées directement aux destinataires par voie électronique. En plus de limiter la consommation de papier, ce mode de fonctionnement permet davantage de transparence. La preuve de livraison – où, quand et qui a signé – peut être intégrée à un système de gestion du transport et archivée automatiquement.

« Ce processus, qui nécessitait beaucoup d’heures de travail et d’opérations manuelles pour numériser et remplir les papiers, est devenu beaucoup plus gérable si on fait les choses de la bonne manière » conclut M. Daly.

De plus en plus d’entreprises cherchent à optimiser les opérations au sein de leurs entrepôts, comme l’explique Mme Gowda, de Chainalytics. Revenir aux principes fondamentaux de l’organisation et, par exemple, placer les unités de gestion de stock les plus importantes et qui transitent le plus dans des emplacements rapidement et aisément accessibles, est un moyen de limiter l’énergie utilisée par les chariots élévateurs.

« Le simple fait de rationaliser tout cela peut vraiment changer la donne, même au niveau de l’émission de gaz à effet de serre, car cela revient à optimiser vos opérations en tentant de tirer le meilleur parti des ressources disponibles sur le site », insiste Mme Gowda.

La logistique durable s’appuie sur des données

On en revient toujours à la même question : « Vos données sont-elles de bonne qualité ? » Parce qu’il ne suffit plus d’utiliser des données d’historique ou d’estimer des paramètres tels que les émissions générées par les camions.

Désormais, des sociétés tierces proposent les outils nécessaires pour déterminer les émissions de CO2 réelles d’un véhicule donné, à partir des informations opérationnelles collectées. Ces outils sont capables de transmettre ces informations sur des tableaux de bord, de manière à faciliter une approche stratégique dans la réflexion et les actions à mener – et à créer ainsi une Supply Chain plus cohérente de bout en bout.

Autre grand objectif d’un grand nombre de marques et de fabricants : pouvoir ventiler les émissions par produit, de leur conception à leur mise hors service. Ces informations, réclamées par les consommateurs, peuvent constituer un facteur de différenciation considérables pour une marque si elles sont bien compilées et communiquées avec précision (c’est-à-dire sans déclarations non étayées ni « greenwashing »).

D’après Mme Gowda, on prête de plus en plus d’attention à la logistique inverse, car les entreprises modernes consacrent davantage d’analyses à mieux comprendre le coût environnemental de leurs produits, tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Les clients de Chainalytics souhaitent aujourd’hui élaborer des scénarios qui accordent la priorité aux gaz à effet de serre, et non aux coûts. Dans ce domaine, la création d’un jumeau numérique se révèle très utile.

« Il devient un peu difficile de répondre à ce genre de questions sans disposer d’une plateforme de jumeau numérique complètement fonctionnelle », explique Mme Gowda. « Mais nous sommes définitivement plus efficaces qu’il y a dix ans. Nous sommes vraiment en mesure de comprendre notre propre impact, et nous essayons de créer davantage de solutions pour favoriser des Supply Chains plus vertes. »

Nous sommes vraiment en mesure de comprendre notre propre impact, et nous essayons de créer davantage de solutions pour favoriser des Supply Chains plus vertes.

Shimon Gowda, responsable de conception de la Supply Chain chez Chainalytics

Rationaliser l’approvisionnement et les prévisions de la demande peut également renforcer la durabilité, indique Mme Gowda. Tout au long de la Supply Chain, chaque acteur dispose de ses propres métriques prévisionnelles. Mais s’il y a une faille en amont, elle se répète et s’amplifie en aval. Cela peut entraîner une surproduction de la part de toutes les entreprises de la chaîne, ce qui signifie des déchets ou des produits excédentaires qui se retrouvent dans les entrepôts après avoir voyagé dans le monde entier. « C’est typiquement le scénario que nous cherchons à éviter quand nous essayons d’évoluer vers un fonctionnement plus durable, neutre en carbone », conclut-elle.

Un concept de Supply Chain appelé « planification collaborative et réapprovisionnement prévisionnel » est en train de gagner du terrain. C’est un autre exemple de scénario dans lequel les jumeaux numériques jouent un rôle essentiel, car chaque acteur de la Supply Chain peut voir les données transférées par les autres. Par exemple, le fabricant est en mesure de consulter les prévisions du détaillant final trois mois à l’avance. Tout problème peut ainsi être identifié et résolu plus tôt. « Cette solution renferme un vrai potentiel de progression vers l’économie circulaire, car elle implique de se montrer minimaliste dans sa consommation, dans ses transferts… sur tous les points, en somme », explique Mme Gowda.

À mesure que les entreprises s’attachent à évaluer l’impact environnemental réel de leur Supply Chain et de leurs opérations logistiques, les livraisons se rationalisent, de manière à générer moins de déchets et moins d’émissions. Un bonne nouvelle pour l’environnement comme pour les clients !


Note des éditeurs : Découvrez des idées logistiques plus durables et des exemples pratiques dans L’économie circulaire se popularise ; 5 vérités sur la Supply Chain dans le monde post-COVID-19 ; et Sur la terre, la mer et dans les airs : des technologies émergentes pour maîtriser le changement climatique.


The post La logistique durable en mouvement Till Dengel, Richard Howells | 14 min de lecture appeared first on SAP France News.

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Amelia is a WordPress booking plugin that can fully automate and streamline its appointment booking operations when added to a business’s WordPress site. This makes Amelia an excellent choice for beauty, healthcare, fitness, consulting, educational, and similar client-dependent businesses.

The Amelia plugin can –

  • manage an unlimited number of appointment bookings at multiple locations, and do so from a single platform and dashboard;
  • enable clients to book appointments online 24/7;
  • easily manage group appointments, package bookings, and events;
  • send notifications and reminders to clients via Email or SMS, and make payments online with PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, or Razor;
  • customize booking forms to match its host’s brand.

Click on the banner to find out more about how the Amelia WordPress plugin could be used to upgrade your business’s booking operations.

4. Slider Revolution – more than a WordPress slider plugin

Slider Revolution is a WordPress plugin that is more than just a slider plugin. It’s a highly popular plugin that designers rely on to create visuals they know their clients and customers will love.

Slider Revolution features –

  • 250+ website and slider templates designed to impress;
  • innovative website animation effects and other features that push the boundaries of what is possible in web design.

Slider Revolution is trusted by over 9 million users around the world.

5. WordLift – AI-powered SEO

Structured data helps your website speak the language of Google, and WordLift is the most innovative way to create one.

It is an AI-powered SEO tool that: 

  • adds structured data to your content;
  • creates a Knowledge Graph that makes it easier for Google to understand the relevance of pages, their relationship, and their value;
  • build up the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness of your website.

As a result, you get more organic traffic and audience engagement.

6. TheDock – Ship Solid Websites

TheDock is a design team-oriented WordPress theme builder that supports collaboration, speeds up website design, and helps to create sites that look sharp, perform great, and are easily maintained because of its –

  • custom Post Types and Custom Fields;
  • speedy page load;
  • flexible auto-adjusting layout system with UI components;
  • white-label builder for sharing access to TheDock if you want to;
  • built-in features that assure excellent security and easy maintenance.

7. Download Monitor – Best WordPress Download Manager

Download Monitor is a WordPress downloads manager that can help you streamline your business operations without having to go through the process of setting up a complicated or costly tracking solution.

With the Download Monitor plugin, you can –

  • track any type of file download (ZIP, PPT, XSLX, PDF, etc.);
  • assemble aggregated file download statistics about different file download types;
  • establish access rules based on user roles and download quotas.

8. Essential Grid – best WordPress grid plugin

Essential Grid is, by all accounts, the best WordPress grid plugin on the market. Essential Grid makes it ever so easy to spice up your websites by using it to create superbly engaging and professional-looking galleries.

This WordPress plugin can give you –

  • stunning, fully customizable boxed and full-width to full-screen grid layout options and various grid designs;
  • responsive designs that enable you to control grid appearance on various devices;
  • access to social media content. 

9. LayerSlider – Best WordPress Slider Builder Plugin

LayerSlider is the best WordPress slider plugin, but it is not just for sliders. Create image galleries, popups, landing pages, animated page blocks, parallax and scroll scenes, and even full websites.

LayerSlider –

  • will fit your needs and is easy to use;
  • can spice up and add flair and style to an otherwise run-of-the-mill website;
  • supports any WordPress theme and page builder;
  • features 210+ highly customizable websites, slider, and popup templates.

10. YellowPencil – Visual CSS Editor

YellowPencil is a visual CSS editor you can use to customize any WordPress site in minutes.

Key features include –

  • a complete visual editing interface that allows you to redesign a page with a few clicks;
  • a simple interface that does not require coding;
  • the capability to edit any font and any color;
  • the capability to visually edit a design element’s size, margin, and padding properties;
  • the ability to undo/redo mistakes.


It is almost needless to tell any WordPress user how important plugins are for a website. A good WordPress plugin has the power to boost the success of your business online by adding a range of helpful features and functionality to your website.

In this article, we have shared our expert pick of 10 great WordPress plugins for your websites in 2023.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BAW media –]


The post 10 Great WordPress Plugins in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Have you been searching in vain to find a great WordPress theme that you can use to create a website that will perfectly match your brand and vision?

Building a top-of-the-line website is no longer the complicated process you had to contend with only a few short years ago. More often than not, it was something best left to the developers. The WordPress platform has changed all that with its thousands of quality WordPress themes to choose from.

Finding the best WordPress theme to fit your needs is still not easy. The search to find that ideal WordPress theme can put your patience to the test.

We’ve tried out best to simplify your search. We believe we have succeeded with this listing of 11 Best WordPress themes.

1. Be – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

This big, beautiful, and powerful multipurpose WordPress theme is among the best in the business. 250,000+ satisfied users attest to its popularity. With respect to size, which readily translates into flexibility, BeTheme’s 40+ core features take care of that issue.

Those core features include a 650+ pre-built website library, a host of design elements and options, and the most advanced page and website-building tools on the market.

Powerful website-building tools BeTheme places at your fingertips include –

  • Be Builder is a fast, light, and super-intuitive website builder for WordPress. One of the Builder’s most practical page-building capabilities is viewing an element as you customize it.
  • Be Builder Blocks is a growing library of time-saving pre-built sections.
  • Be Builder Woo offers a quick and convenient way to design an online store with customer-centric shopping features like product previews, cart, checkout, etc.
  • Be Theme’s Header Builder 2.0 features 14 pre-build headers, including mobile-ready and interactive titles.

A setup wizard and helpful tutorial are included. You’ve been invited to test the stunning Be Builder’s capabilities in this Live Demo.

2. Total WordPress Theme

“Build it your way.” could serve as Total’s slogan. Flexibility rules in terms of providing users everything they could ask for to build attractive, engaging, and performant websites.

Total accomplishes this with its multiplicity of design options, customizer settings, layout choices, navigation options, dynamic template functionality, and the popular WPBakery frontend drag-and-drop page builder.

  • Total’s page builder blocks and extra modules, post entry cards, animations, layout options, and custom backgrounds make building a website a quick and easy undertaking.
  • Total fully integrates with WooCommerce, it features clean, developer-friendly code, and is RTL and translation ready.
  • The popular Slider Revolution plugin is included, and Total is compatible with many other popular plugins, including bbPress, Uber Menu, Easy Digital Downloads, and WPML, to name a few.

Click on the banner to learn more about everything that has delighted Total’s 48,000 users.

3. Blocksy Free Ecommerce WordPress Theme

Blocksy’s prioritization of flexibility, extensibility, and speed has resulted in a WordPress theme that gives you complete control to create and customize your website’s appearance and functionality as you build it.

These major Blocksy priorities find their way into this theme’s key features, which consist of –

  • an easy-to-use options interface and integration with WooCommerce, Gutenberg, Elementor, Brizy & Beaver, and Tutor LMS will provide you with a wealth of design approaches and options.

Blocksy’s other features of note include –

  • a Header Builder with a host of customized elements
  • a Footer Builder complete with a menu, social icons, and a widget area.
  • Five types of Content Blocks

And not to forget, Blocksy is free! Click on the banner to check it out. There is a Pro version of Blocksy, but the free version offers plenty.

4. Avada WordPress Theme

The fact that Avada, with more than 750,000 users, is the #1 best-selling WordPress theme of all time should be reason enough to give it a closer look.

  • This ultimate WordPress theme was created with speed and exceptional performance in mind.
  • Its WooCommerce builder is just what you need to create a shop, cart, checkout, and product layouts customized to match your brand.
  • features include 400+ pre-built web pages and 120+ design and layout elements.

5. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

There is no limit to what you can build in the way of attractive and engaging websites and online stores when you have Uncode’s Creative and WooCommerce theme at your back.

Uncode places at your fingertips –

  • its advanced Drag & Drop Product Builder, high-performance Ajax product filters, swatches, and outstanding shop layouts
  • 70+ professionally designed pre-made designs you can mix and match, and 500+ Wireframes carefully designed section templates.

6. TheGem – Creative and WooCommerce WordPress Theme

TheGem creative WordPress theme is a Swiss Army knife of web design tools with its creative modern layouts, super-fast loading times, and easy-to-use tools for building a professional website that will leave the competition in the dust.

Key features include –

  • Theme Builder for building headers, footers, products, popups, etc., in Elementor or WPBakery
  • 400+ pre-built importable websites and TheGem Blocks collection of 600+ pre-built page sections  
  • Extended WooCommerce tools for building pixel-perfect online shops.

7. Woodmart Woocommerce WordPress Theme

If building an online store is on your mind, you won’t go wrong with WoodMart, ThemeForest’s highest-rated eCommerce theme. Woodmart’s customization options are virtually unlimited, while its drag-and-drop builder can reduce your workflow to a minimum.

WoodMart design features include –

  • 80+ pre-built websites
  • Elementor shop and product page builders with a multiplicity of product page display options and Elementor’s custom checkout
  • An AJAX shop complete with AJAX shop filters and product swatches.

8. Rey WordPress WooCommerce Theme

The Rey WooCommerce theme takes building a WooCommerce site to an exciting new level with its powerful Elementor and WooCommerce integrations coupled with WordPress’s sophisticated engine.

Rey’s other key features include:

  • A valuable selection of pre-made designs
  • A selection of Elementor widgets designed to cover most website design situations
  • Ajax Navigation and Filters designed to simplify your site’s page browsing and navigation functionality.

Rey is performance-oriented, responsive, developer, and SEO-friendly. 

9. Litho – WordPress Elementor Theme

Litho is creative and modern, and it’s highly customizable. This WordPress Elementor theme is totally integrated with Elementor, the world’s #1 free page builder.

  • With Litho, you have the tools to easily create any type of business niche, portfolio, blog, or eCommerce website.
  • Litho’s design features include 37+ ready home pages, 200+ creative elements, 300+ templates, and the popular Slider Revolution plugin.
  • Online detailed documentation is also included.

10. Vault – Multi-Purpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Vault’s multiplicity of design tools and design options packed into a single framework make website building as simple as one-two-three.

  • Start with selections from Vault’s 50+ full websites, 1200+ template blocks, and 230+ premium widgets.
  • Put into play the next-generation Theme Options Panel with its beautiful interactions and animations.
  • Pull everything together with Vault’s interactive design tools and customization options.

And you’ll end up with a modern, engaging, high-performance website.

11. KnowAll – WordPress Knowledge Base Theme

KnowAll is simply the most powerful WordPress Knowledge Base theme on the market. All the tools are there to help you build a high-performance and easy-to-use knowledge base.

  • KnowAll’s advanced analytics will give you an excellent awareness as to how visitors use your knowledge base.
  • KnowAll’s visitor feedback will give you a better grasp as to which content visitors find to be valuable and engaging and which articles may be less helpful.


Each of the 11 best WordPress themes listed here are noted for their high-quality designs. Also, for their impressive selections of demos, pre-built layouts, and templates. Each offers a wealth of customization settings, options, and other genuinely useful features. They are designed to make your website serve its purpose effectively and efficiently.

These highly popular WordPress themes were selected for a reason. No matter which one you choose, you’ll be well on the way to creating an outstanding product.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BAW Media –]


The post 11 Best WordPress Themes for 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Reap the full benefits of enhanced code quality, better testing practices, and early error detection with proper implementation of continuous integration processes. This Refcard explains detailed patterns and anti-patterns for core areas of CI, including version control, the build stage, pipeline monitoring, documentation, as well as communication and collaboration across teams and within the organization.
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As we move into 2023, there are an increasing number of ways companies can engage with their customers. And as the number of apps, browser extensions, social media feeds, newsletters, vlogs, and podcasts grows, you can be forgiven for thinking that websites are a little less essential than they were in say, 2021.

However, the truth is that websites remain an irreplaceable part of the digital landscape and they will continue to be into 2023 and beyond.

Websites, as the keystone of a centralized, privately run digital experience couldn’t be more relevant. Unlike competing technologies, websites allow almost total control of their source code, and that provides an opportunity for skilled designers and developers to compete against the biggest names in their clients’ industries in a way that simply isn’t possible in tightly governed systems like social media.

Not only does quality web design help businesses increase their traffic, but it can increase the quality of that traffic; an attractive and user-friendly web page will encourage web users to stay on the page longer, and explore more of the content it links to.

Websites vs. Social Media

For many brands, the option they turn to for connecting with customers is social media. Particularly platforms like Facebook and Instagram. While billions of us are happy to while away our free time on social media, it’s not a great platform for informed decision-making or task fulfillment. For any form of productivity, websites are superior:

  • Flexibility: Websites can be customized to suit a company’s vision and values, whereas social media tends to magnify accounts that reflect its own values.
  • Ownership: When you publish on your website you own your content, when you post to social media the platform tends to own your content.
  • Investment: As we’ve seen recently with a certain bird-themed social network, you can spend years investing time in your social media channel only to have it canceled by an individual with his own agenda.
  • Findability: Websites are discoverable on search engines, and although algorithms govern these search engines, competition across different search engines keeps search algorithms honest. Social media networks each use a single algorithm making them free to skew browsing any way they choose.
  • Scaleability: Websites can take advantage of the latest technologies to improve user experience, on social media user experience is governed by the network’s decisions.

Websites vs. Apps

When it comes to owning a piece of the internet, a connected app feels like ownership. However, websites have a number of benefits over an app, from a superior user experience to lower development costs. And ultimately, apps are also controlled by 3rd parties.

  • Accessibility: Websites are universally accessible, while apps are usually limited to certain operating systems or platforms. If you want to distribute to devices, you’ll need to be approved by the store owner who can (and will) change the terms and conditions of store distribution without consulting you.
  • Flexibility: Websites provide a greater level of flexibility and scalability than apps.
  • Cost-effective: A simple website can be created and launched in a weekend, they are considerably more cost-effective to develop and maintain than apps.
  • Findability: Search engines have evolved around website technologies, and it is far easier to create a discoverable website than an app that ranks high in an app store.
  • Universality: Websites have lower entry costs for users, and there aren’t any downloads or purchases required.
  • 3rd-party features: Websites can integrate 3rd-party content like chatbots, payment gateways, and forms, that generally require licensing to include in an app.

Websites vs. Podcasts and Vlogs

There’s no question that podcasts and vlogs are engaging types of content. However, they are very limited when it comes to different kinds of experience. These tend to be passive, linear experiences. Even if your podcast opens itself up to listener interaction, your customers are still passive consumers.

  • Cost-effective: Websites can be set up very cheaply, podcasts and vlogs on the other hand require high-production values to compete.
  • Longevity: Well-written website content can remain relevant for years, the lifespan of a vlog or podcast is often just a few months.
  • Flexibility: Websites can embed podcasts and vlogs, as well as virtually any other content; podcasts and vlogs can only ever be podcasts and vlogs. Websites will continue to evolve long after podcasts are obsolete.
  • Simple: There is now a range of no-code options for creating a reliable website, meaning it can be done with little to no skills or experience. Podcasts and vlogs require a great deal of technical knowledge to produce.
  • Findability: As with other technologies, podcasts and vlogs can’t compete with websites when it comes to search engine optimization.
  • Faster: A well-designed website is much smaller than a podcast or vlog, making it cheaper and easier to access, especially on a cellular network.

Websites in 2023 and Beyond

In 2023 websites will still be a critical part of a successful business strategy and web designers will continue to be essential members of any team.

Websites continue to offer numerous benefits over other technologies including increased flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and superior search engine opportunities.

Unlike social media platforms that allow you to customize a few assets like avatars and colors, websites can be completely customized to fit the tone and style of a brand. Additionally, websites have a far lower barrier to entry than podcasts, vlogs, or apps. While apps may offer a richer set of features than a website, that is offset by the restrictions on platform and device capabilities that apps impose.

Websites will continue to evolve as the tech landscape changes. New ideas for consuming digital media will appear over time, offering unique new experiences — for example, mass adoption of AR (Augmented Reality) is just around the corner. However, the website is perfectly evolved for the types of simple customer interaction that businesses rely on, and will continue to matter in 2023 and beyond.


Featured image by fullvector on Freepik


The post Why Web Design Still Matters in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Choosing the right typefaces for your website can elevate a design from dour to delightful. The right typeface gives personality to your brand voice and can make sure your content gets read.

And so, every month, we put together a roundup of the best new fonts for web designers. In this roundup of the year, we look back at the past twelve months and showcase our forty favorite fonts of 2022. Enjoy!


Tellumo is an elegant geometric sans-serif that oozes positivity. It comes with a standard set of caps and an alternative set of swash caps.

DT Random Display

DT Random Display is an original approach to typeface design. It’s perfect for posters or a branding project with a courageous client.


Rebrand is a sans-serif packed with character. There are display and text versions, each with seven weights.


Aiglon is a monolinear semi-geometric sans-serif. It is simple and forthright, without being dull or forgettable.

Shorai Sans

Shorai Sans is a blend of geometric sans-serif and calligraphic brushstrokes. As well as Latin glyphs, there’s a complete set of Japanese characters.


Monden is a high-contrast serif with a clever little kick on the lowercase h, m, and n that adds richness to body text.


Canora is a calligraphic typeface with two styles: Frente leans to the right, and Verso leans to the left.


Epicene is a beautifully baroque typeface with some intriguing details. There are two families, a display version and a text version.


Sangbleu is a super-family of typefaces with five complementary styles: Empire, Kingdom, Republic, Versailles, and Sunrise.


Forme is a typically British grotesque typeface with the bonus of having an equally functional Arabic sibling.


Aprello is a robust sans-serif that’s ideal for branding projects. There are six weights, each with an italic and a variable font version.


Selva is an elegant serif typeface in the Scotch tradition. It has a vast number of weights and a particularly attractive italic.

GT Planar

GT Planar is a unique typeface with both italic and retalic styles that slant up to 45 degrees in each direction.


Veqay is an elegant stencil typeface with organic shapes, making it ideal for certain branding and editorial design.


Apta is a clean sans-serif with excellent proportions. Unusually it comes in three versions, a geometric style, a humanist style, and a combination style.


Antodits is an energetic script face that has the feel of graffiti. This is a great display font for headlines.


Delvard is a family of three typefaces, Display, Subhead, and Text. It’s a beautiful serif with script-like strokes.


Rosales integrates a humanist style with geometric forms and calligraphic alternatives to create a unique typeface.


Fisterra is an informal serif with two different styles: Morte, with emphasizes curves, and Fora, which emphasizes sharp lines.


Connection is a precisely drawn typeface with beautiful detail courtesy of a calligraphic influence.

Ping Round

Ping Round is a simple sans-serif drawn with as few strokes as possible, resulting in some characterful letterforms.


Mule is a hard-working serif with friendly, engaging letterforms. It has a great rhythm, making it ideal for extended text.


Arnika is a contemporary typeface with a large x-height. The flares on its strokes put it mid-way between a serif and a sans-serif.


Kingsad is a sans-serif designed for branding. The generous curves and wide letterforms make it best suited to short text.


Apice is an elegant script font perfect for posters, branding, and editorial design. It’s a variable font with a setting to control stroke contrast.

The Future

The Future is a reworking of the ideas behind Futura. It has a great mix of Western and Japanese typographic traditions.


Mallory is an Art Nouveau-inspired display face. It has graceful sweeping curves and strong contrast.


Fabbrica is a functional sans-serif that performs exceptionally well at small sizes and especially well on screen.

Gills & Co

Gills & Co is another of this year’s crop of Art Nouveau-inspired typefaces. It’s ideal for editorial design.


Satiata is an energetic typeface that almost dances across the screen. Best used for branding or display type.


Fold is a no-nonsense sans-serif that’s plan spoken and trustworthy. It has four weights with corresponding italics.

Bells Morten

Bells Morten is a display font inspired by vintage signage. It’s bold and all-caps, with sharp flared serifs.


Mori is a versatile sans-serif inspired by contemporary Japanese design. It’s ideal for branding and editorial design.


Nitido is a humanist sans-serif designed as a companion for the popular Nitida font family. It’s beautifully suited to branding work.


Lithops is a fantastic display face for posters, T-shirts, and editorial design, with a pattern making up the letters that’s reminiscent of seaweed.


Rapidissima is a companion typeface to Rapida. While Rapida is a careful usable serif, Rapidissima is an exploration of speed.


Firelli is a warm, contemporary slab serif with a range of weights. It’s an excellent choice for display and body type.

OBO Star

OBO Star is a semi-monospaced typeface, meaning that most of the characters use the same space.


Nagel is a uniwidth sans-serif with a low stroke contrast and some bold detailing. It’s ideally suited to short texts and branding.

Practico Slab UI

Practico Slab UI is a workhorse slab serif that blends European and American mid-century styles. It’s available as a variable font.


The post 40 Best New Fonts of 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

When you’re running a relatively small cluster, you might get away with having no structure in place for it. But with time, your cluster will inevitably scale to dozens of pods and hundreds of containers. If you keep running them carefree, you’ll deal with a mess sooner rather than later. Here’s your golden ticket to get out of this chaos: Kubernetes namespace.

By keeping your cluster organized with namespaces, labels, and annotations, you’ll avoid the performance, maintenance, and security issues that come together in a package with the lack of control over the deployed objects and services.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

This article explains how to build a secure platform using HashiCorp’s stack; many of the steps are well documented, but we missed hints to iron out the wrinkles found in the process; here, we want to show how to glue together the whole procedure. We will highlight in detail the most critical parts explaining where we found issues and how we solved them, and leave references on the official tutorials, if sufficient, to prevent this article from getting too long and difficult to follow.

The Physical Architecture

As shown in the picture below, the physical architecture we want to achieve is composed of a Consul and Nomad cluster of five nodes: three of them are Control Plane nodes configured for High Availability (HA), while the remaining two are Data Plane nodes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The best CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software solutions help sales teams streamline critical processes to improve productivity, track customer interactions and gain actionable insights to deliver a personalized experience to sell smarter, shorten the sales cycle and drive better retention rates.

This article reviews the 21 best CRM software to help you streamline your searches. We’ll cover the key features, user experience, pricing plans, strengths, and weaknesses. So, let’s get to it.

1. Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a cloud-based customer relationship management solution that supports large sales teams and every customer touchpoint.

Over 150,000 companies, including world-leading brands like IBM, NBCUniversal, and Sonos, use the CRM system to streamline workflow automation. 

Key Features

Project Management — The software natively integrates with Slack, allowing you to seamlessly manage your Salesforce tasks in one central location and collaborate remotely with colleagues, customers, and partners in real-time. 

Sales Forecasting — Salesforce can estimate your future sales revenue using your current and historical pipeline data. Again, integrating with apps like revVana helps you gain better revenue insights.

Flexible and Scalable — This CRM software helps small businesses and enterprises meet their growing needs without sacrificing performance. Salesforce CRM is entirely cloud-based, supports over 8,700 integrations, and has an open API, making it highly extensible.

User Experience

Setting up an account only takes three steps.

The dashboard is clean and straightforward, making it easy to use. You can click the modules on the navigation menu to use its features. Additionally, the CRM software displays information in graphs, pie charts, and tables in an easy-to-understand way.

Salesforce Sales Cloud has a robust knowledge base to hit the ground running immediately.


Salesforce offers four subscription plans, billed annually:

  • Essential $25 per user per month
  • Professional $75 per user per month
  • Enterprise $150 per user per month
  • Unlimited $300 per user per month


  • It’s fully cloud-based (you don’t need to install anything)
  • 30-day free trial
  • Customer relations management automation
  • Supports over 8,000 integrations and apps
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • Open API
  • Leads management and business intelligence tools
  • Round-the-clock support
  • Multiple appointment scheduling
  • Mass emailing capability


  • It doesn’t support live chat
  • Not suitable for on-premise deployment

2. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is one of our top options for the best CRM software today. The cloud-based solution helps marketers set up their pipelines, track progress in real-time and automate routine tasks. Over 100,000 companies in 179 countries use the software.

Key Features

Real-Time Alerts — Pipedrive has a built-in reminder that keeps you posted on all your sales activities so you don’t miss a follow-up.

Reporting — The CRM provides detailed reports on pipeline performance. With this insight, you can measure your progress against your business goals.

Revenue Forecasting — The software can forecast your sales volume and revenue using your pipeline data. It automatically updates the estimate when a lead’s status changes.

Leads Capture — Pipedrive has a customizable web form that helps you capture leads for your pipeline. Also, you can segment the leads for personalized communications.

User Experience

Pipedrive is user-friendly. New users will be able to get the hang of it quickly. Also, the CRM software has a robust help center to help users set up and customize their accounts.

It features a visual pipeline that lets you see your sales strategies and process and update a lead status by dragging and dropping it. Additionally, it presents reports in easy-to-understand ways.

The software offers live chat and round-the-clock email support for quick resolutions. 


Pipedrive offers four plans, billed monthly and annually.

  • Essential $11.90 per user per month
  • Advanced $24.90 per user per month
  • Professional $49.90 per user per month
  • Enterprise $74.90 per user per month


  • Faster deal closing
  • Omnichannel lead generation
  • Efficient customer relationship management
  • Free trial (no credit card required)
  • Goal setup and tracking
  • Sales forecast
  • Over 350 integrations
  • 14-days free trial
  • API support
  • Real-time support


  • No free plan
  • The dashboard could feel overwhelming

3. Oracle Netsuite CRM

Oracle NetSuite Customer Relationship Management software promises to deliver the real-time data you need to manage interactions with potential customers, existing customers, and suppliers, deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive sales.

Over 32,000 customers use Oracle NetSuite products.

Key Features

Sales Force Automation — NetSuite CRM SFA unifies your sales processes and provides unprecedented insights into every aspect of your customer relationship to supercharge your sales performance.

Marketing Workflow — You can create and launch targeted marketing campaigns to grow your leads pool. Also, the CRM lets you segment your leads to deliver a personalized experience, shortening the sales cycle.

Customer Service Management — NetSuite automates customer service management, allowing users to focus on other pressing day-to-day activities. For example, it can review the status of submitted tickets and reply with follow-up communications.

Partnership Relationship Management — NetSuite CRM is not just a customer relationship management software. Instead, the platform is a complete business management tool that helps you manage relationships with partners, share real-time information, and maintain control over partner-focused sales processes.

User Experience

This CRM could be more beginner-friendly if not for its many features and advanced functionalities. However, the software offers a search feature to help users find things faster. Another user experience challenge is Netsuite’s time-demanding customization.

Plus, some users have reported crashes and downtime.

Besides these challenges, NetSuite has an excellent user interface that makes it exciting. Also, it offers live chat support, helpful resources, and a comprehensive knowledge base.


NetSuite charges an annual license fee but doesn’t provide any pricing plans. You must contact their customer support to learn about the deployment needs of their CRM systems.


  • A centralized data source that gives users unprecedented visibility into their sales process
  • Salesforce, marketing, and customer service automation
  • Partner relationship management
  • Advanced reporting and analytics
  • Great user interface
  • Sales forecasting
  • Mobile 


  • No monthly subscription plans
  • Not-too-great user experience
  • Expensive compared to other CRM solutions

4. Zoho CRM  

Over 250,000 businesses worldwide use Zoho CRM software solutions. It helps management, marketing, support, and sales teams address their customer relationship management and omnichannel engagement needs.

The platform empowers users to deliver personalized experiences and drive sales through multiple channels.

Key Features

Sales Force Automation — You can create workflows to reduce manual data entry, eliminate redundancies and automate repetitive sales, marketing, and customer service functions. 

Journey Orchestration — Zoho CRM lets users create personalized customer journeys and track each prospect’s path to identify delays or loopholes and optimize the sales process.

Omnichannel — With the Zoho CRM software, you can engage and track customer interactions across multiple channels, including email, social media, phone, and the self-service channel. 

Sales Enablement — Zoho CRM enables frictionless sales processes. You can generate quotes, invoices, and orders within the CRM software. Also, it lets you set up partner portals to grow your business and manage relationships with stakeholders.

User Experience

The Zoho CRM dashboard is clean, straightforward, and user-friendly. So, you can use all of its features as a first-time CRM user.

For example, the software lays the module tabs above the fold at the top bar, making them easily accessible. The reports are also less overwhelming as you can drill into the report you want to see, one at a time.

Zoho CRM offers webinars, tutorials, free eBooks, and documentation for easy setup and customization. No live chat support.


Zoho CRM offers four subscription plans billed monthly and annually:

  • Standard $18 per user per month
  • Professional $30 per user per month
  • Enterprise $45 per user per month
  • Ultimate $55 per user per month


  • Mobile
  • Marketing and sales automation
  • Advanced template and layout customization
  • Insightful reporting and analytics
  • Team collaboration
  • Support customer self-service portal
  • Predictive sales and intelligence
  • Voice assistant
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • App marketplace with several third-party developers
  • REST API support
  • Activity reminders and sticky notes
  • 15-days free trial


  • No live chat support
  • Limited native marketing automation (needs extensions)

5. HubSpot CRM 

HubSpot CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management solution for salespeople, marketers, customer service agents, operations managers, and business owners. Top global brands like Atlassian, Doordash, and Wistia use the HubSpot CRM software.

Key Features

Multiple Hub — HubSpot CRM offers five hubs—marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and Operations—that lets you pay for your needs. In addition, you can integrate up to five hubs into a single CRM to streamline your business processes. 

Email Marketing — The software has a built-in email marketing capability for targeted campaigns to your audience. In addition, you can create customized emails with the intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

Lead Generation — With the built-in lead-capturing forms, ad management tools, and landing pages, you can generate leads online, feed them directly into the CRM and convert them to customers.

Customer Support Portal — You’ll get a customer support portal to manage customer services and support requests, minimizing the burden on your customer service team. With the portal, you can also set up your knowledge base.

SEO Advisor — The SEO Advisor provides actionable SEO tips which can help you rank essential keywords on Google search results. It comes in handy when creating blog posts or developing landing or website pages.

User Experience

You can set up HubSpot CRM quickly and get it running immediately.

The CRM is easy to use and has an excellent user interface. You can customize your dashboard to quickly view your sales pipeline all in one place to enhance your user experience. Also, HubSpot presents its reports in an easy-to-understand way.

It also integrates seamlessly with other tools. In addition, HubSpot offers onboarding services and multiple support channels—phone, email, live chat, and online community.


HubSpot offers a free version but with limited access to its tools. You can extend its functionality based on your needs by subscribing to a plan in the appropriate hub.

Marketing Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $800 per month
  • Enterprise $3,600 per month

Sales Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $450 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month

Customer Service Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $450 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month


  • Starter $23 per month
  • Professional $360 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month

Operations Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $720 per month
  • Enterprise $32,000 per month


  • Powerful collaborative tool, Integrating marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and operations in a single CRM solution.
  • A free version
  • User-friendly and intuitive
  • Large CRM database
  • Sales and marketing workflow
  • Insightful reporting and analytics
  • Lead management 
  • Seamless third-party integration
  • Social posting from the CRM
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Mobile app


  • Limited features that could push to acquire other HubSpot licenses
  • HubSpot licenses are on the high side.

6. Freshworks

Freshsales is a sales CRM software that promises to help you gain a 360-degree view of your customers, deliver personalized engagement, shorten the sales cycle and accelerate revenue with context-driven sales. Brands like Klarna, Blue Nile, and PharmEasy use the CRM system.

Key Features

Lead Generation and Scoring — Freshwok offers CRM tools to help you run personalized campaigns and generate leads from your website visitors. You can also score the leads based on their engagement level.

Deal Management — Freshworks provides a birds-eye view of the deals in your pipeline, making it easy to prioritize and work on them immediately. You can also collaborate with multiple salespersons on the same deal., 

Workflow Automation —The software’s built-in workflow automation lets users automate repetitive tasks to save and boost the sales force’s productivity. You can quickly create automation with the pre-set templates.

AI-Powered Insights —Freshworks’ algorithm, Freddy AI, does the heavy lifting so that you can focus on only deals that convert. Additionally, it delivers AI-powered insights that help you drive faster deal closure. 

Omnichannel — The software enables users to reach customers on their preferred channel without exiting the CRM software. For instance, you can connect with your contacts via email, phone, live chat, WhatsApp, SMS, and Zoom.

User Experience

You can set up an account in three simple steps and connect your email account to the CRM software.

The dashboard is clean and less overwhelming. As a result, you are likely to crack the software at first use without facing many challenges. Also, you can import your sales data and start using the CRM tools immediately without starting from scratch.

You can use the FAQ, help center, or live chat for quick resolutions when you run into issues.


Freshworks offers the best free CRM software with basic features—ideal for beginner users. In addition, you can subscribe to a paid plan to access more tools.

  • Growth $15 per user per month
  • Pro $39 per user per month
  • Enterprise $69 per user per month


  • Email marketing within the CRM software
  • AI-powered deal insights
  • Built-in lead generation capability
  • Seamless sales process automation
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • Territory management
  • Omnichannel customer engagement
  • Over 30 reports
  • A free plan
  • Mobile app
  • 21 days free trial of the highest tier plan
  • Provides a 360-degree view of the business
  • AI-based leads scoring
  • Pipeline visualization


  • Hard-to-reach support
  • Limited third-party integrations

7. Monday

Monday CRM software is one of the best CRM software in the industry. Over 125,000 businesses use it to generate leads from multiple sources, qualify them in a central location, and track and manage all aspects of the sales cycle, from pre-sales to post-sales, all in one place.

Key Features

Email Tracking — With Monday, you can centralize your email communications and track essential email metrics to learn when to reach out, saving you time on cold leads. It also lets you create personalized emails with built-in templates.

Sales Process Automation — You don’t have to waste time on repetitive sales processes. It’s one of the best CRM software for automating your workflows, enabling you to focus on essential things. For instance, it can assign leads to sales reps, notifies you when a prospect opens an email, and more.

Leads Capturing — You can feed your sales pipeline with steady streams of qualified leads collected from multiple sources, qualify them on the CRM, and automatically score them based on pre-set criteria.

Post-Sales Management — Monday’s post-sales management capability lets you continuously manage customer relationships and drive after-sales customer satisfaction to boost customer retention.

User Experience

You can quickly sign up with Gmail and set up your account in a few more steps.

You can sell your sales pipeline and customer journey at a glance. Also, the user interface is excellent, and the software presents information in ways anyone can quickly grasp. In addition, it has a desktop notification feature that keeps you updated on your sales activities in real-time.

Users can customize their dashboards to see only the things they like. Unfortunately, the support doesn’t provide live chat support; however, it tries to compensate for this with a robust help center and round-the-clock email support.


Monday offers a free plan for its CRM software and four premium subscription plans.

  • Basic $10 per month
  • Standard $14 per month
  • Pro $24 per month
  • Enterprise (custom package)


  • Free and custom plans
  • Workflow automation
  • Email tracking and centralized communication
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Customizable reporting dashboard
  • Built-in lead management (capturing and auto-scoring)
  • Post-sales customer relationship management
  • Third-party integrations
  • Mobile app
  • Online community and robust help center


  • Limited native marketing automation
  • No live chat support

8. Keap

Keap is one of the leading sales CRM solutions that cater to small businesses. The software promises to help them grow their leads, improve revenue and drive customer retention through enhanced customer relationship management and marketing workflows.

Key Features

Email and Text Marketing — It’s the right CRM software for small businesses seeking to bring email and SMS marketing into their marketing mix and manage them in one place. They can quickly create email and SMS campaigns with built-in templates and send them to their segmented lists.

Sales and Marketing Automation — With Keap, small business sales teams can automate critical sales and marketing processes to deliver a personalized experience to customers and drive targeted business growth while saving valuable time and human resources. 

Lead Capturing — You can acquire and track leads at every touchpoint. This CRM software comes with CRM tools for capturing leads like landing pages, dedicated sales funnels, forms, and appointment schedulers, which you leverage to generate consistent leads. 

eCommerce — Keap supports payment processors like Stripe, PayPal, and Wepay, allowing you to send and receive payments within your CRM software. The platform has facilitated over $2.6 billion in online sales since its launch.

User Experience

Keap promises a 14-day free trial. But I need help accessing the feature after signing up; the offer is only available to randomly selected businesses.

If the software can deliver on its promises, it will be great for the user experience. 


Keap offers three subscription plans, billed monthly and yearly.

  • Pro $129 per month
  • Max $199 per month
  • Max Classic (custom plan)


  • A referral program that pays up to 30% commission
  • A high-reaching user community
  • Knowledge base and help center
  • Native payment platform
  • Built-in email and SMS marketing
  • Advanced automation
  • Expert assistance


  • No mobile app
  • Limited subscription plan
  • Expensive annual packages
  • The free trial is often unavailable
  • unreliable

9. Sage

Sage integrates sales, marketing, and service modules to deliver world-class customer relationship management software.

It’s one of the best CRM software in the market. With this solution, you can gain valuable insights into where your business stands to make better business decisions.

Key Features

Service Module — This module brings customer service management functionality within the CRM, enabling you to deliver an exceptional experience to prospects and customers, nurture them into long-term relationships and generate repeat businesses.

Sales Modules — With this module, you can automate your sales processes to accelerate sales performance and boost productivity. The company’s customer data shows that sales reps using this feature improved productivity by up to 40%.

Marketing Module — You can plan and run omnichannel, targeted marketing campaigns within the CRM and optimize campaigns to deliver more results with the built-in insightful reports.

User Experience

Sage doesn’t offer its pricing plans upfront. Also, you can’t sign up online. Instead, you’ll need to leave your business information online and wait for their support team to call, which might take time to come.

The user interface is excellent, but the CRM software integrates with only limited applications. In addition, real-time case resolution still needs to be improved. However, the software offers a community forum.


Sage doesn’t have public pricing information. 

However, the software license could cost approximately $600 annually for each user. In addition, one-time initial implementation and related services could take the total cost to about $8,000. 


  • Single modules to fully Integrated solution
  • Powerful real-time insights 
  • Team collaboration
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Customer service management


  • No straightforward signup
  • No subscription plan
  • Limited integration

10. Insightly CRM

Insightly is a popular CRM tool developed to help businesses streamline their processes, collaborate across teams, and integrate all the applications they need to drive sustainable growth.

Over 25,000 companies, including Bloomberg, Bosch, and Sanofi, use the platform, making it one of the best CRM software platforms today.

Key Features

Relationship Mapping — You can link your customer data to existing contacts to map and understand how your customers relate. This feature helps you get a high-definition picture of your customers.

Marketing  — Insightly’s unified marketing platform enables marketing teams to build sales pipelines, attract and engage ideal customers with intelligent and segmented campaigns and automate marketing processes to grow the business faster.

Sales  — You can centralize your customer data in one place, managing leads and spotting and prioritizing those most likely to convert. You can also create and send emails within Insightly and automate your workflows.

Service  — Insightly empowers customer service teams to solve customer challenges more effortlessly. You can receive customer support tickets in one place, quickly share information across the organization and receive actionable insights to improve customer experience.

Integrations  — You can connect all the tools you need to grow your business and manage them under one app. Also, Insightly’s AppConnect supports this CRM’s users in building custom integrations and workflows.

User Experience

Insightly has a clean design with a user-friendly interface. 

Some users complained that it could be challenging to grasp all its possibilities fully. However, it features a knowledge base, videos, and tutorials that could bring you up to speed as quickly as possible. The platform also offers live chat support.

The filters and bulk email could be better.


Insightly’s CRM systems come in three plans, billed annually:

  • Plus, $29 per month
  • Professional $49 per month
  • Enterprise $99 per month


  • Custom integration and workflow builder
  • Project management and team collaboration
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Module for customer service teams
  • Scalable CRM
  • Live chat support
  • Free trial
  • Low-entry cost
  • Mobile app
  • Customer relationship mapping


  • Annual billing
  • Learning curve

11. SugarCRM

SugarCRM is one of the best CRM platforms in the market. It delivers CRM solutions that help companies gain a comprehensive high-definition view of their customers in the past, present, and future to enable predictability, boost situational awareness and reach new levels of business performance. 

Key Features

Predictive Forecasting — SugarCRM leverages historical and real-time data from multiple points to identify issues, root causes, and opportunities and deliver actionable sales insights. In addition, it offers automatic alerts for fast response.

Sales and Marketing Automation — You can automate anything with SugarCRM, from data collection, leads routing, and quote approval to leads scoring and marketing to deliver meaningful buying experiences, shorten the sales cycle, and drive revenue.

Customer Service Management —SugarCRM native customer service management support enables you to deliver a personalized, positive experience to customers at every touchpoint. In addition, the software automates critical processes to reduce the burden on your customer support team. 

User Experience

SugarCRM has a solid user interface.

However, you must pay for at least three users before you sign up for any plan, making the software expensive. Also, the CRM software offers a more complex signup process. You’ll need to fill out an online form to contact support.

SugarCRM has a user community and resource center that can help you quickly set up your account and learn how to make the most of the CRM software. Also, phone support is available in four languages.


SugarCRM has four monthly plans, billed annually and requiring a minimum of three users.

  • Market $1000 per month/user
  • Sell $45 per month/user
  • Serve $80 per month/user
  • Enterprise $85 per month/user


  • AI-Powered prediction
  • Full situational awareness
  • Sentiment assessment
  • Powerful automation and workflow
  • The built-in customer service solution
  • On-premises deployment
  • Omnichannel customer engagement


  • No complimentary or trial plan
  • Lacks a mobile app
  • Expensive plan

12. NetHunt

NetHunt is one of the best CRM platforms built for Gmail and Google Workspace users, designed to help them manage leads, nurture prospects, and stay on top of their sales performances. The solution also plays well with LinkedIn and eight other tools.

Key Features

Data Organization  — With NetHunt, you can organize your business data effectively and productively. Also, the solution organizes your deals and sales pipelines in an easy-to-understand manner, providing insights into what works and doesn’t.

Sales Force Automation  — Using this sales CRM means your sales team won’t have to waste time on repetitive tasks. Instead, the solution automates key sales processes like leads capturing and nurturing, contact updates, and others so they can focus on other things.

Centralized Communication  — You can centralize your business communications, regardless of your customer’s preferred channel, whether social media, email, telephone, messenger, or live chat, and manage everything on the go under one app roof.  

User Experience

You can create an account in three clicks. The interface is clean and user-friendly. You can quickly update your deals by dragging and dropping them and visualize your pipeline to see your entire sales process and performance at a glance.

Also, you can set up workflows and integrations in a few minutes. Both processes are intuitive and might not require any learning curve. In addition, NetHunt has a help center and offers live chat support.


NetHunt is available via four subscription plans, billed monthly and annually.

  • Basic $24 per month
  • Business $48 per month
  • Advanced $96 per month
  • Custom plan


  • Zapier integration
  • Advanced data organization and visualization
  • Workflow automation
  • Omnichannel communication
  • Mobile apple
  • Live chat and phone support
  • Code-free web form for leads capture
  • Low-entry fee
  • Free trial and custom plan
  • Chrome browser extension
  • Open API
  • Cancel anytime


  • Available only to Gmail and Google Workplace users
  • Limited integration options
  • Limited marketing automation 

13. FreeAgent

FreeAgent CRM helps teams collaborate more effectively to get things done. The software promises to help users track their progress in real-time and gain actionable insights to optimize their performance. Over 1,000 businesses worldwide use the platform.

Key Features

All-In-One Solution — With FreeAgent CRM, you won’t need to open multiple browser tabs to get your job done. Instead, you get everything done in one place. You can also automate repetitive tasks to get more done in less time. 

Workflow Optimization — You can streamline business processes to complete more work efficiently. The CRM tool can help you organize and prioritize deals so you can focus on those most likely to move the needles for your business.

Code-Free Customization — FreeAgent code-free customization enables you to set your account to meet your business’s unique needs. The software also integrates with other apps, making it highly extensible.

User Experience

FreeAgent CRM is easy to use and has a visually appealing user interface. The software enables complete funnel visualization and presents reports in ways anyone can understand.

You can quickly connect with the company’s in-house CRM experts to set up and customize your account to explore its full possibilities. The solution also offers live chat and helpful resources.


FreeAgent offers “Unlimited Users” and “Per User” pricing packages with different plans, billed monthly and annually. The Per User package has three plans.

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $90 per month
  • Enterprise $120 per month


  • Highly extensible
  • All-in-one solution
  • Fully cloud-based
  • Code-free customization
  • Workflow automation
  • Full funnel visualization
  • Customer service management
  • Third-party integrations
  • Live chat support
  • Custom app
  • ISO 27001 compliant


  • No mobile app
  • Poor search and filter

14. Creatio CRM

Creatio CRM is one of the best CRM software used by small and medium-sized businesses in over 100 countries to automate end-to-end customer journeys with no code. You can purchase separate modules or deploy the software as a unified CRM tool. 

Key Features

Marketing Creatio — With this module, you can automate your marketing campaigns, lead management, and deliver personalized omnichannel communication to boost business revenue and drive customer retention.

Sales Creatio — Creatio supports sales teams to collaborate across boards and automate mission-critical sales processes to get more things done. The software also provides a 360-degree view of customer journeys to personalize their experience.

Service Creatio — You can automate and manage customer service workflows on Creatio to save the support team valuable time and deliver an enhanced, personalized experience to customers. The software uses AI to streamline the handling of service cases.

Studio Creatio — Creatio’s no-code UI builder helps non-technical users build business applications and processes with maximum freedom using easy-to-use drag-and-drop visual design tools.

User Experience

The analytics and reporting are insightful, and you can quickly visualize the data in a few clicks.

The software’s no-code capability means you can complete projects that usually take months or even days. In addition, support is multilingual, so you’ll always get assistance whenever the need arises in your preferred language. 

Also, the platform has helpful resources for quick self-help.


Creatio has different subscription packages for each module (Creatio). 

The monthly sales and service modules subscriptions range between $25 and $60, while Marketing Creatio goes for a $1,000 to $100,000 yearly fee. You’ll need to contact support to understand the cost of deploying its unified CRM solutions.


  • Cost Calculator
  • Cloud and on-site deployment
  • 360-degree customer view
  • Unlimited no-code customization
  • End-to-end workflow automation
  • Real-time analytics
  • Trial plan
  • Custom plan


  • Expensive plan
  • No mobile app

15. Close

Close is a cloud CRM solution for remote salespeople. As one of the best CRM software in the industry, it makes team onboarding a breeze, automates and analyzes workflows, and helps you grow revenue quickly. It also integrates well with some of your tools, bringing your software stack to one place.

Key Features

Calling — Close has built-in call software to help you reach more people effortlessly and double your call volume and velocity. With the predictive dialer, you can call multiple numbers at once, and the software automatically routes answered calls to available reps.

Video — Close natively support Zoom, enabling remote selling with videos. The software can connect your Zoom account and sync your previous recordings with the CRM software. It also alerts you five minutes before every meeting, and you can add notes during the meeting for context.

Call Coaching — With Close, you can train your sales team, no matter where they are, all within the CRM without needing to invest in expensive online training tools.

Workflow Automation — The CRM solution offers in-app email and calls automation that can simplify your workflow and help you get more work done. Also, you can save and share winning templates with team members to boost the reach rate and close deals faster.

User Experience

Close is an easy-to-use CRM software for busy salespeople with no learning curve. 

You can quickly create an account, set up your workflow sequences, and immediately put the CRM to work. The software also has dynamic smart views that let you prioritize your leads and quickly find what you need.

Close offers free migration and support, so you can get assistance whenever needed. However, it might not be real-time since the software doesn’t offer live chat.


Close offers four subscription plans billed monthly and annually.

  • Starter $25 per month
  • Basic $59 per month
  • Professional $89 per month
  • Business $129


  • Remote selling
  • Power and predictive dialer
  • Built-in email and SMS marketing
  • Powerful reporting insights
  • Free trial, migration, and support
  • Sales force automation
  • Phone and email support
  • Pipeline visualization


  • No mobile app
  • No live chat support

16. Nutshell

Nutshell is an all-in-one B2B CRM software designed to help teams manage contacts and leads, sell smarter and gain valuable insights to track performance and optimize the sales process. Over 30,000 sales and marketing professionals use the software to streamline their workflow.

Key Features

Pipeline Management — Like most CRM, you can visualize your customer’s journey at a glance. With this feature, you can view, manage and prioritize leads for a faster closing.

Sales Automation — From lead assignments to scoring, task reminders, and more, Nutshell automates these tasks at the snap of a finger, allowing your team to focus on actual closing. 

Email Marketing Campaigns— Nutshell helps you send targeted, beautifully designed marketing emails. You can save time with the built-in template and see who engages with the email in real time. 

Leads Capturing  — The CRM has a native web form to capture leads and feed them directly to your pipeline. In addition, you can embed the form on your website to generate leads from web visitors.

User Experience

Nutshell reporting is top-notch, with an excellent interface. 

However, some users complained the email builder is subpar and could need improvement. Also, it offers limited customization.

Besides these, the software is excellent for quickly connecting all your software tools and accessing them in one place. The company doesn’t charge for customer support, and they can help you migrate your data to hit the ground running immediately.

The CRM offers several helpful resources to help you resolve issues and put the software to full use. 


Nutshell offers two plans, billed monthly and annually. Here’s the cost per user per month:

  • Nutshell $19
  • Nutshell PRO $49
  • Nutshell Marketing (custom plan)


  • Open API
  • Mobile apps
  • Free Migration
  • Sales force  automation
  • Leads generation
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Sales forecasting
  • Dependable support 
  • Custom marketing plan


  • No live chat

17. Nimble

Nimble is one of the best CRM software for small and midsize businesses, used by over 140,000 professionals. Also, world-leading brands like UpWork, GoDaddy, and Flexjobs use the platform. 

Key Features

Nimble Prospector — With Nimble, you can efficiently prospect leads on any social site, website, or cloud application and connect with them in less time. The prospector is available as a browser extension, making it readily available.

Relationship Management — The software helps users manage customer contact details, automate key business processes, enable social listening and gain valuable business intelligence to deliver superior customer experience.

Email Marketing — The built-in email campaign management functionality means you won’t need to switch tabs or need third-party services to engage customers via personalized emails and track your progress.

Smarter Actions — Nimble provides actionable business and customer intelligence to take more intelligent actions to gain complete control of your sales process. For example, you can visualize your sales funnel, gain social insights to prepare for meetings, and discover engagement opportunities.

User Experience

You’ll likely start your Nimble experience by importing a CSV file of your existing contact database; thankfully, the software makes this process very straightforward. Also, the CRM makes importing and syncing data with other apps seamless.

Additionally, Nimble’s “Today Page” feature provides an overview of all your upcoming activities, deals, and engagement opportunities from social mentions and essential contacts to reach out to, making prioritizing more effortless.

The software has a support center and a live chat for quick assistance.


Nimble offers only one subscription plan—Nimble Business, available for $25 monthly for a user. However, you’ll pay only $19 if you opt for the annual plan.


  • App Marketplace
  • Native leads prospector
  • Browser extension
  • Activity tracking and team tasks management
  • Built-in calendar
  • Pipeline management
  • 360-degree view of customers and leads
  • Marketing automation
  • Contact management
  • Live chat
  • Business and customer intelligence
  • Office 365 and Google Workspace integration
  • Low entry fee
  • Social listening and mentions


  • No mobile app
  • Limited subscription plan

18. MailChimp

Mailchimp is not just an email service provider. It’s also one of the best CRM software for small businesses. With this solution, you can build better customer relationships and sell to them more creatively. In addition, the CRM is scalable and can support your business growth and needs.

Key Features

Contact Management — Whether importing an existing contact database or building from scratch, MailChimp helps you manage them all from one location. Also, you can create or use the built-in segments to organize your contacts.

Email Marketing — Email marketing and campaign management are probably MailChimp’s best selling point and are natively supported in the CRM, meaning you can run effective email campaigns. Also, it comes with pre-built email templates, and you can run A/B tests in-app.

Behavioral Targeting and Personalization — MailChimp can predict customers buying behaviors, enabling you to segment your contact effortlessly to launch campaigns that feel like a one-on-one conversation at the right time or deliver personalized product recommendations. 

User Experience

You’ll only need to fill out three fields to sign up. However, it would have been better if users could create accounts automatically with their Gmail. It’ll save you the stress of logging into your email to activate the MailChimp account.

Mailchimp’s user interface is excellent, with many white spaces, but I don’t find the yellow background and black font colors easy on the eyes while signing up. Also, the software can integrate neatly with other tools, so you can easily manage your stack in one place.

MailChimp support is excellent, and case resolution is always fast.


MailChimp CRM offers free, and three paid plans.

  • Premium $350 per month
  • Standard $20 per month
  • Essentials $13 per month


  • Highly scalable
  • Mobile app
  • Predictive segmentation and behavioral targeting
  • Holistic audience view
  • Live chat support
  • Seamless contact management
  • Actionable customer insight
  • Free plan
  • Low-priced starting plan
  • Extensive third-party integrations


  • Limited native Salesforce automation

19. Apptivo

Apptivo is a CRM software used by over 200,000 businesses, including Sephora, UNAIDS, Exult, and Los Angeles Times. The solution simplifies customer relationship management so sales and marketing teams can be more efficient and close deals effortlessly.

Key Features

Win and Loss Analysis — You can track the sales opportunities your sales team prospected and analyze the employees that contributed to winning the opportunity. Additionally, the app can help you analyze lost opportunities and the reasons behind them.

Territory management — You can quickly delineate and manage your sales territories to boost team collaboration, improve sales efficiency, and maximize territorial benefits. With the built-in assignment rules, you can automatically segment leads based on territories.  

Sales Planning — With Apptivo, you’re sure you won’t be tracking your sales targets with spreadsheets. Instead, the software comes with a sales planning app to measure your team members’ KPIs and implement scalable sales processes to facilitate faster deal closing.

User Experience

Apptivo has an excellent user interface.

But new users might need help navigating the software. Also, the customization and app integrations are not a walk in the park. 

However, the CRM system offers an extensive knowledge base for self-help. 


Apptivo offers three subscription plans.

  • Lite $10 per month
  • Premium $15 per month
  • Ultimate $25 per month


  • Project management
  • Integrated CRM software
  • Activity tracking
  • Performance analysis
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Contact Marketing
  • Email campaigns
  • Leads management
  • Salesforce automation
  • Sales planning
  • Territory management
  • 30-day free trial
  • Mobile apps


  • Hard customization
  • No real-human live chat

20. Act! CRM

Act! is a cloud-based CRM software designed for small and midsize businesses to manage customer relationships and sell better seamlessly. The CRM system has been in play for over 35 years, powering over 800,000 users worldwide.

Key Features

Marketing Automation — Using Act! means you won’t need to spend much hiring and maintaining an in-house marketing team. Instead, this CRM software can handle most of your crucial marketing processes effectively.

Sales Pipeline Management — With Act! built-in sales pipeline management, you can automate your sales tasks and maintain a 360-degree view of your customers and their journey to close deals faster.

Activity Management — Act! helps you stay on top of all the happenings around you, including critical projects, enabling you to prioritize and stay more productive.

User Experience

Act! offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive customization. 

However, some users complained that each new update tends to drag the software backward. Additionally, you might need help setting up custom reports and dashboards. 

Also, I can’t vouch for their support. You might struggle to reach them whenever the need arises. However, there is an extensive resource you can always fall back on for self-help.


Act! offers two plans billed annually.

  • Act! Premium Desktop $37.50 per user per month
  • Act! Premium Cloud $40 per user per month

Users opting for the Premium Cloud plan pay an additional $10 monthly for desktop sync.


  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Customer management
  • Sales pipeline visualization
  • Activity tracking
  • Advanced reporting capabilities
  • 14-day free trial
  • Live chat support
  • Flexibility and Extensibility
  • Cloud and on-premises deployment


  • No mobile app
  • Limited pricing plans
  • Annual billing

21. Agile CRM

Agile CRM is one of the best CRM services in the market. It promises to help you sell and market like Fortune 500 companies. In addition, the software packs several core CRM features like sales enablement, marketing automation, and customer service.

Key Features

Sales — The CRM system can help your sales teams manage their contacts in one place, track deals to keep the sales process on track, and automate sales calls. The CRM system also lets you manage appointments and gamify sales.

Marketing — Agile CRM has an intuitive drag-and-drop builder to set up a marketing workflow and build landing pages in minutes. It also extends its CRM capabilities with social media, email, and SMS features for multichannel marketing campaigns. 

Service — The software streamlines your customer service management so that your support can focus on only tasks that matter. It also allows you to provide pre-formatted replies for faster and more consistent responses.

User Experience

Agile CRM has a clean and intuitive dashboard. Using the features doesn’t require any learning curve. Also, the CRM software displays information in an easy-to-understand way.

The customer relationship management software has a robust knowledge base. Also, you can schedule a chat with any of their specialists within a few minutes.


AgileCRM has free CRM software alongside three premium packages, billed monthly, yearly, and bi-annually. If you go for the bi-annual plans, you’ll pay the following:

  • Starter $8.99 per user per month
  • Regular $29.99 per user per month
  • Enterprise $47.99 per user per month


  • Free plans with ten users
  • Yearly and bi-annual subscription plans
  • Lead management
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Two-way telephony
  • Contact management
  • Email and SMS marketing
  • Marketing automation with exit intent.
  • Social monitoring
  • Project management
  • Landing page builders
  • Chrome extension
  • Post-call automation
  • Push notification


  • No mobile app
  • No live chat support

Choosing the Best CRM Software

The right CRM software providers for your business would offer you the best customer relationship management and engagement solutions. So, consider only CRM software vendors that offer you business solutions to meet your specific needs within your budget and integrate seamlessly with all your business tools.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 21 Best CRM Software first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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