
I try not to get involved in arguments – but when a debate started in the Dev Interrupted Discord about if exceptional continuous improvement (CI) or continuous delivery CD) makes a group agile or not, I had to jump in. I’ve helped build many high-performing teams with agility, and I know that neither CI/CD nor Scrum makes an organization Agile.

It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Respond

Probably my favorite way I’ve ever heard someone describe agility was that it’s about moving away from believing we can predict and plan everything to sensing reality and responding to it instead.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

I’ve been practicing Agile methodologies for some time now. The most common ceremony that I’ve seen Agile teams do is stand-up also known as daily Scrum meeting.

I’ll not go into what a stand up or daily Scrum is and the value it brings. I appreciate the value it brings and would encourage teams to follow this ceremony religiously.

Source de l’article sur DZone