
Vulnerabilities produce enormous reputational and financial risks. As a result, many companies are fascinated by security and desire to build a secure development life cycle (SSDLC). So, today we’re going to discuss SAST — one of the SSDLC components.

SAST (static application security testing) searches for security defects in application source code. SAST examines the code for potential vulnerabilities — possible SQL injections, XSS, SSRF, data encryption issues, etc. These vulnerabilities are included in OWASP Top 10, CWE Top 25, and other lists.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Critical system-of-record data must be compartmentalized and accessed by the right people and applications, at the right time.

Since the turn of the millennium, the art of cryptography has continuously evolved to meet the data security and privacy needs of doing business at Internet speed, by taking advantage of the ready processing horsepower of mainframe platforms for data encryption and decryption workloads.

Source de l’article sur DZONE