

The goal of this article is to explain how you can detect a drowsy person using facial landmarks as an input of a neural network, a 3D convolutional neural network, in this case, to sound an alarm to awake the user and to prevent some kind of accident.

The idea is to extract a group of frames from a webcam and then extract from them the facial landmarks, specifically the position of both eyes, then pass these coordinates to the neural model to get a final classification which will tell us if the user is awake, or falling sleep.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

While Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide ample possibilities for businesses to improve their operations and maximize their revenues, there is no such thing as a “free lunch.”

The “no free lunch” problem is the AI/ML industry adaptation of the age-old “no one-size-fits-all” problem. The array of problems the businesses face is huge, and the variety of ML models used to solve these problems is quite wide, as some algorithms are better at dealing with certain types of problems than the others. Thus said, one needs a clear understanding of what every type of ML models is good for, and today we list 10 most popular AI algorithms:

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)