
Cloud computing has come a long, long way from the early days of mainframe timesharing technology and virtualization. Over the past decade alone, we’ve seen cloud computing experience tremendous growth, providing ubiquitous solutions for both consumers and enterprises. This trend is expected to continue with the rise of cloud-based services for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and edge computing.

However, the transformation to cloud computing remains a very challenging prospect for many enterprises. Enterprises need to consider factors such as cost, security, legacy and on-premise technologies, and the value of using cloud-native vs cloud-agnostic services.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

How NOT to be API-misled for connectivity!

It was a few years back when API-led connectivity was getting popular and our customers wanted to see it being brought into practice. Some of them also began to choose their hybrid integration products based on the product’s inherent support for the approach. After having implemented two large hybrid integration programs for two different industries (Banking and Manufacturing), I thought I should share my experience as do’s and don’ts for API-led connectivity and Hybrid Integration.

API-led connectivity

The approach was termed as the next step in the evolution of SOA, which is why its principles and the very fundamental concepts will remain timeless, at least in the context of software architecture.

Source de l’article sur DZONE