
Améliorer l'intégration Web3 grâce à l'abstraction des comptes et des flux

de données.

L’abstraction des comptes et des flux de données est une solution pour améliorer l’intégration Web3 et faciliter l’interaction entre les utilisateurs et les applications.

Si vous êtes un développeur travaillant sur une application web3, vous savez qu’il est difficile d’intégrer des utilisateurs grand public à web3.

Même avec la promesse de vraiment posséder vos données, de faire des paiements presque gratuits à l’échelle mondiale et d’utiliser un système sans censure, le processus actuel de création et d’utilisation d’un portefeuille numérique est tout simplement trop difficile.

Si vous êtes un développeur travaillant sur une application web3, vous savez qu’il est difficile d’intégrer des utilisateurs grand public à web3.

Même avec la promesse de véritablement posséder vos données, de faire des paiements presque gratuits à l’échelle mondiale et d’utiliser un système sans censure, le processus actuel de création et d’utilisation d’un portefeuille numérique est tout simplement trop difficile.

C’est pourquoi le codage est si important pour faciliter l’onboarding des utilisateurs sur web3. Les développeurs peuvent utiliser des outils tels que Web3.js et EthereumJS pour créer des applications web3 qui sont faciles à utiliser pour les utilisateurs finaux. Ces outils permettent aux développeurs de créer des applications web3 qui sont simples à utiliser et qui offrent une expérience utilisateur fluide et intuitive.

En outre, le codage peut également aider à améliorer la sécurité de l’application web3. Les développeurs peuvent créer des applications web3 qui sont plus sûres et qui protègent les données des utilisateurs. Les développeurs peuvent également utiliser des outils tels que Solidity et Truffle pour créer des contrats intelligents qui peuvent être exécutés sur la blockchain Ethereum. Ces contrats intelligents peuvent être utilisés pour garantir la sécurité des données des utilisateurs et pour assurer que les transactions sont effectuées en toute sécurité.

Enfin, le codage peut également aider à améliorer l’expérience utilisateur globale des applications web3. Les développeurs peuvent créer des applications web3 qui sont plus intuitives et qui offrent une meilleure expérience utilisateur. Les développeurs peuvent également utiliser des outils tels que React et Redux pour créer des applications web3 qui sont plus rapides et plus réactives. Ces outils permettent aux développeurs de créer des applications web3 qui sont plus intuitives et qui offrent une meilleure expérience utilisateur pour les utilisateurs finaux.

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De zéro à héros: Apprendre Web3 avec Infura et Python

Devenez un héros du Web3 en apprenant à utiliser Infura et Python ! Découvrez comment créer des applications décentralisées avec ces outils puissants.

Comment démarrer avec le Web3

Pour commencer

Même si je code depuis la fin des années 90, je suis vraiment un débutant complet dans le monde de Web3. Je ne suis pas un expert, donc je n’essaierai pas d’expliquer les fondamentaux. Il y a beaucoup de guides et de tutoriels de contenu excellents là-bas. Je suggère de commencer par la documentation Infura, qui est très complète et compréhensible.

Comprendre les prérequis

Avant de commencer à développer des applications Web3, il est important de comprendre les prérequis. Tout d’abord, vous devez comprendre les principes fondamentaux de la blockchain et des crypto-monnaies. Ensuite, vous devez comprendre le protocole Ethereum et la plate-forme Ethereum. Enfin, vous devez comprendre le langage de programmation Solidity et le framework Web3.js. Une fois que vous avez compris ces concepts, vous pouvez commencer à développer des applications Web3.


Une fois que vous avez compris les prérequis, vous pouvez commencer à tester votre application Web3. Pour ce faire, vous pouvez utiliser un service d’API tel que Infura pour accéder à la blockchain Ethereum. Vous pouvez également utiliser Python pour interagir avec la blockchain via Infura. Une fois que vous avez mis en place votre environnement de développement, vous pouvez commencer à tester votre application Web3 en utilisant des outils tels que Truffle et Ganache. Vous pouvez également tester votre application sur un réseau réel en utilisant un service tel que MetaMask.

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4 meilleurs frameworks dApp pour les développeurs Ethereum débutants

Les développeurs Ethereum débutants peuvent facilement créer des applications décentralisées grâce aux 4 meilleurs frameworks d’app: Truffle, Embark, Dapp et Dapple.

## Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp ?

L’Ethereum a connu une croissance fulgurante ces dernières années. Selon YCharts, la blockchain programmable compte désormais environ 220 millions d’adresses uniques. Liée à l’augmentation des utilisateurs est une explosion du nombre de dApps. Des entreprises et des startups du monde entier, de la finance, des ventes, des RH, de la comptabilité, de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de la fabrication, utilisent des dApps pour rationaliser les processus et intégrer de nouveaux clients. Plusieurs cadres existent qui simplifient le processus de développement de dApp pour les développeurs Web2 qui souhaitent participer à Web3. Ce post examine quatre des plus populaires. Mais tout d’abord, qu’est-ce qu’une dApp?

Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp?

Une dApp, ou application décentralisée, est un logiciel sans serveur qui s’exécute sur un réseau décentralisé et utilise une blockchain programmable pour la sécurité, la transparence et l’immuabilité. Une dApp combine des contrats intelligents avec une interface utilisateur frontale (HTML5, React, Angular). Les dApps peuvent être utilisées dans une variété d’industries et de services, des médias sociaux à la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, au suivi des paiements, à la résolution des plaintes et à toutes sortes de services comptables et financiers (décentralisés).

Les frameworks pour le développement de dApps sont essentiels pour permettre aux développeurs Web2 de participer à Web3. Les frameworks fournissent une architecture commune pour le développement et le déploiement de dApps. Ils fournissent également des outils et des bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Quatre des frameworks les plus populaires sont Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, EOS et Corda. Chacun offre des caractéristiques uniques qui répondent aux besoins des développeurs Web2.

Les frameworks pour le développement de dApps sont essentiels pour permettre aux développeurs Web2 de participer à Web3. Ethereum est le framework le plus populaire et le plus mature pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. Ethereum fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Hyperledger Fabric est un autre framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. Hyperledger Fabric fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. EOS est un autre framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. EOS fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Enfin, Corda est un framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes

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E-commerce storefronts have been slow to offer crypto payment methods to their customers. Crypto payment plug-ins or payment gateway integrations aren’t generally available, or they rely on third-party custodians to collect, exchange, and distribute money. Considering the growing ownership rate and experimentation ratio of cryptocurrencies, a « pay with crypto » button could greatly drive sales.

This article demonstrates how you can integrate a custom, secure crypto payment method into any online store without relying on a third-party service. Coding and maintaining smart contracts needs quite some heavy lifting under the hood, a job that we’re handing over to Truffle suite, a commonly used toolchain for blockchain builders. To provide access to blockchain nodes during development and for the application backend, we rely on Infura nodes that offer access to the Ethereum network at a generous free tier. Using these tools together will make the development process much easier.

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This month’s collection of the best new sites released in the previous four weeks might seem like a mixed bag, but if you look carefully you’ll see distinct themes emerging. Full-page images and videos are back with a vengeance, and designers are embracing large-scale 20th century-inspired typography from Art Nouveau to ’80s corporate.

Here are the sites that grabbed us this month. Enjoy!

I Killed a Cactus

I Killed a Cactus is a beautifully rendered 3D site that guides the less-horticulturally inclined of us in the best ways to care for our houseplants.

Aris Hotel

After a couple of years in which travel has been restricted, we’re itching to get moving again, and this elegant site for Aris Hotel is steering us in the direction of Crete.

Emergence Magazine

With excellent writing and great photography, Emergence Magazine is dedicated to stories that intertwine ecology and spirituality. Its bold typography epitomizes its ethos.

Milton Textiles

Milton is a textiles manufacturer with an eye for design. Its site showcases its art-inspired collection with big, bold, colorful photography.

Brutally Human

Brutally Human is the one-page portfolio/pitch of designer Stanley Vaganov. He has an impressive client list, and his site exudes the confidence that comes with that.


MAAP uses a billowing flag to grab your attention as soon as you land on the site. The whole site is clean, efficient, and cool; exactly what you’d expect from a cycling apparel company.


Outdoor furniture is typically presented as minimal and sophisticated. Diabla throws surrealism into the mix by introducing brand colors to its large-scale photography.

Steffie de Leeuw

The site for designer and artist Steffie de Leeuw features large typography that appears to be woven through layers of intricate illustration.

Garden Eight

What could be better than Garden Eight’s gaggle of 3D-rendered cartoon creatures floating around a page, twisting and transforming into new shapes?

Circus Shanghai

The site for Circus Shanghai uses a rich mid-century illustration to reference both the solar system and the Chinese flag; it’s an arresting combination.


Ever inventive, the new micro-site for Moooi asks you to defy gravity with an engaging scroll through collages based on its product range.


More full-page motion, this time for design studio Josephmark. The site blends rich colors with a brutalist layout and minimalist typography to create its own identity.

Tony G

We love the infinite scroll on the homepage for creative agency Tony G. It’s a great way to add a slideshow to your homepage without the flaws of slideshows.

Estudio Piedras

This site for furniture design studio Estudio Piedras uses bold lettering mixed with product shots. The straightforward site is punchy and mimics the solidity of the materials used.

The Fleur

The Fleur is a botanical encyclopedia of fictional flowers that Ondre Jzunka has created as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.


Gloutir is the site for a “subscription-based workhorse design and development studio” that breaks all the rules of typography, and yet somehow it works.


The rich blue and bright cream of the site for Sophias urban bistro and city garden echoes the welcoming real-world interiors and ties the brand together.


Lucalem is the portfolio site of designer and developer Lucas De Melo. A little more fun than the typical freelancer’s site, it features a disturbingly phallic character.

Soft Power

Soft Power is a creative design studio with an eye-popping list of international clients. Its advertising-style site uses a trendy glitch effect expertly.


Pastel colors and subtle textures evoke a calm mood, ideal for candle company Aather. It’s challenging to visually present smell, but this site does it well.


The post 20 Best New Sites, April 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Combining minimalist aesthetics with the ongoing trend for digital art, PureNFT is an awesome new app that lets anyone break into the lucrative NFT market.

The app aims to lower the bar for prospective NFT creators by creating a minimal artwork from a single-pixel captured anywhere on your viewport. You can mint your NFT directly in the app — the process of recording your artwork on the blockchain — and list it for free on PureNFT’s dedicated marketplace.

Using PureNFT’s ArtPicker tool, hover the tool over any part of your screen, click a pixel to generate your NFT, and then click the “Mint Now” button to mint it. The app will upscale the pixel to a solid-color artwork with an ultra-high resolution of 5,000 x 5,000px. On the pro plan, PureNFT will automatically generate a 250 x 250px thumbnail to ensure your artwork isn’t pirated.

One of the best features of PureNFT is that you don’t need any drawing ability to break into the exciting NFT trend. Just point your mouse at a pixel and click, and the app will generate a pure high-resolution version of the pixel for you.

Unlike most marketplaces that favor Ethereum, PureNFT is powered by the Solana blockchain, which is far more energy-efficient, and, consequently, environmentally friendly. Despite this, PureNFT’s tokens are platform-agnostic, which means you can mint them on the native platform and then transfer them to popular marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible.

The potential for NFTs created with PureNFT is limitless. You can literally click any pixel, mint it as an NFT, and wait for the money to start rolling in.

NFTs are a hugely popular way of monetizing artwork, but they are limited in scope; you can only sell one unique NFT of the Mona Lisa, and even then, you have to be the Louvre to do it. But with PureNFT, anyone can visit Wikipedia and open an image of the Mona Lisa that is 7,479 x 11,146px. That translates to 83.3 million potential NFTs; if each pixel sells for an average of $1,000, you might make enough to buy the actual Mona Lisa!

Minting an NFT on PureNFT currently costs 1 SOL (approximately $125 at the time of writing). The first NFT minted by PureNFT — an azure pixel from an unknown screen grab — has an asking price of 375 SOL (approximately $46,875 at the time of writing), but not all PureNFT users have been so lucky, with some early beta users complaining of returns as low as 300%. Nonetheless, the potential for substantial financial gains is evident.

According to Brendan Lewes, co-founder and CTO of PureNFT, the team is interested in introducing AI-powered automation in the near future: Imagine an automated tool searching for popular images, breaking them down into pixels, minting them, and selling them for you, while you live your life. NFT mining could be the next big area of crypto.

However, automation isn’t likely to come anytime soon, according to Lewes:

For now, we’re focussed on maintaining a stable platform. But…we’re super excited about the journey we’re on, and [co-founder Max Schriebport ] and I can’t wait to see where it take us.

PureNFT is currently in beta on macOS, Windows, and iOS, with an Android version on the way. There’s a free plan that allows you to preview up to 5 NFTs, and pro plans start at $399/month.


The post PureNFT Disrupts the NFT Market first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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With all the marketing aplomb of basement-coders worldwide, NFTs were named with an acronym that does little to clarify their utility.

You probably know by now that NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token; what is perhaps less clear is what “Fungible” actually means; in this context, it means interchangeable.

Consider an ounce of platinum. That platinum is fungible, meaning it can be exchanged for any other ounce of platinum. Now consider a piece of jewelry made from one ounce of platinum. That jewelry is not interchangeable with any other ounce of platinum; it has the same core materials, but it has unique characteristics that may be artistically valuable, such as shape, or craft. The jewelry is non-fungible.

The letter that actually matters in NFT is T for Token. Tokens are little chunks of a blockchain that is a universally agreed dataset. You don’t need to know how it works any more than you need to understand how a computer processor works; you just need to know it’s in there.

Like any new technology, NFTs are surrounded by propaganda, counter-propaganda, skepticism, evangelism, and Facebook-confusion. In this post, we’ll look at some of the common misconceptions so you can develop an informed opinion.

1. NFTs Are Bad For The Environment

We’ll tackle this one first because it’s the classic argument leveled against anything in the crypto-space, whether Bitcoin or NFTs, and it’s nonsensical.

The root of this myth is that cryptocurrency transactions use vast amounts of electricity, the generation of which is terrible for the environment. The answer is threefold:

Firstly, electricity is used to run computers that maintain a blockchain, such as Ethereum. The blockchain is maintained whether NFTs are minted (registered) or not.

Secondly, NFTs tend to be minted on blockchains like Ethereum that are moving to less resource-intensive models, blockchains like Solana that already have less resource-intensive models, or blockchains like Algorand that are already carbon-neutral.

Lastly, the fact is that electricity is not inherently planet-killing. Renewables like solar and wind are perfectly capable of powering the grid; it’s just that power companies make higher profits by burning fossil fuels. That swanky new electric car you’ve bought so you can drive guilt-free is fuelled with fossil fuels on the power company’s end (and that’s before you consider the damage done getting those minerals out of the ground).

Until the computer you’re using is solar-powered, repairable, and upgradable, anything digital is terrible for the environment; NFTs are as bad, but no more so, than anything digital.

2. NFTs Are Just [Insert Patronizing Economic Metaphor Here]

NFTs, and crypto in general, are frequently referred to as a Ponzi Scheme. In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi duped investors into handing over cash. Returns were paid to early investors with the income from new investors. Early investors made a lot of money, and later investors lost everything.

One of the key characteristics of a Ponzi Scheme is that it’s a confidence trick that presents itself as low-risk. NFTs as an investment are widely understood to be high-risk. Calling NFTs a Ponzi Scheme is an excellent way of letting people know you don’t know what a Ponzi Scheme is.

In the 17th century, the price of tulip bulbs reached astronomical proportions. The Dutch tulip trade was a complex economic investment system that eventually collapsed, thanks in part to a global pandemic. Ever since, Tulpenmanie (Tulip Mania, in English) has been a byword for an economic bubble.

NFTs are frequently linked to Tulip Mania, thanks partly to the prices and the expectation (or hope) that the market will collapse. However, if you drive through the Netherlands today, you’ll see vast fields of tulips. They’re not being grown because they’re worthless.

While demand may fluctuate, it doesn’t fluctuate as much as media hysteria implies. And ultimately, tulips are nice.

3. You Can Buy And Sell NFTs

This is where pedantry plays a role. You cannot buy and sell NFTs; NFTs are the vehicle by which you conduct transactions for digital (or, in some cases, physical) goods and services.

If you have software installed on your computer, you probably have a license key. The license key identifies you as holding certain rights over that software, such as being allowed to use it to produce digital goods of your own. The license key is how the company identifies you as the individual to whom it has sold those rights.

NFTs are license keys for digital goods that are recorded on a blockchain instead of being held in a single database.

4. NFTs Can Be Easily Copied

When I was a kid in the 90s, I would record music off the radio with a tape player. I’d make mix-tapes and give them away. I was, in every literal sense, pirating music. And it wasn’t just me; home-taping kept the cassette industry going for decades past its use-by date. Despite this, the music industry did not collapse.

Art is even easier to copy than music because there’s no risk of a vapid DJ wittering over the intro to I Wanna Be Adored.

On my morning commute, I pass a shop that sells art prints. Around 80% are screen prints of Marilyn Monroe. They are original prints made by an artist and sold for not inconsiderable amounts. Not one of those pieces diminishes the quality, importance, or financial value of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe prints in New York’s MoMA.

The difference is that MoMA’s Warhols have provenance — they can be tracked to a time and place and authenticated as by Warhol. Precisely the same provenance that NFTs provide digital artists.

5. You Can Get Rich From NFTs

Earning money, potentially a vast amount of money, is one of the main driving factors behind the boom in NFTs.

But the truth is that while it is possible to make a lot of money — some NFTs sell for millions of dollars — most NFTs sell for a modest amount.

If you are an accomplished artist with original ideas, you may make money from selling your art as NFTs. If you are an accomplished trader capable of recognizing quality, you may make money from buying and selling NFTs. However, very few people get rich.

6. NFT Resale Rights Undermine Value

NFTs have many potential uses, but the earliest adoption has been in digital art. The main economic benefit to artists is not just an easy way to sell their art but a widely accepted royalty system in which the original artist receives a commission every time the artwork is resold. It represents the ongoing investment the artist is making by continuing to produce and promote their work.

It might seem a strange way to approach ownership, but resale rights are not new in the art world. In the EU and the UK, the resale rights of artists are legally recognized. In France, the legal rights of the artist or the artist’s descendants to be compensated from the sale of artwork have been established in law for over a century.

Despite high-profile artists like Robert Rauschenberg fighting for resale rights, and legislation in New York and California supporting the concept, resale rights are still not recognized in the US.

NFTs introduce a fairer system that grants the same rights to all artists, that Europeans already enjoy.

7. NFTs Are Worthless

Anything with value, whether physical currency, NFTs, or a block of wood, only has value because two or more people agree it has value.

The most expensive baseball card in the world is reportedly a mint-condition Honus Wagner, priced at $3m. It might be hard to understand why anyone would pay $3m for a piece of cardboard with an image of a 1950s sportsman on it, but apparently, someone would.

All goods, all the things we spend money on, are worth what we agree they are worth. To me, a tulip bulb is worth more than a baseball card, but who knows, perhaps you don’t like tulips.

There are plenty of flaws in the systems that use NFTs, and there are plenty of detractors, but if you want to create and sell artwork and someone wants to buy it from you, NFTs are an excellent way of facilitating that transaction.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post Myth-Busting NFTs: 7 Claims Fact-Checked first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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It’s a famous fact that bitcoin mining hardware has changed by leaps and bounds lately due to the growth of new central processing units in the marketplace. The new machines may conduct Bitcoin processing at a faster rate when compared with the computers of yesteryear.

Furthermore, they consume less power. Field programming team array processors are connected with CPUs to boost their computing power. While selecting hardware for Bitcoin processing, ensure it includes a large hash rate that would deliver spectacular results to your users. According to experts, the rate of data processing is measured in mega hash rates each second, or GIGA hash speeds per second.

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