
SAP France a été reconnu comme 2nd meilleur employeur de France pour 2021 par le Top Employers Institute. Le leader du logiciel d’entreprise d’origine Européenne progresse cette année de 4 places et se voit certifié pour la 9ème année consécutive au niveau national.

SAP est ravi d’être à nouveau certifié comme employeur de choix, en particulier dans un environnement difficile qui a bouleversé les normes personnelles et professionnelles. En 2021, l’entreprise reste plus que jamais engagées envers ses collaborateurs : continuer à développer des politiques de travail flexibles; aider les employés à maintenir leur bien-être physique et mental; investir dans l’apprentissage et le développement; évoluer vers un lieu de travail encore plus inclusif; et continuer à attirer les meilleurs talents et les plus diversifiés.

« L’expérience collaborateur figure au cœur des priorités de l’entreprise. Notre conviction fondamentale est que les équipes les plus diversifiées fournissent les résultats les plus innovants. Chaque jour, nous nous efforçons de rendre notre lieu de travail plus inclusif et de favoriser un environnement où les collaborateurs  peuvent se développer tout ayant un impact positif sur le monde qui nous entoure », déclare Caroline Garnier, Directrice des Ressources Humaines de SAP France.

Les organisations certifiées Top Employers s’engagent à fournir le meilleur environnement de travail possible à leurs collaborateurs à travers des pratiques RH innovantes qui privilégient l’humain.

SAP également reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs employeurs mondiaux en 2021

SAP a également a été reconnu comme Global Top Employer et se classe parmi les 16 premières entreprises au monde pour ses politiques et pratiques exceptionnelles en matière de ressources humaines. C’est la quatrième année consécutive que l’entreprise reçoit ce prix.

De plus, l’Amérique du Nord et l’Europe ont obtenu le statut de Top Employer régional. Avec des bureaux dans 130 pays, SAP est une entreprise mondiale et se réjouit que ses pratiques en matière de ressources humaines aient été reconnues dans les pays suivants : Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Chine, République tchèque, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Inde, Israël, Italie , Mexique, Pologne, Portugal, Russie, Afrique du Sud, Espagne, Turquie, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis.

Selon Sabine Bendiek , directrice des ressources humaines et membre de la direction de SAP SE, «La transformation numérique commence avec les gens. Je suis fier que l’équipe RH de SAP se soit adaptée aux vents contraires de 2020 avec agilité, résilience et empathie. En augmentant nos effectifs dans les périodes difficiles, en garantissant les niveaux d’engagement les plus élevés et en accordant la priorité à la santé de nos employés, l’équipe des ressources humaines s’est avérée être un véritable catalyseur de la réussite de l’entreprise. »

Être reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs employeurs mondiaux 2021 témoigne de la culture et des opportunités uniques qui font de SAP un lieu de travail formidable.

Le programme Top Employers Institute certifie les entreprises en fonction de leur participation et de leurs résultats à l’enquête « HR Best Practices Survey ». Cette enquête couvre 6 grands domaines RH, répartis en 20 thématiques telles que la stratégie de gestion des talents, l’environnement de travail, le Talent Acquisition, la formation et le développement des compétences, le bien-être au travail, ou encore la diversité et l’inclusion.

Pour en savoir plus sur la reconnaissance que SAP a obtenue en tant que lieu de travail de premier plan, en matière de diversité et d’inclusion, pour l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée, et plus encore, visitez la section Prix des employeurs de

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À propos du Top Employers Institute

Le Top Employers Institute est l’autorité internationale qui certifie l’excellence des pratiques RH. Nous contribuons à accélérer l’impact de ces pratiques pour améliorer le monde du travail. Le programme de certification du Top Employers Institute permet aux organisations participantes d’être validées, certifiées et reconnues comme des employeurs de référence. Créé il y a 30 ans, le Top Employers Institute a certifié plus de 1 600 organisations dans 120 pays/régions. Ces Top Employers certifiés ont un impact positif sur les vies de plus de 7 millions de collaborateurs à travers le monde.

Top Employers Institute. For a better world of work.

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The CMO at Twitter, Leslie Berland, has announced a substantial rebrand intended to reflect the experience of using the site. The move was announced on the platform first and later confirmed on its blog.

Twitter hopes the visual identity will “fully reflect the complexity, fluidity, and power of the conversations today.”

The instantly recognizable bird logomark stays, as does the inoffensive tech-blue. But everything else has been grunged up.

rather than build the system up from each component part or build around a specific element, we embarked upon building a creative design system that’s intentionally imperfect

— Donna Lamar, Global ECD, Twitter

There’s a brand new custom typeface named “Chirp” designed in collaboration with Grilli Type. It mixes features of gothics and grotesques with hipster-friendly quirks and replaces the decidedly corporate Helvetica.

The most visually arresting elements are the print-inspired collages, faux-print effects, and distress marks. It’s a move away from the safe, minimal style that has dominated the design industry for more than a decade.

There are layers of bill posters torn off in pieces revealing text beneath, macroscopic views of people, and an all-pervading effortless cool. Think Paris, on a Sunday morning, circa 1997.

It’s exciting to see a major brand strike out in a new direction, particularly one that isn’t Google-derived. There’s plenty of energy in the new artwork, but it doesn’t escape notice that this is a surface level restyle; the core design remains.

Is this a glimpse of design over the next few years: a braver, irreverent, and decidedly less-corporate style of corporate design? Or, a misstep we’ll all forget as soon as Material Design 3.0 is released?


The post Is Twitter Rebrand a Glimpse at the Future of Design? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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WALLDORF, Allemagne, et REDMOND, Washington – 22 janvier 2020 – SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) et Microsoft Corp. ont annoncé leur intention d’intégrer Microsoft Teams à la suite de solutions intelligentes de SAP. Les sociétés ont également officialisé l’extension d’un partenariat stratégique existant afin d’accélérer l’adoption de SAP S/4HANA® sur Microsoft Azure. Ce partenariat s’appuie sur un engagement commun des entreprises à simplifier et à rationaliser la migration des clients vers le cloud.

« Les nouvelles méthodes de travail, de collaboration et d’interaction transforment complètement notre mode de fonctionnement », a déclaré Christian Klein, CEO de SAP et membre du conseil d’administration. « En intégrant Microsoft Teams dans notre portefeuille de solutions, nous porterons la collaboration à un niveau supérieur, en déterminant ensemble l’avenir du travail et en permettant une entreprise sans friction. Notre partenariat de confiance avec Microsoft est axé sur la progression continue du succès client. C’est pourquoi nous développons également l’interopérabilité avec Azure ».

Beaucoup de choses ont changé au cours de l’année passée, le travail est devenu plus virtuel, ce qui accroît le recours à Microsoft Teams pour les réunions, la communication et la collaboration. Pour faciliter ces changements commerciaux et sociétaux, SAP et Microsoft mettent en place de nouvelles intégrations entre Microsoft Teams et les solutions SAP, telles que SAP S/4HANA, les offres SAP® SuccessFactors® et SAP Customer Experience. Cela permettra d’innover, d’accroître la productivité et l’engagement des employés, d’offrir un apprentissage collaboratif et de soutenir la croissance mondiale. Ces intégrations sont prévues pour la mi-2021.

« Le dossier de la transformation numérique n’a jamais été aussi urgent », a déclaré Satya Nadella, CEO de Microsoft. « En associant la puissance d’Azure et de Teams aux solutions de SAP, nous aiderons davantage d’organisations à exploiter la puissance du cloud afin qu’elles puissent s’adapter et innover plus rapidement à l’avenir. »

Les entreprises étendent également leur partenariat de cloud computing annoncé en 2019, afin d’introduire de nouvelles offres d’automatisation et d’intégration du cloud pour SAP S/4HANA sur Microsoft Azure. Ensemble, Microsoft et SAP offrent de nouvelles possibilités pour gérer une entreprise critique sur Azure tout en aidant les clients à moderniser leurs applications d’entreprise. SAP et Microsoft proposeront à leurs clients :

  • Une Simplification du passage des éditions on premise de l’ERP SAP à SAP S/4HANA sur le cloud. En plus des plans de route spécifiques à l’industrie vers le cloud et les architectures de référence, SAP et Microsoft continueront à co-innover autour de SAP S/4HANA sur Azure.
  • Des engagements conjoints élargis avec les clients et les partenaires. En plus du travail d’intégration des produits, SAP, Microsoft et les partenaires intégrateurs de systèmes continueront à fournir aux clients des feuilles de route numériques pour l’entreprise. Cela inclut des architectures de référence immédiates et exploitables et des conseils techniques pour aider les clients dans leur migration vers le cloud.
  • Des investissements accrus dans les plates-formes et les infrastructures. Les entreprises poursuivront le développement des migrations automatisées, l’amélioration des opérations, le contrôle et la sécurité.

Les clients privilégient généralement Azure pour le passage de SAP S/4HANA on-premise vers le cloud.

« Dans le cadre de notre transformation globale, nous sommes passés à SAP S/4HANA », a déclaré John Hill, chief information officer et senior vice president of Business Planning de Carhartt. « L’utilisation de Microsoft Azure nous apporte la rapidité, la disponibilité, l’évolutivité et l’élasticité dont nous avons besoin pour une meilleure visibilité et une meilleure efficacité dans notre activité. La pandémie a frappé alors que nous étions au milieu de notre mise en œuvre de SAP. En utilisant Teams, nous avons donc pu continuer à travailler sur le projet, respecter le calendrier et tenir tout le monde informé. La combinaison de SAP et de Microsoft a été particulièrement utile dans une période difficile ».

« SAP S/4HANA nous a donné une visibilité en temps réel sur notre stock, ce qui est crucial pour nous en tant que société de vente au détail de produits pharmaceutiques et de soins de santé pendant la pandémie », a déclaré Francesco Tinto, Alliance’s senior vice president et global chief information officer. Walgreens Boots Alliance. « Nous avons choisi d’utiliser SAP S/4HANA sur Azure en raison de sa souplesse et de sa flexibilité, qui nous permettent de développer ou de réduire rapidement nos activités pour répondre aux besoins du marché. Nous avons désormais accès à nos données en un seul endroit, ce qui nous permet d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible à nos clients en ligne et dans nos magasins. Les équipes Microsoft associées aux solutions SAP nous ont aidés à surmonter les difficultés liées à la continuité des activités et ont permis à nos employés de collaborer très efficacement malgré le passage du travail de bureau au travail à distance ».

« Lorsqu’il s’agit pour nos clients de livrer des équipements de protection individuelle, nous ne pouvons pas être en retard, c’est pourquoi nous comptons sur SAP et Microsoft pour nous fournir le support numérique qui est essentiel au bon fonctionnement de notre chaîne d’approvisionnement », a déclaré Helge Brummer, vice president of Technical Infrastructure, Support & Operations de Coats. « L’association des équipes Microsoft et de nos solutions SAP a permis à nos employés de travailler de n’importe où tout en garantissant la livraison des commandes à nos clients dans les délais, en soutenant les personnes qui risquent leur vie en travaillant en première ligne ».

La reconnaissance par SAP d’Azure pour la migration vers le cloud ERP se traduit par des commentaires positifs des clients sur la collaboration entre les entreprises. SAP et Microsoft continueront à simplifier la migration et à renforcer la confiance des clients dans la gestion de leurs entreprises numériques dans le cloud. Par ailleurs, de nombreux clients expriment le souhait de maintenir des environnements multi-clouds. SAP poursuit sa politique de longue date de soutien au choix pour les clients qui demandent des alternatives basées sur les besoins de l’entreprise.

SAP et Microsoft ont récemment annoncé une mise à jour pour permettre aux clients de concevoir et d’exploiter des solutions intelligentes de chaîne d’approvisionnement numérique et d’industrie 4.0 dans le cloud et à la marge.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter @SAPNews.


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Après le succès de la première promotion, Le Village by CA Paris, Microsoft France et SAP  lancent aujourd’hui un nouvel appel à candidatures auprès des femmes entrepreneures.  
Cet appel est ouvert jusqu’au 7 février 2021 

Paris, le 11 janvier 2021  Le Village by CA Paris, accélérateur de startups qui accompagne les grands groupes/ETI vers le futur de leurs industries, lance un appel à candidatures pour sa seconde édition du comité de sélection dédié aux femmes entrepreneures en partenariat avec Microsoft France via son programme Microsoft for Startups et SAP via son programme SAP.iO No Boundaries. Cet appel est soutenu par plusieurs réseaux féminins :  Professional Women’s Network Paris#JamaisSansEllesWilla, et d’autres se joindront encore à l’initiative.

La promotion 2019 avait permis d’accélérer des entreprises telles que FinWedge, Les Petits Prödiges ou encore Pandobac.

Un appel à candidatures du 11 janvier au 7 février 2021

L’appel à candidatures débute ce jour et se terminera le 7 février 2021 à minuit. Par la suite, une quinzaine de startups seront pré-selectionnées puis invitées à pitcher devant un comité de sélection composé d’une trentaine de grandes entreprises. Par la suite, une Pitch Party sera organisée au Village by CA Paris, afin de présenter les startups lauréates devant des investisseurs et potentiels clients. Cet appel à candidatures s’adresse à toute entreprise à caractère innovant de moins de 3 ans portée par au moins une femme dont le produit ou la solution est finalisée ou en début de commercialisation.

Un programme d’accompagnement global à la clé

Les startups lauréates intégreront le Village by CA Paris pendant 2 ans (moyennant un loyer) et bénéficieront de programmes complémentaires offerts par Microsoft et SAP.

L’intégration au Village by CA parisien comprend des mises en relation d’affaires ciblées avec des entreprises privées et des acteurs publics, deux ans d’hébergement, un accompagnement personnalisé par l’équipe du Village et des experts (juridiques, comptables, RH…), des Masterclass, des conférences d’entrepreneurs à succès, une mise à disposition d’espaces communs, un accès à la réservation d’espaces événementiels, de la visibilité sur les réseaux du Village et une assistance administrative.

Programme Microsoft 

Microsoft intègre les startups au cœur de sa proposition de valeur et leur propose un accompagnement adapté à leurs besoins à travers le programme Microsoft for Startups. Son objectif est d’aider les startups à grandir, créer et étendre leur réseau en les accompagnant dans une démarche de partenariat.

Ce programme accorde jusqu’à 120 000 dollars de crédits cloud Azure, un accompagnement technique, de la visibilité, mais aussi et surtout l’opportunité d’un véritable partenariat avec Microsoft pour profiter de son écosystème et ainsi toucher de nouveaux clients et de nouveaux marchés. Il s’agit pour Microsoft de mettre la puissance de son écosystème de partenaires et de clients au service du développement des startups.

Plus d’informations sur le programme Microsoft for Startups Microsoft for Startups en France | Microsoft experiences

Programme SAP 

SAP a lancé SAP.iO en 2017 pour aider les startups innovantes internes et externes à SAP à développer de nouveaux produits, trouver des clients et à impacter le marché. Cette activité du Groupe s’est déployée progressivement en France au travers d’un Fonds d’investissement (SAP.iO Fund) et d’un accélérateur de startups externes (SAP.iO Foundry Paris) et d’un incubateur de startups internes (SAP.iO Venture).

En février 2019, SAP lançait SAP.iO No Boundaries pour financer et accompagner plus de 200 startups dirigées par des femmes et issues de la diversité au cours des 5 prochaines années. Via ce programme et son partenariat avec Village by CA Paris, SAP s’engage à accompagner les startuppeuses durant leur 2 ans d’accélération au Village by CA Paris et à leur faire bénéficier de son expérience dans l’accélération de jeunes pousses au travers d’actions : de coaching individuel et collectif, de travail sur les business plans ainsi que la mise en place de Masterclasses sur des thématiques variées.

Retour sur la première année d’accélération de la promotion Femmes Entrepreneures 2019

13 startups avaient été sélectionnées pour faire partie de la promotion 2019, dont Adaptia, Les Petits Prödiges, Effency, Pandobac ou encore Levia. En un an, plusieurs d’entre elles ont augmenté leur chiffre d’affaires et recruté leurs premiers collaborateurs. Elles ont été mises en relation avec des mentors, des experts ou des investisseurs et ont pu rencontrer les collaborateurs de SAP et Microsoft.

Une volonté d’aider les femmes à entreprendre 

« Après le succès de la première édition l’année en 2020, nous sommes très heureux de lancer un nouveau comité de sélection dédié aux femmes entrepreneures avec nos partenaires Microsoft et SAP, soutenus à nouveau par les réseaux féminins. Ce comité de sélection s’inscrit dans la charte SISTA que Le Village by CA Paris a signé en octobre dernier pour plus de mixité dans les structures d’accompagnement de startups. »  déclare Fabrice Marsella, directeur du Village by CA Paris.

« Engagé depuis de nombreuses années en faveur de la féminisation du secteur du numérique, en 2021 Microsoft multiplie les actions pour promouvoir l’entrepreneuriat féminin au service d’une innovation durable. Après la création de notre prix partenaires Microsoft pour les entrepreneures rôles modèles qui aura lieu en juin, nous sommes fiers de nous associer à nouveau aux côtés de nos partenaires Village by CA Paris et SAP.IO pour la seconde édition de « Femmes Entrepreneures ». Grâce au programme Microsoft for Startups, ces entrepreneures bénéficieront d’un accompagnement sur mesure et de la puissance de notre écosystème pour se développer sur le marché. », commente Agnès Van De Walle, Directrice de l’entité Partenaires et Startups de Microsoft France.

 « SAP a à cœur de soutenir l’entreprenariat divers et inclusif, notamment au travers de son initiative SAP.iO No Boundaries. Il est de notre responsabilité d’encourager et de soutenir ceux et celles qui ont un accès plus compliqué aux financement, aux réseaux.  C’est pour cette raison que nous avons décidé de soutenir pour la 2ème année l’initiative Village by CA ‘Promotion Femmes Entrepreneures’, explique Sébastien Gibier, Directeur SAP.iO Foundry Paris.

Les dates clés à retenir :

  • 7 février 2021 : clôture de l’appel à candidatures
  • 5 mars : comité de sélection
  • Date à venir : Pitch Party de présentation des startups lauréates

Lien pour candidater : cliquez ici  

A propos du Village by CA

Fondé par le Crédit Agricole en 2014, le Village by CA est un écosystème créateur de valeur et un accélérateur de startups qui soutient des projets à fort potentiel. Le premier Village a vu le jour à Paris en 2014 et le réseau compte désormais 36 Villages partout en France (Lille, Bordeaux, Orléans, Caen, St-Brieuc, Nantes, Paris, Lyon, Toulouse…) au Luxembourg et en Italie à Milan. Le Village dispose de relais dans des villes majeures dans le monde (Londres, New York, Moscou, Shanghai, Séoul, Tokyo, Singapour…) afin d’aider les startups dans leur développement à l’international. Situé au cœur des régions, les startups de chaque Village by CA évoluent dans un écosystème d’innovation fort d’une multitude de partenaires privés et publics.

A propos de Microsoft 

Leader des plateformes et des services de productivité, Microsoft donne à chaque individu et chaque organisation les moyens de réaliser ses ambitions, dans un monde fondé sur le Cloud et la mobilité. Au cœur de l’écosystème numérique français depuis plus de 30 ans, Microsoft France, présidée par Carlo Purassanta depuis septembre 2017, rassemble plus de 1 600 collaborateurs au sein de son Campus d’Issy-les-Moulineaux, sous le signe de l’ouverture, de la créativité et de la collaboration. Avec un tissu de plus de 10 500 partenaires business, technologiques, acteurs du secteur public, chercheurs ou start-ups, acteur responsable, Microsoft France s’engage en faveur de l’égalité des chances et de l’éducation au numérique aux côtés des associations sur l’ensemble du territoire.

A propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

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The start of the year is always a good time to reassess priorities and consider new approaches, but 2021 is more of a reset than we expected this time last year. 2020 is unlikely to go down in anyone’s autobiography as the best year of their life, but it has done something positive: it’s prepared the ground for rapid change in the next 12 months.

More than any other year in our lifetimes, 2021 is set to be revolutionary, with emerging trends that will last well into the new decade. Here’s what we think you can look forward to around the next corner.

1. The End of Minimalism

Minimalism has been the de facto approach to web design for the last decade because it works.

But design reflects the zeitgeist. Where minimalism once felt clean and fresh, it’s starting to feel dull and uninspired. There have been a few false-starts breaking out of the long-term trend, but thanks to the pandemic, 2021 will be the year minimalism finally folds — at least for a while.

Prior to coronavirus-mandated lockdowns worldwide, there were already signs of a more vibrant, more decorative, more joyful approach to design. Simple typefaces have been replaced with more decorative examples — faces that use ink-traps to fake 3D effects are surprisingly popular.

trends are cyclical, and the wheel always turns

One of the biggest aspects of this blossoming trend is the move away from Material Design-style flat color not just to gradients but to multi-color gradients and even animated gradients. Even Apple, the last bastion of the clean white-box approach, jumped on the gradient bandwagon with its Big Sur branding.

One of the few things COVID-19 hasn’t slowed is the adoption of new web technology, and CSS, in particular, has had some major developments in the last year. CSS Grid is now a practical technology, and our ability to code standards-compliant designs that aren’t dependent on hierarchical boxes is greatly enhanced.

After more than a year of pretty grim news for most people, much of the world will be vaccinated over the next twelve months, and life will rapidly return to normal. The last global crisis on this scale was the 1918 influenza pandemic, and it led directly to the decade known as the Roaring Twenties.

Minimalism was already dipping in popularity — trends are cyclical, and the wheel always turns — but lockdown, or perhaps more precisely the end of lockdown, is the catalyst for significant change.

2. The Decline of WordPress

In Autumn 2020, something entirely unexpected happened: The W3C announced the platform its new web presence would be built on, and WordPress — the previous choice of the web’s steering committee — didn’t even make the list of finalists.

Due to accessibility concerns, the W3C development team opted to migrate away from WordPress to Craft CMS. The decision was met with a mixture of glee and outrage. But whether you agree with the decision or not, it’s hard to see it as anything other than yet another symptom of WordPress’ decline.

WordPress faces a triple threat: there are web builders that do an adequate job for low-end web projects; there are newer rivals like Craft that outperform WordPress as a CMS; there’s a growing interest in alternate approaches, like Jamstack.

So will it all be over for WordPress in 2021? Not even close. There are myriad reasons WordPress will continue to be the choice of designers and developers for years to come. Tens of thousands of professionals worldwide have invested their whole careers in WordPress; there are millions of themes, plugins, templates, and build processes that are tightly woven into the WordPress ecosystem. What’s more, there are millions of sites with substantial content archives powered by WordPress [WebDesignerDepot is one such site].

WordPress reportedly powers approximately 37% of the web, and it will still be the dominant CMS in 2022. But it’s unlikely to grow beyond that 37%, and by 2030 its market share will be in rapid contraction.

2020 was the high-tide mark for WordPress

But for all its faults — and it’s undeniable that WordPress is full of faults — WordPress is the best of the web; it has given a voice to millions of people, launched countless careers, and empowered entrepreneurship worldwide.

2020 was the high-tide mark for WordPress, but it’s not an extinction-level event — even the much-maligned Flash, which was killed dead in a matter of months by the first generation iPhone, limped on until a few weeks ago.

WordPress will have to find a niche and accept a smaller market share; in doing so, it will address the single biggest complaint that anyone has about WordPress: that it’s trying to do too much.

WordPress is one of the great success stories of the web. In a decade, it may have to settle for powering just 10% of the web — a level of failure most of its rivals can only dream of.

3. The Digital Currency Explosion

2021 is undoubtedly the year that cryptocurrency goes mainstream. In 2020 Bitcoin grew by almost 400%; currently valued at around $35k, conservative predictions for a December 2021 valuation are $100k, with five-year predictions as high as $1m. And Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency; the value of developer-friendly Ether has jumped by more than 50% in the first few weeks of 2021.

In the US, the incoming Biden administration is preparing a multi-trillion dollar relief package, which many believe young Americans will invest in cryptocurrency. Perhaps more importantly, large investment banks are now pumping hundreds of millions in digital currencies. PayPal and Visa are both in the advanced stages of adopting blockchain technology.

The biggest threat to the new digital economy is the volatility of cryptocurrency. You cannot price services in XRP if XRP’s dollar price could crash at any time — as it did a few weeks ago.

And so there are two routes in which this trend will unfold for ecommerce. Either pricing will remain in dollars, and the equivalent price in various cryptocurrencies will be calculated in real-time. Or, transactions will make use of stablecoins like Tether that are tied to the value of the US dollar.

Cryptocurrency is the latest gold-rush, and whether you think it’s the chance of a lifetime or yet another Ponzi scheme, it will become increasingly high-profile in ecommerce throughout 2021.

4. No More Video Calls and also More Video Calls

2020 was the year of Zoom. Its growth from bit-player to overtaking Skype is a material lesson for entrepreneurs that every obstacle is an opportunity.

every obstacle is an opportunity

Over the last year, we’ve discovered two things: meetings are more creative in person, and office costs are significantly reduced when staff work remotely.

There’s going to be a shift in the business landscape this year. Remote working will continue to be normal for years to come as businesses enjoy rent savings. Video calls will still be common for quick update meetings. But expect to travel to physical meeting places periodically for in-depth strategic planning.

Expect to see major cities with deserted office buildings and a rapid expansion of co-working spaces, especially those with meeting spaces — if WeWork can hold on a little longer, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

As a web professional, you’re in a unique position to thrive in the new business world, even more so if you’re a freelancer. Remember, if you’re working onsite, be mindful of your physical health, and if you’re working remotely, be mindful of your mental health.

What Do You Think?

No one saw 2020 coming. Sometimes world events are outwith our control, and we have to hang on and hope it gets better. It’s been a tough 12 months, and the truth is we’re not through it yet.

But the 2020 coronavirus pandemic is the first pandemic in human history that we’ve had the technology to shorten.

2021 offers the opportunity for enormous change. Will designers look for new, more decorative approaches? Will we replace our technology stack? Will you be billing clients in Ether this year? Will you suffer the misery of a packed evening commute ever again?



Featured image via Unsplash


The post 4 Predictions for the Web in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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We are well past the experimental stage with the cloud. It’s become mission-critical, and we have entered a stage where our applications and services need to take advantage of the globally distributed nature of the cloud and deliver on the expectations of our consumers.

Legacy relational databases are simply not built for the cloud. They are difficult to scale in this environment and costly to maintain their uptime. NoSQL stores were built to address legacy limitations; however, they fall short when it comes to providing consistent transactions. They are casually consistent. Some of the most successful global organizations have purpose-built databases that achieve the reliability of the relational store with the benefits of scale and global coverage that comes with the cloud. These databases are a new breed called Distributed SQL.

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There are dozens of factors that influence the UX of your site, app, or game. Most of them are beyond your control; user connection speed, end-system resources, even browser technology is all out of your hands. So when you do have the opportunity to influence your project’s infrastructure, you should seize it.

The world’s fastest muscle car can’t perform at its best when traffic is gridlocked bumper to bumper; likewise, the most finely tuned website can’t meet its potential running on shared hosting.

If you want your website, application, or service to run quickly and securely, maximizing both UX and SEO, then you need to look at the bare metal servers from OVHcloud.

Bare Metal Performance

Bare metal (or dedicated) servers aren’t uncommon. Still, most hosts only offer a single type of server, expecting small startups to pay for resources at the same rate as global giants, which can make dedicated hosting prohibitively expensive.

OVHcloud is different; it offers a range of bare metal server products optimized for a wide variety of challenges. That means small startups can invest in fast, easily scalable solutions that meet the most demanding security requirements without breaking the bank.

Whatever your aims, there’s a different OVHcloud solution configured for you:

OVHcloud Rise

Rise is the perfect option for a website, or web app hosting. With its low entry-cost, Intel-powered performance, bundled DDoS protection, and simplified administration, Rise is the natural choice for your first step into bare metal servers.

OVHcloud Advance

To meet SMEs’ need for reliable infrastructure to run mission-critical applications, OVHcloud configured Advance. From in-house CRMs to web-facing SaaS products, Advance is a solid foundation upon which to build your business.

OVHcloud Storage

Storage is ideal for storing large amounts of data securely. Hosting data on standard servers is a colossal waste of resources; with OVHcloud’s Storage product you can host up to 504TB and seamlessly access it via a performance-tuned server.

OVHcloud Infrastructure

For large companies with thousands of employees, global non-profits, colleges, and even local governments, OVHcloud Infrastructure offers scalability and flexibility beyond the average dedicated server.

OVHcloud High-End

For web apps that are leveraging cutting edge technology like machine learning and big data, OVHcloud’s High-End product is a no-compromise custom solution, the humdinger of bare metal servers, with every conceivable option available.

OVHcloud Game

If you’re developing video games, then lightning-quick, reliable streaming servers are essential. OVHcloud’s Game product delivers the type of speed your customers demand, with massive performance gains over comparable bare metal servers.

How to Choose a Bare Metal Server

It’s easy to get bogged down in detail, especially if this is your first foray into bare metal servers.

But here’s the good news: every OVHcloud bare metal server is a massive boost in performance over shared web hosting. That’s because, with a dedicated server, all of the server’s resources are…dedicated; that is, you don’t have to share with anyone. Shared hosting is pot-luck: You might wind up on a server with thoughtful users who don’t eat up all the resources, and you might end up on a server with one selfish user who hogs the processes and compromises the security. With a bare metal server, that’s not an issue.

Choosing a bare metal server is a two-step process. The first step is to think about what you intend to use it for:

Are you going to store a lot of data? If so, think about OVHcloud’s Storage product. But a lot of data doesn’t mean a WordPress blog. Let’s say you’re a polling company, collating millions of records that you hope to analyze to predict political movement; that requires a lot of storage. On the other hand, all servers have some storage. OVHcloud’s Rise product comes with 500Gb and can be configured with more. So if you’re planning to host something the size of a blog, then OVHcloud’s Storage might be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

The second step is to ask how complex the operations you’re going to ask the server to perform will be:

Hitting up a database to retrieve some data is not a complex operation. Even something like a complex search isn’t too taxing. If that’s the kind of process you expect to perform, OVHcloud’s Rise is more than adequate. But if you’re manipulating large amounts of data, like resizing hundreds of raster images dynamically; or using facial recognition to search through millions of biometric data records; or even managing your advertising application serving millions of ads to sites across the web; in those cases, you need the sort of performance OVHcloud’s Infrastructure product delivers.

OVHcloud’s products are all scaleable. Its High-End bare metal server product is entirely customizable. Whatever you choose, and however your needs change over time, you can be confident you’re running the optimum server for your project.

Why Choose OVHcloud

There are a mind-boggling array of processors, and OS, and a seemingly infinite — and increasingly expensive — amount of hardware on offer on the web. OVHcloud radically simplifies running a bare metal server by delivering a range of popular packages, tailored for everyday uses, that are both customizable and scaleable.

What OVHcloud delivers is a clear choice, letting you choose the right server for your product.

Whether you need lighting fast response times to maximize your SEO or the space to store a digital archive of the world’s most important art, for reliability and choice, opt for OVHcloud bare metal servers.


[— This is a sponsored post on behalf of OVHcloud —]


The post How to Choose a Bare Metal Server From OVHcloud first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

2020 has been one of the most memorable years in our history. Few of us have been alive long enough to experience a more turbulent time. But throughout the year, we saw design respond to challenging events with positivity, color, and a desire to elevate those people and projects working to make the world better.

As we head into 2021, there’s no denying that 2020 has changed our outlook on life and marked a major turning point in web design trends.

Here’s a collection of the websites we loved the most this year. Enjoy!

Looks Like You Need Iceland

On Looks Like You Need Iceland, you are invited to record a scream, which will then be broadcast into the Icelandic wilderness. It’s meant as a form of therapy. The idea is that you will one day visit Iceland in person. That might still be some way off for most of us, but we could certainly use a good therapeutic scream.

Black Lives Matter

Across 2020 there were major protests around the world in support of Black Lives Matter. The movement’s website is a central hub for news, resources, and civil rights information in 38 countries.

2º Earth

2ºC Earth takes the user to 5 locations worldwide and shows what will happen there if global temperatures rise by 2ºc. Sound is used really well here to create an immersive experience, along with some beautiful photography.


Along with some new features announced earlier this month, GitHub has a glossy new homepage. It has a clean feel, with some nice scrolling animation and sparing but effective use of illustration.

I Weigh Community

Political and social initiatives were big in 2020, and non-profit activism initiative I Weigh Community is the brainchild of actress Jameela Jamil. It’s devoted to radical inclusivity, communicated with bold, expressive graphics.


Back in January, we clicked around UNREAL’s site for hours, enjoying the sharp transitions. The Swiss agency produced a wonderfully chaotic love letter to web animation.


Delassus grows fruit, from citrus to avocados. The Moroccan company employs a cornucopia of 3D design to make its site bold, fun, and practical.

Lynn Fisher

We loved everything about Lynn Fisher’s site back in May. The homepage illustration was awesome. It was a humorous approach to RWD that we really appreciated. The site has since changed, with tons more to explore.


The Minervo site feels distinctly Latin, with the hot pinks and sun-blasted desaturation feeling suitably South American. We love the cropping on the custom typeface.


Norwegians have an almost mystical connection with the sea, which is evident in the site for Babord, a Norwegian seafood supplier. We loved the brand font too.


Calexo makes THC-infused beverages, and back in April, we loved the color and positivity of the site. The animated hamburger menu was a hit too.


Moooi’s site layers illustration with a maximal effect that makes you feel like you’re chasing a white rabbit. There are tons of great UI details here, especially the bar that reveals the product videos.

Blind Barber Anniversary

The Blind Barber celebrates 10 years of success with this microsite. A deconstructed grid and an entirely black and white design, but with color photos, create energy and a sense of joy.

Zand Harirchi Architects

Zand Harirchi is an architecture firm based in Tehran, Iran. Its site features subtle references to architecture, like the delightful thumbnails reminiscent of small windows.


The WFN (Women’s Funding Network) is an international alliance supporting women’s foundations and gender justice funders. The sophisticated color palette and clean type are both confident and feminine.

Nathan Taylor

We loved exploring Nathan Taylor’s playful site all the way back in January. The different lighting modes were a firm favorite.

Käthe Kollwitz Memorial

A tribute to the life and work of Käthe Kollwitz, an Expressionist printmaker. There’s a catalog of her work, presented alongside large type and splashy color transitions.

Emotive Feels

Emotive Feels is a design manifesto from the Emotive Brand agency that illustrates an A–Z of potential brand emotions with simple animations that we likened to a Blue Note release.

A. N Other

A.N Other’s site for perfume highlights quality ingredients, materials, simplicity, craftsmanship, and the environment; in the process, it cleverly invokes a sense of luxury.


Danish type foundry Playtype’s site fits its name perfectly. The playful site with bright blocks of color and the occasional animation shows off some pretty nice typefaces.

Feijoo Montenegro

All-text sites are always a thrill, and back in June, we were treated to this simple one-pager by Feijoo. Details like the numerals being replaced by words are delightful.

Wavering Stripes

Although this site’s subject matter is harrowing, it is presented in a very beautiful, thoughtful manner.

The Oyster & Fish House

Sophisticated typography, the wave textures, the nostalgic feel of the photography, and even the cookie notice’s on-brand styling all show attention to detail, which gives this site its appeal.

Who Cares

Find and ‘photograph’ the endangered species to learn about them in this delightfully illustrated game.


When Curbed came under the umbrella of New York magazine earlier this year, it got a makeover. Neon highlights and a distorted grid give an edge to the classic magazine layout.


The carousel of fonio (it’s a West African grain) products on Yolélé’s landing page is a good example of horizontal scrolling that works well. There are some great page transitions too.

Pantheone Audio

Pantheone Audio’s site employs elegant scrolling to enable seamless navigation of an extremely luxurious site, underpinned by a complex grid.


Bright color, an irregular grid, illustrations, and a display type that feels almost hand-drawn perfectly captures the aesthetic of this NY-based home furnishing brand.


This site for private membership leisure club Highcourt uses subtle background color changes and simple line illustrations to create a sense of calm. Black and white are softened to dark blue and ivory, and gentle animation adds interest.

Kate Jackling

Kate Jackling’s site takes a step back and allows the content to bask in the glow of attention, placing her photography at center stage.


While there is less hustle and bustle outside than we were used to pre-pandemic, we could certainly all use some calm. Treaty’s site for CBD oils reflects that calm with a combination of video, whitespace, and botanical drawings.

Ukrainian Railroad Ladies

Ukrainian Railroad Ladies is a book of photographs of women, and some men, who work on the Ukrainian railways. The site is basic, even brutalist, but it has charm, and the photographer’s fascination with his subject comes through.

Year & Day

Year & Day is an ecommerce site that sells tableware, from glassware to ceramics. The colorful collection is designed to complement different types of food, and the site’s color scheme reflects that perfectly.

Juan Mora

Juan Mora’s ‘under construction’ holding page has probably been crafted with more care than many full-blown sites. This showcase cleverly manages to demonstrate its subject’s skills without showing a single piece of work.


Lucciano’s homepage hero video alone will have your mouth watering for some of their gelato. Much of the appeal of food is visual, and the photography here does not disappoint. Circular text boxes in ice cream colors complement the product shots nicely.

Bored Solutions

Back in April, we were already a little weary of lockdown — if only we’d known how long it would last! The amazing color blobbing of was the ideal distraction.

Grand Matter

Grand Matter is an artist agency representing illustrators. There is a wealth of talent on show here and a broad enough range of styles to keep the web interesting for a good while.


This site for Dunderville motion design studio features a paper fold detail, which adds tactility to the virtual. Some superb type and vector animations showcase an impressive portfolio.

Album Colors of the Year

Album Colors has taken the covers from 150 albums released this year and arranged them by dominant color. The hex code for each color is provided if you want to copy it.

Mammut Expedition Baikal

Mammut uses stunning photography and a strong narrative to present its Eiger Extreme outdoor clothing. Longing for the great outdoors will either be alleviated or exacerbated by this one.

808303 is a virtual Roland TR-808 drum machine and TB 303 bass synthesizer. You can program, record, and share your very own 80s techno masterpiece.


Humor can be hard to get right, especially when you want to be taken seriously at the same time. Here, it works, and the result is a memorable site, oozing with confidence.

Jazz Keys

Type your message into Jazz Keys, and you’ll hear it in sound. You can send the message to anyone and let them hear your words — the web lives for side-projects like this.

Érika Moreira

The fabulous, simple site for Sao Paulo-based Érika Moreira has some awesome big type and creative case studies. It’s an excellent example of a non-visual portfolio.

G.F Smith

Earlier this year, the site for leading paper supplier G.F Smith got a redesign. It is a simpler design than the previous site and keeps the visual focus on the products and the colors.

Abbotsford Convent

Abbotsford Convent is a creative arts venue in Melbourne, Australia, based in a former convent. The UI for its site blends architectural forms to acknowledge the building’s heritage.

Waka Waka

Waka Waka designs and builds wooden furniture. The mid-century typography and the noise textures transport the site to the last century’s radical graphic design. There’s some clever disruption to the typical thumbnail approach.


Sites advertising apps always seem to want to box the design into a hastily de-branded mock-up. Cone takes a daringly refreshing approach by depicting a more expansive mobile experience.

Ride Out

Amsterdam’s Ride Out bike store teases the content with an intriguingly masked video. Plus, we love the wheel-inspired spinning links.

Puddle Sound

This site is a model of minimalism. Beautiful photographs and very little text, there is nothing to distract from the product on display.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

What an extraordinary year 2020 has been for the news! From the ongoing coronavirus crisis, to a turbulent US election, to the unrelenting march of Bitcoin, this year like no other we’ve been glued to our phones micro-analyzing every tidbit of news.

Which makes this the perfect time for mediastack, an awesome REST API that allows you to embed a customizable news feed, sourced from the world’s top news agencies, and updated by the minute, right on your site.

Integrating Global News with Your Site

News is the beating pulse of so many global industries. From political decisions that affect stock prices, to natural disasters that interrupt goods and services, to the whims of celebrities who overnight transform brands from unknown to must-have.

Whether you’re building a site for a non-profit in Louisiana that cares deeply about both Washington politics, and hurricanes in the Caribbean; or you’re building an app for a golf course in Halkidiki that’s focused on both local news, and golf around the world; delivering real-time news content to those users elevates UX.

Tightly integrating the news with your site makes it a hub for users hungry for that very news. The only limit is your creativity.

Display Up-to-Date News on Your Site

When news breaks around the world the top networks scramble to catch up; they simply can’t maintain correspondents in every town and city in the world, and so they rely on affiliates. mediastack pulls in news from over 7,500 different sources in over 50 countries worldwide, giving you access to exactly the same affiliates frequently used by big news organizations like CNN, MSNBC, BBC, or ABC.

When it’s one of the big players in news that breaks a story first, mediastack still has you covered because as will as covering smaller, lesser-known sources mediastack delivers real-time news from CBS, Sky News, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, USA Today, and a host of trusted names across the industry.

If your site targets users that are only interested in certain types of story — like sports, or Hollywood celebrities — then you can even pull in stories from ESPN, TMZ, or Fox News.

Get Started Quickly with mediastack

Getting started with mediastack couldn’t be simpler, and there’s a free plan that’s more than enough to prototype your project.

Full documentation is provided with code examples for PHP, Python, jQuery, Go, and Ruby. To start integrating all you need to do is register for a free access key.

Once you have your free access key, you connect to the API, then customize the results you receive with simple parameters. You can specify the types of news, the precise sources (including omitting sources), languages, countries, and most importantly your keywords.

For example here’s how you’d request science news from CNN, but not TMZ:

Let’s say you want to display Spanish language crypto news on your site, it couldn’t be easier:

The API sends back simple JSON data that’s easy to run through. Each news item includes the author, title, description, url, source, image, category, language, country, and a published_at timestamp that records when the story was posted.

Once the feed is setup, sit back and relax. It’s all automated from now on.

The Best Source of News for Your Website

mediastack is delivered by apilayer, quite rightly one of the most trusted names in APIs, and is capable of handling millions of requests simultaneously.

Fast, updated by the minute, highly customizable, reliable, and sourced from the biggest names in the news industry, mediastack is an amazing API.

There’s a free-forever plan that allows you to use the API without charge, for up to 500 API calls per month, that’s perfect for trying it out.

For commercial use, plans start at just $19.99/month, and can handle up to 250,000 calls per month. Commercial plans also include HTTPS encryption, live news delivery, access to historical data, and — should you ever need it — technical support.

Head over to mediastack today, to prepare your site for whatever events 2021 throws at us.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of mediastack –]


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DZone is proud to announce that we have partnered with Slash Data to invite our community members to take part in the latest, global Developer Economics survey. Every year, over 30,000 developers across the globe take part to share their perspectives. The research is leveraged by companies to help make better developer products and experiences. It is your chance to have your needs and concerns heard by the companies providing you with tools, products, and services.

What’s in it for You?

An Interesting Survey With Lots of Prizes

Answer fun questions about the type of projects you’re working on, your favorite languages, tools, technologies, or platforms. In return, the survey will reward you with prize draws worth in total over $17,000 USD. You can win new dev gear to upgrade your workstation, courses and licenses to learn something new, Amazon vouchers, and more. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE