
Dans un marché très concurrencé et post Covid, la gestion et la distribution de matériel médical est en pleine transformation. Les ambitions de Quipment, premier fournisseur d’équipements médicaux pour les laboratoires du monde entier, s’incarnent sur plusieurs aspects dont celui de faire évoluer ses processus métiers ainsi que ses outils.

Paris, le 15 décembre 2022. SAP, leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, accompagne Quipment, acteur mondial de la fourniture de matériel médical pour les essais cliniques, dans le choix de leur nouvel ERP.

Avec des processus et des normes internationales de plus en plus complexes et exigeantes, mais aussi face à des volumes industriels, Quipment pourra désormais s’appuyer sur RISE S/4HANA Public Cloud pour automatiser tous ses processus métiers, de la Finance à la comptabilité, en passant par la gestion des stocks, la maintenance et la configuration de ces matériels, et ce dans plusieurs pays.

L’adoption de la solution permettra une digitalisation du Système d’Information pour anticiper les changements de business model – Quipment souhaitant aller toujours plus loin dans l’économie circulaire. Elle permettra également d’assurer un accompagnement adapté à la croissance de Quipment. La startup pourra enfin bénéficier de la simplicité d’usage grâce aux processus standardisés du dispositif SAP.

Ce partenariat a été rendu possible par la capacité des équipes Grow by SAP – un programme d’accélération pour les entreprises à forte croissance – à répondre à l’ensemble des besoins de Quipment, de leur proposer un accompagnement sur-mesure pour assurer aux équipes une adoption optimale et leur permettre de répondre à la demande croissante du marché. La proposition de valeur de Grow by SAP permet d’accélérer l’activité de Quipment de la manière la plus durable et efficace qui soit grâce à une solution SaaS et à un ensemble de mesures couvrant notamment le Marketing, la Finance, le Growth hacking, etc.

Aussi, l’association de SAP et WYNSYS, l’un des partenaires les plus performants de SAP, permet à la startup de restructurer ses processus et de profiter pleinement des avantages de la solution dans le Cloud.

Pierre Malingrey, Président et cofondateur de Quipment précise :  « La robustesse de la solution Rise S/4HANA nous a convaincu pour venir répondre à nos objectifs d’automatisation. Cela va permettre à Quipment de réaliser les gains d’efficacité significatifs et nous permettre de maintenir notre avance sur ce marché en phase d’industrialisation. Au-delà de cette efficience, la solution RISE S/4HANA va doter Quipment de gains capacitaires très importants pour absorber les volumes croissants de notre marché.

Lahcen Binoumar, Head of Middle Market chez SAP France déclare : « Collaborer avec une startup comme Quipment est une opportunité exceptionnelle pour SAP de démontrer les capacités et la flexibilité de ses solutions. Le secteur de l’approvisionnement des produits médicaux et de laboratoire répond à une exigence intrinsèque à Quipment que SAP et WYNSYS ont à cœur de soutenir. Notre solution permettra ainsi à Quipment de conforter sa position de leader sur son marché et de continuer à se développer à l’international, tout en modernisant ses processus. »


A propos de Quipment

Quipment est une entreprise française qui fournit et déploie du matériel médical dans le monde entier pour permettre à l’industrie pharmaceutique de valider des nouvelles thérapies en développement. Le matériel, déployé dans plus de 40 000 hôpitaux et plus de 110 pays, permet de suivre l’évolution de la santé de cohortes de patients sous traitement, et ainsi de valider et quantifier les bénéfices thérapeutiques des nouveaux traitements en cours de développement. Quipment permet de déployer des études cliniques de manière plus rapide, plus fiable, plus flexible et moins coûteuse, permettant ainsi à la recherche d’apporter plus rapidement et à moindre coût des nouveaux traitements aux patients. Avec 150 salariés et des centres logistiques aux Etats Unis, en Europe et au Japon, Quipment est le leader mondial de ce marché. Quipment est particulièrement sensible aux enjeux de responsabilité d’entreprise et agit avec une conscience très forte de ses impacts dans ses choix et sa gouvernance.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez :

The post SAP accompagne Quipment grâce à RISE S/4HANA Public Cloud appeared first on SAP France News.

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Securing applications is not the easiest thing to do. An application has many components: server-side logic, client-side logic, data storage, data transportation, API, and more. With all these components to secure, building a secure application can seem really daunting.

Thankfully, most real-life vulnerabilities share the same root causes. And by studying these common vulnerability types, why they happen, and how to spot them, you can learn to prevent them and secure your application.

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People are trading convenience for privacy in today’s digital world – which means they share more and more information about themselves. While one-click checkouts and saved passwords can all be appreciated, that mental « autopilot » can sometimes steer us wrong. While we were all once wary of anyone asking for information about ourselves, we now assume that it’s just the cost of participation —you’re asking for my favorite book, I’m giving it to you; you’re sending me an email from my boss, and you’re getting my attention and reaction. But this autopilot is what cybercriminals and hackers from people like you and me around the world effortlessly turn into hundreds of millions of dollars every year. In this article, we will discuss the definition and types of cybercrime and available cybersecurity courses.

What Is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is a crime that either attacks or exploits a computer, a computer network, or a networked system. Cybercrime is mainly, but not always, committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money — people or organizations are carrying out cybercrime. Any cybercriminals that are coordinated are extremely technically trained and use sophisticated techniques. Others are hacking novices. In extreme cases, for reasons other than personal gain, cybercrime attempts to hurt computers. This may be political or personal.

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Here at ShiftLeft, we are gearing up for Shifting Left: ’21, a one-day application security conference for developers and security practitioners on Jan 28, 2021. I’ve been a huge fan of security conferences ever since I attended my first security conference, NorthSec in Montreal. This time, I am excited to be on the organizer’s side and present this conference to you.

Shifting Left: ‘21 is entirely online and free to register here. Now let’s get into it! Here are the sessions that I am most excited about and that you should attend if you like machine learning, developing secure applications, or hacking into applications.

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With billions of internet users worldwide spending several hours online each day, the online presence of brands is now a necessary avenue for building, boosting, and maintaining positive value and attracting and interacting with customers. 

This has created increasing pressure for web design agencies when creating and managing websites. This pressure is multiplied by all the projects that web design agencies have to handle at one time. This is because different clients demand different things for their websites, whether it’s a signature feature or specialized functionality. 

Hence, it’s vital that the tools the agencies use to work are simple enough and suited to the tasks they have to accomplish in order to build and maintain these projects. Having the right tools can increase efficiency and effectiveness in managing websites.

Challenges in Modern Web Design

Building a website with all the essentials in mind is always easier said than done. Websites have to be both functional and easy on the eyes to invite traffic, disseminate information, or appeal a product or service to a target audience, and all while having an attractive and convenient interface.

The good news is that it’s perfectly possible to design a quality website and without spending a fortune to do so. Below are some of the challenges that web design agencies face when trying to deliver and reconcile efficient user experience and effective user interface in web design.

1. Appealing User Experience

Designing a good website means ensuring that the user experience is appealing to a general audience, but this is one of the most difficult parts of web design. Agencies must be careful not to turn off users with a confusing user experience. For instance, making important information difficult to find on web pages, using technical jargon that ordinary users wouldn’t understand, and focusing too much on the design rather than the overall experience are a few big mistakes that no designer should ever commit.

Instead, web design agencies should focus not only on making the design look good but also on making the experience smooth and fast for the regular site visitor. This includes improving design elements to make navigation easier as well as optimizing webpage load speeds.

2. Working With a Budget

It’s common for the client and the web design agency’s budgets to not line up at all times. Either the client will find the project quote too high, or the designer will find the client’s budget too low. The cost of a web design project can vary greatly, depending on what needs to be done. 

Although having to build a good website on a budget may be difficult, it’s important for both parties to come up with a set amount before the project even starts. The client should always specify what they want to achieve and how much they’re willing to pay to get it, and the agency should let the client know beforehand if this is possible.

3. Integrating Third-Party Functionality

Sometimes, clients may make requests for third-party functions that may not be easily integrated into the site. To prevent this, web design agencies should always consider integration when building a site. Most businesses and companies now have at least one social media account, so it doesn’t make sense for their site to remain disconnected.

When a website visitor shares an excerpt on a social media site like Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter, other people who can see their posts may become interested in visiting the original post on the website. Properly integrating third-party applications and functions into a website can get it more online presence and popularity.

4. Suitability to Different Devices

There are many devices that people can use to access the web. From smartphones to desktop computers, from cars to game consoles, and even wristwatches and digital cameras, all of these can be web-enabled as long as there’s an available internet connection. 

Websites nowadays should always be compatible with any of the devices people might use to go to the website. They should look pleasing and load fast regardless of what device a visitor is using.

5. Security of Personal Information

Most websites require personal or financial information, whether for account verification, for website subscription, or something else. Websites should be designed with personal security in mind, which is even more important since hacking has been on the rise since the coronavirus hit.

One of the biggest threats that websites face today is phishing, or when an attacker will pretend to be a trusted contact and attempt to compel you to click a malicious link. Another is ransomware, or where cybercriminals hold customer data for ransom and attempt to extort online business owners. Yet one more is SQL injections, or where hackers will attempt to execute malicious SQL commands in your website’s database. 

The best practices in regards to web design to mitigate these risks include third-party plugins and themes, keeping all of your software up to date, setting your web applications so they run the fewest privileges possible, and utilizing SSL certificates and HTTPS protocols. 

Adopting Site-Building Platforms

Gone are the days where you had to be technologically gifted to design a website from scratch, usually through manual HTML codes. Back then, you had to know your way around the web if you wanted to set-up and manage a site of your own.

Now, there are a lot of good website builders that allow you to create websites in a faster period of time. Even web design agencies now make use of such builders in order to make the job easier and more convenient. Not to mention, it allows agencies to focus on the design alone.

Although these platforms offer predesigned templates based on the most common purposes of websites, they normally allow the user to white label the website into the branding specific to the business or agenda of the website owner. The text styles, colors, and sizes coordinated to the website’s theme, and colors can be designed specifically to match the business or organization’s image and identity. 

Simply put, creating websites through a web builder platform can provide web design agencies with easy-to-understand tools that their teams and members can all uniformly use to more effectively and more efficiently handle all their projects.

With services that allow mobile optimization, site management, and even drag-and-drop editing, web design agencies can now better manage their projects and finish with their tasks more quickly.

Not only that, by using white labelling, services can conserve their time and energy into focusing on creating the best website for their client. With all the website builders currently available on the market today, just picking the right one can give web design agencies the best tools to use when creating, designing, and maintaining websites. 


Featured image via Pexels.


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light up keyboard

Why Does an IT Security Specialist Need These Skills? 

Hacker world can be contingently divided into three groups: the so-called “skids” (script kiddies), “buyers”, and “black hat coders”. The first group includes beginners who use well-known codes and utilities to create something resembling simple malicious software. Buyers are teenagers and other thrill-seekers who buy such malware on the Net and use it to collect and sell personal and financial data from target devices.

The last group called “black hat coders” includes programming gurus writing the codes in a notebook and developing new exploits from scratch. Can anybody with good programming skills become one of the “black hat coders”? I doubt it but I believe any IT security specialist should know several concepts that are used to create malicious software. Always know your enemy:)

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