
Étapes pour les développeurs vers l'IT durable.

Les développeurs sont à la pointe de l’innovation technologique. Mais comment peuvent-ils adopter une approche durable pour leurs projets IT ? Découvrez les étapes à suivre !

Les conséquences réelles de quelque chose d’aussi abstrait que le logiciel

Même quelque chose d’aussi abstrait que le logiciel a des conséquences concrètes. Les centres de données consomment environ 1 % de l’énergie mondiale et ces serveurs à haute consommation représentent une fraction minime de l’utilisation totale de l’énergie informatique. Il est temps pour les développeurs informatiques de prendre au sérieux la réduction de leur empreinte carbone.

Aller vert peut prendre plusieurs formes, y compris l’écriture de meilleurs codes, des modifications matérielles et des changements dans la culture du lieu de travail. Les professionnels de l’informatique peuvent utiliser les techniques suivantes pour minimiser l’impact environnemental.

La première étape consiste à optimiser les bases de données. Les bases de données sont un élément essentiel des systèmes informatiques et peuvent consommer une quantité significative d’énergie. Les développeurs peuvent réduire la consommation d’énergie en optimisant leur base de données. Cela peut être fait en réduisant le nombre de requêtes, en réduisant le nombre de tables et en supprimant les données non utilisées. Les développeurs peuvent également améliorer l’efficacité des bases de données en utilisant des outils tels que l’indexation et la compression des données.

Deuxièmement, les développeurs peuvent réduire leur empreinte carbone en réduisant le nombre de serveurs nécessaires. Les serveurs sont l’un des principaux consommateurs d’énergie dans les centres de données et peuvent facilement être réduits en consolidant plusieurs serveurs sur un seul serveur. Les développeurs peuvent également réduire le nombre de serveurs en utilisant des technologies telles que le cloud computing et le virtualisation. Ces technologies permettent aux développeurs d’utiliser plusieurs serveurs virtuels sur un seul serveur physique, ce qui permet une meilleure utilisation des ressources et une réduction des coûts.

Enfin, les développeurs peuvent également réduire leur empreinte carbone en modifiant leur culture de travail. Les développeurs peuvent encourager l’utilisation de technologies plus écologiques telles que les écrans à LED et les imprimantes à faible consommation d’énergie. Ils peuvent également encourager l’utilisation des transports publics ou du covoiturage pour se rendre au travail et encourager le télétravail pour les employés qui le peuvent. Enfin, ils peuvent encourager les employés à recycler et à adopter des pratiques plus respectueuses de l’environnement.

Même si le logiciel est abstrait, il a des conséquences concrètes sur l’environnement. Les professionnels de l’informatique peuvent réduire leur empreinte carbone en optimisant leurs bases de données, en réduisant le nombre de serveurs nécessaires et en modifiant leur culture de travail. En adoptant ces techniques, les développeurs informatiques peuvent contribuer à la protection de l’environnement et à la préservation des ressources naturelles pour les générations futures.

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Concevoir une architecture hybride durable: le rôle crucial de l'empreinte carbone

La conception d’une architecture hybride durable est un défi majeur. Une attention particulière doit être portée à l’empreinte carbone pour garantir une solution durable.

L’augmentation de la demande en services de cloud computing et son impact sur l’environnement, mettant en évidence la nécessité de prioriser la durabilité et de réduire les émissions de carbone dans les environnements cloud hybrides, sont abordés dans cet article. Il souligne l’importance des exigences non fonctionnelles, en particulier l’empreinte carbone, dans la conception de l’architecture cloud hybride et la nécessité d’un rapport standardisé des émissions de carbone pour la transparence et le respect des obligations. L’article explore également diverses opportunités pour minimiser l’empreinte carbone, notamment l’optimisation de l’utilisation de l’énergie et des exigences matérielles, ainsi que la gestion de l’empreinte carbone par le suivi et le reporting des émissions, l’optimisation de l’utilisation du matériel et l’adoption de sources d’énergie renouvelables. Le rôle des fournisseurs de cloud dans l’aide aux entreprises à réduire leur empreinte carbone est discuté, ainsi que l’importance de la collaboration entre les dirigeants d’entreprise, les équipes informatiques et les fournisseurs de cloud pour intégrer la durabilité dans le processus de conception de la solution. De plus, l’article met en évidence l’impact significatif des exigences non fonctionnelles telles que le placement des charges de travail et le routage du réseau sur l’empreinte carbone d’une entreprise, soulignant la nécessité de prendre en compte les facteurs de durabilité pendant la conception et la mise en œuvre des environnements cloud hybrides pour réduire les émissions de carbone et se conformer aux exigences réglementaires.

## L’impact de la demande croissante en services de cloud computing sur l’environnement et la nécessité de prioriser la durabilité

L’utilisation croissante des services de cloud computing et son impact sur l’environnement soulignent la nécessité de prioriser la durabilité et de réduire les émissions de carbone dans les environnements hybrides cloud. Il est important de mettre l’accent sur les exigences non fonctionnelles, en particulier l’empreinte carbone, dans la conception de l’architecture hybride cloud et la nécessité d’un rapport standardisé des émissions de carbone pour la transparence et le respect des obligations.

Il existe plusieurs possibilités pour minimiser l’empreinte carbone, notamment l’optimisation de l’utilisation de l’énergie et des exigences matérielles, ainsi que la gestion de l’empreinte carbone par le suivi et le rapport des émissions, l’optimisation de l’utilisation du matériel et l’adoption de sources d’énergie renouvelables. Le rôle des fournisseurs de cloud dans l’aide aux entreprises à réduire leur empreinte carbone est discuté, ainsi que l’importance de la collaboration entre les dirigeants d’entreprise, les équipes informatiques et les fournisseurs de cloud pour intégrer la durabilité dans le processus de conception des solutions. De plus, l’article met en évidence l’impact significatif des exigences non fonctionnelles telles que le placement des charges de travail et le routage du réseau sur l’empreinte carbone d’une entreprise, soulignant la nécessité de prendre en compte les facteurs de durabilité lors de la conception et de la mise en œuvre des environnements hybrides cloud pour réduire les émissions de carbone et se conformer aux exigences réglementaires.

Les solutions hybrides cloud sont un moyen efficace pour les entreprises de réduire leur empreinte carbone et de répondre aux exigences réglementaires. Les fournisseurs de cloud doivent travailler en étroite collaboration avec les entreprises pour intégrer la durabilité dans le processus de conception des solutions. Les entreprises doivent également prendre en compte les exigences non fonctionnelles telles que le placement des charges de travail et le routage du réseau pour réduire leur empreinte carbone. Enfin, il est important d’adopter des sources d’énergie renouvelables et d’optimiser l’utilisation des ressources matérielles et énergétiques pour minimiser l’empreinte carbone et respecter les exigences réglementaires. La conception d’une architecture hybride cloud durable est essentielle pour assurer une empreinte carbone minimale et une conformité aux exigences réglementaires.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Cloud services from multiple vendors would allow business enterprises to access best-in-breed services and technologies. According to the data published by Faction, about 92% of companies have already switched to a multi-cloud environment and 82% of the large business entities adapted to hybrid cloud infrastructure. This clearly shows the influence of multi-cloud strategy in the business world.  

Multi-cloud infrastructure plays a key role in improving the IT infrastructure of an organization which leads to experiencing huge benefits. Adapting to the multi-cloud infrastructure would enable businesses to meet the business needs and expectations of modern consumers according to the market condition. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Suppose you are trying to decide whether to use native mobile application development or a hybrid mobile application development approach for your project. In that case, there are numerous considerations, and you will, of course, have to look closely at your business requirements. 

This article focuses on just two of the crucial differences between native and hybrid mobile application development and may help get your discussions started.  

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Private, public, or hybrid, cloud solutions for any business domain are designed to provide the freedom to grow and security for the organization and customer data. For cloud-based multimedia solutions, there is cloud-based custom transcoder IP that supports automated Video-On-Demand (VOD) pipelines. Cloud services offer solutions that ingest source videos, processes video for playback on a wide range of devices using cloud media converter, and store transcoded media files for on-demand delivery to end-users.  

Custom IP integration along with other cloud services showcases better feasibility of using Open-Source codec, to use one’s transcoder instead of cloud media-converter for multimedia solutions. In this blog, we will see how an Open-Source codec like AV1 is selected as a custom IP for encoding to integrate over the cloud as a service.  

Source de l’article sur DZONE

AR (Augmented Reality) continues to build as one of the most exciting technology innovations to appear in recent years. More accessible than virtual reality experiences, since no specialist headset is required, AR has quickly emerged as a crucial tool for building unique experiences.

Although interest in AR as a tool for customer interaction and experience has been growing, demand has skyrocketed in recent years. In addition, since the pandemic of 2020, companies no longer have the same in-person opportunities available to create meaningful relationships with customers.

To ensure a client is fully invested in your brand today, you need to find a new way of building that emotional link. As an immersive, experience-led solution for brand building, AR can improve a company’s chance of earning brand loyalty. What’s more, around 71% of consumers say they would shop more often if AR technology were available.

The question is, how do you develop your own AR branded experiences?

Creating Branded Experiences in AR

For an augmented reality experience to be effective, you need more than just the right technology; you need a strategy for how you’re going to engage, empower, and support your target audience.

The best AR branded experiences aren’t just multi-dimensional advertisements; they’re tools intended to engage, inform, and entertain your audience in a new, highly immersive realm. Before you can begin to work on your AR app, you need to think about what kind of branded experience you want to develop. Here are some excellent examples to get you started.

AR Try-Before-You-Buy Interactions

Globally, ecommerce sales are growing at an astronomical pace. Going forward, there’s no question that the digital landscape will become the new platform for shopping and transactions. But, unfortunately, there are some limitations when it comes to shopping online.

While the right website developer or designer can create a stunning site packed with information about a product or service, there’s only so much that a webpage can do. Delivering a truly immersive user experience for your target audience involves replicating the kind of in-person experiences they would get in a digital format.

The best example of this is the “try-before-you-buy” AR app. Most commonly seen in the clothing and beauty industries, this app allows customers to use AR filters to see what everything from a new hair color to a shade of lipstick might look like on them. The experience is highly accessible and engaging because it builds on customers’ familiarity with filters and similar effects on social media channels like TikTok and Instagram.

A popular example of an AR try-before-you-buy experience comes from Sephora, with the “Virtual Artist” application. Originally installed within the Sephora app in 2016, the technology uses Modiface to scan and track the eyes and lips of the customer using a smartphone camera. After that, the system can overlay eye-shadows, lipsticks, and other products, to give the customer idea of what they might look like in real-life.

As AR applications become more mainstream, new solutions are emerging for companies concerned about things like privacy. Consumers who don’t want to load their image into a system for try-before-you-buy experiences can still access the benefits of AR with the right tools.

For instance, ASOS created the new “See My Fit” service in 2020 to help customers shop for clothing during the pandemic. The solution allows users to see what clothing will look like on a model with a similar body type to their own. This helps to show shoppers how products realistically look in similar bodies while reducing the risk of returns.

ASOS certainly saw the benefit of this innovation, with an increase in revenues of around 24% in the six months leading to the end of February 2021.

AR for Product Catalogs and Visualization

We all remember what it was like to flick through the glossy pages of a magazine or catalog for our favorite stores. Unfortunately, in today’s digital age, these paper brochures are far from the most efficient tool for shopping. We need a more digital experience that allows us to select products, see what they will look like, and add them to our virtual baskets.

One excellent example of how companies can use AR to improve the overall shopping and visualization experience for customers comes from Home Depot. The brand was one of the first to upgrade its user experience strategy with a new Project Color application in 2015. Although this app might seem a little outdated by today’s standards, it’s still an excellent insight into what companies can do to improve their customer’s brand experience.

The Home Depot app used AR to scan a room and implement the color a customer chose for their walls into that space, considering things like furniture, shadow, and lighting, to allow for a more realistic insight. The app has updated significantly over the years to become increasingly immersive.

Visualizing products in a real, contextual space is hugely beneficial for a customer’s purchasing experience and perception of a specific brand. If your customer sees buying the right product from you as simple and convenient, they’re more likely to stick with your organization long-term.

The product catalog and visualization approach to AR in brand development has grown increasingly popular in the last two years, perhaps driven by the demand for more online shopping opportunities. In 2020, Wayfair announced the release of an updated version of its “View in Room” app, which now uses LiDAR technology to provide enhanced utility when shopping for home products.

According to Wayfair, the LiDAR technology and “RealityKit” software give customers a more authentic and realistic view, so they can make better decisions about what they want to buy. According to Apple, customers are 11 times more likely to buy an item of furniture if they have seen how it looks in their home using AR.

Creating Unique Brand Experiences

AR is one of the technology innovations in our current landscape, helping blur the lines between digital worlds and reality. In a future defined by the rise of the metaverse, AR could have a significant impact on how we spend our time in a more virtual world.

Already, companies are taking advantage of this, with things like virtual pop-up shops and temporary experiences intended to differentiate their brands. For instance, Machine-A, a London-based concept store, is usually committed to showcasing contemporary fashion designs.

When it became apparent that London fashion week for 2020 would be virtual, Machine-A came up with a virtual boutique enabled by AR. By scanning a QR code embedded into billboards and posters across London, users could enter the boutique virtually from their phones and experience the designs themselves.

The concept created by Machine-A has opened the minds of countless business brand teams and marketers to new methods of increasing engagement and awareness among customers. In a world where you can’t necessarily interact with your top customers in person, providing them with a new and immersive experience can be a great way to generate loyalty.

The companies more willing to invest in innovative solutions like AR are also more likely to stand out as innovators in their field. Other companies have experimented with similar “pop-up” experiences and unique ways to capture audience attention. For example, Burberry placed a QR code in a Harrods store, which customers could scan to visit a branded experience, where an Elphis statue walked around in their surroundings through the lens of their smartphone camera.

It’s even possible to use AR experiences to attract the attention of new audience groups. For instance, the retail brand, Pull & Bear launched an AR game created with Facebook to help the company reach the 90% of Gen Z customers who identify as “gamers.”

Provide New Levels of Customer Support

As many of today’s businesses know, memorable branding isn’t just about having the right image or website; it’s also about providing the correct level of customer service and support. Most purchasing and brand loyalty decisions made today are based on customer experience.

Providing customers with unique experiences to improve their shopping journey is sure to make your company stand out in the new digital age. But it’s also possible to go even further with AR in your brand CX strategy too.

Amazon Salon, for instance, the first bricks-and-mortar hair salon created by Amazon, was partially established to test new technology. The “point and learn” service, for example, allowed customers to point a product they were interested in on a display or shelf and immediately access educational content. Users could also scan QR codes to visit the product page on the QR site.

This helps customers immediately get to the product they want to buy without relying on input from human services agents. In a similar vein, AR could be an excellent way to onboard a customer, learning how to use a new product for the first time.

Imagine having a user’s manual your customer can enjoy scanning through, thanks to AR technology. All your customer needs to do is scan the QR code on the back of a product, and they can see the item they need to build or install coming to life in front of them. This reduces the risk of customers having to call for help from tech support and means clients can see the value in their purchases a lot faster.

Companies can embrace AR as a virtual learning experience, helping users collect information and learn how to do things through an immersive first-hand experience. This kind of immersive technology could help to make any brand stand out as more user-experience-focused. Even car companies could essentially provide their customers with a complete virtual HUD showing them how each button and dial on their dashboard works.

Upgrade Website Design

Perhaps the most common way companies will be using AR to create branded experiences today is by updating their website. You’ve probably already seen examples of AR being used in a host of retail sites, with new experiences designed specifically for the age of augmented reality.

360-degree images, for instance, allow customers to essentially “look around” a product, and see it from different angles, just like they would if they were looking at the item in-store. We can see an excellent example of this on the BMW build-your-own web page, where vehicle browsers can see their vehicles from every angle.

The 360-degree product viewing experience lets you check everything from the side molding to the sculpted edges in perfect detail.  

QR codes and app downloads can also allow customers to take their AR experience even further, looking at things like what life would be like behind the wheel of one of these virtually augmented vehicles.

As AR becomes more commonplace and the tools available for designers in this arena continue to expand, there will be even more opportunities available to bring AR into the website experience. Even essential website upgrades today might include allowing customers to upload pictures of themselves or their homes, then using augmented reality technology to implement parts of a product catalog into the space.

AR Virtual Events

Finally, when it comes to exploring all the unique ways you can build a better brand experience and excellent customer relationships with AR, it’s worth looking at the event space. The event landscape has struggled significantly over the last couple of years. The pandemic forced most live events to be canceled, and although the post-pandemic era holds new hope for upcoming in-person experiences, the landscape will be very different.

Going forward, most companies plan to avoid a complete shift back to in-person events by creating “hybrid” experiences and augmented reality events instead. Augmented and virtual reality tools allow customers to step into an event arena from wherever they are.

For instance, the Pot Noodle Unilever brand hosted a virtual alternative careers fair in AR, where people could use their phones to navigate through a range of graduate employer booths. The unique career fair experience was designed to replace the more common in-person interactions graduates might have as they approached the end of their education.

The custom-developed 3D booths featured a range of different employers, and students could tap on the booth screen they were interested in to see a video from each employer. As an added bonus, the connection to the Pot Noodle AR careers fair website meant that students could also instantly apply for any of the jobs they were interested in.

Similar events could help brands recreate some of the meaningful experiential experiences that their customers have been missing out on in the last couple of years. They could also act as a valuable tool for bringing together people in a hybrid event, where someone visiting an in-person demo table could scan a QR code to send virtual demonstrations of a product back to their team.

This would reduce the number of people who needed to be present in an event environment at any given time, reducing the risk of health issues.

Bringing Brands to Life with AR

In the new consumer landscape, brand relationships are more important than ever. As a result, customers are making more careful choices about who they purchase from, based on their understanding of that company’s values and differentiators.

Now that you won’t always have an opportunity to interact with customers in-person to earn their trust, AR could be the solution for a lot of companies in search of new engagement tools. All you need to do is figure out how you’ll leverage all the benefits AR can offer.

Will you be creating an app, building a new website with enhanced 360-degree photos, or designing in-person experiences? Hopefully, these examples have inspired you to start exploring your options.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post How to Use AR in Brand Experiences first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Background Context

In our first blog, we introduced the definition and evolution of hybrid multicloud, key challenges of the enterprises, and the value realized by implementing a hybrid multicloud strategy. This blog will cover how to create a holistic and business-value-driven multicloud strategy. In order to provide agility, security, reliability, and access to a large ecosystem of services, a robust transformation strategy and program are required. This strategy must align with business objectives such as revenue growth, cost reduction, risk reduction, enhancing the customer experience, and capitalization of market opportunities.

Having created many transformation strategies across many industries, we have observed critical success factors that are worth noting. For instance, successful IT organizations tightly align their cloud strategies to business objectives while developing a target architecture and operating model blueprint while quantifying the costs and benefits in a business case. Organizations that have failed to implement their cloud strategy, or failed to realize their committed benefits, typically do not complete these important elements of a holistic strategy. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

As we cross 2020, most of us are still functioning remotely and preparing for a hybrid work environment where we will be expected to work from homeHow can an organization determine productivity? What can we expect from remote working in 2021? How can leaders motivate their employees who are low on motivation? Read this article as I dissect the remote working environment of 2021.

In 2020, this digital revolution was accelerated due to the pandemic outbreak, when most of the global workforce was forced to work remotely from the safe boundaries of their homes. We can witness the change in the work environment when we look at the introduction of various collaboration software, which helps employees connect virtually over a meeting and streamline their processes, to cloud-based connectivity, and a data-centric approach to strategic decision-making powered by the synergy between artificial and human intelligence. These have helped organizations reimagine the way to work.

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A press release is one of the most valuable tools in a marketing team’s arsenal. Though press releases have been around for decades, they remain one of the best ways to reach new customers, improve your brand reputation, and generate awareness. 

Press releases are also wonderfully cost-effective. Unless you’re using paid distribution channels, all you have to spend is your time to create your press release.

So, how do you get started?

What is a Press Release?

A Press Release is a short, simple, and compelling news story designed to promote the goods and services of a business. You’ll usually see these pieces of content published on industry websites, news channels, social media platforms, and even on the company’s blogs looking for awareness. 

The idea behind a press release is you provide a publication or group with all of the most valuable facts and insights into your latest newsworthy story. You might use a press release to announce a new product or to tell people about your recent partnership, for instance. 

A press release post then delivers this information to a wider potential audience by distributing the content in a range of different places. 

Why Should My Business Send Press Releases?

Why not simply tell people about your latest products and sales on social media, and leave it at that? The simple answer is Press Releases help you to gain the attention you might not get from your own media channels alone. With a press release, you can:

  • Set the record straight: In the middle of a PR disaster, a Press Release can give people the information they need to make their own decision about who’s right.
  • To improve your brand reputation: Launching press releases through well-known publications immediately boosts your credibility. The right publication shows you’re well-connected and professional. 
  • To gain media coverage: When launching a new product or service, a press release helps attract potential customers to your business and gives you more opportunities for sales.
  • To improve SEO: In the digital world, a press release allows you to earn backlinks from high-authority websites, improving your ranking.
  • To find new customers: Press publications and websites will reach a wider audience than you can find on your own. In addition, publishing press releases gives you new eyes on your business for minimal cost. 

You can send a press release for various reasons, including announcing breaking news, talking about newly launched products, discussing upcoming events, confirming partnerships, and more. It’s also worth creating a press release when new people join your executive team when you receive an award, or even if something bad happens (for crisis management)

What’s Included in a Press Release?

A press release will include different information depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. In general, PR posts feature:

  • A headline: This is where you share the most important info of your story
  • Contact details: How the media can get in touch with you
  • Location: Where you are and where the news event is taking place
  • Body copy: Information about the news event
  • Quotes: It’s common to see quotes in a press release from high-level staff
  • Boilerplate: Insights into what your organization is about

How to Write a Press Release (Step by Step)

Now you know what goes into a press release and why these tools are so valuable, it’s time to start planning your big announcement. 

Here are our top tips for creating an amazing press release.

1. Choose the Right Story

Press releases are focused on sharing valuable news with a specific audience. It would be best if you had something important and new to say, or you risk not getting your story published at all. You can’t just talk about a product or service that’s selling well (unless it’s breaking world, or brand records). 

Think about whether your PR topic is:

  • Timely: Is the event you’re talking about just about to happen, or has it happened recently? If something happened weeks or months ago, press groups aren’t going to be interested. Aside from ensuring your message is timely, make it topical too. Ensure this story is going to give something valuable to your audience. 
  • Relevant: Before you send a press release to anyone, make sure it will be relevant to the audience you’re targeting. Who does the story affect, and why is it important? What kind of benefits or opportunities will it deliver?
  • Unique: What’s unusual or unique about this story? You don’t want to comment on the same things that everyone in your industry is already talking about. 
  • Engaging: What about your story is going to make readers stand up and take notice? Is there any trouble or tension you’re going to overcome? Look at this press release from Target as an example. How can you frame your story in a way that makes people want to learn more about your business?

When asking yourself what your PR story should be about, consider whether you want to publish it if you were a publication leader. From an objective perspective, does this story have value?

2. Answer the Right Questions

A press release doesn’t just provide information. Written correctly, this content will also answer essential questions for your audience. For instance, let’s take a look at the questions you should answer, with an example. 

For this example, we’ll be looking at a social media marketing firm partnering with an SEO brand:

  • Who is doing this? What’s the name of the social media marketing firm and the SEO brand? Where do they come from? Which executives are involved?
  • Who is affected? This news would probably affect the stakeholders and shareholders for the business and the customers by providing access to new services.
  • What have the companies done? They’ve joined forces in a partnership, but which sectors and teams are actually going to be working together?
  • Where is this happening? Which area will these two companies now serve? Who will be able to access the service?
  • When did it happen? When is the partnership going to start when will customers see the first major changes?
  • Why has this happened? In this example, the why might be to offer customers more services and helpful products. 
  • Why does this matter? Why is it so important that this event is taking place for your target audience? How are they going to benefit?
  • How will you be implementing this change? For example, if you’re partnering with a new business, will you change your brand name and leadership team? Will you have a new headquarters?

3. Target the Right Sector

Like most pieces of great copy, a press release should generally be written with a specific audience in mind. The interesting thing about a press release is that you’re not just writing for the people who might be interested in your products and services. You’re also writing for a specific publication, journalist, broadcaster, or editor. 

When you’re writing your content, you’ll need to keep both audiences in mind to ensure that you get your message across. Focus on the kind of crucial messages which will appeal to your end-users and customers but address the preferences and needs of the editor too. Many publications will have guidelines to follow if you want a chance of getting your content on their site. 

If you’re sending your press release to multiple locations, you might need to look into doing several different versions of your press releases, each with slightly different wording and information, based on your target publication.

4. Get the Headline Right

There are few things more important in a press release than an amazing headline. 

A good headline will immediately attract the attention of your publication, as well as anyone who might end up reading your article. The media uses headlines to determine whether stories are worth reading or publishing. This means that you need to get attention quickly. 

Most press release headlines don’t try to be clever. There isn’t a lot of fancy language to worry about. Instead, your focus should be on sharing the main point of the press release fast.

For instance, if you’re announcing the arrival of new security measures in your business to protect hybrid workers, you might have a headline like:

  • [Company] implements end-to-end encryption for hybrid workers
  • [Company] uses new encryption techniques to support hybrid work
  • [Company] invests in encryption technology for hybrid employees

5. Use the Right Structure

Structuring a press release can be tough.

Some companies have specific requests on how your press release should look. For instance, you might have to place the date and time in a specific place. For instance, CNN always puts the date of the release before the headline:

If you don’t have to follow a specific format, you should stick with the inverted pyramid structure. This strategy involves placing the most critical information first and moving down the hierarchy to less important info – like contact details. 

When structuring your press release, make sure the headline immediately tells your customers and readers what the story is about and presents immediate value. The opening paragraph will then summarise the main factors and elements of the story, giving a fuller explanation of what the story is about. For instance, for the “[Company] implements end-to-end encryption for hybrid workers” example, the first paragraph might read:

[Company] recently announced an investment in the latest encryption tools for information at rest and transit for hybrid employees. This new security strategy is rolling out immediately to new and existing customers of [company], with access to extra features available for premium subscribers.

The second paragraph then follows up with contextual insight into why this story is important. For instance, in the example above, the second paragraph might say:

This new investment comes at a time when more employees are moving into the hybrid working model. [Company] believes that higher encryption is crucial for teams working in a cloud environment, even with access to VPNs and other security measures available. 

The third paragraph then presents details on the story, including information on who’s involved, how this story came about, and anything else that business leaders might need to know. If there is an additional paragraph, you might include some quotes from business leaders or industry authorities to add credibility or opinions. 

6. Perfect Your Writing

No matter how short or simple, any press release is an insight into your company and brand. Don’t rely on the publication company you choose to do all the editing for you. Make sure you proofread your content and ensure everything sounds fantastic. It’s also worth double-checking any details to ensure that stats and facts remain accurate. 

When boosting the writing of your press release, remember:

  • Address the topics that your readers will find most interesting: Choose relevant topics with obvious benefits and repercussions for your target audience. Don’t get bogged down in fluff, and don’t be overzealous with patting yourself on the back. It’s best to avoid too many adjectives like “world-leading” and “fantastic” when describing your brand.
  • Write in the third person: Third-person writing is common for press releases, even when you’re talking about yourself. For instance, you might say, “Dell’s marketing team recently shared information on a new computer series.” 
  • Keep it simple: Stick to one focus story per press release and try not to overwhelm your audience with too much information. Press releases are short, focused, and easy to read. If you have extra information to provide, you can make a note at the bottom of the release. The close of your PR is where you can provide contact details, links to products, and backlinks to further articles. 

Remember, a compelling, human quote can really make a difference to your press release too. This is a chance to allow the executive voices in your business to shine through. Make sure you highlight exactly why you’re so excited about the press release in the quote while using emotive language to connect with customers. For instance,

The company CEO said: “We’re proud to be offering our current and new customers access to this new security service. After working with the best encryption professionals in the industry, we’re confident we can reduce data breaches and security concerns for hybrid workers.”

7. Double-Check Your Press Release

Before you send your press releases to anyone, it’s best to do a quick check to ensure that everything sounds great and that you haven’t left any annoying errors unaddressed. Use this quick checklist to examine your content:

  • Is the release date and publishing date correct (make sure you’ve included information on any embargos)
  • Is the contact information correct and in the right-hand corner of the page? This includes the name of the company, phone number, and email address.
  • Does the formatting match the outline requested by the publication?
  • Is the boilerplate at the bottom of the template?
  • Is the headline eye-catching and meaningful?
  • Are all of the relevant details included throughout the press release in order?
  • Are names and information spelled correctly?
  • Is the press release free from any grammatical issues and complex jargon?

Make sure you include information on how to reach out to you if the publication notices anything wrong with your site’s performance. 

Where To Send Your Press Releases

Once you’ve worked through your press release (and double-checked it for quality and accuracy), you can think about where you’re going to send it. For example, you may send multiple versions of your press release to different companies and publications. Ideally, you’ll create an entire press kit, which might include pictures of your team, product, or service, as well as contact details and extra brand information. 

Some companies prefer to approach press relationships by pitching their story to a few carefully selected editors and publications. This is often a good idea if you’re trying to reach a particular audience or you want to improve your reputation by connecting with a certain brand. 

Alternatively, you can use PR wire services to send your information to multiple companies at once. There are various services online to help you get your press announcements to the right people. Options to look into include:

  • Industry publications for specific sectors (like technology or medicine)
  • Local newspapers and online news outlets
  • General news sites like Google News and Apple News
  • Blog sites that attract your target audience
  • Influencers and industry partners

Start small and gradually build a list of contacts to help you get your voice and business out there. Eventually, you’ll find it’s much easier to get publications to accept your press releases. You might even find that people start approaching you to find out if you have any upcoming news. 

Go and Get Published!

Now you’re equipped with everything you need to know to create a fantastic press release and attract new eyes to your business. The only thing to do next is to get out there and start sending your press releases to the right people. Remember, once your press release is published, make sure you promote it through your social channels, email, and website. 


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Write a Press Release: The Complete Guide for 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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