
Currently the Java platform is one of the most consolidated in the world, much of this is due to platform’s ability to support other languages such as Kotlin, Groovy and Scala, etc. Thousands of web and mobile applications are developed using the platform as a base. The Java platform has changed a lot in recent years and probably will keep evolving.

In parallel with these changes, we see the evolution application servers, that increasingly offer highly complex features such as load balancing components, smart asynchronous messaging, transaction control and many other technologies facilitating application development and standardization. They also provide a stable and scalable infrastructure for mission critical applications. One of the biggest challenges for application servers is to couple highly complex services, making them stable and flexible.

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A Question and Answer session with guests: 

Spring Framework is by far the most popular framework for writing Java applications. Why is Spring so dominant, and how will it hold its ground against newer frameworks? We’ll ask our guests those and other questions on this week’s Deploy Friday. 

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As a Java Developer, we need to cover a lot of scenarios to ensure the quality of our software and catch bugs as soon as possible when introducing a new code. For 99% of all my use cases AssertJ, Junit, Mockito, and Wiremock are sufficient enough do cover the test cases. But for the other use cases, like unit testing info, debug or warn log messages, these frameworks don’t help you out. There is also no other framework that can provide an easy to use method to capture log messages.

The answer which the community provided works well, but it is a lot of boilerplate code to just assert your log events. Even I faced the same trouble and so I wanted to make it easier for myself and share it with you! So the LogCaptor library came into life.

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In part one, we achieved 100 percent coverage. In this installment, we mutate our code and check how good our tests are.

There are several mutation testing frameworks. In this case, we will use PITEST.

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In the video below, we take a closer look at how to get a record from the database using JdbcTemplate with Spring Boot. Let’s get started!

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In the video below, we take a closer look at how to insert a record in the database using JdbcTemplate with Spring Boot. Let’s get started!

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In the video below, we take a closer look at  Spring Boot JMSTemplate with Embedded ActiveMQ. Let’s get started!

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In the video below, we take a closer look at Spring Auto-Wiring Beans with @Autowired annotation. Let’s get started!

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Despite Java not providing a zip operation, you don’t need either 30 additional lines to implement it, nor a third party library. Simply compose a zipline through the existing Stream API.


Java, from its 8th version onward, provides an easy way to query sequences of elements through its Stream Interface, which provides several operations out of the box. This set of operations is quite versatile but, as can be expected, it does not cover all the operations a programmer may require. One such operation is zip, as we can observe in one of the most visited posts about Java Streams in Stackoverfow: Zipping streams using JDK8 with lambda ( Even 7 years later, we are now on Java 14 release and there is no zip operation for Streams yet.

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In this tutorial, we are going to try out a Spring Boot Swagger-enabled REST project and explore how the validation constraints can be utilized automatically for enriching Swagger models.

We are going to refer to and as starting points.

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