
Apache Maven is distributed in several formats. The simplest way to install Maven is to download a ready-made binary distribution archive and follow the installation instructions. Maven 3.3+ release requires JDK 1.7 or above to execute

General Requirements

  • Java JDK must be installed on your system.
  • Java 1.7 or higher is needed for Maven.

To verify the Java JDK is properly installed, from your command line, run the following command:

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In this ever-growing network of physical devices, Internet of Things (IoT) has become much more realistic, with smart devices that allow less human input and more machine output. Today, it is very much a reality that smart home hubs, wearable devices, connected cars, industrial Internet, smart retail, and many more consider IoT for functionality. 

The desktop apps, servers, and mobile apps use some programming languages that are more or less the same. So it makes us believe that there is no difference in smart objects as they are like minicomputers. IoT comprises of a three-tier architectural environment that consists of generating the data, organizing the data by the local gateways, or hubs and centralized servers that are geographically distant where all the data ends up.

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Writing code to make sure that input parameters are not null does not make Java code "safer;" it’s exactly the opposite — it makes code less readable and less safe.

Code With Null-Checks Is Less Readable

It would be difficult to argue that null-checks are attractive. Most of the time, it’s just boilerplate code, which contributes nothing to the "logic" of the method. It is a purely technical construct. Like this one:

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In this article, I will explain how to return custom HTTP errors in Spring Boot. When we make an HTTP request to a resource, it is common that the request has to consider the option of returning an error.

It is the typical case that we made a RESTful request to query for a record, but it does not exist. In this case, you will usually return an HTTP code 404 (Not Found), and with this code, you also return a JSON object that with a a format defined for Spring Boot, like this:

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This article is a comprehensive guide, from start to finish, on how to deploy a Java library to Maven Central so everyone can use it by including the dependency in their project(s).

It goes without saying that there has to be a Java library for it to be uploaded. Hence, the first thing is creating a Java library that’s unique, of quality code standard and will be beneficial to the developer community. Of course, you’ve got that already — that’s why you’re reading this after all (or maybe you’re planning on creating one)

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So your JUnit 5 tests are not running under Maven? Do you have JUnit 5 tests that run fine from your IDE but fail to run under Maven?

Your test output looks like this:

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On Nov. 14, the Eclipse Foundation released a draft of its proposed specification process for community review and feedback.

Now that Java EE — er, Jakarta EE — has been in the foundation’s hands for a while, they’ve been working on implementing a new specification-approval process for some time.

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The abstract factory pattern has an interface that is responsible for creating a factory of related objects without explicitly specifying their classes. Each generated factory can give the objects as per the factory method pattern.

An abstract factory pattern is also called the Factory of Factories or Kit. In other words, this pattern has a super-factory that creates other factories This design pattern comes under the creational pattern as it provides one of the best ways to create an object.

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In my previous article, we discussed Spring core annotations with examples. In this quick article, we’ll explore the annotations from the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure and org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition packages.

As we know, Spring Boot is a brand new framework from the team at Pivotal, designed to simplify the bootstrapping and development of a new Spring application. The framework takes an opinionated approach to configuration, freeing developers from the need to define a boilerplate configuration. It provides defaults for code and annotation configuration to quick start new Spring projects within no time.

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Recently, I came across Micronaut, a super light framework that fills the need for something in between Spring Boot and Vert.x.

I have been playing with it and wanted to see if I could get a simple project with Micronaut, a Kotlin/Java intermix for the (main) source code, and Groovy/Spock tests. Turns out it’s not that difficult. I just had to fiddle with it a little bit to get it right. So to save you time, here it is:

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