
When you’re running a relatively small cluster, you might get away with having no structure in place for it. But with time, your cluster will inevitably scale to dozens of pods and hundreds of containers. If you keep running them carefree, you’ll deal with a mess sooner rather than later. Here’s your golden ticket to get out of this chaos: Kubernetes namespace.

By keeping your cluster organized with namespaces, labels, and annotations, you’ll avoid the performance, maintenance, and security issues that come together in a package with the lack of control over the deployed objects and services.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Plusieurs études ont démontré que les compétences numériques en France et en Europe ne sont pas assez développées, et que le secteur risque d’être confronté à un déficit important sur les toutes prochaines années. L’implémentation des solutions SAP fait appel à de l’expertise très recherchée depuis de nombreuses années, et encore plus aujourd’hui avec l’accélération de la transformation digitale des entreprises.

De nombreux projets d’implémentation et de déploiement ont toujours cours et les nouvelles installations nécessitent des ressources compétentes sur le déploiement dans le Cloud, le socle technologique SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform), les solutions applicatives et les analytiques de SAP. Nos clients ont le désir d’innover dans leur secteur à travers l’installation des solutions SAP et l’innovation, quelque soit le domaine, nécessite l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences. Le monde de demain appartient aux organisations apprenantes qui permettront à leurs employés de se former tout au long de leur carrière.

Plusieurs profils sont nécessaires pour mener à bien l’implémentation d’un système d’information ERP: chef de projet, architecte solution, consultant technique, développeur, consultant applicatif, business process owner, technicien support, utilisateur métier, formateur, etc. Les métiers de consultant applicatif, de business process owner ou de technicien support ne font pas forcément appel à une formation initiale dans le secteur du numérique telle que le développement, l’architecture ou l’administration de systèmes. Les consultants applicatifs sont en général recrutés et très appréciés pour leurs compétences dans un domaine métier de l’entreprise, tel que la Finance, les Ressources Humaines ou la Supply Chain par exemple et sont souvent issus des écoles de Management ou des formations universitaires en gestion. Certains de ces métiers s’exercent au sein des ESN (Entreprises du Secteur Numérique) et d’autres au sein des DSI des entreprises utilisatrices de SAP.
Devant le besoin massif de nouvelles compétences et afin de faciliter le recrutement et la formation des profils nécessaires à l’écosystème de partenaires et de clients, SAP Learning a mis en place plusieurs programmes de formation. La plupart de ces programmes mènent à une certification SAP , diplôme qui permet de faire valoir ses compétences auprès des employeurs et de rassurer les clients quant aux ressources intervenant dans les projets portés par les ESN. Être certifié SAP aujourd’hui, c’est disposer d’un atout majeur pour sa carrière et pour assurer une implémentation de qualité de nos solutions !

Dans cet article, nous faisons le point sur toutes les possibilités d’apprentissage des solutions SAP, qu’elles soient digitales ou encadrées avec un formateur, en vous partageant les avantages et caractéristiques des différentes options.

1- Plateforme digitale

Afin de faciliter l’accès à la formation sur ses dernières technologies Cloud et BTP, SAP a mis à disposition une nouvelle plateforme digitale lancée lors du SAP TechEd en 2021 :

La plateforme s’enrichit régulièrement de nouvelles offres de formation et donne accès gratuitement à des e-Learnings très conviviaux et interactifs, développés avec le souci des meilleures pratiques pour les adultes apprenants. Le succès est indéniable avec plus de 470 000 visiteurs et 230 000 apprenants actifs à fin août 2022.

Les formations sont organisées par rôle et par niveau, et ciblent principalement les profils de développeurs sur la Business Technology Platform. Quelques formations sur les solutions applicatives Cloud et sur l’outil Signavio de modélisation des processus métier sont également disponibles.

Certains des parcours de niveau avancé proposés sur le portail mènent à une certification SAP, par exemple « Developping with SAP extension suite » , « Develop advanced extensions with SAP Cloud SDK » ou encore « Explore SAP Analytics Cloud ». Les formations de niveau débutant quant à elles mènent à un « Record of achievement ». Ces deux labels peuvent être partagés sur les réseaux sociaux afin de valoriser facilement ses compétences SAP. devient le portail d’accès unique à toute la formation sur les solutions SAP et réunit au même endroit tous les sites d’apprentissage tels que le SAP Learning Hub (plateforme par abonnement), le MOOC OPEN SAP, les sites des communautés ou le Training shop pour s’inscrire à une formation en salle.

Ce nouveau portail dispose également d’une zone étudiants , permettant aux jeunes de découvrir SAP et de leur présenter les carrières du secteur du numérique qui présentent de très belles opportunités. Les étudiants des écoles adhérentes au programme University Alliances peuvent accéder à de nombreux contenus de formation gratuits via ce nouvel espace étudiants. Ainsi, les étudiants peuvent acquérir des compétences SAP, voire même une certification , ce qui peut faciliter et accélérer leur première embauche.

Résumé des avantages du portail :  contenus de formation pour les profils techniques et développeurs, certifications SAP sur les dernières technologies BTP et Cloud, langue anglaise, auto-formation à son rythme, formation gratuite et tout le temps accessible, point d’accès unique à tous les sites d’apprentissage de SAP, zone étudiante.

2- Plateforme digitale SAP Learning Hub

Le SAP Learning Hub est une plateforme vendue par abonnement qui contient tout le contenu d’apprentissage sur les solutions SAP à destination de tous les métiers nécessaires aux projets. Différents formats sont disponibles sur cette plateforme : e-books, e-Learnings, tutoriaux, vidéos, contenus delta pour se former aux nouvelles versions et conserver sa certification à jour, etc. Les Learning Journeys présentent les parcours d’apprentissage permettant de mener aux certifications SAP.

Les apprenants sont accompagnés sur la plateforme par un encadrement pédagogique via les Learning Roomsoù ils peuvent poser des questions sur les contenus et échanger avec d’autres apprenants. De nombreuses Live sessions virtuelles permettent également de bénéficier d’interactions avec des formateurs et experts SAP pour faciliter l’apprentissage.

L’abonnement au SAP Learning Hub inclut l’accès à 60 heures d’un système de formation pré-paramétrépermettant ainsi de réaliser les exercices des manuels de formation et de mettre en pratique ses connaissances, ce qui est essentiel à l’ancrage des apprentissages. Deux tests de certification sont également inclus dans le coût de l’abonnement. Le SAP Learning Hub est aujourd’hui largement adopté par les partenaires pour leurs consultants et par les client pour leurs centres de compétences, et compte 800 000 apprenants abonnés .

Résumé des avantages du portail :  contenus de formation exhaustifs pour tous les profils métiers SAP, parcours de formation menant à toutes les certifications SAP, contenus disponibles en plusieurs langues, auto-formation à son rythme et tout le temps accessible, systèmes de formation pré-paramétrés, deux tests de certification inclus, formules de prix attractives adaptées et flexibles selon les besoins des utilisateurs.

3- Programme People To Work

Le programme People To Work a été créé en Allemagne il y a plus de 20 ans, a plusieurs avantages : recruter, former et certifier des consultants ou des utilisateurs métier, avec l’aide de financements gouvernementaux, ce qui permet de réduire les coûts de ces processus, voire de les annuler totalement pour les entreprises recruteuses. Les candidats sont en effet obligatoirement demandeurs d’emploi, inscrits à Pôle Emploi. L’ambition est de permettre à de jeunes diplômés de trouver un premier emploi à la fin de leur parcours d’études ou à des personnes ayant perdu leur emploi de se reconvertir vers un métier du secteur numérique.

Cette mission a été confiée à deux partenaire en France : FITEC et M2I Formation.

Ces deux partenaires se chargent de sourcer les participants au programme de formation auprès de Pôle Emploi, présentent les CV aux entreprises recruteuses, qui après acceptation du profil devront formuler une promesse d’embauche (financement Pôle emploi assujetti à cette condition).

La formation des consultants sur les domaines applicatifs SAP les plus demandés (SAP S/4HANA modules finance et logistique) dure 3 mois et peut mener à une certification. Elle peut inclure également des compétences complémentaires sur les métiers de la comptabilité ou de la logistique, de la gestion de projet, la réponse à un cahier des charges, la gestion de tickets de support aux utilisateurs ou la prise de parole en public par exemple.

La formation d’autres profils tels que les utilisateurs métier (comptables, gestionnaire de l’administration des ventes ou des achats) ou les techniciens de support est aussi assurée dans le cadre du programme People To work. La formation va essentiellement porter sur les processus métier déroulés dans les applications SAP et dure de 15 à 20 jours en présentiel ou de 3 mois en auto-formation accompagnée par un tuteur.

Les deux programmes consultants ou utilisateurs se déroulent en salle ou en classe virtuelle au choix, en langue française et les partenaires disposent du matériel de formation officiel de SAP traduit en français : accès à la plateforme de formation numérique SAP Learning Hub et systèmes de formation SAP pour la pratique des exercices.

Ce programme a été déployé en France à partir de janvier 2020 et a permis de former plus de 1200 personnes sur SAP, dont 460 consultants et 760 utilisateurs métier, et a remporté le Trophées Défi RSE en décembre 2021 pour sa dimension responsable et sociétale :  100% des consultants et 80% des utilisateurs ont retrouvé un emploi à l’issue de la formation.

Résumé des avantages du programme : recrutement, formation, certification, modules applicatifs SAP les plus populaires, langue française, formation des consultants et des utilisateurs métier, financement gouvernementaux et coût proche de zéro pour les entreprises.

4- Partner Talent Initiative

Le Partner Talent Initiative a été lancé en juin 2022. Géré par SAP au niveau européen, il a pour vocation de former de nouveaux consultants qui seront recrutés essentiellement par les partenaires de SAP. Le programme prend également en charge le recrutement des apprenants avec une cible plus large qui inclut des demandeurs d’emploi ou des personnes en activité souhaitant se reconvertir sur le métier de consultant SAP. L’apprenant est rémunéré pendant la durée de la formation. Le programme est payant pour les partenaires recruteurs, à un coût très avantageux compte tenu des prestations proposées.

Les formations portent sur les dernières technologies de SAP, incluant des modules de déploiement de la version Cloud de SAP : à titre d’exemple, les modules SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting, SAP SuccessFactors et SAP BTP font partie du planning de cette fin d’année. Les formations s’étendent sur une durée de 5 à 8 semaines, selon les solutions SAP étudiées. La formation se déroule en langue anglaise, en classe virtuelle avec un animateur ainsi qu’en auto-formation sur la plateforme SAP Learning Hub.

Résumé des avantages du programme: Focus partenaires SAP, recrutement, formation, certification, solutions applicatives et nouvelles technologies SAP y compris Cloud et BTP, langue anglaise pour des déploiements internationaux, durée courte, coûts de formation attractifs.

5-  Académies Blended SAP – Programmes des centres de formation SAP

Les académies Blended SAP existent depuis de nombreuses années, sont délivrées par les centres de formation SAP pour former les consultants et permettent de mener à une certification. Elles peuvent se faire dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle des employés, et peuvent être financées par les OPCOs.

Les formations couvrent les sujets de paramétrage de SAP S/4HANA, mais aussi les sujets technologiques ou les analytiques, se déroulent en langue française, en salle de classe présentielle ou en classe virtuelle au choix, sur une durée de 3 semaines intensives. En prérequis, les participants devront étudier un ou deux modules SAP en auto-formation sur la plateforme SAP Learning Hub. Le dernier module de formation au paramétrage se fait également en auto-formation.

Résumé des avantages du programme : formation professionnelle des consultants, grande diversité de certifications SAP, langue française, programme rapide et intensif de 3 semaines en centre et de 3 semaines en auto-formation à son rythme, financements OPCO possibles.

En résumé, la formation SAP est flexible, moderne et accessible à tous, alors pourquoi encore hésiter à vous lancer et à rejoindre les nombreux professionnels déjà certifiés de notre écosystème à travers le monde ?

En résumé, voici dans un tableau toutes les options de formation présentées dans cet article :

Programme Public Contenus Durée Langue Modalité Recrutement Coût de la formation Développeurs et profils techniques SAP BTP et solutions Cloud A son rythme Anglais Auto-formation Non Gratuit
SAP Learning Hub Tous profils SAP Tous contenus SAP A son rythme Plusieurs langues Auto-formation encadrée Non Par abonnement, prix flexibles et attractifs
People To Work by SAP Consultants et utilisateurs métiers –

Demandeurs d’emploi


SAP S/4HANA FI MM SD 12 semaines Français Salle ou classe virtuelle avec formateur ou

Auto-formation encadrée

Oui Financement par Pôle Emploi
Partner Talent Initiative Consultants –

Reconversion professionnelle

SAP S/4HANA Applications




5 à 8 semaines selon programme Anglais Classe virtuelle avec formateur + auto-formation encadrée Oui Financement partiel de SAP, Prix attractif pour les partenaires
Académies Blended Consultants – Salariés en formation professionnelle SAP S/4HANA Applications et plusieurs sujets technologiques 3 semaines avec un formateur et 3 semaines à son rythme Français Salle ou Classe virtuelle avec formateur + auto-formation encadrée Non Financement OPCO possible

The post SAP booste le recrutement et les carrières de son écosystème par la formation et la certification ! appeared first on SAP France News.

Source de l’article sur

2021 has been both memorable and instantly forgettable. Pop stars were freed from modern-day servitude, some people tried to overthrow democracy, and we all vacationed at home.

Despite the weirdness of the times, the web kept growing, kept changing, and kept on pushing boundaries. We saw a wealth of new sites launch or relaunch with significant updates.

Here are the 50 best sites launched on the web this year. Enjoy!

Crusta C

In April, seafood company Crusta C cleverly used the simple logomark ‘C’ to apply a cutout video effect.


Slow is a collective of creatives aiming to implement slow movement principles. Its site reflects those aims, creating a sense of calm and deliberation.


2021 saw tons of brutalist-inspired design. hnst’s take on the style works thanks to the bright red in place of the standard black.


This site for boutique hotel Marram uses a soft color palette to create an impression of soft golden light and calm.


In July, we loved this site for running-blade brand Levitate. The site is clean and light, with a sense of inherent motion in the photography.

Niarra Travel

There’s some beautiful photography on this site for eco-conscious, bespoke travel agency Niarra Travel.

The core of this site for Plúnt is a combination chooser which feels pleasingly reminiscent of an animal flipbook.

Moth Drinks

Moth makes classic cocktails in a can. The striking black and white graphics and masking effects for its holding page stunned us back in March.


Selling supplements is hard; people are understandably skeptical. So this site for Seed packs in research and scientific information and avoids the hard-sell.


Another excellent portfolio site in 2021, this time for creative media agency Wavemaker. The site is uber-confident while still being playful.

Wild Souls

Wild Souls makes nut butters, tahini, and other Greek delicacies. Its site is colorful and warm, and the site typography is soft and appealing.


JUST Egg produces egg-like food from plant material. The huge photography and bold typography do a great job of making a new concept appealing.

Aalto University

One of the most popular designs of 2021 was Aalto University’s site with its in-depth campus tour. The simple navigation inspired several imitators.


Scroll interactions were big in 2021, and Wisr features a Heath Robinson-style machine that ‘runs’ as the user scrolls down the page.


This site for Cevitxef ceviche restaurant in Bilbao does a great job of making us hungry. Drama is created by oversized text, heavily-styled photography, and lots of movement.


The best digital agencies keep their own sites simple, like this site for On digital technology studio that uses black on light blue and adds infinite scrolling.

Acayaba + Rosenberg

We found Acayaba + Rosenberg’s use of architectural photography and subtle scrolling a pleasing browsing experience.


This site for home linen company Madre uses extraordinary fine-art style still-life photography to enrich a very simple site.


“Show, don’t tell” is a well-worn mantra. Hyperframe’s site implements it by demonstrating the product’s major selling point on scroll.


This exceptional WebGL experiment was built to show what’s possible in the technology. Have a play with the car; it’s a ground-breaking demo.


In 2021, collaborative mapping tool Felt launched in private beta. Its excellent site does a great job of creating interest while doubling as a recruitment notice.


Not every project is exciting, but this excellent site for imNativ uses macro photography to great effect to promote upholstery fabric.

Websmith Studio

Excellently named Websmith Studio uses color to highlight, and the noise effect applied to the background adds subtle interest.


High-quality photography and a terracotta-based color scheme create an inviting ambiance for Singita, an African eco-tourism and conservation brand.


A fullscreen background behind a mobile view for desktop? It sounds like a horrible idea, but this site for cosmetics brand Fluff pulls it off.


This great site for Chiwawa cantina features wrestling masks, skeletons, and tone-on-tone color to create a lively and distinctly Mexican site.


This site for Nothing’s ear(1) earbuds is packed with confidence. Appropriately, it looks even better on mobile.

Chérie Healey

Lots of experts have tried to tell us how to live our lives in the last couple of years, but Chérie Healey’s site manages to stay on the right side of positive without slipping into clichés.


Wayfinder, a game about our connection to nature using generative code, AI, machine learning, and data mining, could not have been more 2021 if it tried.

Green Angel Syndicate

Not too many investment groups are thought of as ethical, but Green Angel Syndicate specializes in funding companies fighting climate change.


As the days got darker in the Northern hemisphere, we were wowed by this site for Tether, a cycle safety system using video and illustration to explain its clever approach to bike safety.

Patricia Urquiola

Back in January, we loved the new site for Patricia Urquiola design studio, thanks to its bright, bold colors that we thought inspired confidence.


Headup’s businesslike approach is created thanks to a pleasing color palette and geometric graphics.

Redwood Empire

For Earth Day on April 22nd, Redwood Empire Whiskey created a microsite promoting a competition styled to match their bottle labels.

GT Super

The one-pager for GT Super has a certain drama in keeping with the font itself and allows you to play around with the size, weight, and style.

Planet of Lana

Due for release in 2022, Planet of Lana is a game from Wishfully Studios, and its teaser page launched back in June has kept us intrigued ever since.

The Longest Road Out

This charming site for The Longest Road Out is a travel map and journal based on the creators’ road trip around Britain, Ireland, and the outlying islands.

Made Thought

Made Thought has a bold aesthetic and approach that explains its outstanding client list.

Miti Navi

Miti Navi makes extraordinary sailing boats. We were attracted to how its site presented a luxury product in an original way.

La Nouvelle

Another powerful digital design agency site was La Nouvelle’s, which used a combination of contrasting and complementary color combinations to catch the eye.


Caleño makes non-alcoholic distilled spirits. They relaunched their website in March with bright, joyful colors that reflect the character of the brand.

Capsul’in — Aluminium

This demo site for a coffee pod manufacturer isn’t a site as such, but it demonstrates that even in 2022, there’s room for parallax scrolling.

How Many Plants

Everyone needs a few more houseplants, and How Many Plants is a great guide to how to own and look after them. The illustration style is friendly but efficient.

How & How

One of the most approachable design agency sites of 2021 was How & How’s. It keeps things light and clean, and effective.

The Hiring Chain

Part of a campaign encouraging businesses to employ talented people with Down Syndrome, The Hiring Chain website dispels myths with clearly presented facts.

Virgile Guinard

Back in February, we couldn’t get enough of photographer Virgile Guinard’s portfolio site. Blocks of color pulled from each image hide the image allowing you to focus on one image at a time.

Studio Nanna Lagerman

Studio Nanna Lagermann’s site excels at creating a sense of space and calm. The color palette is soft and neutral. The type is large but clean and sophisticated.


Veganism is a growing trend, and one of the sites promoting it with gorgeous colors is this site for lab ‘grown’ meat.

Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce

This one-page site for Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce is big and bold. Click almost anywhere, and two bottles of sauce go into your cart.

Ebb Dunedin

The site bucks the trend for luxury hotel design and instead is styled to complement its interiors. We could have done with time at this boutique hotel in 2021, maybe next year…


The post 50 Best Websites of 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Does it ever cross your mind that praise can be negative? I guess not. After all, it looks harmless and seems to be quite effective. Conventional wisdom says that if you praise people, they are motivated to do better.
People who have been praised throughout their life by their well-meaning parents, friends, and teachers for their talent and smartness or those who have experienced extreme focus on talent and smartness throughout their childhood learn to value only intelligence. No wonder when these people enter the workforce, they continue to seek approval and demand praise every step of the way.
Every opportunity is a measure of their intelligence — do I look smart, how will I be judged, what if others find my ideas dumb. With a single-minded focus on validating themselves, all their actions are rooted in establishing their worth. Every mistake hurts their reputation and every failure is a reflection of their competence. They care less about learning and more about proving themselves. Their sense of morality sometimes takes a hit as they resort to brutal behaviors — demeaning others by yelling, insulting, controlling, or taking undue credit — all in an attempt to boost their self-esteem.
Carol Dweck, professor of Psychology at Stanford University summarised this unfortunate reality from Morgan McCall’s book High Flyers:

People often like the things that work against their growth. . . . People like to use their strengths . . . to achieve quick, dramatic results, even if . . . they aren’t developing the new skills they will need later on. People like to believe they are as good as everyone says . . . and not take their weaknesses as seriously as they might. People don’t like to hear bad news or get criticism. . . . There is tremendous risk . . . in leaving what one does well to attempt to master something new.

What Do Organizations Do with Such People?

They feed and promote this mindset. They praise people for their brilliant ideas conveying the message “we value talent and smartness.” They shower people with rewards and bonuses for their achievements communicating to everyone else around “all we care about is success.”
What happens when these people take on a leadership role? Their mindset of valuing brilliance above everything else amplifies leading to disastrous results. History is full of leadership fiascos with great promises that turned out to be the biggest disasters. This article from Malcolm Gladwell in The New Yorker is as valid now as it was 18 years ago. Describing the talent mindset at Enron and the consultants at McKinsey who wandered the hallways at the company’s headquarters, he points out “They were there looking for people who had the talent to think outside the box. It never occurred to them that, if everyone had to think outside the box, maybe it was the box that needed fixing.”
He also talks about the impact of an environment that values innate talent and what happens when times get tough and that self-image is threatened “They have difficulty with the consequences. They will not take the remedial course. They will not stand up to investors and the public and admit that they were wrong. They’d sooner lie.”
Really, is praising people for their intelligence and achievements the only way to develop people who will be the leaders of tomorrow? Is there a better way out?
What if we praised people for their hard work, for their ability to persist despite failures and setbacks, for taking initiatives to build new skills, for standing up to their mistakes, for believing in their growth, and implementing the right strategies to overcome their shortcomings. What does this kind of praise tell them?
It tells them the value of effort in building abilities. It teaches them the importance of implementing the right strategies to solve problems. It encourages them to seek help to make progress on their task. It creates a passion for learning that’s not driven by the need to look smart, but with a desire to cultivate skills, to stretch themselves to grow.
When these people take on leadership positions, this mindset guides them to put the well-being of the company and its people before their own needs, to place value on teamwork over individual accomplishment, and to foster growth and development of their people.

As growth-minded leaders, they start with a belief in human potential and development — both their own and other people’s. Instead of using the company as a vehicle for their greatness, they use it as an engine of growth — for themselves, the employees, and the company as a whole.
– Carol Dweck

Unlike leaders who pull their companies down with their focus on brilliance, these leaders lead their companies into greatness and gratitude filled in their own hearts and those of the people around them.
Choose your praise carefully as you will see the tremendous benefits in praising for growth over brilliance.

When Leaders Focus on Brilliance

They live in a world of personal greatness and entitlement, vie for labels, and will do anything to boost their image. Instead of building a long-lasting company, they spend time and money on enhancing their image.
With the constant need for validation, they use people in the company to feed their egos and showcase their superiority. Everything is about pleasing the boss. They surround themselves with people who boost their self-esteem. Agreement earns them admiration and disagreement is an attack on their intelligence. Instead of hearing people out, they punish dissent and shut people down.
They pounce at the less talented for their lack of intelligence and find those who are more talented than they are as threatening. They mistreat employees, yell, insult, control and abuse them into their way of doing things. They feel better about themselves by making other people feel worse. Employees worry about being judged all the time. When people are ridiculed for mistakes, they soon learn to keep their heads down, stop putting their critical thinking skills to use, and give in to groupthink.
Their belief in their superiority blinds them to see reality. They turn a blind eye to complaints, ignore warning signs, and fire people who tell them what they don’t want to hear. Their decision-making criteria are based on what would make them look good as opposed to what’s good for the company long term.

What happens when a leader refuses to confront the brutal facts? “The minute a leader allows himself to become the primary reality people worry about, rather than reality being the primary reality, you have a recipe for mediocrity, or worse. This is one of the key reasons why less charismatic leaders often produce better long-term results than their more charismatic counterparts.
– Jim Collins

Since success and failure are a part of their identity — success means they are smart and failure means they are not — they find excuses and blame others for failures instead of taking personal responsibility. Instead of investing in the future growth of their company, they play safe with fear of failure, become less responsive to challenges from competition, go with what’s tried and tested, and refuse to take risks. Why take up the challenge that can hurt their reputation? On the other extreme, they may not shy away from crossing ethical boundaries to beat the competition at all costs. Success is what they are after and it doesn’t matter how they get it.
With more focus on talent and less on potential, they do not invest in mentoring and coaching employees. Instead of putting practices in place to develop employees and help them collaborate together, they make them compete against each other.
Carol Dweck sums up their brilliant mindset “My genius not only defines and validates me. It defines and validates the company. It is what creates value. My genius is profit. Wow!”

When Leaders Focus on Growth

They operate with a learning mode. They don’t claim to be genius but promise to invest in development, their own development, and the development of their people. The drive and enthusiasm to grow their companies make them adopt long-term strategies over short-term tactics. They aren’t in the game to boost their ego or establish their self-esteem. It’s the pure joy of shaping the future of their company that excites and motivates them. More than prestige, they are in it for the challenge.
They understand that the path to success goes through failure. Why lose the opportunity that can drive their future growth? So instead of hiding behind their failures, they face them head-on. Failures don’t define their competence, they are glaring moments of self-reflection. They are opportunities to build skills, explore possibilities, experiment, and invest in the promise of a better future.
They lead with vulnerability. They accept mistakes to shift the focus in the organization from hiding mistakes to finding solutions. When they don’t know something, instead of pretending to hide their ignorance, they say “I don’t know”. These three powerful words show humility and self-confidence. To make decisions, they invite others to share their opinion which promotes the culture of constructive criticism. Since they do not connect their identity to their opinion, more value is placed on seeking the right answers which require open disagreements and championing flexibility of opinion over their sense of righteousness.
Difficult situations make them uncomfortable, no doubt. Instead of letting their discomfort get in the way of meaningful conversations, they embrace it. They choose to look past their discomfort in the value that these discussions provide — saving a lot of time that can be wasted due to stress and anxiety that comes from misalignment of expectations and lack of clarity of purpose.
They are tough but compassionate. They do not shy away from giving critical feedback while also challenging the people in their organization to step outside their comfort zone. They empower people to make decisions with the right channels of feedback to assist in better decision-making in the organization.
Leaders with the growth mindset operate with what Lou Gerstner, who turned IBM’s fortunes around by saving it from near bankruptcy said “Hierarchy means very little to me. Let’s put together in meetings the people who can help solve a problem, regardless of position.” Not blinded by reality, they focus on finding solutions that will push their company forward. This requires keeping an open eye to change in market trends, identifying and investing in future growth areas, and taking calculated risks.
With a focus on potential and growth, they invest in identifying and building future skills of the organization — skills that will be useful during difficult circumstances giving them an advantage over the competition. They foster productivity through coaching and mentoring, place value on teamwork by encouraging collaboration and defining shared measures of success.
Warren Bennis, a scholar, author, and widely regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies, writes in Organizing Genius:

Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream.

His most admirable view on leadership says:

Good leaders make people feel that they’re at the very heart of things, not at the periphery. Everyone feels that he or she makes a difference to the success of the organisation. When that happens people feel centred and that gives their work meaning.

What kind of leaders think like this — those focused on brilliance or the ones driven by growth?
Previously published here.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

This month we have several examples of brutalism used to good effect as a foil to showcase products and/or work. By contrast, at the other end of the scale, we have brands who have chosen to go more of an immersive experience route, using full-screen images, sound, animation, and even VR.

Both are valid approaches, depending on the content. The former tends to work better as a backdrop for artwork, photography, and artisanal craft goods — acting as a virtual gallery space — while the latter is better for consumer goods and experiences, particularly food, drink, and accommodation.

There is, of course, a whole range in between these extremes, and we’ve got that covered too. Enjoy!

Grainne Morton

A simple layout, soft pastel colors, and clear navigation provide an excellent backdrop for Grainne Morton’s handmade jewelry creations.

Gage Hotel

Good photography and a heritage-inspired color scheme give the Gage Hotel’s site a luxury feel.

Tejidos Roca

Tejidos Roca is a fabric manufacturer, and the design of their site uses a circle motif to bring rolls of fabric to mind.

La Passation Synerghetic 2021

Synerghetic is part of the Junior Enterprises Europe scheme – a network of businesses run by students. This year they are not holding the usual handover ceremony, so Synerghetic created this rather fun little digital celebration instead.

Redwood Empire

For Earth Month, Redwood Empire Whiskey has created a microsite promoting a competition styled to match their bottle labels.

Gabriel Cuallado

This site focusing on Spanish photographer Gabriel Cullado’s life and work features some great transitions and good use of horizontal scrolling.

Ombia Studio

In Ombia Studio’s site, atmospheric photographs stand out in a minimal layout. There is a sense of almost gallery curation here.


Headup uses a pleasing color scheme and geometric graphics to create a welcoming but businesslike approach.

the Figo

Spherical curves and line animations create interest in this site for boutique hotel, the Figo.

Boon Market

Boon Market is about promoting a toxin-free and waste-free lifestyle, and their site reflects this with its use of simple type and soft colors.

Unspoken Agreement

Unspoken Agreement’s website has a quietly confident feel, with clean lines and some pleasing type.


Another brutalist-inspired design here, but the use of bright red makes it fresh in hnst’s take on the style.


Part minimalist, part glossy magazine, InteriorLAB have succeeded in making the simple feel luxurious.

Bowmore Experience

Bowmore has opted for immersive video and visually beautiful images to present their limited-edition Timeless whisky range.

Oly Sheet

There is a slightly old-school start-up feel to Oly Sheet’s website, but it is still appealing with fresh, spring colors and well-organized content.

Aalto University

Aalto University has provided a pretty in-depth tour of its campus here. The navigation is clear, and the information is presented in ideal-sized chunks — enough detail, but not too much at once.


Wisr features a Heath Robinson style machine that ‘runs’ as the user scrolls down the page. It provides a bit of interest (no pun intended) to the not very exciting subject of personal loans.

Rudl und Schwarm

Bright colors, cute, but not too cutesy, illustration, some nice scrolling, and transition effects are used really well on Rudl und Schwarm. And it’s got bees; bees are good.

Dr. Maul

This site for Dr. T. Maul manages to take orthodontistry past the usual image of uncomfortable wiring, elastic bands, and ‘train tracks and make it seem just a little more glamorous.

My Drink

There is a slightly vintage feel to this site for My Drink with its cocktail illustration. The blue text on grey is soothing without being bland.

Bonus Site: Imperial Style Guide

And finally not new, but a bonus in honor of May 4th, the Imperial style guide. Well, the Web would get boring if it was serious all the time.


The post 20 Best New Websites, May 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Don’t drop the ball on these website design trends for the new year. All of the trends featured here this month are visual in nature – not as many user interface elements as previous months, but all just as stunning and usable.

Here’s what’s trending in design this month.

1. 3D Scenes on White (Light)

Three-dimensional scenes are not just a trend this month but are likely to be one of the biggest website design trends that you see all year.

They offer a great way to show off product imagery, design something with illustrations or animation for visual impact, and provide usability and understandability cues for users.

It’s a versatile technique that can work with real or created images and are also “COVID-friendly,” something designers have had to think a lot about in the past few months. (Appropriate imagery in design is a real concern, as is trying to design projects without the ability to produce traditional photoshoots.)

What’s neat about all of these projects – and plenty of others – is that they root the design in white or light backgrounds. The light effect creates an easier visual mood that’s clean and emphasizes the imagery.

This website design trend solves a lot of those problems and looks good doing it.

Google’s Cloud design uses 3D illustrated animation on a white background with plenty of depth elements. The primary color palette of illustrated objects pulls it all together and guides the eye through each of the callout labels.

The red words on the screen Crystal Pure fit perfectly with the white-on-white 3D imagery of this design. Red accents pull you into different places on the screen, and it all has a clean feel.

Hofmann & Hofmann uses the same concept with a slightly different approach. The background is still light with a realistic feel and 3D objects, but it is a lot less stark and white. The feel is a little warmer and more inviting than a flat white aesthetic.



2. So Many Stacked Capitals

If you don’t have great artwork or imagery, make your own with typography.

This trend seems like it might be yelling at you just a little, but it still works for the most part — well, as long as you don’t land on too many of these website designs in a row!

What’s interesting about this trend is that many of the designs feature all caps type and serifs. These styles have been making a bit of a comeback, but this use is interesting for many reasons.

The hardest part when using all caps is maintaining readability. That’s why you see some variances in regular, italics, and bold weights, as well as the use of multiple typefaces. The goal is to create a good reading flow with a stunning visual presence.

This trend works best when you have “easy” words on the screen to facilitate scanning. Too many long or complicated letter combinations can get challenging quickly.

Make sure to look for the Easter eggs in each of these projects:

Emotion Agency has tiny “waving” illustrations next to each word (which doubles as the navigation) when you hover over them.

Mill3 Studio has a few animations, from the text flying in and out on load and scroll to subtle movements in the emojis.

Bizarro has this fun little cat video with a tiny warning not to hover over it, but you definitely should.



3. Empty Places

The final trend in this roundup is a stark reminder of current times. Each of the website design features empty places or locations.

This style of imagery would have been avoided pre-pandemic because tourism locations would want visitors to feel like a part of a bustling environment. Not today. If you travel, chances are you may feel safer or want to be in a more secluded environment.

All of the images and videos from these locations show just that.

Designers are doing this with new stark imagery that stands alone for the design or inserting a few empty place frames into video clips or among images that show more populated times. Even scenes that contain people show very few people and focus on more solitary activities.

Paragon Oak does this by showing a beautifully lit location at night. Note that using a nighttime photo eliminates questions about where the people are or what they are doing. (This is a clever option when showing imagery of an empty place.)

Vienne to Paris shows boats on the water with a beautiful background. While you assume there are people on the water vessels; you don’t see them and get the feeling that everyone is separated in their own “pod,” a pandemic-friendly option for travel.

The Maryculter House shows various images without people – the resort’s location on beautiful grounds; empty, but immaculate rooms, and a few images of a person alone on the grounds. Again, the empty nature of the place feels more appropriately welcome for the time we live in.





One of the things that we’ve seen with design trends in the past year is pandemic-related. The composition of images to the way elements are arranged on the screen influences every aspect of our lives.

While the empty place image and video trend is big now, it may fade post-pandemic. Although, it could still be relevant for quite some time. It will be interesting to see what happens as the year progresses with this trend – will it hold on or fade away?

These trends might continue to hold well into 2021.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot