
Une approche sans script pour l'automatisation des tests non-fonctionnels

Découvrez comment une approche sans script peut améliorer l’automatisation des tests non-fonctionnels et rendre votre processus de développement plus efficace.

Commençons notre voyage vers une approche sans script pour les tests non fonctionnels en comprenant ci-dessous.

Qu’est-ce que le test de performance?

Le test de performance est un processus visant à valider et à évaluer la vitesse, la fiabilité, le temps de réponse et d’autres métriques de performance. Le principal objectif du test de performance est d’identifier et d’éliminer les goulots d’étranglement de performance et les défis les plus courants rencontrés dans les versions antérieures du logiciel. Le test de performance est un sous-ensemble du test non fonctionnel; il existe de nombreuses variétés sous cette catégorie, allant du test de charge, du test de stress, du test d’endurance au test de pointe. Le test non fonctionnel révèle ce qui doit être amélioré avant que le produit ne soit mis sur le marché. Il a été observé que les applications envoyées sur le marché avec des métriques de performance faibles sont susceptibles de perdre leur réputation et de subir des pertes commerciales potentielles.

Script-less Approach for Non-Functional Testing

Le script-less est une approche qui permet aux utilisateurs de tester leurs applications sans avoir à écrire des scripts. Cette approche est très utile pour les tests non fonctionnels car elle permet aux utilisateurs d’effectuer des tests plus rapidement et plus efficacement. Les tests peuvent être effectués sans aucune connaissance préalable en codage. Les outils script-less sont très intuitifs et conviviaux, ce qui facilite leur utilisation. Les outils script-less peuvent être utilisés pour effectuer des tests de charge, des tests de stress, des tests d’endurance et des tests de pointe. Les outils script-less permettent aux utilisateurs d’effectuer des tests plus rapidement et plus efficacement. De plus, ils peuvent être utilisés pour effectuer des tests à grande échelle et à grande vitesse. Les outils script-less sont très utiles pour les tests non fonctionnels car ils peuvent être utilisés pour tester rapidement et efficacement les performances d’une application.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

A few weeks ago, I reviewed The Hitchhiking Guide To Load Testing Projects: A Fun, Step-by-Step Walk-Through Guide by Leandro Melendez. It is good to see more books on the performance testing/engineering genre recently. One of my favorite books is The Art of Application Performance Testing series by Ian Molyneaux. On this line, James Pulley’s book is different, it is completely a non-technical book in the performance testing/engineering genre. 

In this review, I am going to share my views about the book, and please note that I have not been compensated to write a review about the book; it is my honest and unbiased review.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with a colleague and friend, Sofia Palamarchuk. She’s a Director and Board Member of Abstracta and the co-founder and CEO of Apptim, a tool that helps you to test and analyze native mobile app performance.

After beginning her career as a performance engineer at Abstracta, she led our expansion to the United States – heading up business development. After seeing the challenges that mobile development teams face, in 2019, she embarked on a mission to transform the way global mobile teams create quality apps.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The k6 open-source load testing tool integrates with Azure Pipelines (as well as many other continuous integration tools) to automate performance tests. Running load tests as part of your continuous integration (CI) pipeline saves time and ensures that you’ll catch any performance regressions that occur due to code changes.

Microsoft recently introduced the world to Azure DevOps, an extension and rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Azure DevOps is comprised of several services which you can use all together or just cherry-pick the services you need.

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SOAP is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services. Its purpose is to induce extensibility, neutrality, and independence. It uses XML Information Set for its message format and relies on application layer protocols.

SOAP is used in a variety of messaging systems. It is delivered via a variety of transport protocols and the initial focus of SOAP is remote procedure calls transported via HTTP.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Every year, come fall, Americans can enroll in health insurance programs for the upcoming year. As this is no decision to take lightly, people take time in advance to research plans, gather information and study the topic. This is also an opportunity for health insurance companies to draw crowds to their websites, to read about their offerings. Therefore, health insurance companies and government websites should expect traffic spikes way before Nov. 1st, the day open enrollment begins, and up until the sign-up period ends.

To ensure people seeking insurance can access the different plans and services, health insurance companies and agencies should test their websites, apps, and APIs. These tests should check the performance of the systems under different loads, to make sure they don’t crash, there are no memory leaks, response time stays low, etc. Otherwise, customers will choose different plans, and express their anger at the companies and the government across social media (you can learn more and view a demo from our free webinar about preparing your website for peak traffic on Open Enrollment).

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Planning for the launch of your website is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful if you start thinking about what could go wrong. The best way to make sure your first impression stays in people’s heads for the right reasons is to prepare.

First things first, you’ll want to access your website behind a firewall, on a staging server, or locally with CrossBrowserTesting’s secure tunnel technology to make sure what you’re testing is for your eyes only.

Source de l’article sur DZONE