
Le monde du travail est en train de changer – pas seulement les lieux où nous travaillons, mais aussi la façon dont nous travaillons se transforme. Les fonctions ont évolué, passant de responsabilités statiques et prédéfinies à des rôles dynamiques qui nécessitent un apprentissage sur le tas et un développement continu des compétences.

Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, les entreprises ont besoin d’une technologie RH dans le cloud pour offrir à leurs collaborateurs des expériences attrayantes et pertinentes, pour fournir les données et informations dont les dirigeants ont besoin pour apporter de la valeur ajoutée à leur entreprise et pour suivre le rythme des attentes et des besoins en constante évolution chez les collaborateurs.

Nous avons écouté nos clients avec attention et comprenons que la modernisation de leur technologie des ressources humaines (RH) est une étape essentielle pour faire avancer la transformation de leur entreprise, mais c’est une étape qui demande du temps, des investissements et une gestion du changement réfléchie. Comme cela a été  souligné lors du dernier événement « Introduction à RISE avec SAP », la transformation d’une entreprise en entreprise intelligente nécessite l’adoption de nouvelles technologies pour redéfinir les processus de gestion. Mais nous savons aussi que les personnes sont essentielles à la réussite de toute transformation. Si le changement à cette échelle peut sembler un objectif stratégique à long terme, des transformations humaines et culturelles continuent de se produire chaque jour.

En tant que fournisseur de technologies leader sur le marché, nous pensons qu’il est essentiel d’offrir à nos clients des parcours flexibles leur permettant de migrer leurs solutions RH sur site existantes vers SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite. Grâce à l’initiative SAP HXM Movement, nous réalisons d’importants investissements dans nos solutions HXM et simplifions les modèles commerciaux pour rationaliser le parcours de nos clients vers le cloud et pour accélérer le processus d’innovation.

Nous savons qu’il n’existe pas d’approche universelle pour migrer vers le cloud et que nombre de nos clients existants sur site continueront à avoir des modèles hybrides. SAP HXM Movement est conçu pour aider nos clients à migrer à un rythme qui soit le plus avantageux pour leurs besoins de gestion tout en préservant les investissements existants. Avec RISE with SAP, nous pouvons accompagner nos clients exactement où ils en sont dans leur parcours. Car chaque transformation a ses propres besoins. Et en offrant un modèle commercial simplifié aux clients SAP qui en sont encore au début de leur réflexion, nous pouvons leur offrir des parcours agiles avec des coûts de migration prévisibles afin qu’ils puissent bénéficier de l’économie du cloud tout en réduisant les risques.

La migration vers SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite permet à nos clients d’accéder à l’innovation « born-in-the-cloud » de SAP SuccessFactors avec l’étendue et la profondeur des technologies SAP. Grâce à une évolutivité et une localisation inégalées, elle fournit les bases nécessaires pour réinventer la façon dont les RH offrent des expériences aux collaborateurs en tant que partenaire de transformation stratégique pour l’entreprise. Les investissements produits inclus dans SAP HXM Movement s’appuient sur nos capacités existantes, avec une innovation accélérée dans les domaines critiques suivants :

  • Ressources humaines centrales améliorées grâce à une configurabilité et une localisation améliorées
  • SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking, une solution dans le cloud récemment annoncée, qui offre des fonctionnalités avancées en matière de temps et de présence
  • Accélération de l’innovation en matière de paie dans le cloud
  • Intégration des données rationalisée entre les solutions sur site et dans le cloud

La transformation de l’entreprise n’est plus une option, c’est un impératif. Pour prospérer dans l’économie d’aujourd’hui, il faut plus d’agilité, plus de visibilité et des expériences humaines plus dynamiques. En commercialisant HXM, nous rendons possible la prochaine évolution des RH, où les collaborateurs sont au centre des activités. Avec SAP HXM Movement, nous nous associons à nos clients pour apporter les changements technologiques dont ils ont besoin pour assurer l’avenir non seulement de leurs activités, mais aussi de leurs collaborateurs.



Meg Bear est vice-président senior de Product, Engineering, and Operations pour SAP SuccessFactors.

The post Simplifier la transition vers le cloud pour les RH appeared first on SAP France News.

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Estimating projects is part and parcel of project management for any project. However, estimating projects with accuracy is not always so successful.

In fact, many of the issues in project management can be traced back to failed attempts at estimating projects. Whether that be projects that run over time or budget, are short in resources, or a load of other issues.

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Three phases of a controlling engineering manager

Every morning, I see the unfiltered thoughts of 1200+ engineering leaders as one of the community moderators in the Dev Interrupted Discord server. We start every day with a Daily Interruption topic about how to make agile work in real life; scaling teams, building culture, hiring, continuous improvement, metrics – fun stuff like that. 

Recently this Daily Interruption popped up and stopped me in my tracks:

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A press release is one of the most valuable tools in a marketing team’s arsenal. Though press releases have been around for decades, they remain one of the best ways to reach new customers, improve your brand reputation, and generate awareness. 

Press releases are also wonderfully cost-effective. Unless you’re using paid distribution channels, all you have to spend is your time to create your press release.

So, how do you get started?

What is a Press Release?

A Press Release is a short, simple, and compelling news story designed to promote the goods and services of a business. You’ll usually see these pieces of content published on industry websites, news channels, social media platforms, and even on the company’s blogs looking for awareness. 

The idea behind a press release is you provide a publication or group with all of the most valuable facts and insights into your latest newsworthy story. You might use a press release to announce a new product or to tell people about your recent partnership, for instance. 

A press release post then delivers this information to a wider potential audience by distributing the content in a range of different places. 

Why Should My Business Send Press Releases?

Why not simply tell people about your latest products and sales on social media, and leave it at that? The simple answer is Press Releases help you to gain the attention you might not get from your own media channels alone. With a press release, you can:

  • Set the record straight: In the middle of a PR disaster, a Press Release can give people the information they need to make their own decision about who’s right.
  • To improve your brand reputation: Launching press releases through well-known publications immediately boosts your credibility. The right publication shows you’re well-connected and professional. 
  • To gain media coverage: When launching a new product or service, a press release helps attract potential customers to your business and gives you more opportunities for sales.
  • To improve SEO: In the digital world, a press release allows you to earn backlinks from high-authority websites, improving your ranking.
  • To find new customers: Press publications and websites will reach a wider audience than you can find on your own. In addition, publishing press releases gives you new eyes on your business for minimal cost. 

You can send a press release for various reasons, including announcing breaking news, talking about newly launched products, discussing upcoming events, confirming partnerships, and more. It’s also worth creating a press release when new people join your executive team when you receive an award, or even if something bad happens (for crisis management)

What’s Included in a Press Release?

A press release will include different information depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. In general, PR posts feature:

  • A headline: This is where you share the most important info of your story
  • Contact details: How the media can get in touch with you
  • Location: Where you are and where the news event is taking place
  • Body copy: Information about the news event
  • Quotes: It’s common to see quotes in a press release from high-level staff
  • Boilerplate: Insights into what your organization is about

How to Write a Press Release (Step by Step)

Now you know what goes into a press release and why these tools are so valuable, it’s time to start planning your big announcement. 

Here are our top tips for creating an amazing press release.

1. Choose the Right Story

Press releases are focused on sharing valuable news with a specific audience. It would be best if you had something important and new to say, or you risk not getting your story published at all. You can’t just talk about a product or service that’s selling well (unless it’s breaking world, or brand records). 

Think about whether your PR topic is:

  • Timely: Is the event you’re talking about just about to happen, or has it happened recently? If something happened weeks or months ago, press groups aren’t going to be interested. Aside from ensuring your message is timely, make it topical too. Ensure this story is going to give something valuable to your audience. 
  • Relevant: Before you send a press release to anyone, make sure it will be relevant to the audience you’re targeting. Who does the story affect, and why is it important? What kind of benefits or opportunities will it deliver?
  • Unique: What’s unusual or unique about this story? You don’t want to comment on the same things that everyone in your industry is already talking about. 
  • Engaging: What about your story is going to make readers stand up and take notice? Is there any trouble or tension you’re going to overcome? Look at this press release from Target as an example. How can you frame your story in a way that makes people want to learn more about your business?

When asking yourself what your PR story should be about, consider whether you want to publish it if you were a publication leader. From an objective perspective, does this story have value?

2. Answer the Right Questions

A press release doesn’t just provide information. Written correctly, this content will also answer essential questions for your audience. For instance, let’s take a look at the questions you should answer, with an example. 

For this example, we’ll be looking at a social media marketing firm partnering with an SEO brand:

  • Who is doing this? What’s the name of the social media marketing firm and the SEO brand? Where do they come from? Which executives are involved?
  • Who is affected? This news would probably affect the stakeholders and shareholders for the business and the customers by providing access to new services.
  • What have the companies done? They’ve joined forces in a partnership, but which sectors and teams are actually going to be working together?
  • Where is this happening? Which area will these two companies now serve? Who will be able to access the service?
  • When did it happen? When is the partnership going to start when will customers see the first major changes?
  • Why has this happened? In this example, the why might be to offer customers more services and helpful products. 
  • Why does this matter? Why is it so important that this event is taking place for your target audience? How are they going to benefit?
  • How will you be implementing this change? For example, if you’re partnering with a new business, will you change your brand name and leadership team? Will you have a new headquarters?

3. Target the Right Sector

Like most pieces of great copy, a press release should generally be written with a specific audience in mind. The interesting thing about a press release is that you’re not just writing for the people who might be interested in your products and services. You’re also writing for a specific publication, journalist, broadcaster, or editor. 

When you’re writing your content, you’ll need to keep both audiences in mind to ensure that you get your message across. Focus on the kind of crucial messages which will appeal to your end-users and customers but address the preferences and needs of the editor too. Many publications will have guidelines to follow if you want a chance of getting your content on their site. 

If you’re sending your press release to multiple locations, you might need to look into doing several different versions of your press releases, each with slightly different wording and information, based on your target publication.

4. Get the Headline Right

There are few things more important in a press release than an amazing headline. 

A good headline will immediately attract the attention of your publication, as well as anyone who might end up reading your article. The media uses headlines to determine whether stories are worth reading or publishing. This means that you need to get attention quickly. 

Most press release headlines don’t try to be clever. There isn’t a lot of fancy language to worry about. Instead, your focus should be on sharing the main point of the press release fast.

For instance, if you’re announcing the arrival of new security measures in your business to protect hybrid workers, you might have a headline like:

  • [Company] implements end-to-end encryption for hybrid workers
  • [Company] uses new encryption techniques to support hybrid work
  • [Company] invests in encryption technology for hybrid employees

5. Use the Right Structure

Structuring a press release can be tough.

Some companies have specific requests on how your press release should look. For instance, you might have to place the date and time in a specific place. For instance, CNN always puts the date of the release before the headline:

If you don’t have to follow a specific format, you should stick with the inverted pyramid structure. This strategy involves placing the most critical information first and moving down the hierarchy to less important info – like contact details. 

When structuring your press release, make sure the headline immediately tells your customers and readers what the story is about and presents immediate value. The opening paragraph will then summarise the main factors and elements of the story, giving a fuller explanation of what the story is about. For instance, for the “[Company] implements end-to-end encryption for hybrid workers” example, the first paragraph might read:

[Company] recently announced an investment in the latest encryption tools for information at rest and transit for hybrid employees. This new security strategy is rolling out immediately to new and existing customers of [company], with access to extra features available for premium subscribers.

The second paragraph then follows up with contextual insight into why this story is important. For instance, in the example above, the second paragraph might say:

This new investment comes at a time when more employees are moving into the hybrid working model. [Company] believes that higher encryption is crucial for teams working in a cloud environment, even with access to VPNs and other security measures available. 

The third paragraph then presents details on the story, including information on who’s involved, how this story came about, and anything else that business leaders might need to know. If there is an additional paragraph, you might include some quotes from business leaders or industry authorities to add credibility or opinions. 

6. Perfect Your Writing

No matter how short or simple, any press release is an insight into your company and brand. Don’t rely on the publication company you choose to do all the editing for you. Make sure you proofread your content and ensure everything sounds fantastic. It’s also worth double-checking any details to ensure that stats and facts remain accurate. 

When boosting the writing of your press release, remember:

  • Address the topics that your readers will find most interesting: Choose relevant topics with obvious benefits and repercussions for your target audience. Don’t get bogged down in fluff, and don’t be overzealous with patting yourself on the back. It’s best to avoid too many adjectives like “world-leading” and “fantastic” when describing your brand.
  • Write in the third person: Third-person writing is common for press releases, even when you’re talking about yourself. For instance, you might say, “Dell’s marketing team recently shared information on a new computer series.” 
  • Keep it simple: Stick to one focus story per press release and try not to overwhelm your audience with too much information. Press releases are short, focused, and easy to read. If you have extra information to provide, you can make a note at the bottom of the release. The close of your PR is where you can provide contact details, links to products, and backlinks to further articles. 

Remember, a compelling, human quote can really make a difference to your press release too. This is a chance to allow the executive voices in your business to shine through. Make sure you highlight exactly why you’re so excited about the press release in the quote while using emotive language to connect with customers. For instance,

The company CEO said: “We’re proud to be offering our current and new customers access to this new security service. After working with the best encryption professionals in the industry, we’re confident we can reduce data breaches and security concerns for hybrid workers.”

7. Double-Check Your Press Release

Before you send your press releases to anyone, it’s best to do a quick check to ensure that everything sounds great and that you haven’t left any annoying errors unaddressed. Use this quick checklist to examine your content:

  • Is the release date and publishing date correct (make sure you’ve included information on any embargos)
  • Is the contact information correct and in the right-hand corner of the page? This includes the name of the company, phone number, and email address.
  • Does the formatting match the outline requested by the publication?
  • Is the boilerplate at the bottom of the template?
  • Is the headline eye-catching and meaningful?
  • Are all of the relevant details included throughout the press release in order?
  • Are names and information spelled correctly?
  • Is the press release free from any grammatical issues and complex jargon?

Make sure you include information on how to reach out to you if the publication notices anything wrong with your site’s performance. 

Where To Send Your Press Releases

Once you’ve worked through your press release (and double-checked it for quality and accuracy), you can think about where you’re going to send it. For example, you may send multiple versions of your press release to different companies and publications. Ideally, you’ll create an entire press kit, which might include pictures of your team, product, or service, as well as contact details and extra brand information. 

Some companies prefer to approach press relationships by pitching their story to a few carefully selected editors and publications. This is often a good idea if you’re trying to reach a particular audience or you want to improve your reputation by connecting with a certain brand. 

Alternatively, you can use PR wire services to send your information to multiple companies at once. There are various services online to help you get your press announcements to the right people. Options to look into include:

  • Industry publications for specific sectors (like technology or medicine)
  • Local newspapers and online news outlets
  • General news sites like Google News and Apple News
  • Blog sites that attract your target audience
  • Influencers and industry partners

Start small and gradually build a list of contacts to help you get your voice and business out there. Eventually, you’ll find it’s much easier to get publications to accept your press releases. You might even find that people start approaching you to find out if you have any upcoming news. 

Go and Get Published!

Now you’re equipped with everything you need to know to create a fantastic press release and attract new eyes to your business. The only thing to do next is to get out there and start sending your press releases to the right people. Remember, once your press release is published, make sure you promote it through your social channels, email, and website. 


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Write a Press Release: The Complete Guide for 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Velocity in agile development measures the quantity of work a team can accomplish in a sprint. It can be measured in story points, hours or days. The higher the velocity of a team, the more features it delivers, the more value it brings to customers. Sprint velocity is a good measure in sprint project management to evaluate and estimate team productivity.

The measure of the velocity is based on multiple factors: the continuous integration (CI) process, the time to qualify the code changes, to test the regression, the security, the delivery, etc…

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The network model for security fails in the cloud. While the old on-prem model made sense in the earlier days of computing, the rapidly expanding suite of cloud providers, along with their infinite combinations of settings and services, now places an extraordinary burden on security teams to become cloud-centric. An enterprise that doesn’t fully understand its role in securing its data in the public cloud is taking unnecessary risks with its outdated security strategies.

In the traditional data center, the network provided a secure boundary for the organization. The network was carved up into zones and trusts were established within and between zones. Security architectures were established and tools deployed based on this strategy, which largely involved monitoring the traffic flows and enforcing controls where the zones met. But in the cloud, this approach is no longer relevant. Time and again, in breach after breach, headline after headline, the modern attack cycle, particularly in the cloud, starts with identity. Attackers seek access to the identity, then pivot between resources, discovering credentials and other identities that give them more and more access to get what they want.

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Ce réseau profitera de nouvelles solutions imaginées pour SAP pour des performances commerciales plus durables


WALLDORF, Allemagne 2 juin, 2021 Lors de sa conférence globale SAPPHIRE NOW®, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a annoncé une stratégie audacieuse visant à créer de nouvelles communautés d’entreprises capables d’améliorer les résultats commerciaux, de mieux gérer l’évolution des conditions économiques et géopolitiques et de renforcer les contributions au développement durable. SAP a dévoilé la première étape de la création du plus grand réseau d’entreprise au monde avec SAP® Business Network, qui regroupera Ariba® Network, SAP Logistics Business Network et SAP Asset Intelligence Network. Plus de 5,5 millions d’organisations bénéficieront de l’appartenance à cette communauté connectée.

Pour compléter cette annonce centrale, SAP annonce également de nouvelles innovations conçues pour aider les entreprises à moderniser et à numériser leurs processus de gestion pour devenir des entreprises intelligentes. Ainsi, les clients peuvent bénéficier d’un nouveau portefeuille d’applications de gestion spécifiques au développement durable qui offrent une transparence et une capacité unique de mesure  tout au long de la chaîne d’approvisionnement.

« Au cours de cette année sans précédent, l’importance des communautés dont nous faisons partie n’a jamais été aussi claire« , a déclaré Christian Klein, PDG et membre du conseil exécutif de SAP SE. « Notre nouvelle ambition est de construire la plus grande communauté d’affaires au monde, permettant aux clients de nouer facilement des liens avec des entreprises à travers les chaînes d’approvisionnement et créant des économies en réseau dans tous les secteurs. »

Alors que nous avons tous constaté la puissance des réseaux dans nos vies personnelles, cet écosystème en réseau pour les entreprises qui font des affaires ensemble est un projet sans précédent. Les membres du nouveau SAP Business Network pourront accéder à un portail unique et unifié pour obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur l’écosystème de leur chaîne d’approvisionnement, la logistique et la traçabilité, ainsi que la gestion et la maintenance des équipements. Pour en savoir plus : »SAP présente SAP Business Network« .

Pendant la pandémie, les entreprises les plus résilientes sont celles qui ont fait appel à la technologie pour transformer leurs processus opérationnels. Celles qui se sont contentées de tirer parti de l’infrastructure du cloud et qui n’ont pas réellement numérisé leurs processus de gestion fondamentaux n’ont pas eu la même chance. Pour permettre à chaque entreprise de devenir une entreprise intelligente, SAP a annoncé les packs de transformation RISE with SAP, adaptés pour des secteurs spécifiques. S’appuyant sur l’introduction réussie de l’offre RISE with SAP en janvier, les packages RISE with SAP pour des secteurs spécifiques offrent une transformation de l’entreprise sous forme de service avec cinq solutions de cloud computing sectorielles initiales pour le commerce de détail, les produits de consommation, l’automobile, les services publics et les machines et composants industriels. Pour en savoir plus : »Start Your Digital Transformation Journey : RISE avec SAP pour les industries« .

Malgré une brève baisse des émissions de carbone l’année dernière, cette année est en passe de devenir la deuxième plus forte augmentation des émissions de l’histoire. Le développement durable est aussi important pour la réussite des entreprises que le chiffre d’affaires et les bénéfices. C’est au cours de cette décennie que les entreprises doivent agir. L’objectif déclaré de SAP est de rendre la protection du climat mesurable, la diversité et l’inclusion visibles et les responsabilités éthiques transparentes.

Pour atteindre cet objectif et faire de la durabilité un processus de gestion essentiel, SAP a annoncé un portefeuille de nouveaux produits spécifiques à la durabilité. Il s’agit notamment de la solution SAP Responsible Design and Production, qui permet aux concepteurs de produits de faire des choix durables, de la conception initiale du produit à sa production, de la solution SAP Product Footprint Management, qui permet de suivre le développement durable tout au long du cycle de vie du produit, et de la solution SAP Sustainability Control Tower, qui offre une visibilité de bout en bout. Pour en savoir plus, lisez « Sustainability Management by SAP : Enabling Tomorrow Starts Today« .

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Mateo Moreau : –
SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.


The post SAP inaugure le plus grand réseau d’entreprises au monde appeared first on SAP France News.

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Want to know which of the top blogging platforms you should consider using this year?

Blogging is still one of the best ways to draw attention to your brand, generate thought leadership, and build your credibility. Research suggests that US internet users spend 3x more of their browsing time on blogs than on email. Additionally, people view about 20 billion blog pages on average each month. 

So, how do you join the blogging revolution? You’ll need the right platform. 

Essentially, a blogging platform is a CMS (Content Management System) which supports blog creation. Many come with additional tools like SEO support and integrations with email marketing too. There are tons of great blogging platforms out there, which means knowing where to start searching can be tough. To help you, we’ve put together this list of the leading blogging platforms.

What to Look for in a Blogging Platform

Before we sort through our list of the leading blogging platforms, let’s start with a quick overview of what the best blogging solutions typically include. Notably, depending on what you’re going to be using your blog for, you may have other features to prioritize besides those listed here. These features will act as a starting point for your comparisons:

Ease of Use

Uploading, publishing, and sharing your blog shouldn’t be a headache. 

There are many website builders out there that seem to have blogging tacked on as an “extra” rather than having it built into the foundations of the software. This often leads to a clunky backend experience when you’re building your site. 

If you’re a new blogger or don’t want to spend time messing around with HTML and coding, make sure that your blogging environment is easy to use. The simpler it is to distribute your content, the more likely you’ll stick to your blogging strategy. 

Cost and Revenue Opportunities

Many of the top blogging platforms come with a fee to think about. Even if you use an open-source platform for blogging, you still need to consider domain names, hosting, and security costs. Finding the right balance between spend and return on investment is crucial. 

Remember, just because a blogging platform is cheap doesn’t mean it’s good value. Similarly, expensive software may not be the best for your business. Ideally, you want something that’s going to deliver a good blogging experience, combined with plenty of opportunities to grow your readership for the lowest possible price. 

If you want to get the best return on investment, focus on the kind of monetization options you can access with each platform. Medium, for instance, has a partner program that allows you to earn money on the posts that customers read. Platforms like Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace can all offer earning opportunities too. You can use them to place certain content behind a paywall, create subscriptions, and sell products or services. 

Marketing and Growth Tools

Most blogging platforms will come with at least some tools to help you build your online presence. Wix and WordPress integrate with Google marketing, so you can purchase PPC campaigns and track your organic content through an SEO dashboard. 

The majority of CMS tools equipped with blogging capabilities also come with integrations for your email marketing service. This ensures you can create automated campaigns that inform your audience whenever a new blog post goes live. 

One of the best things about WordPress is how many plugins you can access to boost your readership levels. Access to extra tools like SEO solutions, landing form creators, and pop-ups can all boost your chances of converting and capturing leads. 

Custom Branding

If you’re keen to save money on your blogging platform, you might be tempted to start with a free version of a popular service. This is fine when you’re just testing the waters. However, you will need to spend extra if you want to remove the ads that other website builders put on your site. For instance, Wix’s free version will place ads on your pages and show the Wix identity in your footer. 

To build your own brand identity, you’re going to need to replace that CMS branding with your own. Look for a blogging service where you can buy your own domain name, customize your themes, and add your own colors, images, and logos into the mix. 

While tools like Medium won’t run ads on your campaigns, they also don’t allow you to customize your site to showcase your brand personality. It’s much easier to build a memorable identity when you can control what your site looks like. 

Upkeep and Maintenance

This ties in a little with the “ease of use” factor above. Before you invest in any blogging platform, think about how much work it’s going to require. A hosted blogging platform is pretty easy to manage because you don’t have to worry about security and uptime yourself.

Products like Wix and Squarespace will give you access to SSL certificates, patch security issues on your behalf, and handle other complicated site maintenance issues. WordPress and other open-source solutions require you to take more of a hands-on approach. You’ll need to manage your own web hosting and check the security of your site regularly. 


This feature is often overlooked in some guides to the best blogging platforms, but it’s also growing increasingly more important in today’s digital age. If you want your website to work for years to come, you need to make sure it’s flexible. This could mean that you look for something that allows you to upload different kinds of content, like written blogs and connecting podcasts. 

It could also mean investing in a service that has a lot of integrations and add-on options available. Plugins are fantastic for extending the functionality of your blog without having to move your entire site to another location. 

The right plugins can even allow you to transform your blog into a store if you decide to start selling your services or products later. 

The Best Blogging Platforms for 2021

Now we’ve covered what to look for in a blogging platform, we can begin to explore some of the top platforms on the market today. We’ve chosen these platforms for their ease of use, flexibility, performance, customization options, and value. 


The best-known and most popular blogging platform in the world, WordPress is the go-to choice for most bloggers and website creators. Currently, there are around 64 million websites actively using WordPress as their chosen CMS. Usage stats also show that around 400 million people visit WordPress websites every month. 

WordPress powers most of the internet as one of the most flexible and easy-to-use platforms around. The biggest decision most users need to make is between and 

You can create a blog for free at, and the company will host your site for you. However, you have to use a subdomain (rather than your own domain) with the free version. You’ll also lose control of your ads with the free package until you upgrade to a premium plan. 

A personal plan on starts at about $4 per month, and it removes all ads from your site. The more functionality you need, the more you’ll need to upgrade. is very easy to use and requires minimal initial setup, but it’s not very scalable. There are no custom themes, and you don’t technically “own” your blog this way. is a different story. With, you’re accessing an open-source blogging platform that allows you to build your site from scratch. You do need to purchase your own domain name and hosting with this service, but the software is free to use. is a lot more appealing to most bloggers because it’s so customizable. Features include:

  • Free and premium themes that you can customize to suit your brand;
  • Thousands of plugins to help with security, SEO, subscriptions, and more;
  • Gutenberg block editors to make creating and publishing blogs easy;
  • Tons of SEO friendly solutions to help you stand out online;
  • Access to a huge community of experts;
  • Infinite control over your design options;
  • Advanced user permissions and roles.

Pricing: is different from most blogging platforms because the foundation technology is free. You just pay for the a-la-carte options, like plugins, hosting, and domain name subscriptions. This means you can choose how expensive your site is going to be.


  • Extremely easy to use with lots of community support available;
  • Free platform (though you do need to pay for the domain and hosting);
  • Lots of customization and plugin options to expand site functionality;
  • Search engine friendly as-standard, to help you grow;
  • Plenty of ways to make your brand stand out.


  • It can be difficult to control your own website at first;
  • You have to manage your own backup and security;
  • Extra costs can quickly build up.


Squarespace is one of the more popular website design and blogging tools for people with a creative streak. Unlike, Squarespace gives you everything you need to build your own website straight out of the box. This includes hosting, the option to purchase your own domain name, and access to a range of beautiful templates. 

Squarespace stands out for its focus on small business owners. You can choose from a range of stunning designs and customize them however you choose with a convenient drag-and-drop builder. There’s also a fantastic customer service experience available from Squarespace, with a team that’s ready to help you with anything you need. 

Like many other hosted blogging platforms, you start on Squarespace by choosing the templates you like and customizing from there. There are some limitations in what you can do here, particularly if you have a lot of coding knowledge, making Squarespace less appealing to growing companies or larger brands. On the plus side, you do get features like:

  • Dedicated blogging templates to get you started;
  • Categories, tags, and featured post options;
  • Built-in scheduling for your blog posts;
  • Contributor roles and permissions;
  • Analytics to track your readers’ favorite posts;
  • Email marketing tools;
  • Social media and SEO solutions built-in;
  • Mobile app access.

Pricing: Compared to some of the other leading blogging solutions on the market, Squarespace is also quite affordable. The personal package at $12 per month will power a website with a stunning blog. You can also upgrade to the Business version for $18 per month, or if you decide to start selling your own products through your blog, you can transition to “Basic Commerce” at $26 per month.


  • Squarespace is easy to use for beginners;
  • Fantastic range of stunning templates included;
  • SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing included;
  • SSL and HTTPS support;
  • Access to eCommerce features on some plans;
  • Useful analytics tools.


  • Not very scalable for bigger brands;
  • Limited in terms of integrations and customization.


Medium is a different kind of blogging platform to many of the options mentioned here. This isn’t a tool you can use to build your own websites, like Wix or Squarespace. Instead, it’s a community you join with a monthly membership fee. 

Medium comes with a built-in audience, so you can immediately start speaking to customers and generating results from your content. As mentioned above, there’s also a Partner Program, which is free to join. The Partner Program allows you to earn money if people are reading your blogs regularly. 

For companies or individuals who just want to generate brand awareness but don’t want to invest in an entire blog-ready website yet, Medium can be a powerful choice. You can easily share posts and view what other people are posting. The biggest downside is that you can’t build an entire community and earn a fortune through your website with Medium. 

Medium is more like a social networking site, where you can begin to develop thought leadership than a true space to carve out your piece of the online world. But it does feature things like:

  • An easy-to-use environment for publishing content;
  • Analytics and insights into your campaigns;
  • Some design customization for your blog layout;
  • Access to a pre-existing audience of readers;
  • Support for monetization in the Partner program;
  • Access to picture uploading options;
  • Mobile-responsive blog posts.

Pricing: You don’t have to be a paid member of Medium to sign up for the partner program and start publishing blogs. This does make it a pretty good way to enhance your existing blogging strategy if you’re trying to generate more attention online. 


  • Free to use for Partners and creators;
  • Excellent for appealing to already-engaged customers;
  • Easy to use, with no coding required;
  • No requirement to create a website or pay for hosting;
  • Communicate with a team of like-minded people.


  • Limited customization options;
  • No ownership over your audience or readership;
  • Limitations to how you can make money (no ads).


LinkedIn is among the most popular platforms for professionals in the world. It’s the go-to place for people in search of reliable ways to develop their professional network. Currently, there are around 756 million members on LinkedIn. When they’re not searching for connections with their peers or chatting about work opportunities, they’re checking out the content on the platform. 

If you’re keen to develop your position as a thought leader but prefer social media accounts to full websites, LinkedIn is the perfect choice. The more you publish on LinkedIn, the more you’ll attract new people who might want to work with you, invest in your company, or just work as part of your team. 

LinkedIn is a great place to generate attention if you’re in the B2B marketplace because most professionals already have their own account. You can also earn social proof by getting people to “endorse” your work. Some of the features of LinkedIn for bloggers include:

  • Private messaging for interactions with connections;
  • Notifications to help you keep track of valuable content;
  • A full profile posting section where you can publish your blogs;
  • A convenient network of active B2B professionals;
  • Endorsements for social proof;
  • A resume and blogging platform in one (you can list your skills);
  • Job searching and employee searching features.

Pricing: It’s free to access a basic membership with LinkedIn, but you will be limited on some of the features you can unlock. For instance, you can only send messages to people already in your network, and you’ll have limited analytics. LinkedIn Premium gives you slightly more functionality, with Business accounts starting at around $29.95 per month. 


  • Tons of people ready to read your blogs;
  • Great for building your professional network;
  • Good environment for thought leadership;
  • Access to extra tools like job listings;
  • Notifications to keep you on top of relevant posts;
  • Engagement options like private messaging;
  • Reports and insights.


  • No access to full website branding;
  • Limits to how you can monetize your content;
  • You don’t own the site or your traffic.


Easily one of the most popular website building solutions for beginners, Wix can help you build both a blog and a fully-featured website. You can even design your own store with Wix and start selling products whenever you choose. 

Wix is a straightforward site builder which you can use to build a site in a matter of minutes. There are hundreds of website themes to choose from, and you can also add as many customizations as you choose with the convenient drag-and-drop editor. The blog manager section of the CMS is also simple and intuitive, with SEO and analytics built in already. 

Wix aims to make jumping into blogging as quick and painless as possible. Elements like comments, social tools, hashtags, and subscriber forms are already available, and you can add further plugins if you choose. There’s also the option to include sharing buttons for social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and more. Features of Wix include:

  • An extensive range of blog templates;
  • Drag-and-drop customization (no coding required);
  • Subscriber forms, comments, likes, and categories;
  • Social media connections;
  • Extra features like store access;
  • Analytics and insights;
  • Quick and easy blogging interface.


The most basic features of the Wix website builder are free to use. With a free Wix account, you’ll get a subdomain where you can’t choose the name of your own website, unfortunately. However, you can add a custom domain for only $4.50 per month. If you want a full premium plan with Wix, costs start at $8.50 per month and extend to $24.50 per month.


  • Lots of pre-built blogging themes;
  • Easy customization options with no coding skills required;
  • Quick and easy to load and publish blogs;
  • Connections with social media platforms;
  • Access to various third-party apps and integrations;
  • Free option for beginners.


  • Some limitations to the free account;
  • Ecommerce features are limited to paid plans;
  • Not as scalable for bigger companies.


Lesser known than some of the options we’ve discussed so far but still brimming with value, Ghost is a minimalist blogging platform that’s all about content creation. Ghost promises a range of ways for you to turn your blogging into a business, with access to customizable templates, newsletter integrations, premium subscriptions, and more. 

The dashboard for Ghost is clean and intuitive, with access to simple sections where you can add tags to your posts, create drafts, track published content, and access valuable insights. You’ll have an easy view of important metrics like email open rates and numbers of paid members at a glance. You can also find integrations to make your Ghost experience even better. 

Ghost works alongside things like Buffer, Stripe, Twitter, Slack, MailChimp, and many other tools so you can take your blog to the next level. There’s no need for any coding knowledge, and because everything is written in JavaScript, it’s ultra-fast too. Features include:

  • Easy-to-use and intuitive interface;
  • Blogging and writing focused;
  • Clean and clutter-free design;
  • Integrations with various powerful tools;
  • Super-fast JavaScript coding;
  • Lots of templates and customizations;
  • Comment, mobile apps, A/B testing, and more;
  • Analytics and reporting.

Pricing: There’s a 14-day free trial to get you started with Ghost, then subscriptions start at $9 per month when billed annually for up to 1,000 members, 1 staff user, 2k views per month, and an SSL and CDN. The same plan is $15 per month billed monthly. Prices go all the way up to $199 per month billed annually, or $249 per month for 1 million views per month, 35,000 members, 15 staff users, and a 99.99% uptime SLA. 


  • Focus on writing and blogging;
  • Clutter-free and clean backend environment;
  • Easy to use and speedy performance;
  • Lots of packages to choose from;
  • Great integration options.


  • Some limitations in scalability;
  • Complicated setup when installed;
  • Not a huge number of themes.

Choosing Your Blogging Platform

Whether you’re blogging because you want to build your personal brand or you’re looking for a way to strengthen sales opportunities for your company, you’re going to need the right blogging platform. The options above are just some of the best blogging solutions available right now. 

Remember, do your research and explore the free versions available whenever possible, so you can confidently invest in the software that’s best for you.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post Top Blogging Platforms Worth Considering in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database that features both scalability and consistency. The database is designed to withstand data center failures by deploying multiple instances of symmetric nodes in a cluster consisting of several machines, disks, and data centers. Kubernetes’ built-in capabilities to scale and survive node failures make it well suited to orchestrate CockroachDB’s databases. This is particularly for the reason that Kubernetes simplifies cluster management and helps maintain high-availability by replicating data across independent nodes. 

This guide focuses on how OpenEBS LocalPV devices can be used to persist storage for Kubernetes-Hosted CockroachDB clusters. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

+2 points, c’est le gain en productivité attendu suite au déploiement de SAP ME sur une ligne de production du site Hitachi Astemo d’Angers. Autres bénéfices : une meilleure traçabilité, un contrôle qualité plus poussé et une visibilité accrue sur la production.

Hitachi Astemo est l’un des principaux équipementiers automobiles mondiaux. Son usine d’Angers, spécialisée dans les systèmes de freinage, a lancé un ambitieux projet de système d’information (SI) global, aujourd’hui passé en phase pilote. « Nous voulions nous doter d’un système de pilotage de la performance permettant d’assurer une traçabilité avancée, afin de répondre au cahier des charges des constructeurs automobiles premiums » précise Guillaume Neveu, Digital Manufacturing, MES – Un « core » model global, déployable sur l’ensemble des usines de la Business Unit. »

Les objectifs du projet étaient multiples : proposer une solution commune à tous les sites de production, permettant d’harmoniser les SI et tout en réduisant les coûts ; booster la productivité en accélérant les cycles de décision et les lignes de production ; améliorer la qualité des produits, leur traçabilité et le processus de contrôle ; avoir une meilleure visibilité sur la production des usines ; et, enfin, disposer d’un socle capable d’assurer la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie d’industrie 4.0.

Un MES comme pièce centrale du SI

« Il nous est rapidement apparu que le SI devait se concentrer sur un outil de pilotage de la production, ou MES (Manufacturing Execution System) » explique Guillaume Neveu. SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME)  a été choisi pour assurer la collecte des données et le pilotage de la production. Avec l’appui de SAP MII (Manufacturing Intelligence Integration) pour l’intégration avec l’ERP et les fonctionnalités avancées de management visuel.

Suite à une première tentative non aboutie, le projet a été redémarré en juillet 2020. « Après avoir mené l’audit de la solution existante, nous avons demandé à Wynsys de reprendre le projet et de construire une nouvelle offre. » précise Guillaume Neveu. Les attentes et fonctionnalités ayant bien été identifiées en amont, quatre mois ont été suffisants pour mettre en place la solution. Il faudra attendre toutefois fin mars 2021 pour que SAP ME soit déployé sur un premier site, celui d’Angers.

« Nous avons pris le temps de valider la solution de façon très poussée, afin de nous assurer que tout se passerait bien, explique Cedric Mauresa, Business Relationship Manager au sein de la SI. Aujourd’hui, SAP ME tourne parfaitement sur une des lignes de production de notre site d’Angers. Les simulations réalisées avec Wynsys nous montrent que la solution pourra prendre en charge l’ensemble des dix lignes de production de l’usine, dès que nous aurons la validation de la Direction de l’usine. »

De multiples bénéfices

Guillaume Neveu nous détaille ci-dessous les objectifs atteints et les points restant à développer :

  1. Traçabilité : « L’outil de traçabilité de SAP ME répond à nos attentes. Près de 100 paramètres sont récupérés par frein, sachant qu’un frein est produit en moins de 10 secondes et qu’une trentaine de machines envoient des données simultanément. Le système arrive à collecter et traiter l’ensemble de ces informations. »
  2. Performance : « les retours des chefs d’équipes sont très positifs : les remontées en temps réel sur l’état de la ligne de production permettent de réagir rapidement en cas de problème ou d’imprévu. Et des rapports sont automatiquement générés chaque matin. »
  3. Contrôle : « Nous traçons ce qui sort des lignes, ainsi que ce qui a été fait ou refait. Il nous faudra toutefois aller plus loin dans le domaine du contrôle qualité, avec une analyse plus poussée de la production. »
  4. Socle IT : « Notre solution « core » est définie. Mais il nous faudra affiner la partie budgétaire, afin de proposer une offre meilleure marché pour les petits sites. Nous pourrions ainsi imaginer une plaque de déploiement commune à plusieurs usines, afin de mutualiser les coûts. »

Les superviseurs sont aujourd’hui en demande de ce type de solution. Ils gagnent en effet près d’une heure trente chaque matin grâce à la mise à disposition automatique de rapports détaillés, prêts à être analysés. Quant à l’OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), il devrait croître : « Nous nous attendons à +2 points d’OEE, en plus des gains de productivité déjà programmés. » Mieux mesuré, l’OEE devient par ailleurs un indicateur plus fiable de la performance réelle des différents sites de production. Un argument clé pour améliorer la visibilité et la transparence des opérations.


The post Automobile : SAP ME assure le pilotage et la traçabilité du site Hitachi Astemo d’Angers appeared first on SAP France News.

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