
Chorégraphie de modèles : optimiser la communication en systèmes distribués.

La chorégraphie de modèles est un outil puissant pour optimiser la communication en systèmes distribués. Elle permet de coordonner et de gérer les interactions entre les différents acteurs.

Dans le paysage technologique en constante évolution d’aujourd’hui, il est commun que les applications migrent vers le cloud pour embrasser l’architecture des microservices.

Logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie est une méthodologie qui se concentre sur l’interaction entre les services sans l’utilisation d’un orchestrateur central. Au lieu de cela, chaque service est responsable de la communication avec les autres services. Les services peuvent communiquer directement entre eux ou via un bus de messages. La chorégraphie est une méthode très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices car elle offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration. Il est également plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir.

Avantages et inconvénients de la chorégraphie

Bien que la chorégraphie offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité, elle présente également certaines limitations. Par exemple, le développement et le déploiement des services peuvent être plus difficiles car ils doivent être conçus pour fonctionner ensemble. De plus, il est plus difficile de déboguer et de maintenir des applications basées sur la chorégraphie car il n’y a pas d’orchestrateur central pour surveiller le flux de messages entre les services. Enfin, la chorégraphie peut être plus difficile à mettre en œuvre dans des environnements distribués car elle nécessite une coordination stricte entre les services.


La chorégraphie est une méthodologie très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices. Il offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration, mais il présente également certaines limitations. Il est plus difficile à développer et à déployer, à déboguer et à maintenir, et peut être plus difficile à mettre en œuvre dans des environnements distribués. Cependant, dans certains cas, la chorégraphie peut être la meilleure solution pour gérer la communication entre les microservices. Il est important de comprendre les nuances et les avantages et les inconvénients de cette méthodologie avant de choisir le bon logiciel pour votre application.

Logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie est une méthodologie qui se concentre sur l’interaction entre les services sans l’utilisation d’un orchestrateur central. Au lieu de cela, chaque service est responsable de la communication avec les autres services. Les services peuvent communiquer directement entre eux ou via un bus de messages. La chorégraphie est une méthode très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices car elle offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration. Il est également plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir.

Avantages du logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie offre une variété d’avantages par rapport à l’orchestration. Tout d’abord, elle permet aux services de communiquer directement entre eux sans avoir à passer par un orchestrateur central. Cela signifie que chaque service peut fonctionner indépendamment des autres, ce qui permet une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité. De plus, la chorégraphie est plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir car il n’y a pas d’or

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Whenever we build an awesome product we first build it standalone but sooner or later it attracts more users and then our minds start thinking about how to accommodate more users and there comes the need of scaling the application. Generally scaling means providing more elasticity to the application so that it can sustain the high influx of users and run smoothly without any glitches.

Software scalability is an attribute of a tool or a system to increase its capacity and functionalities based on its users’ demands. Scalable software can remain stable while adapting to changes, upgrades, overhauls, and resource reduction

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When we build a microservice architecture and the number of services keeps growing, we face the problem of debugging and tracing requests through our entire system. What happened when a user got a 500 error on his request? What service incorrectly processed his request? All these questions can be solved by the Distributed Tracing System. Let’s take Spring Cloud Sleuth as an example.

How Spring Cloud Sleuth Works

To trace a request through a distributed system, the concepts TraceID and SpanID are introduced. TraceID is generated when a request enters our system and remains unchanged throughout its path. SpanID changes as the request passes from one service to another. If necessary, it is possible to generate new spans within one service to distinguish business processes.

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Why Microservice Architecture?

Microservice Roadmap.

Nowadays, with the rise of social media, fast internet, etc., the tendency to use applications is getting more and more. As a result of these behavior changes, monolithic applications need to deal with a tremendous majority of changes.

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Security is one of the most important aspects of modern-day applications. As technology keeps getting advanced, keeping the security up-to-date is a challenge. How awesome would it be to find top trending articles in the Security Zone in one place so that you can always stay up to date with the latest trends in technology? We dug into Google analytics to find the top 10 most popular Security articles in August. Let’s get started!

10. Spring Boot Security + JWT  »Hello World » Example

Spring Boot applications have been a key in implementing the microservice architecture. Learn how to implement security in Spring Boot with JWT token. Follow the step-by-step tutorial and secure your Spring Boot microservice.

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Microservices have crafted highly flexible and adaptable IT infrastructures. Microservices is a unique software development approach that concentrates on creating single-function modules that work jointly to execute the same tasks. It enables you to alter only one service, without modifying the rest of the infrastructure. In simple words, one can easily deploy and change every service without affecting the functional facets of other applications or services. Instead of following an old monolithic architecture (sole app with manifold functions), testers and developers use this microservice approach to build independent modules for every function.

However, the microservice architecture can also make an app extra complicated, particularly when we add several functionalities. Likewise, testing the combined functionality of numerous services is a lot more complicated due to the distributed nature of the app. As microservices follow a dissimilar architecture, we also require an exceptional strategy for testing microservices. In this article, we will explore different tools for testing microservice applications. Testing microservices can assist us in eradicating several issues by avoiding a domino effect. 

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The microservice architecture pattern, which is used widely across tech companies large and small, enables businesses to distribute functionality between many small applications, instead of larger monolithic portions. Each piece has a specifically defined task, along with communications and other services, usually via a REST API channel. The benefits of utilizing a microservice architecture include, but are not limited to: 

  • Simple development and maintenance of applications: developers and teams are able to focus on one application rather than multiple, with the benefit of faster development, and fewer hitches (such as bug and easy to miss errors) in the larger project. 

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You have probably read about Kubernetes, and maybe even dipped your toes in and used it in a side project or even at work. But understanding what Kubernetes is all about, how to use it effectively, and what the best practices are requires much more effort. Kubernetes is a big open-source project and ecosystem with a lot of code and a lot of functionality. Kubernetes came out of Google, but joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and became the clear leader in the space of container-based applications.

Let’s hear from Gigi Sayfan, author of the bestseller Mastering Kubernetes, Third Edition, about his methodologies and the approach he followed to create a powerful resource to acquaint learners all over the globe with the fundamentals and more advanced concepts of Kubernetes.

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Serverless computing, which is commonly referred to as just Serverless, is a promising cloud-based technology model that has emerged on the app development and software architecture horizon in recent years. Trying to avail themselves of the huge serverless framework potential, many big-time market players have been quick to jump on the cloud services bandwagon. Such software giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon already offer the customers to migrate all the local business operational efficiencies to be hosted on their flagship serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.   

Simply put, serverless architecture is an event- and request-driven tech solution allowing application developers to create actionable working environments in the cloud that have all the necessary computational resources needed for a smooth coding flow. This framework comes in handy especially when time is an issue and the tasks assigned are quite resource-intensive.

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In this article, we will see how to implement a data pipeline from an application to Mongo DB database and from there into an Elastic Search keeping the same document ID using Kafka connect in a Microservice Architecture. In recent days and years, all the microservices architectures are asynchronous in nature and are very loosely coupled. At the same time, the prime approach to have minimum code (minimum maintenance and cost), no batch systems (real-time data), and promising performance without data loss fear. Keeping all the features in mind Kafka and Kafka connect is the best solution so far to integrate different sources and sinks in one architecture to have very robust and reliable results.

We will Depp drive and implement such a solution using Debezium Kafka connect to achieve a very robust pipeline of data from one application into Mongo and then into Elastic cluster.

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