
Déployer GitLab sur AWS EC2 avec Walrus

Déployer GitLab sur AWS EC2 avec Walrus est une tâche complexe, mais pas impossible. Découvrez comment le faire dans ce tutoriel !

  • An AWS Account with access to EC2 and VPC.

  • A Walrus Account.

  • H2 : Walrus, plateforme open-source de gestion d’applications, équipe votre équipe avec des modèles conçus pour optimiser les meilleures pratiques. Dans cet article, nous vous guiderons à travers le processus de création d’un modèle AWS GitLab et déploiement d’un serveur GitLab sur une instance EC2 AWS.

  • An AWS account with permissions to create and manage EC2 instances.

  • A Walrus account with access to the Walrus CLI.

  • Creating the Template

    The first step is to create a template for your GitLab server. This template will define the configuration of the server, such as the instance type, the operating system, and the software packages that will be installed. You can use the Walrus CLI to create a template from scratch, or you can use one of the pre-built templates provided by Walrus.

    Une plateforme de gestion d’applications open source appelée Walrus équipe votre équipe de modèles conçus pour optimiser les meilleures pratiques. Dans cet article, nous vous guiderons à travers le processus de création d’un modèle AWS GitLab et de déploiement d’un serveur GitLab sur une instance EC2 AWS.


    1. Un dépôt GitHub ou GitLab pour stocker le modèle.

    2. Un compte AWS avec les autorisations nécessaires pour créer et gérer des instances EC2.

    3. Un compte Walrus avec accès à la ligne de commande Walrus.

    Créer le modèle

    La première étape consiste à créer un modèle pour votre serveur GitLab. Ce modèle définira la configuration du serveur, telles que le type d’instance, le système d’exploitation et les logiciels qui seront installés. Vous pouvez utiliser la ligne de commande Walrus pour créer un modèle à partir de zéro ou utiliser l’un des modèles préconstruits fournis par Walrus.

    Une fois que vous avez créé le modèle, vous pouvez le stocker dans votre dépôt GitHub ou GitLab. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le logiciel Walrus pour déployer le modèle sur votre instance EC2. Le logiciel Walrus vous permet de définir des paramètres tels que la taille de l’instance, le système d’exploitation et les packages logiciels à installer. Une fois que vous avez configuré tous les paramètres, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton « Déployer » pour déployer le modèle sur votre instance EC2.

    Une fois le déploiement terminé, vous pouvez accéder à votre serveur GitLab en utilisant l’adresse IP publique de votre instance EC2. Vous pouvez également utiliser le logiciel Walrus pour surveiller l’état de votre serveur GitLab et mettre à jour le modèle si nécessaire. Vous pouvez également utiliser le logiciel Walrus pour sauvegarder et restaurer votre serveur GitLab en cas de problème.

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Risques et solutions de sécurité de la virtualisation

    La virtualisation offre de nombreux avantages, mais elle comporte aussi des risques et des défis en matière de sécurité. Découvrons ensemble les solutions pour les gérer.

    ## Risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation

    Attacks on Virtual Machines

    VMs are the main target of attackers in a virtualized environment. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the operating system or applications running on the VMs to gain access to the virtualization environment. Once they gain access, they can launch attacks on other VMs or steal sensitive data.

    Hypervisor Attacks

    The hypervisor is the core component of virtualization technology. It is responsible for managing the VMs and other virtualization components. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the hypervisor to gain access to the virtualization environment and launch attacks on other VMs.

    Solution pour les risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation

    Les organisations du monde entier adoptent de plus en plus la technologie de virtualisation pour ses nombreux avantages, tels que des économies de coûts, une efficacité améliorée, une flexibilité, une scalabilité et une récupération en cas de sinistre. Cependant, l’adoption accrue de la technologie de virtualisation a également entraîné une augmentation des risques de sécurité. Les risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation sont causés par divers facteurs, tels que les vulnérabilités du logiciel de virtualisation, les attaques sur les machines virtuelles (VMs) et les attaques sur le hyperviseur. Cet article examine les risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation et les solutions pour les atténuer.

    Vulnérabilités du logiciel de virtualisation

    Le logiciel de virtualisation est le cœur de la technologie de virtualisation. Il est responsable de la gestion des VMs, du hyperviseur et des autres composants de la virtualisation. Les vulnérabilités du logiciel de virtualisation peuvent être exploitées par des attaquants pour obtenir un accès non autorisé à l’environnement de virtualisation. Les attaquants peuvent exploiter ces vulnérabilités pour prendre le contrôle de l’environnement de virtualisation, voler des données sensibles et lancer des attaques sur d’autres VMs dans l’environnement virtuel.

    Attaques sur les machines virtuelles

    Les VMs sont la principale cible des attaquants dans un environnement virtualisé. Les attaquants peuvent exploiter des vulnérabilités du système d’exploitation ou des applications exécutées sur les VMs pour accéder à l’environnement de virtualisation. Une fois qu’ils ont accès, ils peuvent lancer des attaques sur d’autres VMs ou voler des données sensibles.

    Attaques sur le hyperviseur

    Le hyperviseur est le composant principal de la technologie de virtualisation. Il est responsable de la gestion des VMs et des autres composants de la virtualisation. Les attaquants peuvent exploiter des vulnérabilités du hyperviseur pour accéder à l’environnement de virtualisation et lancer des attaques sur d’autres VMs.

    Mesures pour atténuer les risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation

    Il existe plusieurs mesures qui peuvent être prises pour atténuer les risques de sécurité liés à la virtualisation. L’une des principales mesures est l’utilisation d’une stratégie de sécurité robuste pour protéger le système contre les menaces externes et internes. La stratégie devrait inclure des mesures telles que l’utilisation d’un pare-feu pour bloquer les connexions non autorisées, la mise en œuvre d’une politique stricte d’accès aux données et l’utilisation d’outils de codage pour assurer la sécurité des données sensibles. De plus, il est important que les administrateurs système mettent à jour régulièrement le logiciel et le matériel afin d’atténuer les vul

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Partie 2: Microservices avec Apache Camel et Quarkus

    Dans cette partie, nous allons apprendre à créer des microservices avec Apache Camel et Quarkus. Nous verrons comment les deux outils peuvent être utilisés ensemble pour créer des applications modernes et performantes.

    Exécution locale d’une application microservices basée sur Apache Camel et AWS SDK

    Dans la première partie de cette série, nous avons vu une application de transfert d’argent simplifiée basée sur les microservices, mise en œuvre à l’aide des outils de développement Java Apache Camel et AWS SDK (Software Development Kit) et de Quarkus comme plate-forme d’exécution. Comme indiqué, il existe de nombreux scénarios de déploiement qui pourraient être envisagés pour exécuter la production d’une telle application; le premier et le plus simple consiste à l’exécuter localement de manière autonome. C’est le scénario que nous examinerons dans ce nouveau post.

    Quarkus est capable d’exécuter vos applications de deux manières: en mode JVM (Java Virtual Machine) et en mode natif. Le mode JVM est la manière classique standard d’exécuter des applications Java. Ici, l’application en cours d’exécution n’est pas exécutée directement sur le système d’exploitation, mais dans un certain milieu d’exécution où des bibliothèques et des API Java sont intégrées et enveloppées. Ces bibliothèques et API peuvent être très volumineuses et elles occupent une partie spécifique de la mémoire appelée Resident Set Size (RSS). Pour en savoir plus sur le RSS et Quarkus (par opposition à la façon dont Spring Boot le gère), voir ici.

    Lorsque vous exécutez votre application avec Quarkus en mode JVM, vous pouvez utiliser un outil appelé GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif. GraalVM est un outil open source qui permet de compiler des applications Java en code natif. Il prend en charge plusieurs langages, dont Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python et R. GraalVM est capable de compiler votre application Java en code natif très rapidement, ce qui permet à votre application de s’exécuter plus rapidement et avec moins de consommation de mémoire. Il est également possible d’utiliser GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif et l’exécuter directement sur le système d’exploitation, sans passer par le mode JVM. Cela permet à votre application de fonctionner plus rapidement et avec une consommation de mémoire minimale.

    Ainsi, grâce à l’utilisation du logiciel Quarkus et de GraalVM, vous pouvez facilement déployer votre application microservices-based money transfer sur votre système local. Vous pouvez également utiliser GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif et l’exécuter directement sur le système d’exploitation, ce qui permet à votre application de fonctionner plus rapidement et avec une consommation de mémoire minimale. Cela peut être très utile pour les applications qui nécessitent une exécution rapide et une consommation minimale de mémoire. De plus, vous pouvez également déployer votre application sur des plates-formes cloud telles que AWS ou Azure afin de bénéficier des avantages supplémentaires offerts par ces plates-formes.

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    The yearly increase in iOS device sales has set the bar high for the assured success of iOS. However, when it comes to testing these devices, purchasing devices with various HW specs and iOS devices isn’t viable for SMEs and startups. Additionally, there are better testing solutions than manual testing due to scalability and low-efficiency concerns.

    Although iOS is still a more closed operating system than Android, you may use various free and open-source technologies to build effective automated tests. It makes iOS app testing activities simpler and more efficient for developers and testers using a cloud-based testing solution.

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    I have lost count of the number of times I have been told that Java is not a suitable language in which to develop applications where performance is a major consideration. My first response is usually to ask for clarification on what is actually meant by “performance” as two of the most common measures – throughput and latency, sometimes conflict with each other, and approaches to optimise for one may have a detrimental effect on the other. 

    Techniques exist for developing Java applications that match, or even exceed, the performance requirements of applications that have been built using languages more traditionally used for this purpose. However, even this may not be enough to get the best performance from a latency perspective. Java applications still have to rely on the Operating System to provide access to the underlying hardware. Typically latency-sensitive (often called “Real Time”) applications operate best when there is almost direct access to the underlying hardware, and the same applies to Java. In this article, we will introduce some approaches that can be taken when we want to have our applications utilise system resources most effectively. 

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Continuing from part 2, let’s start this article with a bit of context first (and if you don’t like reading text, you can skip this introduction, and go directly to the section below where I discuss pieces of code).


    • When we start an application program, the operating system creates a process.
    • Each process has a unique id (we call it a PID) and a memory boundary.
    • A process allocates its required memory from the main memory, and it manipulates data within a boundary.
    • No other process can access the allocated memory that is already acquired by a process.
    • It works like a sandbox, and in that way, avoids processes stepping on one another’s feet.
    • Ideally, we can have many small processes to run multiple things simultaneously on our computers and let the operating system’s scheduler schedule them as it sees fit.
    • In fact, this is how it was done before the development of threads. However, when we want to do large pieces of work, breaking them into smaller pieces, we need to accumulate them once they are finished.
    • And not all tiny pieces can be independent, some of them must rely on each other, so we need to share information amongst them.
    • To do that, we use inter-process communication. The problem with this idea is that having too many processes on a computer and then communicating with each other isn’t cheap. And precisely that is where the notion of threads comes into the picture.

    The idea of the thread is that a process can have many tiny processes within itself. These small processes can share the memory space that a process acquires. These little processes are called « threads. » So the bottom line is that threads are independent execution environments in the CPU and share the same memory space. That allows them faster memory access and better performance.

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Many websites today use some type of traditional Content Delivery Network (CDN), which means improvements in website load times, decreases in bandwidth, and better redundancy and security. But not everything is optimized, specifically when it comes to images, and image CDNs can help with that! 

    Traditional vs. Image CDNs

    A traditional CDN treats images as static. If you want to tailor images to better match various mobile device types, then you need to create many variants of each image and upload them to your web server. It also means you must develop responsive code that will tell the server and CDN which image variant to deliver. This is clunky, time-consuming, and inefficient. For a large website, the amount of code needed can be astronomical. Using this static image model, there’s just no realistic way for each image to be effectively sized and compressed for every possible device model – at this point, there are thousands of them. The combination of these two unfortunate factors leads to potentially slow load times and poor UX caused by oversized images delivered to mobile devices.

    So what is an image CDN? An image CDN builds on the traditional CDN model with the addition of device detection and image optimization. Instant detection of the device model and browser requesting the images is done right at the device-aware edge server (true edge computing!) Additional information, including screen resolution and dimension, pixels per inch, and support for next-gen image formats (such as WebP, JPEG 2000/JP2, and AVIF), provides even more details crucial for superior image optimization. Using this information derived from device-aware edge servers, the image CDN optimizes each image and serves the perfect version for each device and resolution, meaning users get the finest webpage experience faster.

    A Bit About the Edge (Whoa, Living on the Edge?)

    With a single server website, a web request would have to travel from the requestor, back to the origin server (wherever that was geographically located), be processed, and then travel back to the requestor. Depending on the physical distance between the requestor and the origin server, this could introduce a great deal of latency, which means lag time on page loads. 

    A traditional content delivery network (CDN) is a global network of servers that optimizes web performance by using the node geographically closest to the user for faster delivery of assets. It takes static content like images and stores them on the edge. But usually, these edge servers are relatively simple in terms of their role in business processes. They mostly index, cache, and deliver content. And traditional CDNs like to keep edge servers simple because of concerns over CPU usage, storage, and scalability.

    But what if these edge servers could also provide computing power that enhances performance and business processes? This is called edge computing. Slowly, CDNs are starting to open their edge servers to allow enterprises to deploy apps/services on the edge. Likewise, Cloud computing networks (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) provide virtualized server capacity around the world for those who want to use geographically distributed servers. In a sense, Edge Computing is a marriage of the CDN (where edge servers synchronize/work with each other) and Cloud computing (where servers are open to applications). 

    Edge computing is a fascinating concept, but what is the killer app that will enhance business processes and improve website performance? The addition of device detection to edge computing provides the ability to transform from delivery of static images to a new model where images are dynamic and tailored exactly to devices. 

    Edge computing is computing that is done in a geographically distributed space, with many servers located at or near the source of the web request. This reduction in bandwidth and latency leads to fast processing times, increased site speed, and improved customer experience. And edge computing doesn’t require new infrastructure — it leverages the networks of existing providers to create Points of Presence (POP) around the globe. 

    The Edge Servers are…Aware?

    Device-aware edge servers, like those used by the ImageEngine image CDN, take edge computing to a new level. Device detection is actually one of the use cases where edge computing really shines. Normally, the edge server would have to send a Javascript query to the device to figure out any information about a requesting device’s model, browser, operating system. But with a device-aware edge server, the User Agent string is captured and decoded. This contains all of the information necessary for device detection without the need for any back and forth – a definite speed improvement. So you’re starting ahead of the game! 

    Each time a new request comes to the device-aware edge server, the image is processed by that server (meaning optimized for that specific device parameters) and stored right there in cache, primed for future use. This is done in three stages: changing image size based on device resolution, compressing the image using an image optimization tool, and selecting the most efficient file format for the device. 

    If the device-aware edge server has already processed a request from a similar device model before, then it can serve the device-optimized image from its edge cache, leading to a lightning-fast server response — and ImageEngine’s device-aware edge servers can serve up cached images 98% of the time! Not only is there geographical proximity because of the distributed global POP network, but the smaller size of the optimized image compared to the full-sized original cuts up to 80% off the image payload. This can cut up to several seconds off page load times. When almost 70% of people say that page speed influences their likelihood of making a purchase, every single second counts! 

    Some image CDNs detect the device information and group the devices into “buckets” of similar types and serve an image based on that type. While this is certainly an advancement over a traditional CDN, and works passably well for some common devices, it still isn’t a truly optimal solution. There are so many variants of browser, screen size,  resolution, etc., even among very similar devices, that images are still often oversized (too large payloads) and lead to poor load speed. A true image CDN, such as ImageEngine, serves the perfect image for every device, every time.

    So Now You Want To Get Started (Don’t Worry, It’s Really Simple)

    One of the best things about the ImageEngine image CDN is the ease of integration – and it can integrate into any platform that supports a 3rd-party CDN. All you need is to sign up for an account and receive a delivery address during your two (yes, 2!) minute signup process. This delivery address is used to redirect image traffic for optimization and superior delivery performance. Next, you’ll have to make some slight adjustments to img tags on your website, but that’s really all the work you’ll need to do. There are no DNS changes during a standard (generic delivery address) integration. You read that right, none at all. Contrast that to a traditional CDN integration, where there is just no way around some messing around in the DNS – in fact, usually some fairly extensive DNS changes. 

    This low-code, virtually no code, integration saves you time. It saves you money. It saves you the hassle of putting multiple team members on a new project. And it means that you can be up and running in about 15 minutes with a standard install. You can be serving optimized images to your site visitors at blazing fast speeds before lunch! And don’t worry, ImageEngine has an experienced integration support team available to answer any questions you might have. 

    There’s also no issue with adding the ImageEngine image CDN on top of an existing CDN. Traditional CDNs may have security features that you may prefer to keep for your site. It requires slightly more integration but provides the same benefits of a solo ImageEngine implementation — screaming fast image load times and perfectly optimized images from device-aware edge servers. All that is recommended is that the ImageEngine image CDN actually serve the images directly, not simply process them, to get maximum benefits.

    Adopt an Image CDN and See The Benefits

    We’ve learned that image CDNs bring numerous benefits to your site AND your business. Using device-aware edge servers, image CDNs provide measurably better UX to your visitors. Pages load potentially seconds faster with perfectly optimized images, meaning your customers get to the heart of your message right away, and you don’t lose potential sales. 

    Image CDNs are actually 30%+ faster than most traditional CDNs, improving site speed accordingly. From an SEO perspective, that’s huge! And your SEO gets an additional boost from the improvement to your Largest Contentful Paint scores (which can help you gain valuable rank on Google’s SERPs). Implementation is simple and fast. You get all this, plus cost savings: since you have smaller payloads because of the fully optimized images, you’re delivering fewer gigabytes of data.


    The post Image CDNs: How Edge Computing Provides a Faster Low Code Image Solution first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

    Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

    Not so long ago, customers only had a couple of ways to interact with brands. 

    If you had an issue with a product or service, you could reach out through the customer service phone number or send an email. Occasionally, sites would introduce dedicated forms on their website that allowed consumers to send support tickets straight to the service desk – but that was it.

    The problem with this kind of service was all the waiting. 

    Send an email or ticket, and you have no idea when the company is going to get back to you. Customers end up refreshing their inbox all day, waiting for a response. Call the company, and 9 times out of 10, you’ll be placed on hold. You can’t exactly do much when you’re stuck listening to hold music, so customers are gradually getting more frustrated as they wait for a response. 

    Fortunately, the evolving digital age has introduced a new solution: live chat.

    Transforming Your CX With Live Chat

    Live chat is a quick and convenient way for your customers to contact your business and get a response immediately. The result is happier clients, better customer satisfaction scores, and even opportunities for bigger sales. 

    More than 41% of customers say they expect to see live chat on a site. 

    Even if you don’t have an agent on hand to answer a chat message immediately, you can create an automated system that notifies your customer when someone is available. That means they can go and do other things while they’re waiting for a response. Live chat solutions with bots can even allow your customers to fix problems for themselves. That’s pretty convenient!

    Widgets equipped with answers to commonly asked questions can automatically deal with customer queries or help them find solutions to their problems before passing them over to an agent. This means that your customer gets a solution faster, and your agents don’t have as much pressure to deal with. It’s a win-win – as long as you get it right. 

    Unfortunately, a lot of companies don’t know how to implement live chat experiences correctly. 

    Kayako’s study into 400 customers found that 47% couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a positive experience through a live chat tool.  

    How to Upgrade Live Chat CX

    The evidence shows that customers love the idea of live chat, but the reality of how businesses implement this technology isn’t always ideal. 

    However, since 86% of customers say they’re willing to spend more on a better customer experience, it’s worth figuring out what separates a good live chat interaction from a bad one. 

    1. Set Expectations Instantly

    Setting the right expectations is crucial if you want to generate better satisfaction for your customers at a later date. When customers know what to expect from your live chat strategy, they can also make more informed decisions about which support channels they’re going to use, and whether they want to hang around for someone to answer their messages. 

    The first thing you should do is showcase your agent’s availability. In this example from Help Scout, you can see whether the team is active, online, and ready to talk. The company also sets expectations for how quickly you can get an email response if you don’t want to chat.

    Other ways to set expectations include:

    • Showing your opening hours: List when team members are usually available to answer questions if you’re not currently online. 
    • Topics: Offer your customers some topics that they can ask about or use the welcome message on your chat tool to direct your customers to an FAQ page. 
    • Restrictions: If there’s anything you can’t deal with over live chat, like changing a customer’s password, let them know in advance so they don’t waste time.

    2. Leverage Pre-Chat Forms

    Pre-chat forms are some of the most important parts of the live chat experience. They ask your customer to explain their issue to your chatbot so that they can be directed towards the right agent. Using these forms correctly ensures that your agent has all the information they need to solve a problem fast. 

    You can even set up automated systems that direct customers to different agents and teams based on their needs. For instance, the live chat app on gives customers the option to fill out different forms depending on whether they want answers to a question, a demo, or something else.

    The button you click on dictates which professional you’ll get through to. Although filling out a form can seem like an extra friction point for your customer at first, it helps to streamline the customer journey. After all, if you can direct the customer to the right agent the first time, there are fewer chances that they’ll need to explain their issue to various different people. 

    Here are a few things you can ask for in the live chat form to make it more effective:

    • The customer’s name: This will help to personalize the conversation. It could also be an opportunity to track down any background information you have about an existing customer and the orders that they may want to speak to you about.
    • An email address: Having an email address will allow you to bring up a customer’s record on your CRM. It also means that you can send any information that the customer needs to their email inbox at the end of the conversation.
    • A brief explanation: Ask your customers to share what they’re reaching out to you about and use keywords in their message to assign the chat to the right agent or professional. You could even add a drop-down menu of topics for them to choose from. 

    Remember, don’t ask for too much information straight away, or you’ll risk your clients feeling that the service experience is too complicated. 

    3. Make Sure It Works Everywhere

    We’ve reached the point now where every customer expects a brand’s website to be responsive on any device. Most web-building templates automatically work on mobile tablets and smartphones. Additionally, it’s becoming increasingly easy for companies to transform their website and online store experiences into dedicated apps too. 

    However, while most businesses know that their site needs to be responsive, they often forget about the mobile element when it comes to live chat. If your live chat function is only available on the web browser version of your website, then this is going to end up making your mobile customers pretty unhappy. They don’t want to have to stop browsing on their phone just to connect with you. 

    Ideally, you’ll want to create a separate component for your mobile app where your customers can easily access the same live chat functions they’d have on your browser-based site.

    If you’re just offering live chat through a mobile version of your website, make sure that it’s easy for your customer to click into the chat section and send messages without accidentally ending up on a different tab or page. It might also be worth setting up functions that allow your chat app to send push notifications to your customer’s phone whenever they get a new message. 

    Being able to put their smartphone down or switch to another app while they wait for a response will provide a much more intuitive experience for your audience. 

    4. Make Sure You Support All the Right Languages

    You’d think that this CX tip for live chat would be obvious, but it’s shocking how many companies fail to offer support for all the languages that their customers might use. If you’re selling your products throughout the world, and you know you have customers in China, then it doesn’t make much sense to only offer live chat in English. 

    Some of the available live chat apps on the market today come with features that allow you to automatically translate languages when your agents are talking to foreign customers. For instance, LiveChat currently supports 45 languages

    If you’re creating your own chat app from scratch, then you’re going to need to work with your developer or designer to make sure that the right languages are supported. Remember, you don’t have to cover everything, but at least make sure that you can connect with the most common groups of customers in your CRM. 

    Ensure that if you are using multiple languages, your customers know how to switch to their preferred option too. Usually, the best way to do this is with a drop-down menu. You could also use little flag icons of the countries that you support. 

    5. Find Ways to Reduce First Response Time

    Speed is probably one of the biggest advantages of live chat, and the main reason that customers like it so much. According to the CMO council, fast response time is the number one thing that a customer looks at when measuring satisfaction. 

    While you might not be able to have someone on-hand to answer your customers 24/7, you can improve the way they perceive your load times in a variety of ways. For instance, start by making it clear when your people are online to talk to your customers. Setting expectations on when you’ll be available to immediately respond should help to avoid frustration.

    • Keep all chats in the same place for agents: Having a combined contact center solution on the back-end makes responding to queries much easier for your agents. If they can see all of your brand’s live chat, social, and email conversations in one place, they don’t have to waste time jumping between different platforms and tabs. 
    • Set routing queues: Use an automated system to send every message you get to the most appropriate agent available. You can intelligently route conversations based on the issues that your customers have or the things they want to discuss. It’s also worth ensuring that your system prioritizes routing conversations to the first agent available. 
    • Send notifications: Make sure that you set your live chat system up to send push notifications to agents when a new message is waiting. It’s also with notifying your customer when they have a response, just in case they’ve switched to another tab. 

    The notifications you send to your agents could come with access to a customer’s CRM file, so that your agent can go into a conversation with the context they need. Agents that instantly get context on a conversation don’t have to waste as much time tracking down the right information. Giving your agents context also means that they don’t have to ask repetitive questions, which could annoy your customer. 

    6. Make the Chat Experience On-Brand

    Every company wants to give their customer a slick experience with live chat. The solution you build needs to be easy to use, and responsive across every device. However, it also needs to be something that your customer associates with your brand. 

    Companies generally have a lot of options for how a live chat window can look. You can adjust the appearance to suit your brand by picking specific colors, tweaking button shapes, and even changing the available fonts. 

    Working the visual elements of your brand into the design of the live chat experience is the best way to make your customers feel comfortable and confident that they’re dealing with your company. For instance, Hubspot uses matching colors, rounded edges on chat bubbles, and even a fun illustration to make their chat experience more “branded.”

    Remember, when you’re creating a Live Chat experience that’s “on brand”, it’s also a good idea to think about things like voice and tone. Infusing live chat with the unique personality of your brand will make the experience more memorable. 

    If you usually stick with informal language and use a lot of slang, then it makes sense to continue that in live chat – even when you’re sending automated messages. To make sure your brand identity really shines through:

    • Write scripts for your automated messages in your brand’s tone of voice
    • Write guidance scripts for employees that highlight your tone for agents
    • Provide training on brand tone of voice for your support team
    • Encourage support agents to connect with customers on a personal level
    • Remember to set guidelines on how to use things like gifs, slang, and emojis too!

    7. Make a Checklist For Security and Tech Issues

    One of the most significant things that will affect the experience your customer has with your live chat service, is technical and security issues. Choose the right developer or designer to help with your app, and the risk of problems dwindle. You can also address the issue of having to constantly maintain, check, and update your live chat experience by using a pre-existing solution, like Intercom.

    No matter how you choose to approach live chat, these are the things you’ll need to check for most:

    • Page load times: Page load times are crucial for user experience and SEO, so you should be taking them seriously already. Check your web chat software isn’t dragging down the performance of your page or causing unnecessary problems.
    • Cross-channel conversations: If your website has various subdomains, make sure that moving through these in chat won’t mean you lose the session. Customers don’t want to have to repeat themselves!
    • Functionality with browsers: Your chat app needs to work just as well on every browser and operating system – including mobile devices. 
    • Data management: Under things like GDPR, you need to ensure that you’re controlling user information safely. Ensure you have a DPA in place, and make sure that your web channel doesn’t affect any PCI-DSS compliance systems you have in place. Your chat solution may need to automatically mask credit card information, for instance.

    Time to Enhance Your Live Chat Strategy

    Ultimately, whether you like it or not, your customers love live chat technology, and they’re not going to stop looking for it on your website. Today’s consumers expect you to serve their interests by delivering customer support on the channels that they choose. Unfortunately, most companies just aren’t living up to expectations.

    Following the tips above could help you to transform the way that you interact with your clients and improve your chances of better satisfaction overall.


    The post 7 Tips for Transforming CX with Live Chat first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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