
Migrer de PHP 7.0 à PHP 8.1: tout ce qu'il faut savoir!

Migrer de PHP 7.0 à 8.1 peut être une tâche ardue, mais c’est nécessaire pour profiter des nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations. Découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour effectuer cette migration en toute sécurité !

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) : l’un des langages de script côté serveur les plus recherchés

Les données me font vibrer d’excitation! J’ai fait une découverte sensationnelle : PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) est l’un des langages de script côté serveur les plus recherchés. Sa nature open source, sa courbe d’apprentissage facile et la capacité du code PHP à s’intégrer facilement à HTML en font un nom populaire dans le développement web. Il peut également être combiné avec JavaScript et CSS. De plus, une grande partie du logiciel WordPress est alimentée par PHP, ce qui le rend indispensable pour les utilisateurs de WordPress.

D’autres systèmes de gestion de contenu (CMS) populaires tels que Joomla, Drupal et Magneto dépendent également de PHP. PHP fonctionne sur tous les principaux systèmes d’exploitation, y compris Windows, macOS et Linux; se synchronise avec la plupart des bases de données, y compris MySQL, MongoDB et Postgres; et est pris en charge par la plupart des serveurs web tels qu’Apache, IIS, etc. Plusieurs grands noms, y compris Facebook, Shopify et Wikipedia, ont mis à profit PHP pour créer des sites Web puissants et interactifs.

Cette technologie est très polyvalente et peut être utilisée pour créer des sites Web à partir de zéro ou pour améliorer des sites Web existants. Les développeurs peuvent également créer des applications Web dynamiques et des applications mobiles avec PHP. De plus, il existe de nombreux frameworks PHP open source qui facilitent le développement d’applications Web. Les frameworks populaires incluent Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter et Zend Framework.

En résumé, PHP est une technologie puissante qui offre aux développeurs une variété d’options pour créer des sites Web dynamiques et interactifs. Il est open source, facile à apprendre et compatible avec la plupart des systèmes d’exploitation, bases de données et serveurs web. De plus, il existe de nombreux frameworks open source qui facilitent le développement d’applications Web. Enfin, plusieurs grandes entreprises ont mis à profit PHP pour créer des sites Web puissants et interactifs.

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Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We’ll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

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The problem this tutorial is trying to solve is the lack of a native Fivetran connector for CockroachDB. My customer has built their analytics pipeline based on Fivetran. Given there is no native integration, their next best guess was to set up a Postgres connector:

CockroachDB is PostgreSQL wire compatible, but it is not correct to assume it is 1:1. Let’s attempt to configure the connector:

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What Is a “No Data” Application

There are a lot of data-driven lines of business applications that will never have a million rows before they get replaced by something else. I call these « no data » applications because they have so little data the database server will never require many optimizations if any. The default settings are good enough.

Postgres can find any row out of a million on your corporate craptop in a relatively slow docker for windows container in 2 ms with any reasonable index. Oddly enough, it will get much faster performance in the cloud, where the vendor has undoubtedly optimized the database code for their particular infrastructure.

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Using the Prometheus Operator has become a common choice when it comes to running Prometheus in a Kubernetes cluster. It can manage Prometheus and Alertmanager for us with the help of CRDs in Kubernetes. The kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart (formerly known as prometheus-operator) comes with Grafana, node_exporter, and more out of the box.

In a previous blog post about Prometheus, we took a look at setting up Prometheus and Grafana using manifest files. We also explored a few of the metrics exposed by YugabyteDB. In this post, we will be setting up Prometheus and Grafana using the kube-prometheus-stack chart. And we will configure Prometheus to scrape YugabyteDB pods. At the end, we will take a look at the YugabyteDB Grafana dashboard that can be used to visualize all the collected metrics.

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In a previous post, I showed how to automate a PostgreSQL fault-tolerant cluster with Vagrant and Ansible.

This kind of setup makes our database cluster resilient to server failure and keeps the data available with no need for human interaction. But what about the apps using this database? Are they fault-tolerant too?

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Change Data Capture Architecture Using Debezium, Postgres, and Kafka
was a tutorial on how to use Debezium for change data capture from Azure PostgreSQL and send them to Azure Event Hubs for Kafka – it used the wal2json output plugin.

What About the pgoutput Plugin?

This blog will provide a quick walk through of how to pgoutput plugin. I will not be repeating a lot of details and use containerized versions (using Docker Compose) of Kafka connect, Kafka (and Zookeeper) to keep things simple. So, the only thing you need is Azure PostgreSQL, which you can setup using a variety of options including, the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, ARM template.

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Quarkus supports imperative as well as reactive programming styles. In this article, I compare access times to Postgres from Java-based microservices developed with Quarkus. For synchronous invocations Panache is used, for asynchronous access Vert.x Axle.

I’ve created a sample application that comes with the cloud-native-starter project. The ‘articles’ microservice accesses the database running in Kubernetes. To keep the scenario simple, only one REST API is tested which reads articles from Postgres.

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Extra panel below: :)

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Despite the fact that an ETL task is pretty challenging when it comes to loading big data sets, there’s still the scenario in which you can load terabytes of data from Postgres into BigQuery relatively easily and very efficiently. This is the case when you have a lot of immutable data distributed in tables by some timestamp. For example, a transactions table with a created_at timestamp column. BigQuery and Postgres have great tools in order to do this pretty quickly and conveniently.

Preparing Postgres Tables

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