
Today with new technologies emerging to serve customers, efficient delivery of the software and the ability to quickly resolve the issues that may occur are among the keys to a successful product launch. The users demand quality and seamlessly working products, and businesses want to deliver the software faster. 

Testing is one of the necessary procedures to ensure that the software is performing as entitled and, thus, doesn’t contain bugs. There are various approaches to executing the testing, which may depend on many factors. But as practice shows, the more often you test your product, the less time it takes to release and less budget to fix the mistakes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

If you’ve ever written code you’ve probably heard of Stack Overflow.

Most of us have learned from them or shared knowledge on their site. They’ve also got one of the most inclusive and positive engineering cultures out there.

On this week’s episode of Dev Interrupted I bring on Ben Matthews, Director of Engineering at Stack Overflow, to give us the inside scoop on Stack’s operations, teams and company culture. Ben also discusses their newest product launch – Collectives – and why he thinks they will be a game changer for dev teams.  

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Today everything that can be agile is going agile. Agility has become a bonafide IT mantra for every process in the software development life cycle. Localization, as an essential part of product creation, is no exception.

Localization is often treated as an after-thought. Only when the development and testing are finished do teams start to think about localizing their software. However, when you relegate the localization step to the last minute you risk missing deadlines and, worse, releasing a product not quite ready for worldwide launch. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE