
One of the additions in the upcoming Zato 3.2 release is an extension to its publish/subscribe mechanism that lets services publish messages directly to other services. Let’s check how to use it and how it compares to other means of invoking one’s API services. 

How Does It Work?

In your Zato service, you can publish a message to any other services as below. Simply point self.pubsub.publish to the target service by the latter’s name and it will receive your message.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Not too long ago, in the Sensu Community Slack, the question: “Why Sensu instead of Nagios?” arose. Specifically, “How do I convince my boss to choose Sensu over Nagios?” I responded to the thread but decided it was worthwhile to share my response with the wider community. At Willis Towers Watson, we moved from Nagios to Sensu 1.2 almost a year ago (and now, we’re upgrading to Sensu Go). In this post, I’ll share what we learned and why we migrated (and why you should, too).

Sensu bean, that is.

Source de l’article sur DZONE