
Cycle de test automatisé

Le cycle de test automatisé est une méthode efficace pour vérifier la qualité et la fiabilité des logiciels. Il permet d’accélérer le processus de développement et de réduire les coûts.

Rapport de tendances sur les tests automatisés de DZone 2023

Selon le rapport de DZone 2023 sur les tendances en matière de tests automatisés, le marché des tests automatisés a dépassé les 20 milliards de dollars (USD) en 2022 et devrait connaître une croissance annuelle composée (CAGR) de plus de 15 % entre 2023 et 2032. Cela peut être attribué à la volonté des organisations d’utiliser des techniques sophistiquées de test automatisé dans le cadre du processus d’assurance qualité (QAOps). En réduisant le temps nécessaire à l’automatisation des fonctionnalités, cela accélère la commercialisation des solutions logicielles. Il offre également une extermination rapide des bogues et un débogage post-déploiement et aide à l’intégrité du logiciel grâce à des notifications précoces de changements imprévus.

Les tests automatisés sont une partie essentielle du processus de développement logiciel. Les tests automatisés aident à réduire les coûts et à améliorer la qualité du logiciel. Les outils de test automatisés sont conçus pour exécuter des tests répétitifs et répétitifs, ce qui permet aux développeurs de se concentrer sur le codage et l’amélioration du produit. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester l’intégration, le déploiement, la sécurité, le codage, les performances et l’accessibilité. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être intégrés à des outils d’intégration continue (CI) pour fournir des résultats plus précis et plus rapides. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les applications Web, mobiles et natives.

Les tests automatisés sont également utiles pour tester les API et les microservices. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les API et les microservices en exécutant des tests unitaires, des tests d’intégration et des tests d’acceptation. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour tester les API REST et SOAP. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les performances, la sécurité et la fiabilité des API et des microservices. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour vérifier la conformité aux normes et aux réglementations.

En conclusion, les tests automatisés sont essentiels pour assurer la qualité du logiciel et améliorer l’efficacité des processus de développement logiciel. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être intégrés à des outils d’intégration continue pour fournir des résultats plus précis et plus rapides. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester l’intégration, le déploiement, la sécurité, le codage, les performances et l’accessibilité. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour tester les API et les microservices en exécutant des tests unitaires, des tests d’intégration et des tests d’acceptation.

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Test des données : la composante manquante de qualité

des logiciels.

Le test des données est un élément essentiel pour garantir la qualité des logiciels. C’est la composante manquante pour assurer leur fiabilité et leur robustesse.

Qualité des données est essentielle pour des systèmes tels que les entrepôts de données, MDM, CRM et autres projets centrés sur les données. Cependant, la qualité des données est souvent ignorée dans le développement jusqu’à ce que le système soit pleinement opérationnel en production. Cela entraîne un grand écart de qualité des données car il y avait peu ou pas de tests effectués pendant la phase de développement du projet.

Les données sont comme un produit et le système de données est comme une usine qui le produit. Dans une usine, la qualité est divisée en deux composantes, l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité. Plongeons plus en profondeur et comprenons ces concepts et comment ils s’appliquent à la qualité des données.

La qualité des données est essentielle pour des systèmes tels que les entrepôts de données, le MDM, le CRM et d’autres projets axés sur les données. Cependant, DQ est souvent ignoré dans le développement jusqu’à ce que le système soit entièrement opérationnel en production. Cela entraîne un grand écart de qualité des données car il n’y avait que peu ou pas de tests effectués pendant la phase de développement du projet.

Les données sont comme un produit et le système de données est comme une usine qui le produit. Dans une usine, la qualité est divisée en deux composants : l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité. Plongeons plus profondément et comprenons ces concepts et comment ils s’appliquent à la qualité des données.

L’assurance qualité est un processus qui vise à s’assurer que les produits répondent aux spécifications et aux exigences. Cela se fait généralement en utilisant des tests et des vérifications pour s’assurer que les produits sont conformes aux normes. Dans le cas des données, l’assurance qualité se concentre sur la vérification des données à l’aide d’outils tels que les contrôles de cohérence, les contrôles de validité et les contrôles de cohérence. Ces outils permettent de s’assurer que les données sont cohérentes, complètes et précises.

Le contrôle qualité est un processus qui vise à s’assurer que les produits sont conformes aux spécifications et aux exigences. Cela se fait généralement en utilisant des tests et des vérifications pour s’assurer que les produits sont conformes aux normes. Dans le cas des données, le contrôle qualité se concentre sur l’architecture des données, qui comprend la conception des schémas, la gestion des métadonnées et la mise en œuvre des contrôles de qualité. Les contrôles de qualité peuvent inclure des tests tels que la vérification de l’intégrité des données, la vérification de la cohérence des données et la vérification de la validité des données. Ces tests permettent de s’assurer que les données sont cohérentes, complètes et précises.

En conclusion, l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité sont essentiels pour garantir la qualité des données. L’assurance qualité se concentre sur la vérification des données à l’aide d’outils tels que les contrôles de cohérence, les contrôles de validité et les contrôles de cohérence. Le contrôle qualité se concentre sur l’architecture des données, qui comprend la conception des schémas, la gestion des métadonnées et la mise en œuvre des contrôles de qualité. Ces tests permettent de s’assurer que les données sont cohérentes, complètes et précises. Enfin, pour garantir une bonne qualité des données, il est important d’utiliser à la fois l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité.

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In March, Abstracta’s Senior Leader, Matías Fornara, and I had the opportunity to speak at the Triangle Software Quality Association(TSQA) 2022 Conference.

TSQA is a non-profit, volunteer-led organization dedicated to promoting software quality practices through networking, training, and professional development opportunities. The TSQA conference takes place once a year, and leaders from all over the world get together to share cutting-edge knowledge, emerging technologies, and trends in the test and quality assurance industry.

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Quality assurance (QA) is a systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specific requirements. A QA system is an indispensable part of the R&D process because, as its name suggests, it ensures the quality of the product.

This post introduces the QA framework adopted in developing the Milvus vector database, providing a guideline for contributing developers and users to participate in the process. It will also cover the major test modules in Milvus and methods and tools that can be leveraged to improve the efficiency of QA testings.

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Originally published on August 17, 2020

This article will be interesting for IT directors, product managers, project managers, and anyone who wants to understand the processes of project quality assurance better.

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With the widespread acceptance of web standards, and the resulting deprecation of browser prefixes, there has been a noticeable change in the browser market. Where once browser manufacturers would try to lure users in with promises of feature support, now the focus is on privacy, speed, and developer tools.

When it comes to web development, you should really be testing on every browser and device you can lay your hands on; you’re probably already doing so using an app like LambdaTest, or BrowserStack.

When quality assurance testing, you probably work by market share: starting with Safari on mobile, Chrome on desktop, and working your way down to Opera and (if you’re a glutton for punishment) Yandax; naturally, when testing, it’s the largest number of users that concerns us the most.

But before you reach the QA stage, there are a number of browsers designed to assist development. Browsers that offer tools, especially for front-end developers, that assist with code and speed up development. Here are the best browsers for web development in 2021:

1. LT Browser

LT Browser is an app for web developers from LambdaTest. Like many of the apps in this class, it offers side-by-side comparisons of a site in different viewports. Additionally, LT Browser has a number of features that make it stand out.

As well as previewing web pages, LT Browser offers developer tools to rival Chrome, which is handy if you want to see how changes across different devices affect your Lighthouse scores. LT Browser also supports hot-reloading, which means when you make a change to your code, you don’t have to hit ‘refresh,’ the viewports simply reload — it’s surprising how much of a time-saver that simple addition is.

LT Browser requires a LambdaTest account, there is a free plan, and paid plans start at $15/month.

2. Firefox Developer

The best conventional browser for web development in 2021 is the developer edition of Mozilla’s Firefox.

The standard edition of Firefox is an excellent browser, packed with features, and privacy-focused. The developer edition adds to this with a suite of tools aimed at developers. The CSS and JavaScript debugging tools are superb, and the Grid tools are unparalleled for coding layouts with CSS Grid.

Firefox Developer is free to download.

3. Polypane

Polypane is one of the new generation of web browsers that are firmly intended as development aids rather than browsers. Polypane allows you to compare different viewports and platforms by placing them side by side. Interactions like scrolling are synced.

Polypane takes a step further than many browser apps in this class by showing social media previews. It even has a suite of accessibility tools, including some handy color blindness simulators.

Polypane has a 14-day free trial, and plans start at $8/month.

4. Blisk

Blisk is another browser for developers that allows you to line up a collection of viewports in a single app. URL and scrolling are synced, making testing interactions and animations effortless.

Blisk is awesome fun to play with and delivers a great preview of a responsive design. But be warned, synced viewports can be addictive, and it’s easy to line up browsers and become hypnotized by the synchronized movement; you’ll need a very large screen to get the most out of Blisk.

Blisk plans start at $9.99/month.

5. Sizzy

Sizzy is another app that allows you to view multiple viewports at once. It also has synchronized interactions, and like many competing apps, Sizzy allows you to screenshot different views.

Sizzy also includes a very clever synchronized inspect tool, so you can focus on individual elements across different viewports. It’s an excellent option for debugging, particularly if you’re digging into someone else’s code.

Sizzy has a 14-day free trial, and paid plans start at $7.15/month.

6. Brave

Brave is a privacy-focused browser that runs up to three times faster than Chrome. If you’re someone who balks at rendering speeds on most sites, Brave could be for you.

Brave’s main benefit for developers is that it supports Chrome extensions while maintaining privacy — it can even access the Web using Tor if simple privacy mode isn’t enough for you. There are hundreds of useful Chrome extensions, and if you avoid Chrome due to privacy concerns, then Brave solves your problem.

Brave is also pioneering a new system for monetizing site revenue, allowing viewers to tip sites, and soon, to control how advertising revenue is distributed.

Brave is free to download.

7. Chrome

Boring it may be, but Chrome is still the world’s most popular browser from the US to mainland China. Where once sites were “best viewed in IE,” Chrome is now the Web’s default.

No matter the site you’re designing, it has to work well in Chrome, and no simulator is as good as the real thing.

In addition to being the benchmark for page rendering, Chrome developer tools are the simplest way to access your Lighthouse scores, which helps you track down issues that may be holding you back in Google’s search results.

Chrome is free to download.


The post 7 Best Browsers for Developers in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every designer has their own preferred strategy for collecting resources. Some pluck brushes, fonts, and templates from different “stock photo sites” and public marketplaces. Others collect graphics from swipe files and forums around the web.

The never-ending desire for themes, visual content, and graphical components has prompted an influx of “design packages” to appear around the web. These all-in-one bundles, ranging from Envato Elements to Elegant Themes, promise a selection of valuable creative content in exchange for a single fee or monthly subscription. 

If you’ve been planning to seek out a few of these high-value subscriptions yourself, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to talk about some of the top designer resources available on the market. 

1. Envato Elements

Probably the best-known of all the designer resource marketplaces, Envato Elements advertises itself as the unlimited creative subscription. On this website, you’ll be able to access around 54 million creative assets through a single subscription. There are endless resources to unlock here, ranging from templates for your graphics to video templates, audio, and stock photos. 

Unlike most marketplaces, Envato gives you peace of mind by promising only the highest quality designs and graphics. Your content comes with quality assurance, and there are many PSD elements on the site, too, including stationery and web design templates, mock-ups, and more. Categories for your creative content include:

  • Stock photos
  • Video templates
  • Music
  • Sound effects
  • Graphic templates
  • Graphic designs
  • Presentation templates
  • Fonts
  • Photos
  • Web templates
  • Add-ons
  • CMS templates
  • WordPress resources
  • 3D content

Pricing: Pricing starts at only $16.50 per month, and this gives you unlimited access to everything on the site, including millions of digital assets and stock photos. You’ll also be able to use various courses and tutorials on the website too.

2. Elegant Themes

Elegant Themes is an all-in-one creative resource for website themes. The solution offers you access to some of the most popular WordPress themes worldwide. 

You’ll also get access to a visual page builder as part of the kit. When you sign up for the Elegant Themes subscription, you get access to all of the resources within, including the Divi page builder and WordPress theme, Extra, Monarch, Bloom, and more. If you’re a site builder or work on building pages for clients, this is a must-have subscription. 

Elegant themes are currently the go-to resource for more than 750,000 people. It’s also home to some of the highest-rated themes around. Features include:

  • Divi WordPress page builder
  • Endless WordPress themes
  • Page editing tools
  • Monarch, Bloom, and Extra 
  • Hundreds of website packs
  • Lifetime premium support
  • Unlimited website usage

You can either pay for yearly access with Elegant Themes or pay a one-off price for lifetime access. For most, the lifetime option is likely to be a pretty appealing one. You don’t have to worry about renewing your subscription this way.

3. Template Monster

Template Monster offers the “ONE” web development membership, perfect for creative professionals. The MonsterONE offering is a complete unlimited subscription for all of your creative needs, with access to unlimited downloads, new weekly items, and simple licensing. You also get plenty of support from the Template Monster Team. 

A goldmine for anyone who needs to upgrade their selection of video and photo assets, graphic templates, HTML templates, or anything else, Template Monster is packed full of amazing resources for any project. You can also find new products from fresh contributors all the time, so the value of your membership is constantly increasing. 

Features include:

  • HTML templates
  • Presentation templates
  • CMS templates
  • Graphic templates
  • Video assets
  • 3D models
  • Audio assets
  • WordPress themes and plugins

Pricing starts at a tiny $6.90 per month, with a slight discount if you pay yearly. The lowest-cost package gives you access to all of your graphic and design assets, but you won’t get any eCommerce or WordPress themes. However, if you upgrade to the all-in-one package at $14.95 per month, you get a more extensive range of resources.

4. Creative Market

Creative Market is another one of those amazing all-in-one environments for creatives and designers. This marketplace is supplied by thousands of independent artists from around the globe, each offering a host of top-quality designs and resources. You’ll find photos, graphics, templates, fonts, web themes, and countless other tools on the Creative Market. 

If you’re looking for sheer size, it’s hard to find another company that competes with the Creative Market package. There are literally millions of ready-to-use products available, including Instagram templates, textures, and procreate brushes. 

You’ll have access to 3D content for your immersive website designs and a host of purchasing products. Although there’s no “subscription model” per-se for this marketplace, you can invest in a credit plan that allows you to set how much you spend on your assets each month. 

Features include:

  • Millions of creative products
  • Huge selection of independent designers
  • Brushes, textures, templates 
  • Fonts and web content available
  • Huge selection of stock photos
  • Convenient credit plan

The individual purchasing plan is likely to appeal more to people just beginning to test Creative Market for the first time. However, if you want a subscription experience, we’d recommend using the credit plan to estimate how many credits you’ll need each month.

5. Adobe Stock

All web designers know Adobe. The chances are that no matter what kind of creative work you do, you’ve developed a few skills with an Adobe product, from Photoshop to Lightroom. Adobe Stock is also one of the leading platforms for images on any topic. 

Although Adobe Stock doesn’t compete with other marketplaces in terms of versatility, it still stands out as one of the main resources for designers. There are hundreds of millions of stock images, videos, editorial content, and vectors. You can also access a premium collection of custom content and 3D resources too. The great thing about Adobe stock is that you can easily create your own libraries and download content into your Adobe software. Resources include:

  • Stock photos
  • Premium images
  • 3D content
  • Vectors and brushes
  • Stock video footage
  • Royalty-free templates
  • Vector art and illustrations
  • Stock music and audio
  • Integration with Adobe software

Adobe Stock is a little pricier than some of the other marketplaces available today, but it’s still pretty impressive. You’ll pay around $29.99 per month for 10 assets per month, or you can access a full annual plan at $199.99 per month. The amount you pay will depend on the quality of the resources that you want to download.

6. Motion Elements

If Elegant Themes is the go-to resource for designers searching for WordPress themes and web design solutions, Motion Elements is the top choice for “motion” content. Here, you’ll find videos, SFX content, images, music, 3D solutions, and so much more. 

Though it’s located in Asia, Motion Elements is available worldwide. The marketplace offers a monthly subscription plan wherever you can download unlimited products to suit your needs. There are tons of resources to choose from here, including After Effects elements, tools for Lottie, Premiere Pro, FCPX motion, DaVinci Resolve, and more. 

Features include:

  • After Effects elements
  • Premier Pro resources
  • FCPX Motion
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Video and audio content
  • Stock images
  • SFX resources
  • 3D content

Pricing starts at $16.50 per month for an unlimited annual plan. This means that you can download as much as you like without having to pay any more. There is a small discount if you pay for a full year of access in one go.

7. Creative Tim

Simple but effective, Creative Tim is an amazing resource for front-end and back-end content bundles. You get fully coded UI tools here that can help you create various mobile and web apps and a huge selection of dashboards and templates. If you’re the kind of designer who likes working on top of things like Bootstrap, React, Angular, Laravel, Node.js, and more, then Creative Tim has you covered. 

This is one of the more technical creative resource packages that we’ve looked at so far, but it has a lot of value to offer. That’s probably why there are already more than 1.5 million people using the service. You can search through administration dashboards, UI kits, premium templates, free content, and design systems. Of course, everything is easy to access too. Features include:

  • Frontend design technologies for endless platforms
  • Soft design, light design, paper design, and more
  • Bootstrap content 
  • Resources and third-party tools
  • Complete design and web kits
  • UI kits and templates
  • Admin and dashboard templates

There’s a free version of Creative Tim available for beginners if you want to keep your costs low, but it’s generally much better to sign up for the premium subscription. You can also purchase kits and templates on a one-off basis if you prefer to start small. However, the best prices generally come from buying the bundles from Creative Tim’s subscription side. 

8. Storyblocks

Similar in style to Motion Elements, Storyblocks is a creative design resource for any designer getting involved with the video world. This website is home to some of the best free-to-use videos around, with simple licensing available at a click. Aside from high-quality videos and templates, you also get audio and sound effects as part of your subscription and images or illustrations. 

The unlimited access pass gives you all the resources you might want, from 4K and HD footage to music and sound effects, After Effects templates, and photos, vectors, or illustrations. You can also export a host of your own video projects with access to the Maker video editor, which allows you to make various changes to your custom video content. Features include:

  • HD and 4K video footage
  • After Effects Templates
  • Sound Effects and Music
  • Photos, Illustrations, and Vectors
  • Unlimited video exports
  • Video editor access
  • Licensing support

The standard all-access plan from Storyblocks starts at a very affordable £39 per month for all of the content you might want. In addition, everything you get here is unlimited, so you don’t have to worry about running out of credits. There’s also an enterprise option available if you want to share access to resources with your team.

9. Motion Array

Motion Array is an all-in-one video creation platform for those with an eye for visual content. This fantastic resource center is packed full of valuable tools, from Da Vinci Resolve templates to Adobe Premier Pro Content. As part of your subscription payment, you’ll get endless presets, audio effects, plugins, video footage, tutorials, and more. 

Though a little more expensive than some of the other premier subscription services on the market, Motion Array does offer a lot of content that you can’t get anywhere else. There’s an unlimited marketplace constantly updating with access to royalty-free footage, stock photos, music, and sound effects. You also get plugins built for Premiere Pro. Features include:

  • Adobe Exchange elements
  • Final Cut Pro and DaVinci resolve templates
  • Royalty-free music and sound effects
  • Stock footage and video
  • Photos and images
  • Time-saving integrations with your favorite apps
  • Portfolio site builder
  • Stock media requests

There’s a free subscription option for Motion Array, which you won’t find from most alternatives. This only gives you access to some basic stock photos and assets, but it’s a nice way to start. When you are ready to upgrade, you can pay $29.99 per month for the full stock media library, as well as requests for custom media assets and exclusive plugins.

Start Stocking Up on Designer Resources

As a designer or creative professional, keeping a constant stack of resources available is crucial to your ongoing productivity. Fortunately, there are tons of premium marketplaces out there today, making it easier to access everything you need. 

Whether you’re looking for full UI kits and templates, or you want some free-to-use images and videos for the website content you’re creating, there’s something for everyone. With most monthly subscription services available at a highly affordable price, you could even sign up for multiple sites at once. 


The post 9 Amazing Design-Resource Package Sites first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Traditionally, testing has been perceived as a bottleneck in SDLC, something that causes delays in delivery. Organizations have long adopted the Agile/DevOps model, but not without its pitfalls and stumbling blocks, especially in achieving the ideal speed/quality balance.

For enterprise DevOps, it is vital to rethink testing approaches to achieve agility at scale. There is much of an overlap of roles, for instance between business analysts and QA testers. Is the tester’s role diminished because of this overlap or because of automation?

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We are moving toward a future where everything is going to be autonomous, fast, and highly efficient. To match the pace of this fast-moving ecosystem, application delivery times will have to be accelerated, but not at the cost of quality. Achieving quality at speed is imperative and therefore quality assurance gets a lot of attention. To fulfill the demands for exceptional quality and faster time to market, automation testing will assume priority. It is becoming necessary for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to automate their testing processes. But the most crucial aspect is to choose the right test automation framework. So let’s understand what a test automation framework is.

What Is a Test Automation Framework?

A test automation framework is the scaffolding that is laid to provide an execution environment for the automation test scripts. The framework provides the user with various benefits that help them to develop, execute, and report the automation test scripts efficiently. It is more like a system that was created specifically to automate our tests. In a very simple language, we can say that a framework is a constructive blend of various guidelines, coding standards, concepts, processes, practices, project hierarchies, modularity, reporting mechanism, test data injections, etc. to pillar automation testing. Thus, the user can follow these guidelines while automating applications to take advantage of various productive results.

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If a product has a web and a mobile version of an application, their functionality is almost identical. The app QA process, however, will flow differently for each platform due to their particularities.

A mobile application has become an umbrella term that covers three different types of apps – native, PWA, and hybrid. Each is coded in a specific way and has some distinctive features. 

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