

Add Sleuth, RabbitMQ, and Zipkin in Spring Cloud Project

This article assumes that you know how to set up a spring cloud or spring boot project; also, the RabbitMQ and ElasticSearch servers are ready.

Add the dependencies in maven pom.xml:

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This article will explain in detail, how to integrate with RabbitMQ in MuleSoft and read messages from a queue.

Install and Setup RabbitMQ on Mac

In this section, I will explain how to install RabbitMQ on Mac, create a new queue and publish messages to the queue using the RabbitMQ portal.

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While developing applications using Spring batch, especially in a micro-service project, we sometimes face one or most of the following cases:

  • The necessity of getting the security context inside the batch items to call methods that require authorizations inside the same micro-service or perform remote processing by calling other micro-services using Feign Client (HTTP) or  Spring Cloud Stream (broker like Kafka, RabbitMq …)
  • Propagating Sleuth trace Id and span Id in order to enhance logs traceability inside all the application components including other micro-services so the trace will not be lost if we use Job.
  • Getting the connected user Locale (i18n) in order to generate internationalized output otherwise, all the Job outputs will be generated in the default server language.
  • Retrieving objects stored inside Mapped Diagnostic Context  (MDC) for tracing purposes.

The following schema illustrates remote calls that can be performed in a micro-service-based application and the context information that String Batch items can propagate.

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As the userbase of my company increased over time, I realized it was necessary to apply auto-scaling to my servers. It required server migration. Migrating RabbitMQ settings meant a lot of repetitive tasks to ensure a smooth migration process; rather than perform this, I discovered a relationship between the RabbitMQ settings and the hostname, which ultimately decreased repetition.

In this article, I’ll explain how to migrate RabbitMQ using the hostname.

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In the « Using Heroku to Quickly Build a Multi-Tenant SaaS Product » article, I documented the foundation for a new SaaS solution that I am building (initially for my sister-in-law) — utilizing the Heroku ecosystem. Using Heroku allowed me to deploy the app quickly, without having to worry about infrastructure, DevOps, scalability when the app gets popular, etc. The « Integrating Twilio Into My SaaS Solution In Heroku » publication provided an example of how easy it is to create a Twilio instance and integrate the solution into my Fitness-based SaaS solution. This current journey has resulted in a feature set that both trainers and their clients have been able to enjoy.

This article is going to focus on invoicing clients for services that have been performed and will utilize messaging solutions within the Heroku ecosystem. The goals of the invoice process are as follows:

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In the video below, we take a closer look at how to send or receive product objects to or from a queue using Spring, JMS, and RabbitMQ with annotations. So, let’s get started!

Check out the links below to download the code and PPT:

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In a previous post, we had created a Spring Boot + WebSocket Hello World Example. In this post, we will be creating a real-time multi-use chat application.

In a previous post, we had also seen how to deploy Spring Boot + RabbitMQ applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry. I have hosted the real-time chat application that we are creating to Pivotal Cloud Foundry and use can see the demo at JavaInUse Chat Application.

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