
We got a few requests for some guidance on how to optimize the RavenDB insert rate. Our current benchmark is standing at 135,000 inserts/sec on a sustained basis on a machine that costs less than $1,000. However, some users tried to write their own benchmarks and got far less (about 50,000 writes/sec). Therefore, in this post, I’m going to do a bunch of things and see if I can make RavenDB write really fast.

I’m going to be writing this post as I’m building the benchmark and testing things out. So, you’ll get a stream of consciousness. Hopefully it will make sense.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Consider the graph below. I already talked about this graph when I wrote about permission-based graph queries.

Permission-based graph queriesIn this post, I want to show off another way to deal with the same problem, but without using graph queries and using only the capabilities that we have in RavenDB 4.1.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Part of the job of a Product Owner is to pay attention to the list of issues in the issue tracker. Not just to get a feeling for the cadence of the project, but to have an impact on its direction.

Paying attention to the issues doesn’t mean just tracking down what bugs are still opened, mind you. Consider the case of a Product Owner with the release due date looming over the horizon: he or she needs to start looking at the list of remaining issues and take active steps to make sure that they are going to get done more or less on time.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)