
7 Habitudes des Testeurs Efficaces

Les testeurs efficaces ont des habitudes qui leur permettent d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Découvrez les 7 habitudes qui font la différence!

Les sept habitudes sont discutées dans cet article, qui les encadre pour des testeurs très réussis. Voici les sept habitudes :

  • Develop a plan of action for the project.
  • Create a database of the project’s requirements.
  • Make sure everyone on the team is aware of the project’s objectives.
  • Begin With the End in Mind

    Before beginning a project, it is important to have a clear understanding of what the end result should be. This will help you to focus on the tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve the desired outcome. It is also important to consider the stakeholders involved in the project, as their expectations should be taken into account when creating the plan. Additionally, it is beneficial to create a timeline for the project and set deadlines for each task. This will help to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. Here are three suggestions for approaching upcoming undertakings with a clear goal in mind:

    • Create a list of objectives for the project.
    • Develop a timeline for the project.
    • Create a database of the project’s stakeholders.
    • Put First Things First

      In order to ensure that a project is completed on time and within budget, it is important to prioritize tasks. This means that tasks that are most important should be completed first, while those that are less important should be completed last. It is also important to consider the resources available when prioritizing tasks. For example, if there are limited resources available, tasks that require those resources should be completed first. Here are three suggestions for approaching upcoming undertakings with prioritization in mind:

      • Create a list of tasks in order of importance.
      • Develop a timeline for the project.
      • Create a database of the project’s resources.
      • Les sept habitudes pour les testeurs très réussis

        Cet article discute les sept habitudes qui sont nécessaires pour les testeurs très réussis. Ces sept habitudes sont :

        1. Être Proactif
        2. Commencer par la fin en tête
        3. Mettre les choses importantes en premier
        4. Penser Gagner/Gagner
        5. Chercher à comprendre avant d’être compris
        6. Synergiser
        7. Aiguiser la scie
        8. Être Proactif

          Dans chaque projet de logiciel, l’objectif d’un testeur est de garantir qu’un produit de haute qualité est produit. Vous avez deux options lorsque vous déterminez ce qui s’est mal passé dans les projets de logiciels qui échouent en raison d’une qualité faible : vous pouvez être proactif ou réactif. Les personnes réactives ont tendance à attribuer des difficultés ou des obstacles aux autres personnes et aux facteurs externes. Être proactif vous permettra d’accepter la responsabilité des erreurs et de trouver des solutions pour les initiatives futures. Après la fin d’un projet, votre équipe devrait faire un « post-mortem » ou une « rétrospective » dans laquelle vous discutez franchement des succès et des échecs du projet. Voici trois suggestions pour aborder les prochaines entreprises avec initiative :

          • Élaborer un plan d’action pour le projet.
          • Créer une base de données des exigences du projet.
          • Assurez-vous que tous les membres de l’équipe sont conscients des objectifs du projet.
          • Commencer par la fin en tête

            Avant de commencer un projet, il est important

            Source de l’article sur DZONE

            “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly” — Agile Manifesto

            Self-reflection within teams is fundamental to enabling Agile ways of working. Let’s take the most common Agile methodology, Scrum. This framework prescribes five events, one of which is the retrospective.

            Source de l’article sur DZONE

            This adorable child has clearly taken a nap today.

            In April, my wife Nicole ended up having shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum, frozen shoulder, and a nearly detached bicept. As a result of this procedure and recovery, she currently isn’t able to rock our son before his naps. Since I work from home a majority of the time, this task has fallen to me each afternoon.

            From my experience, toddlers maintain the urge to fight nap time, regardless of their level of fatigue. In fact, the more exhausted they are, the worse the struggle. After some amount of time, though, the resistance gives way to acceptance. He is not in tears or upset, just resisting taking a much needed break from an already long day.

            Source de l’article sur DZONE

            For the last seven years of my career, I have been living the Agile methodology.  Needless to say, participating in the periodic ceremonies have become commonplace for me.  

            Following the example I created when my 100th article on DZone was published on April 5, 2017, my 200th article for DZone will be a retrospective of my last 99 articles – spanning from April 13, 2017 through August 24, 2017.  I plan to cover what fared well with DZone readers and what failed to connect to the same audience. 

            Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

            This is the fifth and last post of my blog post series about the five phases of a Scrum Retrospective. In this post, I cover Phase 5 – Close the Retrospective.

            If you haven’t read the previous posts in this series you can start with Phase 1 – Setting the stage.

            Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

            Before explaining a sprint retrospective, I am assuming that you have a fairly good knowledge of Agile practice management. This blog doesn’t cover Agile basics. This blog is for anyone who wants to be successful in running an Agile Retrospective.

            The sprint retrospective is just for Scrum teams and gives the team an opportunity at the end of the sprint to take a look back at the sprint that just ended, which may be one or two weeks depending on your sprint length and determine, what went well, what problem areas that may have had and how they can improve upon those areas as they move forward to the next sprint.

            Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)