
RingCentral APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authorization. But which grant flow is the best practice for client-side apps, such as desktop, mobile app, and web (Single Page Apps)? The answer to that is authorization code with Proof Key for Code Exchange. In this article, I will introduce and show you how to implement authorization code with PKCE flow in Single Page Apps.

Useful Links

  1. RingCentral APIs reference: Authorization in RingCentral APIs.
  2. IETF link: Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients.

Authorization Code and Implicit Grant Flow

Authorization Code Grant Flow

We can get the full steps of authorization code grant flow in the following diagram. A third-party app will need the RingCentral client ID and client secret to exchange and refresh the access token. The third-party app will stay authorized if it refreshes the RingCentral access token before the refresh token has expired, and will get a new refresh token and access token when it refreshes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

A developer journey starts with building the app, testing it, maintaining it, and then moving it into production.

RingCentral deals with different kinds of APIs that offer reliable VoIP calling, web meetings, fax, and more features over cloud communication with reliability, security, and quality.

Source de l’article sur DZONE