
Apprendre le développement logiciel sans diplôme

Apprendre le développement logiciel sans diplôme est possible ! Avec des ressources en ligne, des tutoriels et des communautés de développeurs, vous pouvez acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour devenir un développeur logiciel.

Le développement de logiciels est devenu l’une des compétences les plus recherchées

Learn the Architecture of Software Development

Once you have a basic understanding of programming languages, it is time to learn about software development architecture. This includes learning about the different components of a software system, such as databases, user interfaces, and APIs. You should also understand the different types of software development models, such as Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps. Understanding the architecture of software development will help you make informed decisions when designing and building software systems.

Gain Practical Experience

The best way to learn software development is to gain practical experience. You can start by building small projects and gradually increase the complexity. You can also participate in open-source projects or join online coding challenges. Working on real-world projects will help you understand the nuances of software development and gain valuable insights into the industry.

Comprendre les bases

Le développement de logiciels est devenu l’une des compétences les plus recherchées. La demande de développeurs de logiciels qualifiés continue de croître et de nombreux candidats ambitieux sont impatients d’apprendre cette compétence, même s’ils n’ont pas de diplôme en informatique ou dans un domaine connexe. Si vous êtes passionné par le développement de logiciels et que vous vous demandez comment vous y prendre sans diplôme, cet article est là pour vous guider. Nous allons explorer diverses stratégies et ressources qui peuvent vous aider à entreprendre un voyage réussi dans le monde du développement de logiciels.

Apprendre l’architecture du développement de logiciels

Une fois que vous avez une compréhension de base des langages de programmation, il est temps d’apprendre l’architecture du développement de logiciels. Cela inclut l’apprentissage des différents composants d’un système logiciel, tels que les bases de données, les interfaces utilisateur et les API. Vous devriez également comprendre les différents types de modèles de développement de logiciels, tels que Waterfall, Agile et DevOps. Comprendre l’architecture du développement de logiciels vous aidera à prendre des décisions éclairées lors de la conception et de la construction de systèmes logiciels.

Gagner une expérience pratique

La meilleure façon d’apprendre le développement de logiciels est de gagner une expérience pratique. Vous pouvez commencer par créer de petits projets et augmenter progressivement la complexité. Vous pouvez également participer à des projets open source ou rejoindre des défis de codage en ligne. Travailler sur des projets réels vous aidera à comprendre les subtilités du développement de logiciels et à acquérir des connaissances précieuses sur l’industrie.

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Partie 2: Microservices avec Apache Camel et Quarkus

Dans cette partie, nous allons apprendre à créer des microservices avec Apache Camel et Quarkus. Nous verrons comment les deux outils peuvent être utilisés ensemble pour créer des applications modernes et performantes.

Exécution locale d’une application microservices basée sur Apache Camel et AWS SDK

Dans la première partie de cette série, nous avons vu une application de transfert d’argent simplifiée basée sur les microservices, mise en œuvre à l’aide des outils de développement Java Apache Camel et AWS SDK (Software Development Kit) et de Quarkus comme plate-forme d’exécution. Comme indiqué, il existe de nombreux scénarios de déploiement qui pourraient être envisagés pour exécuter la production d’une telle application; le premier et le plus simple consiste à l’exécuter localement de manière autonome. C’est le scénario que nous examinerons dans ce nouveau post.

Quarkus est capable d’exécuter vos applications de deux manières: en mode JVM (Java Virtual Machine) et en mode natif. Le mode JVM est la manière classique standard d’exécuter des applications Java. Ici, l’application en cours d’exécution n’est pas exécutée directement sur le système d’exploitation, mais dans un certain milieu d’exécution où des bibliothèques et des API Java sont intégrées et enveloppées. Ces bibliothèques et API peuvent être très volumineuses et elles occupent une partie spécifique de la mémoire appelée Resident Set Size (RSS). Pour en savoir plus sur le RSS et Quarkus (par opposition à la façon dont Spring Boot le gère), voir ici.

Lorsque vous exécutez votre application avec Quarkus en mode JVM, vous pouvez utiliser un outil appelé GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif. GraalVM est un outil open source qui permet de compiler des applications Java en code natif. Il prend en charge plusieurs langages, dont Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python et R. GraalVM est capable de compiler votre application Java en code natif très rapidement, ce qui permet à votre application de s’exécuter plus rapidement et avec moins de consommation de mémoire. Il est également possible d’utiliser GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif et l’exécuter directement sur le système d’exploitation, sans passer par le mode JVM. Cela permet à votre application de fonctionner plus rapidement et avec une consommation de mémoire minimale.

Ainsi, grâce à l’utilisation du logiciel Quarkus et de GraalVM, vous pouvez facilement déployer votre application microservices-based money transfer sur votre système local. Vous pouvez également utiliser GraalVM pour compiler votre application en code natif et l’exécuter directement sur le système d’exploitation, ce qui permet à votre application de fonctionner plus rapidement et avec une consommation de mémoire minimale. Cela peut être très utile pour les applications qui nécessitent une exécution rapide et une consommation minimale de mémoire. De plus, vous pouvez également déployer votre application sur des plates-formes cloud telles que AWS ou Azure afin de bénéficier des avantages supplémentaires offerts par ces plates-formes.

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Ruby prend en charge WebAssembly

Ruby, le langage de programmation populaire, a récemment annoncé qu’il prend désormais en charge WebAssembly, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour les développeurs.

« Ruby Rejoint le Rang des Langues Capables de Cibler WebAssembly avec sa Dernière Version 3.2 »

En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je suis ravi de voir que Ruby a rejoint les rangs des langages capables de cibler WebAssembly avec sa dernière version 3.2. Cette mise à jour apparemment mineure pourrait être la plus grande chose qui soit arrivée à ce langage depuis Rails, car elle permet aux développeurs Ruby d’aller au-delà du back-end. En portant leur code sur WebAssembly, ils peuvent le faire fonctionner n’importe où : sur le front-end, sur des périphériques embarqués, en tant que fonctions sans serveur, à la place des conteneurs ou sur le bord. WebAssembly a le potentiel de faire de Ruby un langage universel.

Qu’est-ce que WebAssembly?

WebAssembly (souvent abrégé en Wasm) est un format d’instructions binaires bas niveau qui s’exécute sur une machine virtuelle. Le langage a été conçu comme alternative à JavaScript. Son objectif est de faire fonctionner des applications sur n’importe quel navigateur à des vitesses proches de celles natives. Wasm peut être ciblé depuis n’importe quel langage de haut niveau tel que C, Go, Rust et maintenant également Ruby.

Les avantages de WebAssembly pour les développeurs Ruby

Les développeurs Ruby peuvent tirer parti de WebAssembly pour créer des applications plus performantes et plus flexibles. Les applications compilées en Wasm sont plus rapides et plus légères que les applications JavaScript, ce qui les rend plus faciles à télécharger et à exécuter. De plus, les applications Wasm peuvent être exécutées sur des périphériques embarqués et des systèmes d’exploitation légers, ce qui permet aux développeurs Ruby d’accéder à une gamme plus large de plates-formes et de périphériques. Enfin, le code Wasm peut être exécuté en tant que fonction sans serveur, ce qui permet aux développeurs Ruby de réduire leurs coûts de serveur et d’améliorer la scalabilité et la sécurité de leurs applications.

En conclusion, l’ajout de WebAssembly à Ruby est une excellente nouvelle pour les développeurs Ruby. Grâce à cette technologie, ils peuvent créer des applications plus performantes et plus flexibles qui peuvent être exécutées sur une variété de plates-formes et de périphériques. De plus, le code Wasm peut être exécuté en tant que fonction sans serveur, ce qui permet aux développeurs Ruby de réduire leurs coûts de serveur et d’améliorer la scalabilité et la sécurité de leurs applications. Enfin, cette technologie offre aux développeurs Ruby la possibilité de travailler avec des données volumineuses et complexes, ce qui ouvre la voie à un nouveau type d’applications.

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Last year we saw the launch of a new Web programming language Dart – Structured Web Programming from Google. A very interesting approach to support web application development. Not so long after Go, Groovy, Ruby, Scala, << Name your DSL here >>; we see Dart. Is it a good thing to have at least one programming language to solve one problem? The answer is, like we already know, it depends.

Stay Away From “Do it Yourself”

It is your choice as to if you will try to do things yourself or allow the truly seasoned professionals to help out. Some decide that they are going to try to go it alone when they are programming something new, but this often ends up in a less than desirable place. It may even be more expensive than just hiring an expert who can help you get it programmed for you in the first place.

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James Gosling, often referred to as « Dr. Java », is a Canadian computer scientist, best known as the father of the Java programming language. He did the original design of Java and implemented its original compiler and virtual machine. Our DevRel, Grigory Petrov, had the opportunity to interview James, and we have included the entire transcript below. Hope you enjoy it!

The Interview

Grigory: As software developers and software consultants, we’re trying to organize a community in Russia: Python, Ruby, Java, and Go communities. And we want to help our fellow developers by conducting interviews that highlight essential questions for our industry. I think that your experience and your work on Java can help developers to become better. So let’s try to help them!

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The best free online coding websites for beginners are hubs of education and insight, designed to take your knowledge and career to the next level.

For years, technical careers have been gaining more attention among innovative individuals. In a digital world, people capable of speaking computer language often have the widest selection of job opportunities. However, before you can start leveraging the blossoming job market, you need to hone your skills. That’s where free coding websites come in.

A free online coding website is an environment where you can develop your understanding of various kinds of code, update your programming prowess, and even earn certifications. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most impressive coding websites on the market.

Coding Careers: Opportunities in 2021 and Beyond

Before we leap into our overview of the best free coding websites, let’s examine why it’s so important to invest in your coding role. Looking at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, we see that coders earn an average of $89,190 per year.

Elsewhere, CompTIA notes that technology hiring has accelerated since the end of 2020, with up to 391,000 new positions opening in the US during December.

Though coding careers have been popular for some time now, they have particularly high value following the pandemic, as companies worldwide adapt to the changes associated with remote workforces, digital customer service, and ecommerce. The pandemic has made us more reliant on technology than ever before, as a result:

  • Coding skills are in high demand: Coding skills are essential for the newly digital world. Studies find that the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation by around 7 years. Companies need coding professionals to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Coding knowledge is becoming more versatile: Companies are looking for coding skills in more than just programmers. They want their data analysts, IT workers, artists, designers, and other professionals to have these talents too.
  • People with coding talent can earn more: Jobs requiring coding skills tend to pay more than those that don’t. This reveals the growing need for coding knowledge in the digital ecosystem.

Coding skills provide an avenue to tech professionals for higher-income jobs, and these careers are growing faster on average than other job opportunities.

The Best Websites for Learning to Code

Learning to code or developing your existing coding skills can help you to unlock a host of new opportunities. Today, you can learn coding online for free, just by visiting the right websites.

Even a basic knowledge of coding can drive a range of results, such as helping to support the better management of websites, reducing reliance on outside developers, and opening the door to app development. So whether you want to start a new career or upgrade your existing knowledge, these sites will help:


BitDegree is a wonderful website for anyone interested in web development, coding, data science, and programming. There are various courses to choose from, depending on the career path you want to take. For instance, you can learn about the AWS cloud or start your journey into gaming development. For coding, BitDegree covers languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

The best thing about BitDegree is how it makes learning so fun. There are gamified courses and sections where you can really dive into the essentials of coding. In addition, the online coding course collection often features hundreds of discounted options for people on a budget.


One of the most popular sites for learning how to code for free, CodeAcademy is home to over 24 million students who have built their skills. The interactive learning approach lets you apply what you’ve learned immediately. Over 300 million hours of free coding content are available to check out at your leisure. Like most coding platforms, you can learn languages such as:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby

CodeAcademy is particularly effective for beginners because you get instant feedback after submitting your coding efforts. When you make mistakes, you’ll find out exactly where you went wrong, allowing you to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


Codewars by Qualified is definitely one of the most versatile free platforms for learning how to code. There are dozens of languages you can learn – too many to list right here. Options range from C++ and C# to Ruby, Python, Lean, Java, PHP, Scala, and countless others.

Codewars teaches you your programming language in-depth by selecting challenges designed to put your mind to the test. The goal for each challenge is to help you sharpen your knowledge over time, with tasks that get progressively more difficult over time.

The cool thing about Codewars is it allows you to see how you respond to challenges compared to how other coders have tackled the same issues.


Designed for a younger community of would-be coders, is an engaging and highly accessible introduction to coding. With around 60 million students worldwide, the platform gives you access to a wide range of different learning opportunities intended to suit different needs and learning levels.

The environment is built on a desire to bring coding into the standard curriculum. You can dive into full one-hour tutorials, or you can experiment with a more structured approach to learning, which is ideal for people with different learning styles. There’s also a huge catalog of courses extending from basic coding for younger kids all the way to University-level education.

Free Code Camp

A diverse option in our free coding website list, Free Code Camp is all about developing your coding knowledge while simultaneously networking with other like-minded people in the industry. The solution allows you to learn coding by participating in challenges – which is ideal if you want to put your skills to the test as soon as possible.

To help you jump in, you’ll have access to a range of courses and tutorials designed to help you understand and overcome each challenge. You can even code for non-profits on the platform and build tradeable projects in languages like:

  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • Node.JS
  • CSS3
  • React.JS
  • Databases
  • Git

If you’re a little nervous about the concept of coding alone, you’ll have a full community to work within the Free Code Camp. You might even meet someone you can work with in the years ahead.

Code Conquest

Code Conquest is less of a course website and more of a comprehensive guide for beginners diving into the world of code. This amazing platform will help you understand all of the basics of coding in no time – even if you’re brand-new to the landscape. You can find out what coding is all about, learn which languages are best to learn for your needs, and more.

The website is full of resources for all kinds of coders, including comprehensive tutorials, reviews, a knowledge center, training packs, and more. You can even choose from a range of languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • MySQL

To help you figure out where you should get started, the Code Conquest website also gives you recommendations on which tutorials to take next.


One of the better-known free websites for coding on the market today, W3Schools is an environment packed full of example codes, resources, tutorials, exercises, and libraries to help you learn how to code. The site is one of the largest in the world for developers.

To begin coding with W3 Schools, you’ll need to choose the programming language that’s right for you, then either jump into the program immediately or select from a range of learning options. The site comes with a handy quiz to help you define your knowledge level.

Languages range from CSS to SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Java, C++, and many more.

Code Avengers

Code Avengers offers a fun and interactive approach to learning how to program and code. There are various course options to teach you how to create everything from games and apps to entire websites. The good thing about the Code Avengers website is you don’t need a lot of spare time to start learning. Each course takes around 12 hours to complete.

You can choose from languages like HTML, CSS, Python, jQuery, JavaScript, and more, and connect with a wide selection of similar coding enthusiasts, just like you. The biggest downside is that the free trial only lasts for seven days before you’ll need to pay to use the full program.

The Code Player

A simple and effective website for learning how to code and building your existing skills. There are tons of videos and demos to walk you through the process of learning how to code from scratch. All you need to do is click on one of the things you want to learn how to do, like creating a simple web page, and the site will give you a video walkthrough.

Though a little simple compared to other coding resources, the Code Player still has a lot of great video guidance to help beginners jump into various languages. For example, you can learn about CSS and HTML or check out various tools to help you make a more effective website.


If you’re particularly interested in learning about Java, the CodeGym is probably the website for you. This online Java programming course teaches you the basics of Java by allowing you to dive into various tasks. You can get involved with various exercises depending on your existing skill level and play around with games designed to teach you more about the coding landscape.

This website is fantastic for people in all stages of the coding journey. Whenever you suggest a solution to a challenge, the website will give you immediate feedback to learn from. There are more than 500 hours of Java coding exercises and educational resources to explore.

The Odin Project

One of the better-known free coding websites on the market, the Odin Project aims to take the headaches and frustration out of learning web development. If you’re a beginner looking to develop a career in coding, then the Odin Project will give you all the pieces of the puzzle required to decide exactly where you want to go and build the appropriate skills.

This site offers a full-stack curriculum of coding education options, with tons of challenges, tasks, and exercises to help you put your newly gained knowledge to the test. You’ll learn how to program in languages like CSS and HTML, explore the basics of JavaScript and Ruby, and even get tips on how to get hired when your skills are maxed out.

Plural Sight

Previously known as Code School, Plural Sight is a fantastic online learning platform that allows you to build your knowledge through a range of paid and free courses. The comprehensive platform is organized into a wide selection of different learning paths. You can choose how you want to develop your skills based on your chosen language and your existing skillset.

You choose an education path created by professional instructors to achieve specific outcomes, and Plural Sight gives you all the material you need. You can also practice what you’ve learned during the course in your browser and get immediate feedback on what you need to work on. There’s even a gamification aspect that allows you to earn points for every course level you complete.

MIT Open Courseware

Imagine how amazing it would be to get accepted to MIT to learn your new coding skills? What if you didn’t have to go through the headache of an official application. If you have a computer and internet access, you can explore MIT’s course material easily through the MIT Open Courseware website. This dedicated website gives you an insight into all of the courses and materials learned by students at MIT.

You can browse through all the courses available in the programming landscape and filter through results based on things like course features. For instance, you might specifically look for courses with their own online textbook, lecture notes, and videos. It’s a great way to get an insight into how one of the most reputable universities in the world offers coding education.

Web Fundamentals

We’ve already looked at a website offering coding resources specifically for Java, now let’s take a look at one designed for HTML5. Launched about 11 years ago as HTML5 Rocks, the Web Fundamentals website is packed full of tutorials, resources, and insights into the most recent updates to HTML5. This open-source environment allows developers and programmers to really get active with their skills.

You can play around with some of the code already available on the website, and explore tutorials authored by a range of amazing individuals. Although these courses are very comprehensive, it’s worth noting that they might not be the perfect choice for true beginners, as the tutorials can be more complex than most.

Dash General Assembly

If you’re keen to learn the essentials of coding in some of the most popular languages, like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, then Dash General Assembly is the site for you. This website offers fun and free courses which will guide you through the basics of web development. You even get interactive tasks and challenges you can leverage within your browser, with no downloads required.

Users learn how to do a range of amazing things with this website, including how to code HTML5, build a beautiful website, and balance your layouts for aesthetic appeal and usability. You can even design dynamic interfaces where you can add aminations and effects. Dash General Assembly is a fantastic tool for anyone keen to get started in the world of coding.

Finally, promises beginners a fast and simple way to start learning how to code, while having plenty of fun. This exciting website immerses you within a digital story which takes you on an adventure through the basics of coding. You’ll need to learn real-life coding skills to navigate your way through the rest of the story, which means you can develop your C# knowledge as you go.

This is one of the more unique tools for learning how to code that we’ve found so far. It’s a great way to discover the basics of C# without being bogged down in boring lectures. Remember, though, this website is intended for complete beginners, so you might find it a little basic if you already know some of the coding essentials.

Free Websites for Learning to Code

Free coding websites are an excellent way to develop your skills and unlock new opportunities in the world of coding. If you’re keen to jump into a new career as a programmer or coding developer, make sure you check out some of the options above. There’s no doubt you’ll find a site capable of giving you the boost you need.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 16 Free Websites for Learning to Code in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Rails version 1.0 is approaching its 15 year anniversary, and there’s reason to celebrate the framework’s progress.

There have been hundreds of amazing products built with Rails since its creation.

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What an extraordinary year 2020 has been for the news! From the ongoing coronavirus crisis, to a turbulent US election, to the unrelenting march of Bitcoin, this year like no other we’ve been glued to our phones micro-analyzing every tidbit of news.

Which makes this the perfect time for mediastack, an awesome REST API that allows you to embed a customizable news feed, sourced from the world’s top news agencies, and updated by the minute, right on your site.

Integrating Global News with Your Site

News is the beating pulse of so many global industries. From political decisions that affect stock prices, to natural disasters that interrupt goods and services, to the whims of celebrities who overnight transform brands from unknown to must-have.

Whether you’re building a site for a non-profit in Louisiana that cares deeply about both Washington politics, and hurricanes in the Caribbean; or you’re building an app for a golf course in Halkidiki that’s focused on both local news, and golf around the world; delivering real-time news content to those users elevates UX.

Tightly integrating the news with your site makes it a hub for users hungry for that very news. The only limit is your creativity.

Display Up-to-Date News on Your Site

When news breaks around the world the top networks scramble to catch up; they simply can’t maintain correspondents in every town and city in the world, and so they rely on affiliates. mediastack pulls in news from over 7,500 different sources in over 50 countries worldwide, giving you access to exactly the same affiliates frequently used by big news organizations like CNN, MSNBC, BBC, or ABC.

When it’s one of the big players in news that breaks a story first, mediastack still has you covered because as will as covering smaller, lesser-known sources mediastack delivers real-time news from CBS, Sky News, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, USA Today, and a host of trusted names across the industry.

If your site targets users that are only interested in certain types of story — like sports, or Hollywood celebrities — then you can even pull in stories from ESPN, TMZ, or Fox News.

Get Started Quickly with mediastack

Getting started with mediastack couldn’t be simpler, and there’s a free plan that’s more than enough to prototype your project.

Full documentation is provided with code examples for PHP, Python, jQuery, Go, and Ruby. To start integrating all you need to do is register for a free access key.

Once you have your free access key, you connect to the API, then customize the results you receive with simple parameters. You can specify the types of news, the precise sources (including omitting sources), languages, countries, and most importantly your keywords.

For example here’s how you’d request science news from CNN, but not TMZ:

Let’s say you want to display Spanish language crypto news on your site, it couldn’t be easier:

The API sends back simple JSON data that’s easy to run through. Each news item includes the author, title, description, url, source, image, category, language, country, and a published_at timestamp that records when the story was posted.

Once the feed is setup, sit back and relax. It’s all automated from now on.

The Best Source of News for Your Website

mediastack is delivered by apilayer, quite rightly one of the most trusted names in APIs, and is capable of handling millions of requests simultaneously.

Fast, updated by the minute, highly customizable, reliable, and sourced from the biggest names in the news industry, mediastack is an amazing API.

There’s a free-forever plan that allows you to use the API without charge, for up to 500 API calls per month, that’s perfect for trying it out.

For commercial use, plans start at just $19.99/month, and can handle up to 250,000 calls per month. Commercial plans also include HTTPS encryption, live news delivery, access to historical data, and — should you ever need it — technical support.

Head over to mediastack today, to prepare your site for whatever events 2021 throws at us.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of mediastack –]


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Like it or not, we’re slowly edging towards a two-tier web: those sites that are secure, and…everything else.

There was a time on the web, when we didn’t have SSL certificates, and lots of people’s data got stolen. To address the problem, and regain users’ trust SSL certificates were introduced to secure sites handling sensitive data. And because they were initially a niche technology, you paid through the nose for them.

(An SSL certificate, for those that don’t know, is the difference between http:// and https://)

Then, thanks in part to privacy initiatives, and in part to high-profile data breaches, a few big players decided that all data should be protected. And the next thing you know, Google’s using SSL certificates as a ranking factor. And then suddenly browsers are warning people that non-SSL certified sites are insecure and they should “Get Out of Here!” And before long your hobby blog about cat-friendly board games is being billed hundreds of dollars a year just to be seen on the web.

Choosing whether to jump on the SSL bandwagon is simple: you have to have one. Finding an affordable SSL certificate, now that’s a challenge.

Most hosting companies will provide you with an SSL certificate as an add-on, and they’ll charge you anything up to $200 per year for it.

That’s why we’re blown away by ZeroSSL, because ZeroSSL is the first practical opportunity to grab an SSL certificate for your site, for free!

Get an SSL Certificate for Free

Now, it must be said that ZeroSSL isn’t the first place to offer a free SSL certificate. Plenty of hosts offer a “free” SSL certificate for the first year, when you pay for premium hosting. And there’s Let’s Encrypt which offers free certificates if you can work out how to access them.

ZeroSSL is just the first place to offer a genuinely free SSL certificate that you don’t need a post-grad degree in server engineering in order to use.

Get a Free SSL Certificate from ZeroSSL

Using ZeroSSL’s free-forever plan you can register three 90-day certificates entirely free. You’ll never need to pay for them, just renew every few months.

ZeroSSL also offers a variety of packages for simplifying your SSL management. The Basic package for example starts at $8/month and offers unlimited 90-day certificates, and even three 1-year certificates so you can renew annually and forget about them the rest of the time.

ZeroSSL also scales; if you need unlimited 1-year certificates — because you have, erm, unlimited websites? — that’s possible too.

Where ZeroSSL Excels

ZeroSSL offers a number of benefits over its competitors.

Firstly there’s the full-featured management console, that makes SSL management transparent. It sounds like a little thing, but with many other suppliers the first thing you know about your SSL certificate expiring is your site breaking.

ZeroSSL…makes managing your certificates…insanely easy.

ZeroSSL has an easy-to-use REST API, which can be used with the language of choice: PHP, Ruby, ASP, anything. It makes managing your certificates for multiple sites insanely easy.

Verifying SSL certificates can be confusing, and technically difficult. But ZeroSSL streamlines the process with automatic CSRs and one-step email validation (even for multiple domains) — considerably faster and easier than industry standard DNS validation. There’s even a one-click check to make sure your certificate is installed correctly.

Most importantly, ZeroSSL offers superb technical support on all of its paid plans. So if you’re one of the many people who started reading this post without fully understanding what an SSL certificate is, you can be confident that if you run into difficulties getting set up, there’s someone available 24/7 to dig you out of the hole.

Getting Started with ZeroSSL

If by now you’re planning to try ZeroSSL, the best place to start is the free-forever plan. ZeroSSL allows you to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time, so it makes sense to start with the no-credit-card option and upscale if you need it.

Using ZeroSSL’s dashboard you can create a free 90-day SSL certificate in minutes, and the step-by-step installation instructions will guide you all the way through.

ZeroSSL’s 1-year certificates are the gold-standard of SSL protection

ZeroSSL auto-generates certificates in different formats depending on your choice of platform, to speed up installation.

You can register certificates for multiple domains — you will have to verify each domain individually, but it’s simple to setup. Premium plan users can even use wildcards, allowing you to secure a site with multiple sub-domains, from a single certificate.

ZeroSSL’s 1-year certificates are the gold-standard of SSL protection and are the option that most site owners will come to rely on.

If you’re running an agency and you’re responsible for maintaining multiple client sites, ZeroSSL is made for you. ZeroSSL’s dashboard gives you one central location to monitor the status of all of your SSL certificates, and you can set expiry reminders to notify you by email when a certificate is about to expire.

Automated SSL Renewal with ZeroSSL

If that sounds too much work, and you’d like to automate your SSL certificates, ZeroSSL has you covered.

ZeroSSL works with both its own dedicated ACME Certbot, and more than ten other third-party ACME clients to fully automate your SSL certificates absolutely free, on a rolling 90-day schedule.

If you really know what you’re doing, you might even consider the ZeroSSL’s REST API. It enables certificate creation, validation, renewal, and management using HTTPS Get calls and JSON responses. The API handles millions of requests per month using 256-bit bank-level HTTPS encryption. You can access the API for free, and the Pro plan offers unlimited access.

Go Get Certified

There are millions of sites that drop traffic every month because they lack an SSL certificate.

Whatever your site, it’s not a question of whether you need an SSL certificate, it’s how you can affordably manage to create, install, and monitor a certificate.

ZeroSSL solves all of the problems of SSL certificate management, and for the majority of users, its free-forever plan is all you’ll ever need.

Head over to today to boost your traffic with a free SSL certificate.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of ZeroSSL –]


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot