
Optimiser le flux d'air : étude de cas sur l'efficacité des ressources Cloud

Dans cet article, nous allons explorer comment optimiser le flux d’air en étudiant l’efficacité des ressources Cloud. Découvrons ensemble les avantages et les inconvénients de cette technologie !

Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai travaillé avec de nombreuses entreprises qui nécessitaient un outil d’orchestration pour une durée limitée par jour. Par exemple, l’un de mes premiers clients indépendants devait exécuter une instance Airflow pendant seulement 2 à 3 heures par jour, ce qui entraînait une inactivité de l’instance le reste du temps et un gaspillage d’argent.

I proposed a solution that would allow the client to use the Airflow instance only when needed, and to shut it down when not in use. This solution was based on a serverless architecture, which allowed the client to pay only for the resources used. The client was very pleased with the results and I was able to save them money.

Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai travaillé avec de nombreuses entreprises qui nécessitaient un outil d’orchestration pendant une durée limitée par jour. Par exemple, l’un de mes premiers clients indépendants avait besoin de faire fonctionner une instance Airflow pendant seulement 2 à 3 heures par jour, ce qui entraînait une inactivité de l’instance le reste du temps et une perte d’argent.

Comme il ne s’agissait pas d’une grande entreprise, le client m’a demandé si je pouvais intervenir. L’infrastructure était hébergée sur Google Cloud, que je connaissais bien.

J’ai proposé une solution qui permettrait au client d’utiliser l’instance Airflow uniquement lorsque nécessaire et de l’arrêter lorsqu’elle n’est pas utilisée. Cette solution était basée sur une architecture sans serveur, ce qui permettait au client de payer uniquement pour les ressources utilisées. Le client était très satisfait des résultats et j’ai pu lui faire économiser de l’argent.

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Step Functions, the serverless finite state machine service from AWS. With DynamoDB, Lambda, and API Gateway, it forms the core of serverless AWS services. If you have tasks with multiple steps and you want to ensure they will get executed in the proper order, Step Functions is your service of choice.

It offers direct integrations with many AWS services, so you don’t need to use Lambda Functions as glue. This can improve the performance of your state machine and lower its costs.

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Today, in this article we will discuss basic concepts of Azure Function. An Azure Function is a perfect example of Serverless architecture or computes service. Using Azure Function, we can run the event-based code without managing any infrastructure. Since the Azure function is a trigger-based service, so it always executes a script of a block of code in response to a variety of events. 

An Azure Function can also be used to achieve the decoupling, high throughput or response, reusability of code, etc. So, we will discuss the Azure Functions in all aspects in four parts. Today, in the first part of this article series, we will discuss the below topics:

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Serverless computing, which is commonly referred to as just Serverless, is a promising cloud-based technology model that has emerged on the app development and software architecture horizon in recent years. Trying to avail themselves of the huge serverless framework potential, many big-time market players have been quick to jump on the cloud services bandwagon. Such software giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon already offer the customers to migrate all the local business operational efficiencies to be hosted on their flagship serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.   

Simply put, serverless architecture is an event- and request-driven tech solution allowing application developers to create actionable working environments in the cloud that have all the necessary computational resources needed for a smooth coding flow. This framework comes in handy especially when time is an issue and the tasks assigned are quite resource-intensive.

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AWS Step Functions is a great service for orchestrating multi-step workflows with complex logic. It’s fast to implement, relatively easy to use and just works. The problem is its price.

For relatively low-scale projects, it’s a feasible solution. But for large-scale, enterprise-grade orchestration with hundreds of millions of processes, each with dozens of steps, it can be cost-prohibitive.

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Here’s the context of how the need for AWS Eventbridge came to be.

As the march of technology is never-ending, the only constant we can expect is change. This is especially true considering the strides that serverless has made in the industry, especially with the release of the AWS Lambda back in 2014. Upon its release, AWS Lambda was quick to take front and center position in the FaaS services making up the core of serverless applications. It was rightly heralded as one of the most important releases within the domain. This further lead to an array of best practices dictating how applications were built using FaaS services achieving serverless capabilities. 

You may also enjoy:  Explaining Eventbridge Amidst the Hype

However, as the course of technology meanders in its ongoing path, new innovations are constantly redefining the way we build applications. One such innovative service announced this year was AWS EventBridge, and its release has since caused an uproar in the domain of serverless. Many blogs and posts within the community that followed the announcement characterized it as the most important announcement after the release of AWS Lambda. 

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In 2015, Statista published a report which predicted that by 2018, companies that have "fully invested in all types of personalization" will outsell companies that have not by 20 percent. Gartner’s thesis has already come to reality. We can’t deny how companies are dramatically increasing their revenues and the way they are doing business. 

Companies like Amazon and Netflix have set a benchmark for offering a personalized experience to their user base. This technology has also gained traction in the B2B industry along with account-based marketing.

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With the rising number of global viewership, it is highly critical for media giants to serve their customer needs. With an increasing number of the viewers, the number of device formats has also increased. 

There could be a situation where you have a lot of media files that you need to change dimensions of or apply a watermark to, for example. To make such cases seamless, it is imperative to offer content in multiple formats at multiple locations.

Source de l’article sur DZONE