
Database sharding is the process of dividing data into smaller pieces called « shards. » Sharding is typically introduced when there’s a need to scale writes. During the lifespan of a successful application, the database server will hit the maximum number of writes it can perform either at the processing or capacity level. Slicing the data into multiple shards—each one on its own database server—reduces the stress on each individual node, effectively increasing the write capacity of the overall database. This is what database sharding is.

Distributed SQL is the new way to scale relational databases with a sharding-like strategy that’s fully automated and transparent to applications. Distributed SQL databases are designed from the ground up to scale almost linearly. In this article, you’ll learn the basics of distributed SQL and how to get started.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

As our business, Shopee, boomed, our team faced severe challenges in scaling our back-end system to meet the demand. Our previous article introduces how we use TiDB, an open-source, MySQL-compatible, hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) database, to scale-out our system so that we can deliver better service for our users without worrying about database capacity.

There are so many databases available in the market. How do you choose the right one? In this post, I’ll share our thoughts with you. I hope this post can help you when you’re comparing multiple databases and looking for the right fit for your application.

Source de l’article sur DZONE