
Découvrez les saisons précédentes de la série de podcasts SAP intitulée « Parlons des données » dans nos précédents blogs sur la saison 5 et la saison 4.

Il est essentiel de créer un robuste socle de données et d’atteindre l’excellence en matière d’informations pour obtenir l’agilité d’entreprise nécessaire pour faire face aux changements et prendre rapidement les bonnes décisions stratégiques. Aider les équipes métier à mettre à profit leurs ressources de données et une remarquable réactivité pour optimiser la collecte et la communication de ces précieuses ressources est extrêmement utile pour renforcer l’efficacité au sein de l’entreprise et gérer de façon optimale les périodes de changements.

Nous avons donc réuni des experts en gestion et stratégie des données pour évoquer les sujets et tendances clés qui transforment la façon dont les entreprises exploitent les données pour libérer tout le potentiel de ces précieuses ressources.

Écoutez cette série de podcasts en anglais pour tout savoir sur les données !

Surveillez les nouveaux podcasts et rattrapez votre éventuel retard en la matière.

Écoute possible sur Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, PlayerFM ou YouTube.

Aperçu de la saison 6 : podcasts sur la stratégie de données, cas d’utilisation et solutions SAP associées

Ep. 58 — Partie 2 : Intégration de SAP Signavio Process Intelligence à SAP Data Intelligence

Cet épisode dit tout sur SAP Signavio Process Intelligence : le pourquoi, le quoi et le comment. Il aborde également l’intégration entre SAP Signavio Process Intelligence et SAP Data Intelligence.  Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 57 — Partie 1 : SAP et Signavio : le quoi et le comment

Cet épisode présente SAP Signavio. Il présente la solution ainsi que les éléments clés et la façon dont SAP et Signavio travaillent ensemble pour améliorer les processus.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 56 — Ce que le conseil d’administration doit savoir sur les données

Ce podcast porte sur les fondements nécessaires aux membres de conseils d’administration, en particulier ceux d’entreprises non natives des données, pour gérer les opportunités et risques majeurs, mener des examens plus approfondis, et assumer leur responsabilité de supervision axée sur les données. Écoutez Dr Thomas C. Redman, « le docteur Données », président de Data Quality Solutions, et Maria Villar, en charge de l’innovation en matière de gestion et de stratégie des données d’entreprise chez SAP, partager leurs précieux insights.

Ep. 55 — Les femmes dans le domaine des données

Rejoignez cette discussion interactive avec des femmes ayant toute une carrière en lien avec les données, dont Kristin McMahon, vice-présidente mondiale Solutions et marketing chez SAP, Corrie Brague, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP, Ina Felsheim, directrice marketing produits chez AWS, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP. Vous entendrez leur avis sur l’état actuel de la gestion des données, des conseils pour une carrière en lien avec les données et des insights sur l’importance de la promotion des données dans tous les secteurs.

Ep. 54 — SAP et OpenText : réduction des coûts, amélioration des performances et migration vers SAP S/4HANA avec solide retour sur investissement

Cet épisode concerne le traitement des documents, le partenariat avec OpenText et une récente étude axée sur le retour sur investissement évoquant la réduction des coûts, l’amélioration des performances et l’efficacité en matière de migration vers SAP S/4HANA.
Intervenantes : Sheila McCarthy, directrice mondiale du marketing et des solutions, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions SAP

Ep. 53 — Données et analytique SAP : cas d’utilisation client pour l’intégration des données

Ce podcast s’appuie sur l’épisode 51 évoquant les services de gestion des données disponibles dans SAP Business Technology Platform. Dans cet épisode, nous découvrons une entreprise disposant de données en silos, déconnectées et dépourvues de contexte commercial. Ce podcast explique comment SAP Business Technology Platform, et plus particulièrement les services de données et d’analytique, ont été utilisés pour ajouter un contexte commercial à la masse de données existantes afin de favoriser des décisions fiables.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 52 — Rapprochement des données financières

Savez-vous que le rapprochement des données financières est incontournable dans tout projet de mise en œuvre SAP ? En quoi cela consiste-t-il et pourquoi est-ce nécessaire pour toutes les entreprises d’y prêter attention ? Rejoignez Syin Tan, Kevin Zheng, Lucas Morris et Sam Bannigan, représentants Pratiques relatives aux données chez Deloitte, qui évoquent les coûts, risques et exigences de conformité liés au rapprochement financier, et la façon dont ils ont mis à profit SAP Data Intelligence pour maîtriser ce facteur de réussite essentiel.
Intervenants : Kevin Zheng, spécialiste des données chez Deloitte Consulting, Syin Tan, spécialiste finance et données chez Deloitte Consulting, et Lucas Morris, spécialiste finance chez Deloitte Consulting.

Ep. 51 — Les meilleures façons d’exploiter les services de gestion des données avec SAP Business Technology Platform

Ce podcast explore les plus importants services de gestion des données disponibles sur SAP Business Technology Platform. Ces services incluent le catalogage des données et la gestion des métadonnées, l’intégration des données et le traitement des données. La façon dont ces services sont utilisés dans l’ensemble du portefeuille données et analytique de SAP Business Technology Platform sera également abordée. Rejoignez ce podcast pour découvrir les dernières innovations concernant les services de gestion des données et comment les mettre à profit.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 50 — SAP et Sodales : comment innover, créer et monétiser vos solutions SAP BTP Sodales Solutions crée des solutions pour la gestion EHS (Environnement, Hygiène et Sécurité) des entreprises et elle s’appuie pour cela sur SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Grâce à son innovation continue et à sa mise à profit de SAP BTP, Sodales exploite chaque opportunité d’amélioration. Écoutez ce que ce « modèle en matière de SAP BTP » a à dire et découvrez son approche en matière d’innovation, mais aussi des réflexions concernant SAP Store, les critères d’embauche, etc.

Ep. 49 — Le problème oublié : comment gérer la croissance du volume de données tout en réduisant les coûts et les risques La croissance du volume des données s’accélère. Les coûts et les risques liés à la gestion de toutes ces données ne se limitent pas au stockage. Rejoignez Deepak Sood, PDG d’Auritas, et Robert Pickering, directeur principal Gestion des solutions Business Technology Platform chez SAP, qui expliquent comment et pourquoi gérer le cycle de vie des données tout en trouvant le juste équilibre en matière de coûts des ressources, propriété, risques et conformité légale.

Ep. 48 — Découverte de la valeur ajoutée de SAP BTP pour les partenaires, avec SAP, IDC et le partenaire SAP Rizing Dans cet épisode de podcast, vous entendrez des dirigeants de SAP, IDC et Rizing, partenaire SAP, évoquer la valeur ajoutée obtenue par les partenaires avec SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Paul Edwards (directeur, canaux logiciels et écosystèmes chez IDC) mène une discussion particulièrement instructive avec Martin Stenzig(directeur de la technologie chez Rizing) et Tom Le (vice-président mondial Conseil en solutions partenaires, SAP), en abordant les conclusions du guide de la réussite partenaires IDC qui explore les accélérateurs opérationnels et technologiques offerts aux partenaires via SAP BTP. Les dirigeants abordent des sujets tels que la façon dont Rizing innove avec SAP BTP, le périmètre et l’impact de la plateforme sur la valeur du cycle de vie client, ainsi que les programmes SAP proposés pour assurer la réussite des partenaires avec SAP BTP. Pour en savoir plus, accédez au podcast dès maintenant.

Ep. 47 — Prévision du prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence Ratan Yedla et Sumanth Krishnan de VASPP Technologies évoquent le fonctionnement de la prévision des prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence. Ils abordent le recours à des modèles d’IA (intelligence artificielle) et de ML (Machine Learning) pour prévoir les futurs prix en fonction de modèles passés, d’événements externes et de données IoT, et expliquent combien mieux prévoir les prix, avec moins d’erreurs, permet de meilleures décisions d’achat et des économies pour les entreprises. VASPP Technologies a réalisé ce travail lors du sprint de contenus SAP Data Intelligence.

Ep. 46 — Création de l’automatisation intelligente de DataXstream avec SAP Data Intelligence Xilin Cheng et Kathleen Taggart de DataXstream évoquent la création de l’automatisation intelligente et les avantages du recours à SAP Data Intelligence pour les opérations de Machine Learning (MLOps). L’équipe aborde les difficultés rencontrées par le grossiste pour traiter un gros volume de devis et de commandes avec précision et efficacité. Traditionnellement, il fallait que des représentants du service client, comprenant SAP GUI et ayant des années d’expérience dans le secteur, passent des heures à saisir des données. Avec l’automatisation intelligente, la reconnaissance optique de caractères permet de lire du texte dans les modèles de Machine Learning créés par Xilin. Il évoque les techniques de traitement du langage naturel (TLN) utilisées, mais aussi les avantages du développement de pipelines de Machine Learning dans SAP Data Intelligence. Kathleen et Xilin évoquent pour finir l’avenir de l’automatisation intelligente et le potentiel qu’offre le Machine Learning pour remporter plus de contrats et améliorer l’expérience d’achat des clients.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez les ressources et informations supplémentaires disponibles ici :

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WordPress 6.0 has been released, and another niche jazz musician will be enjoying extra Spotify royalties next month.

WordPress 6, named for latin-jazz musician Arturo O’Farrill, is the realization of a change of direction the WordPress Foundation adopted several years ago.

All versions of WordPress now power around 42% of the web. That’s approximately 810,000,000 sites. If you looked at each site for a single second, without pausing to blink, it would take you over 25 years to see the home page of each one — of course, if you factor in how long a typical WordPress site takes to load it would take well over a century.

Some people (i.e., me) have been predicting the decline of WordPress for so long that sooner or later, we were bound to be correct. And, despite its astonishing reach, there are some signs that its market share may now be in decline. Even the W3C abandoned it in favor of Craft.

Of the 1,930,000,000 sites that currently make up the web, only around 400,000,000 are active. WordPress’s long-term dominance, coupled with a stalling market share, means that a disproportionate number of abandoned sites are WordPress. With site builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify taking huge chunks of WordPress’ share of new sites, WordPress is facing something of a cliff edge.

What the ill-informed naysayers (i.e., me) hadn’t counted on was that WordPress had already seen the writing on the wall and formulated a plan…

WordPress’s problem has always been its legacy code; supporting out-of-date ideas and a spaghetti-like codebase has meant a great deal of work to do anything new. As a result, the last few releases have seen great ideas stifled by labored implementation. Even the most loyal WordPress user has to admit that Gutenberg, while filled with potential, doesn’t work the way it should. However, with WordPress 6, all the work may be starting to pay off.

With version 6, the block editor in WordPress is starting to feel like a design tool that, if not perfect, is at least usable. Editing content no longer feels like you’re fighting against the UI. Most importantly, the bar for creating a site is much, much lower. WordPress 6 also offers improved performance and accessibility, both areas that have traditionally been lacking. Security is still something of an issue, but that is mainly due to the ROI for hackers that massive market shares generate.

WordPress, it seems, has arrived at two conclusions: its main competition isn’t other CMS but other site builders. To maintain its market dominance, it needs to cater not to professionals but to amateurs.

Don’t get me wrong; the WordPress ecosystem will benefit from WordPress 6, at least reputationally. New sites run by amateurs eventually become established sites run by, if not professionals, then at least knowledgeable amateurs.

OK, so WordPress probably isn’t a good choice for enterprise sites. And there are certainly better options for ecommerce. And as for SEO, well, probably best not mentioned.

But in WordPress 6, we have a free, open-source site builder that lowers the bar for making a new site. It’s a credit to the community that has persevered to produce it.


The post WordPress 6.0 Lives Up To The Hype first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Picture a dark office, blinds drawn. Picture a UX designer smoking a cigar. See the light filtered through the smoke whipped to fog by a spinning ceiling fan. Watch as the UX designer sits at a desk and considers the website.

The UX designer has devised a series of tests to determine if a green button is better than a red button. One of them involves tipping a tortoise onto its back. He looks the website over carefully and says, “Describe in single words, only the good things that come to mind about your mother.”

The website pauses, sweating under pressure, then replies, “Let me tell you about my mother…”

BLAM! The website pulls the trigger of an unseen gun, and the UX designer collapses, leaving the project to be rebuilt from scratch in Material by Harrison Ford, with overuse of Post-its delegated to Edward James Olmos.

Who Does UX Testing Actually Serve?

In the past’s bleak dystopian future (1982’s Blade Runner was set in 2019) no one benefitted from asking the wrong questions. And little has changed.

Designing any test to verify UX is fraught with as many complications as administering the test. Questions are skewed by bias, conscious or otherwise, and competing agendas. Even with something as apparently simple as a split test, the potential for distortion is immense.

When planned by a designer, a UX test offers little benefit to a client; the benefit is to the designer, who can then say their ideas are validated (or not).

Imagine hiring a developer to code a website, only to discover that the developer didn’t know CSS and expected to be paid to learn it before completing the work. You would hire someone else because that developer isn’t qualified.

From a client’s perspective, a UX designer should know, through experience, whether a green button is better than a red button. Designing an elaborate test to split-test the button color serves little purpose other than indemnifying the designer against mistakes.

The ROI of UX Testing

It’s widely accepted that there is substantial ROI (Return On Investment) from UX testing. We’ve all heard apocryphal stories about sites that split-tested their checkout and improved retention by 5%.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that without user testing, that site could have improved its checkout retention by 4.9% simply by hiring a competent, experienced designer. But what about the remaining 0.1%? Well, for most sites, 0.1% represents very little profit. And the cost of recovering it via testing far exceeds the benefits.

When a company the size of Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, or Google split tests a website, it can afford to allocate $25k for user testing because it stands to gain 0.1%, and that represents far more than $25k. To meet the same 0.1% improvement, a small business has to design and run the same tests, incurring the same costs. But in the case of a small business, $25k could eat up all of its profits.

UX testing almost always works. But it is only profitable at scale.

If a good UI designer with a grounding in UX can improve checkout retention by 4.9%, tripling the project budget for just 0.1% more is a tough sell. Bluntly, that $25k is better spent on advertising.

What UX Designers Can Learn From Psychiatry

We all have the tendency to think we’re unique. It’s a survival trait attributed to our prehistoric brain. That belief in uniqueness is particularly strong in highly competitive people. We all think our site, our side-project, our approach are original. And we’re all wrong.

When a psychiatrist sits down with a patient, they have two immediate goals: categorize that patient into an established diagnosis, and assess the severity of the condition. It may be that the patient is depressed or anxious or even suffering from a potentially more debilitating condition like schizophrenia. What the psychiatrist is not trying to do, is define a new illness.

Occasionally — perhaps once per decade — a genuinely unusual patient will present themselves, and a new form of illness is considered. New treatments are found and tested. These treatments are rarely developed on behalf of individual patients; doctors work with grants from governments, medical schools, or the pharmaceutical industry and publish their results.

The vast majority of websites face similar problems. They deal with similar demographics, work within a similar culture, and deal with similar technology. As such, they can be categorized in the same manner a psychiatrist categorizes patients.

The key to delivering successful UX solutions is not UX testing in individual cases, but rather UX research, examining similar projects, and cribbing their solutions. If you categorize a project accurately, you’ll find a solution readily available.

Replacing User Testing With UX Best Practices

Your client doesn’t need to pay for UX testing to benefit from it. Enterprise sites, government sites, and even personal projects will test UX patterns. Sites like Shopify or Stripe will user-test their checkout processes at scale and enable companies to benefit from the results by adopting their platforms.

If you’re currently testing designs for small business, one of two things is true: either you’re wasting your client’s money investigating a problem someone else has already solved, or you’re designing something so original that it has no precedent (and you probably shouldn’t be).

Designers should be opinionated. Designers should know UX best practices and how they apply to a range of scenarios. Designers should be capable of making an educated guess. Designers should be self-validating.

Once or twice in your career, you may find a legitimate need to test something. However, the vast majority of the time, the correct answer is to tip the tortoise back onto its feet and choose whichever color button has the higher contrast.

Featured image: Still of Brion James in Blade Runner. Copyright Warner Bros. Entertainment


The post The Case Against UX Testing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Looking to give your homepage a well-needed design update in late 2021 or 2022? Not a bad idea; first impressions are crucial when it comes to business websites. But, fixing your homepage and website design is no easy feat.

Web design trends are evolving faster. Blame the ever-decreasing user’s attention span. The average visitor now spends just 0.5 seconds scanning your homepage to form an opinion about your brand and decide whether to click through or bounce.

Increased user expectations and uncertainty in the user’s response, which is highly impacted by the site’s first impression, are other reasons to consider. This is why the designs which were trending in 2019 are no longer viable in 2021 or 2022.

We have curated the ten best examples of homepage designs to inspire your business in 2022, including a rundown of the best strategies and tips.

Let’s start by highlighting why homepage optimization is necessary for 2022:

Why Your Homepage Will Be So Important in 2022

Your website — especially your homepage — is your brand’s first chance to attract, build trust with, and connect with visitors.

According to recent statistics on why website design is important:

  1. 38% of visitors will stop interacting with a website if they think the layout isn’t visually appealing or intuitive. This creates a higher bounce rate and fewer conversions.
  2. 94% of a visitor’s first impression is based on website design (including colors, fonts, layout, navigation menus, etc.).
  3. 46% of people base a business’s credibility on the aesthetics of its website. Brands with less-than-stellar homepage designs are seen as less trustworthy than companies investing in the visitor experience.

Think of it the same way as walking into a brick-and-mortar store. Visitors are more enticed by a carefully curated ambiance of neatly stocked shelves and welcoming employees than a store that’s dark, messy, or seemingly unfriendly.

Using this logic, your homepage’s above-the-fold section is where you’ll greet visitors and reel them in for more.

10 Homepage Design Comparisons (2019 vs. 2021) To Inspire Your Business Website Design in 2022

Homepage design has come a long way since 2019. In this section, you will explore how.

These homepage designs crush it above the fold. Take just a few of these tips to heart, and your website will be poised to attract leads and conversions — no matter which industry you’re in.

1. Netflix – Crafting The Perfect Call To Action That Reduces Friction With An Additional FAQs Section

Most businesses make the mistake of adding a CTA button that first persuades the user to click on it and then asks for the visitor’s email address.

Netflix also did the same in its 2019 design.

However, Netflix combined both steps in its 2021 homepage design.

The new, improved 2021 homepage design asks for the user email address right up front along with the CTA button.

Here is a good comparison of both the designs:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The design encourages visitors to enter their email address right when they land on the homepage. As a result, form submission is much easier when the user has started the process. Hence, Netflix makes it easier for visitors to move along their conversion funnel nicely by reducing the friction.
  • The 2021 design also has a nice FAQ section that provides quick information about the company’s services and improves the overall user experience.
  • FAQs also help increase the organic presence of the website in the search engines because Google presents snippets from the FAQ section in the form of an answer box in the search results.

2. Spotify – Revamped Color Combinations For Improved CTA Visibility And Using The ‘Rule of Three’ For Heading Text

The older 2019 Spotify homepage design used light pink and orange colors in its home page main area. The CTA color was green, but if you look closely, the CTA lacks visibility.

The new 2021 design uses blue and green colors with a much larger font size for the main heading. The colors are attractive, and the CTA is visible clearly.

Here is the comparison of the Spotify homepage 2019 design vs. 2020 design:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Blue is the most versatile color, and green is the perfect choice for the CTA button. Spotify used universally accepted color combinations to redesign its homepage and made the CTA more visible.
  • The main heading is also made larger than it was in the 2019 design, and it follows the rule of three in writing which is effective and satisfying. It uses just three words in the main heading to allow the human brain to process information as a pattern that is more memorable.

3. Hulu – Give Priority To Your Brand Name And Hide Pricing

If you compare the Hulu 2019 vs. 2021 Hulu homepage, the brand name has been prioritized and shown as the main heading.

Moreover, the older homepage had pricing information everywhere, which has been reduced intelligently in the new design.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The brand name ‘Hulu’ is displayed as the main heading of the homepage, which helps to build audience trust.
  • The older design persuaded the users to pick a paid plan even though they had a free trial option—this discouraged users from trying their service. The new 2021 design encourages users to try the platform for free. In addition, the packages have prominent CTAs that mention “try for $0”. This design move improves conversions on the website.
  • The new design makes it easier for the visitors to select a viewing plan with easy comparison of the three available plans. The best part is, customers can start all the plans for $0. It’s a win-win situation for the users, and they can quickly pick a plan to start watching Hulu.

4. Nextiva – Reduce Visual Noise And Add Pictures In Menu To Improve UX

Nextiva realized the importance of reducing visual noise in its newly designed 2021 homepage. Visual noise happens when you use too many colors to attract user attention. Different colors compete with each other resulting in diluted customer observation.

In the old 2019 homepage, Nextiva used orange, blue, and green as the primary colors, while in the 2021 revamped design, they have used blue as the main color.

Here is a comparison of the two designs:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Moreover, the older homepage didn’t have an image in the product menu, but the new 2021 homepage improves the UX further.

Below is a comparison:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Nextiva used blue as their base color for the homepage design and removed orange and green colors to reduce visual complexity. This is an excellent change to keep the user’s attention focused. Notice the green colored bar at the top of the homepage in the 2019 version now replaced with blue.
  • The 2021 design has a clean look compared to the 2019 design, which looks scattered with too many different elements, including CTAs that confuse the users.
  • The product menu does an excellent job of linking intelligently to service pages such as phone systems and video meetings. The image of a smiling lady attracts users to click on Nextiva’s products to learn more about them. Improving UX is an impressive way to reduce bounce rates and increase time on site.

5. GoToMeeting – Avoid Lengthy Sign Up Form, Educate Users About Your Products, and Add Images That Depict The Current Needs of The Audience

GoToMeeting does a great job educating the users about their product by adding more content on the homepage that comprehensively explains their product features.

Moreover, they have replaced the older hero image with a new picture that portrays the changing needs of their audiences. Nowadays, there is a rise in work from home culture due to Covid-19. Hence, the photo and the heading text clearly target the needs of their users.

Here is a comparison of the 2019 vs. 2020 homepage of GoToMeeting:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The 2019 homepage design had a sign-up form on the homepage, which GoToMeeting removed in the 2021 design. People hate to fill in so much information right when they land on the home page. Hence, GoToMeeting did the right thing by removing the signup form from their homepage.
  • The hero image steals the show of the 2021 redesign because the picture of a working mom with her kid playing studying in front of her is a great way to portray the current needs of the society when over 60% of the employees are working from home. Audiences can quickly relate their working environment with the hero image leading to more sign-ups.
  • The older 2019 design was confusing, and it made little effort to help the users understand the different features of the product. The new 2021 homepage design has a product features section that explains the different features of the software. When users are educated about the product, they earn the confidence to try the product.

6. Zillow – Apply Hick’s Law To Allow Visitors To Take Faster Decisions

Zillow does an impressive job of applying Hick’s Law in allowing visitors to make faster decisions. Hick’s law states that the more options you present to the users, the faster they will decide. Therefore, it is a major factor in improving website usability.

The old 2019 homepage design of Zillow offered too many options to the users, like they want to buy, rent, or sell a property. The users first select either one of the three options and then enter the zip code to start their search.

The new 2021 homepage design changed that. Now, Zillow offers users a single option. They only need to enter the zip code to get started.

By reducing the number of actions that users need to take to just one, the homepage design eases the overall decision-making process of the site visitors.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The new homepage design has a simple search bar that persuades visitors to take prompt action.
  • The Hero image is placed smartly behind the search bar to depict the needs of the users accurately.
  • The homepage does have three different panels for buying, renting, or selling a home when the users scroll below. The old design is missing that. The new design removed so many options above the fold and kept just a single option for the users to encourage more users to search properties on the site.

7. Plex – Placement of Prominent Calls-to-Action On Homepage

The CTA is a key element of every website. It helps the users decide on their next action and helps to convert the visitors into leads.

Plex lacked an optimized CTA placement in its 2019 home page design. Hence, the 2021 design received an uplift to better place the CTA for increased visitor engagement.

Take a look at the home page designs of Plex from two different years. If you compare the two home pages of 2019 vs. 2021, the primary difference that will grab your attention is the CTA.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The call-to-action buttons are more prominent and have actionable texts.
  • The number of CTA buttons is increased to two to encourage users to take action.
  • The additional CTA button is wisely placed at the center to get immediate attention.
  • Note that the color choice for the button is also bright and highly contrasts with the background yet matches the color theme.
  • The old heading text ‘Stream Smarter’ was confusing because it didn’t help the users understand what Plex does. Hence it is now revised to ‘Watch Free Movies and TV on Plex.’ The new text is easy to understand and has the word ‘Free’ to increase the number of visitors clicking on the CTA.

8. Dropbox – More Above The Fold Content And Change of Fonts

Dropbox has significantly worked on its main content, which is clearly visible in the comparison homepage design images of 2019 vs. 2021.

The 2021 homepage is seen fixing faded, minimalistic, and less engaging content in the older homepage.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Sans serifs, with their clean readability, are included for longer bouts of the homepage.
  • Bold sans text is doing the job of drawing user attention effortlessly.
  • The color contrast of the text with the background is increased, which improves the visibility.
  • The right side image of a laptop is replaced with a screenshot of the software, which intrigues users to know more.

9. Cisco – Moving Blocks To Outsmart Competitor Websites

The homepage design of American technology company Cisco has seen a drastic change in 2021; it deserves to appear on this list. The company website smartly represents an appeal for future development through its killer homepage design.

Here is a comparison of the old 2019 homepage design vs. the new moving block design of 2021:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways

  • The home page contains moving blocks with news from the blog. As you hover over the image, it widens up, and a CTA button appears. The blocks represent a design of the future which the competitors might find hard to replicate.
  • Every block has a CTA, which was missing in the 2019 design. Each block represents a specific Cisco service and caters to the different needs of the visitors.
  • The new design is elegant and cleaner with lots of information.

10. Slack – Product Video On Home Page For More Conversions

Slack has made it easier for the users to understand the product well by using a video on the homepage.

The 2019 design has an image, while the 2021 design has a video that helps the visitors understand how the product works.

Here is a comparison of the 2019 design vs. 2021 design:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways

  • The inclusion of a product video leaves a great impression in the minds of the visitors and shows them what your product does.
  • Video helps Slack to make its value proposition clear and super fast.
  • Video has a strong correlation to conversions, and they work well as compared to hero images. Slack used a hero image on the homepage in 2019, but they replaced it with a video in 2021.

Final Thoughts on Using These Homepage Designs for Inspiration in 2021

By making it to this point in our guide, you now have plenty of inspiration to run with when upgrading your homepage. You should also have a better understanding of how powerful this tool may become for your brand.

So now it’s time to brainstorm how to use these ideas for your own 2021 homepage design. First, jot down the key points from this guide and honestly assess how your website currently compares.

Accomplish this task, and your brand might see an uptick in website traffic and conversions. It may even earn a spot in a roundup of killer website designs just like this one.


The post 10 Homepage Design Comparisons to Inspire Your Business in 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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The second and final episode of Dev Interrupted‘s two- part series with Senior Google Staff Engineers Hyrum Wright and Titus Winters has premiered.

If you haven’t listened to their first episode, I highly recommend checking it out. Both guests bring a deep understanding of software engineering to the show: Hyrum is semi-famous as the « Hyrum » of Hyrum’s Law; while Titus is responsible for managing 250 million lines of code and over 12,000 developers.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Editor’s note: This interview with David Linthicum was recorded for Coding Over Cocktails — a podcast by TORO Cloud.

The cloud has changed the way enterprises provision and deploy IT. Although dealing with databases, storage, compute cycles, and other platforms that can be leveraged on-premise still have their place, the cloud has provided a new consumption model that is continuously evolving.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

There are many reasons you might be wanting to improve your design skills this year. Perhaps you have extra time on your hands and want to put it to good use. Or maybe you’re new to web design and finding that there’s a lot you still don’t know how to do. It could also be that you recognize that the web is changing, and your skills could use some refreshing to keep up.

Whatever the reason, there are many ways to level up your web design skills in 2021. Here are 12 ideas to get you started:

Tip 1: Niche Down If You Haven’t Already

Jack-of-all-trades designers might be able to say “yes” to everyone. However, they’re going to be stretched very thin as they attempt to strengthen every skill needed to keep up with demand.

It’s much easier to become a trusted designer and to improve your skills if you have a smaller and more specific skill set to develop.

Just keep in mind that niching down doesn’t necessarily mean focusing on a particular industry. For instance, you might choose to be a UX designer instead of a web designer. Or you might specialize in designing ecommerce websites instead of monetized blogs. Just find something that you’re passionate about and will be good at doing, and zero-in on the skills needed for it.

Tip 2: Play Around in the Sandbox

Local development environments are useful for staging websites, doing redesigns, and testing updates safely away from live sites. But you can also use them for experimenting with new design techniques, trends, templates, plugins, and more.

Local by Flywheel is the one I prefer to use:

Here’s a good exercise to start with:

Take a website you like — something you’ve looked at in awe and couldn’t imagine ever building on your own. Then, put yourself to the test. See if you can recreate it in your sandbox.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t figure it out right away. Consult your resources and give yourself time to make sense of what’s going on and implement it with the available skills and tools.

Tip 3: Redesign One of Your First Projects

There’s always a clear evolution in a designer’s skill set, from the day they begin designing to the present day. And that’s a good thing. If your work doesn’t improve or change with time, then you’re going to have a lot of catching up to do when the stagnation begins to hurt your business.

Want to see how much progress you’ve made so far? Revisit one of your first projects and look at it with fresh eyes. I bet you’ll see a big change in how you design today from how you designed that site then.

Now, ask yourself what you would do differently. And then, go to your sandbox and do the redesign.

Tip 4: Work on a Passion Project

A friend of mine is taking a UX design course and needed some users to run through a prototype he created for the class. He could create anything he wanted, so he designed an app related to his other love: Music.

While he could’ve easily thrown together some carbon copy of Spotify or SoundCloud, he came up with a completely new concept. And it was really impressive, to the point where I urged him to put it into production and see if he could list it in the app stores.

I think it’s when we’re really passionate about something that we’re willing to push past our limits. So, carve out some time to tackle that passion project you’ve been toying around with and see where it takes you.

Tip 5: Share Your Designs on Dribbble and Ask for Feedback

One of the reasons UX designers do user testing is how valuable users’ raw input is. While it would be nice to think that design is a completely subjective matter, that isn’t really the case when usability becomes compromised due to design choices.

Understanding what users like and dislike is an important part of taking your design skills to the next level. And a good way to do that is to share your designs on Dribbble.

Here’s an example of UI8 asking for feedback:

Tip 6: Create a Design Toolbox

I’m a huge fan of automation and shortcuts powering things behind the scenes in business.

After all, one of the reasons you become a web designer is so you can design, right? When you’re bogged down with administrative and logistical tasks, that’s time spent away from doing what you enjoy.

One way in which you can streamline your backend processes is by putting together a design toolbox. Your preferred CMS. Flexible templates or apps you use from project to project. Website testing tools. And so on.

As you do this, it’ll force you to examine how you build websites. Are you really working as efficiently as possible? Are there newer apps or systems that’ll help you design better sites? And as you improve your design toolbox, you’ll improve your design skills.

Tip 7: Subscribe to Your Favorite Blogs

I have a hard time recommending this one, only because I’m reluctant to sign up for yet another newsletter. That said, I do see the value in subscribing to some blog newsletters as I don’t always remember to revisit their websites and check out the latest content.

What I’d suggest you do is pick one or two design blogs that have a good variety of content and publish regularly. And then pick one small business or freelance blog.

WebdesignerDepot, of course, is a good one to start with as it comes at a good frequency, recommends great reads from all around the web, and is fluff-free:

I’d also recommend signing up for one that’s focused on your niche as well as one for business.

As a freelancer, I’d vote for the Freelancers’ Union newsletter. There’s always something timely and useful in there.

Tip 8: Listen to a Podcast

I just adopted a second dog, so I’ve spent a lot more time on walks while house-training her. At first, I was stressed about it because it was time spent away from work. However, I started to fill that time with podcasts and found that it helped me work better for the rest of the day.

One reason is that I’ve been listening to work-related podcasts, which are always chock full of helpful tips. Another reason is that it gives my eyes a rest from looking at the screen so that when I come back 15 or so minutes later, I feel refreshed and ready to go.

Rebekah Carter has a good set of web design podcast recommendations to get you started.

Tip 9: Take a Free Online Design Course

There’s an overabundance of information online. If you want to brush up on CSS, there are hundreds of YouTube courses that cover it. If you want to learn how to use a new WordPress plugin, you’ll find dozens of great tutorials across various online course platforms, YouTube channels, and even people’s blogs.

There’s no need to go back to school to become a better designer. Here are five places where you’re bound to find free courses for web designers.

Tip 10: Read a Book on Design Principles or Theory

It’s easy to lose sight of design principles when your clients are clamoring for a website that will make them a lot of money, get them a lot of readers, and so on. Sure, you can design a UI and UX that works, but do you remember why the design choices you made are effective?

Choose a book — just one to start — that’ll help you reconnect with the roots of good web design. Not only will you get a good refresher on web design principles or design theory, but you might learn something brand new.

Here are some of my favorite books for web designers:

Tip 11: Find Your People

Now more than ever, finding a community of like-minded web designers, developers, or freelancers is important. It’s not just about having a group of people to vent to when clients drive you nuts (though that’s great, too).

It’s about finding a group that brings something new to the table and enriches your understanding of web design and what it means to be a web designer.

If you’re on Facebook or LinkedIn, start there. There are tons of web design and freelance groups that have productive discussions every day. If you prefer to meet up with local designers and developers, check out Meetup.

You may be surprised by how many groups there are and the kinds of meetups they have planned.

Tip 12: Attend a Virtual Conference

Did any of you attend a design conference last year? I did. I virtually attended Adobe MAX — from the comfort of my home, in my pajamas, for three days.

I scheduled my assignments around the sessions I wanted to attend and didn’t have to pick one over the other (i.e., “Do I make money or do I learn something new?”).

Some of the sessions showed us how to do more with Adobe’s tools, while some of them featured design and business leaders who shared personal insights on how to work more effectively. It was a great way to shake up my normal routine and to get a ton of information about the future of web design in a short period of time.

Which of These Tips Will You Use to Improve Your Design Skills?

Like I said before, there’s a lot you can do to improve your design skills. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Pick one or two things on this list to start with. If you have more time in your schedule and you’re excited about what you’ve learned so far, add a couple more.

Just take it slowly. Your brain will only be able to absorb so much at once. Plus, the last thing you want is to burn yourself out on skills training and not have the energy to complete your work.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 12 Tips to Improve Your Web Design Skills in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) s’impose comme le nouvel intermédiaire entre les entreprises et les clients dans la décision d’achat.

L’IA s’impose dans l’expérience client

La complexité de la vie moderne soumet notre cerveau à une vraie surcharge cognitive. Pour y remédier, les clients se tournent vers les IA et se fient à leurs recommandations, délaissant les interactions traditionnelles avec les marques.

Ainsi acceptons-nous volontiers les recommandations de Netflix pour les séries, de Spotify pour la musique ou les résultats affichés par Google. Nous faisons tellement confiance à ces suggestions que 35% des achats sur Amazon et 75% des visionnages sur Netflix sont issus des recommandations du Machine Learning, selon McKinsey (1).

Pourquoi ? Parce que, dans l’expérience, les clients distinguent de plus en plus les aspects routiniers des aspects riches de sens (voir « Donner du sens à l’expérience »). Et à mesure que la précision et l’utilité des IA augmentent, les clients délèguent les décisions qu’ils jugent « sans importance ». Certaines entreprises se voient alors coupées de leurs clients et forcées de composer avec des IA agissant comme des gardiens.

Les IA relèguent les entreprises en arrière-plan de plusieurs façons :

Les IA effectuent de plus en plus de tâches

Les IA étant capables de regrouper, d’indexer et d’analyser des montagnes de données, les clients ont de plus en plus confiance dans leur capacité à interpréter leurs préférences personnelles et à faire des choix à leur place. Aux recherches en arrière-plan réalisées par les IA s’ajouteront bientôt les achats en arrière-plan.

Les IA, nouvelles audiences à conquérir

Le marketing émotionnel peut susciter la fidélité chez les humains mais pas chez les IA. À mesure que les clients confieront les décisions d’achat de routine aux IA, les entreprises auront besoin de nouvelles stratégies pour conquérir ces nouvelles audiences automatisées.

Les frontières entre les tâches vont disparaître

On regroupe souvent les tâches ménagères et administratives en catégories, comme le nettoyage de la maison ou le paiement des factures. Mais avec des IA qui prennent en charge différentes tâches à la fois, ces frontières disparaîtront. Les entreprises incapables de s’adapter à ce changement dans la façon d’appréhender les tâches perdront des clients.

Comment votre entreprise peut-elle s’adapter ?

Devenez l’intermédiaire IA de votre secteur

Créez une intelligence artificielle spécialisée qui apporte des connaissances uniques à vos clients. Appropriez-vous les fonctionnalités des IA pour mettre ces connaissances et compétences spécialisées à disposition des clients, directement et par le biais d’IA généralistes.

Proposez des produits optimisés par l’IA

Au fur et à mesure que les points de contact avec les clients seront relégués au second plan, les produits joueront un rôle plus central en tant qu’ambassadeurs de la marque. Le Big Data, l’IoT et le Machine Learning permettent d’améliorer l’expérience client en augmentant la satisfaction, en réduisant la charge cognitive et en éliminant les actions inutiles. Trouvez des moyens de créer un lien avec vos clients par le biais des produits.

Optimisez votre visibilité auprès des IA

Les systèmes basés sur l’IA constitueront le prochain « espace linéaire » numérique où optimiser le placement des produits. Cette discipline d’optimisation est encore balbutiante mais vous pouvez déjà vous appuyer sur votre équipe de référenceurs SEO afin de prendre le leadership dès le début. Des descriptions factuelles de vos produits et services contribueront à votre succès auprès des IA.

Améliorez les interactions avec vos clients

Utilisez des outils basés sur l’IA pour animer les interactions avec vos clients en fournissant aux collaborateurs de 1ère ligne des informations client et des suggestions de messages. Par exemple, les outils d’analyse et le Machine Learning peuvent servir à offrir aux collaborateurs une visibilité approfondie sur chaque client, améliorant ainsi la personnalisation des interactions.

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(1) Ian MacKenzie, Chris Meyer et Steve Noble, « How Retailers Can Keep Up with Consumers » (Comment les détaillants peuvent répondre aux besoins des clients), McKinsey & Co., octobre 2013,

The post L’expérience client future : l’IA comme intermédiaire appeared first on SAP France News.

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